PAGE VX FOURTH OF JULY PARADE—The State Col- Volunteer Fire Co. •New care, old cars, fire lcge High School band was one of many musical fighting equipment and floattl all "made the groups in the hour-long parade last night which scene" on College and Beaver Avenues. is sponsored annually by the State College Heath Provides Classical Interlude Andrea• lle•ath, recently return- Heath said he felt there was a received his muster's degree from ed 'from an- around-the-world renewed interest in . good music Yale School of! Music. concf:rl tour. provided the Uni- and in good jazz, "which is very 7 DURING Hal CONCERT. Heath versity with a classical music in- important." He added that while made Only one 'prograni comment. terlude for a summer evening piano music saw an ebb in popu playing. his second selec as he pLrtuimed for the Artists' larity a few years ago, the flux lion, " ore My Lady Carey!S Dompe" Series Friday night in Schwab. , between it and chamber music r Heath's piano concert included is becoming more stabilized to-'''. l " an ano-nymous composer, he works' by Hindemith. Beethoven, day. - , explained that a dompe is a mournful: song This lament, he Cleinenti. Chopin : . 'Dubussy and' • fulartinu. For two encores, Heath' Heath said he enjoys playing on added, is a type of "16th centtiry played short - C - orkipositions by university campuses as he still blues." Delius and Poulenc. 'feels a part tit the college group,) "When we say we are 'down in Commenting after 'the -concerthaVing graduated about 10 years the dumps,' " ; Heath 'said, "we on his recent would tour, the ago, He attended Harvard and use the same word." young American musician said he . , . , enjoyed playing in Taiwan il k I* Get moss) ' because the People there __ __ er / ivrcoson wir Posts Deihl were- "so enthusiastic, so starved', for good music." • . THE TOUR, part of the Depart: • 1 I As Collegian, WDFM Aides , .ment of' State's cultural exchange _ The Daily Collegian and cam-business staffs of the newspaper.i program. .ciok - Heath principallyi to the Ear East, as well as to Italy pus radio station WDFM have A 1959 graduate of the Unl-' , and Lebanon. Moth recently appointed staff' versity, he has been 'editor of The ' Heath said that before playing:assistin4. :- .. ;Daily Messenger in Home Stead, in japan, he had been somewinsince 1960. The Messenger is ait, WILLIAM - E. DEIBLER has. scared of appearing before b' Jap-, been named executive secretary'daily newspaper serving five su-! anese audience because - these' of Collegian. Inc:. publisher of The' burban Pittsburgh c'cln4lunities' people are so silent. Hpoon found' Daily: Collegian and its summer' While -a strident at the Uni-t versity; Deibler was . a general! 'that they made a ver'Sr` rapt audi- term 'counterpart. The Summer assignment reporter and assistant ence, one with - which it was easy Collegian. Deibler's duties will to establish rapport. include advising the, nev. ., and to the city editor -of Ithe Centre] Daily T,imes. I i f • . . . - , ..... • - ' - RONALD fft. N.IebSON. • in- Hamel -Narned as Research Assistant - .structor in s-Oeech and cloctorl • candidate at ,he University, has LeAcr4 S. Hamel. retired briga- Immediately following his vol- ; .been appointed assistant general , dies general in the U.S. Marine:untarY .retirement from the U.S.,manager to work with, the WDFM t ! Marine•Corps in 1958. the generalsthil. 1 Coips who. received his bachelor . thew admitted as an undergraduate ; . Nicoson received 1-iis bachelor ] and inaFti r's degrees from thestudent with junior class • stand- Univeisity following his retire- in at' the Unftersity. lie had;!, itn f ' a a rt 'Ll e e ; el-n 1 e 9 1 .54 sand 1 1 1 m fro as m -1 Inent, hay been named research completed - ) a-- 'two-year course at rter of arts -degree in• commuhica-' assistant :aid assistant director o f'Kutztown. State College : (then lions from Detichigan I State Uni-' Student Affairs 'Research in the Keystone? State - Normal School); v , } i t -. in 1955- .Office of Student Affairs. in 1923'and taught for three years His experknce includes work In his ne‘v: position, he will be in Pennsylvania schools. . 'as news editor for I,WWTV in' respo n sible for general admini- I 'llatnel received his bachelor of Cadillac. Micli., and 'three, years. tration, for . planniii. coordinating arts degree in secondary educa-' as film script writer and instruc-. and_supervisine program: - and for tam in 1960 and was awarded a'tor for thc U,S. ArrnY. liaison :with other a pencies• in the' master of cd.ication degree in' Nicoson is'also coach of the Office of. Student Affairs. counseling a year later. men's debate- team. I _ • ;4'4.1 • 4.