PAGE EIGHT Wilkes-Barre Campus Offeirs Three Technicql Curriculums (This is the seventh 1n a series 'now use a•four-story brick build garticles concerning the ing as the • center of "campus" niversity's 13 Commonwealth life and study. It is centrally 1p- Campuses. Today's article f ea- cated in this city of 60,000:' tures the Wilkes-Barre campus.) The building dates from the Almost 45 years ago, UniVersitylear/Y 1900's and provides class room and office space for faculty faculty members began teaching;i n .nd s . tudents. evening engineering courses . Wilkes-Bares in borrowed class room facilities. This is also the way many of the other Con3monwealth cam puses began at later dates. The Wilkes-Barre • campus, however, is unique in that only the asso ciate degree prograni is offered in three technical curriculums. ALTHOUGH THE scope of the program was enlarged through the years, the actual establish ment of the associate degree pro gram did not become a reality until 1953. In the present associate degree program the drafting, design, sur veying and electrical technology curriculums have a total enroll- ment-of 174 men and one woman. .Faculty members and students COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT 11•••44“1••••• *************** ••••••••••••••.••••N ...VIM 00000 ••••••••••••••.111, 0.11011110.411W11•0111110 GRADVATX STUDENT, unnereldramen— ! TYPlNG WANTED: Accurate, butt, *To n/mit/n.1114 rocntr, hot and mold running' norniral, typing aervice. Call AD 8-0797 water or nriyate bath. Central (oration:after C. pan, e. • Parkinv. lrie Colonial. In W. 1 , :ittan)........,.. ••••••••••••.••• AD 7-77V2 or All 7 4h:id. , ' - , . , . . , HELP WANTED A,TAKTM ENTS AND AD 7-203. , WAITERS :AND kitchen hr-lp at SIT E. llnarrt 'Ave. Apply in person. Ask fur BUMMER ROOMSt 61 A iplist Kappa Lamb- 1/4 fiocnot 4a, If per week. $1.60, per day. Cal , ................»..........................«............... 0-2101, ask for Stan. ' • . - . _ WORK W.P.NTED APARTMFr•T. - CUllege Ave. Onsi .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "sum ,and ;bath, private entrance, for :TTJ'ING ; Reports, Thesis. Term Papers. one or two. Sink, sticee, rrfrigerator, study) eorreapon4rna•, etc.: technical or non— table, bunk beds. A %ailable now, I'hcmtitechnical. Rrawmable rates. Call AD 110 6-6712. izsaL.. FOR SALE MINI-1111SE Motor Scooter. Just over. 'LOOKING FOR Adventure: Try the Penn hauled; 70-325 mpg. Top nerd 80. Gap i State Skin Diving Club. Courses offered tarry two. Critic!), blue. $l2O. IMP liartmin skin and scuba diving. Fun and travel. ietti. 621 W. College Ai.e. :Open to everyone. First meeting: 7:30 - - --- , p.m., July .21. 203 Willard. * SMALL, ELECTRIC Tape Recorder , - •- - - ----- fur eorrAtiondenee and study. Good I m y'GUITARS.',IIKES. - Banjos and all musical at 940.0. Call AD 7-2643, Tuesdays. Thurs-1 aceeasories. Band instrument repair days, Smiirdays, and Sundays, or evenings.!servioe plus all. the 'stmt.- records. The • -- - !Music Mart, 114 E. Beaver Ave,AD EXQUISITE LADY'S RING, sate r . slitelt7ll . t- - - ever $300.0C, large center pearl an d 14 —** Canon& act -in whhe gold, size neverl.lS Y 01212 liAriio - br Phonograph working worn. See and offer price. Call AD 7 2663.1 ,properlyl If not; fur fast service with )961 PORTABLE Olympia -TYPewriter.tfr'm pickup and delivery call AD 7-221+3. Car radios a specialty. - !senatorial !tyre end 1956 Royal type.. - 4 writer, portable. Both lightly used, excel-,STUDENT . CHECK CASHING Agency— led. condition. Offer at trade in allow-i Monday through''Friday. 9:30 to 12:30. arms of $llO.OO and'. 960.00 respectively. ; ground floor of HIM. Call AD 7-21148. —---- _ (COSMOPOLITAN C1A.13--overnight hike itko Al3,s - ris, romsdetely overhauled. new ) to I..ora.laock Trail. July 21-22. 1952. rear Hirt*. It wo Aparret, everything work 'Sign up sheet at HUH. Everyone welcome. Inv. ibterior leather. grad mileage. 'Coll George. AD 0-0737. I SLAViCC.IIDRUS-14e;tini Tuesday 10th, __ , _, ' 7:30 p.m. at Myra Dock Howie (Home '62 CORVETTE. When - just 5000 wiles.'lltanagetnent House). All interested ,in Call EL 54066. - . - :singing songs in R.usalan arc invited. For ' - •infimmation ',hon.' UN 5-I'3ol. DRESSERS. Cheat -.4-Drowera.. areakfaxt, __ __ - _ Scts. De‘kn. Tablet, & Beds. Hoy's, Used . ,(itIITABS;iIKES. Banjos and all musical Furniture, Lemont. Phone AD a-0420 after! accessorie, Band instrument S-enair five. .. 1 service plus all the latest records. The MERCURY '66 two-door hardtop, Ex . ---. —cel- !Music Mart. 111 E. Braver Ave. /D fl- _,,,,,,, lent_,. con di tion!. SO. Cull AD S-0123. ;''''• '.. O 1948 CUSFIMAN Motor Scooter. :1956 en-j. . wine, new carburetor , excellent tirrs.l BUY ~ .SELL. TRADE. TELT. H a ul s two. Only MG. Call TOM, UN I IS -1134. 1 COLLEGIAN C LASSIFIEDS , ---- ------ . A SUMMER SAMPLING from THE BOOK CELLAR Keeler ' s ... The University Book Store 206 f. College Avenue Hitler . . Mein Kampf - Woodeis . Africa, The Roots of Revolt Gelding . . . Pincher Martin Tayier . The Course' of 'German History Zip Fin . . . Uses of Infinity Ustincv . The Loser - Thereau . Excurskms . Salzman . Modern Concepts of Psychoanalysis Sorensan . 8 . My Forty Years With Ford ' Eliiscn .. . Ellison Wonderland Lewis . . . The Stuffed Owl: An Anthology of Sad Verse Gatrlhoff s . . Soviet Strategy in the _ Nuclear Age THE LOUNGE and recreation area in one part of the building' were developed tvith student donated funds. While the University's Com monwealth campus 'offers only technical Tducation, other col leges in the Wilkes-Barre area concentrate on offering liberal 'arts courses to their students. In addition to the campus' as sociate degree program, the fac ulty members continue to teach ,evening classes which are geared for persons not seeking degrees. 'Before the associate degree pro gram was established in 1953, a one-year full-time day program had been offered for six years. GEORGE W. BIERLY, director "f the campus, jojned the faculty =!!!M2=EI SUMMER COLLEGIAN; UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA L t t I MISCELLANEOUS in 1947 and began.administrative work - with thel campus in 1949. He new heads a staff of 11 full time faculty' members. , ~ z • 1 71 Students Participate In Ekchange Program Seventy-one Penn S to stu 4 , 1 - dents attended spring t classes at the University of S sbourg in France -arid the = thi - A'versity oft Cologne Gernigni asl a part of the Study AbroadPrOgrarn. The experimental program will be evaluated within thef coming weeks and students will be cho sen for The next spring, term pro gram, Dagobert de Levie, asso ciate dean of the College of the Liberal Arts for the Study Abroad Program, said yesterday. No information is avai the 'program's evaluation ent, de Levie said. He returned from Cologne 'taught a course in Germai !ture So the program part Everything right for your Oporlant'dinner dale! You're sure to enjoy• our THICK. U.S. PRIME STEAK 9Roatti,„ ea 011ie St h 4 Miles Stiith or State College on Route 322 LEVINE BROS. MEN'S SHOP STATE COLLEGE SEMI-ANNUAi CLEARANCE SALE begins Thursday morning al 8:30 Levine Bros. offer 'fine men's clothing and furnishings all from their regular stock at greatly reduce 44 prices. ChoosO from such names as: McOreg . & - Manhattan Varsiiy TownLatina' Ltd. • !Clothes & Spintswear At! ! ention GIRLS All cur BLOUSES and BERMUDA SHORTS REDUCED - $5.95 Madras sl , cirts now 4.195 $4.95 !Bermudas now 33. E -„. Blouses 2 for. $7.00 Values to $6.95 VVRA to Offer ,Aid in Activities' • The Women's Reereation l Asso ciation plans to, offer its aid in helping students who want or ganized- receration activities this summer,' Nancy, Barnhart,l presi dent, said recently. Members of the women's phys ical education staff will aid in the program and the facilities of White Mall will be open if stu denst request it, she said. Ac tivities llinot' be planned until the staff knows specificiallY what the students want and if a suffi cient number axe willing to par ticipate,l she added. The WRA 'cabin will, be avail able for women's groups which wish to use it for a day or. weekend. A nominar fee will be charged for the use of .the !ties in the cabin: It is located labout 7 L miles south of State Col !lege, Mass Barnhart said. Teaching Assistant Award - James Majerik, graduate stu dent in chemistry from Waterford, has been given the Dupont Post- Grad u a te Teaching Assistant Award,.for the 1982-63 academic year. , able on at ores recently here he n litera .lcipants. Escort your lady go the Boats burg Steak House for memor able dining. A superb cuisine . 1- and courteous service make . the occasion an eventl • ": • ;^ ''. ( 4 1 1 g, .) I ' - ' . 4•": - 20 2,l:' , s*•_•3 • !••• o , • t THURSDAY, JULY 511962 THE COFFEE SPOT 221 E. Beaver Menu ;:to PleasO, Your AppOte CORED BEEF 00•••••••••9_01100011 ROAST BEEF •••••mo•10••••••••• EGGS & SALAMI *see 000000 itieseeee EGGS & PASTRAMI •••••••••••••••••• PECAN WAFFLES &, HOT CAKES For Ahnosphere and Fine Food fry THE COPPER KITCHEN Specializing ire - FINE ITALIAN FOOD • Located in Campus Shopping Center
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