• • 0.4 . •• • ir er vii4 LA. ' 1 ~ 1! : • i .... : '.. t 61 • 41: , •.„••:.„ • ,„,:::„....... TAKE YOUR PICK Wash k Wear Suitt ....313.59 and 29.i9 Wash fc — Wear Sport Coats ... $21.81 Sport shirts and Polo shirts ... 52.59 p Wash slacks . 54.49 r Raincoats ... 59.99 and 13.99.. Free Perking At Rear of Stort'While You Shop • 229 S. Allen St. • 'AD 8-1 'Mac ,S'ez See us and save, save. save, on our REGULAR seasonal merchandise from -our. REGULAR _siock. No gim micks Ranched. o- All sales cash ..-. clt .sales fiital :Aerations of. cost Shoes ...MOO ted 11.00 SUMMER COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA OUR SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE IS NOW IN PROGRESS HABEIWASii ERY bb ihe Center :1:1 Commonwealth Cain Enrollment Double by , . ' UNIVERSITY PARK—Project-,began operting a used book sell ed enrollment Pxpani;ion at the•ing service for the - students for University's 13 Cominonwealthithe first time at the end of the campuses for 1970 shows doub-,spring• term. ling and tripling of .the inumber, i WYOMISSING—IIIe Keystone of students at most campuses ociety; officials said - recently. I 1 a Commonwealth campus 'service recognition Ociety; was For the Altoona campus, the . chartered' recently at the. WYO- predicted increase will be from, m i ss i n g campus and new mem the pre.sent 416 to 800. Behrend's h ers i n iti a t e d . {enrollment will ! probably jump from 287 to 800. 1 ' ! A series of literary contests will Other expected increases are:be held in the fall iterm at' this 'Dußois,i 149 to 400; Hazleton, 250 campus. Topics will be 'selected ;to the sponsors of the contest ; p ' , ;to 500; McKeesport, 380 Ito 1,100; Mont Alto, 107 to 300-i,N w Ken- staff members of ithe campus' }sington, 99 to 1.000 Ogntz, 96111 weekly student newpublication. ito 1.500; Pottsville, . 232 to 500; YORK—In a recent survey to f ,Scra'nton. 117 to 700; i wyOmissing,fget faculty opinions lon the four -177 to 500; and 'fork. -158 to 400.,term.systern and its operation, 57 1 By 1970 the University i s a l so per cent of those rpi cul ty mem- I planning to establish several mew hers questioned at the York cam ;centers, including one at Harris- pus had "no preference" for either 'burg with an expected enrollment the term system or Ithe semester of 500.. system. About 65 per cent,of the 1 DUBOIS—A communiity fund-, seniors on the campus said they preferred the semester system. raising drive is now in progress In the case of the seniors. rea ;to provide money' to build addi-1 isons most often give h for wanting itional classrooms tit?. the Dußois :campus. ' l lto return to the semester system " ;were that a sixteen -week period Eighty "per cent of the goal of'provides students with the time ;5600.000 has been reached. The' necessar s, to absorb the subject 'campaign will be continhed until'matter. Another reaion given was the goal is reached, offi/ials said. that class periods were also short- MCKEESPORi--The ,Yiew stu-jer then than under the current dent union building at i the Mcelteno.veek term. I 'Keesport campus was 11 recently' , , dedicated. The new bUilding h the Ad Federation Elects ~ been used by students during past year. i , D avis i Davis to Hall of Fame • 1 A survey taken on this campus) Donald W. Davis; professor. of recently showed, that 13' per cent journalism and head of the de of the students had Made the , partrnent of advertising in the .dean's list in their academic work. School of Journalism until -his under the four-term system as death on June 29.11959. was ;re opposed. to only 7 - per cent of cently named as the 27th mem ithe students achieving! this dis.h er of the Advertising Hall of tinction under the 'semester sysiFame. Item. - '.l • ; ; He is one of the few teachers OGONTZ The student-runiof advertising to have been 'so bookstore at the Ogontz campus honored by the federation. • • Don't . Forget ... •1 HPIZZA PARTY - July 6, after 5:15 P.M. Mass sesseoefr'seitoriornesoosometoimpoitolooomooloo . . , COMMUNION BREAKFAST July 8 after 9:15 A.M..Mass - NEWMAN CLUB HERLocHERIS TAKE-OUT Dorn Del fiver t izzAi SANDWICHES SHAKES , 227 E. Paver Are. Call AD 84518 EMI THURSDAY, JJLY 5. 1962 r=Mil May 1970
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers