PAGE SIX Defense Department Awards Contract To University for Crystal Resea r ch A $692,000 research contract to!standards and to determine theneed for InOre •doctor, of phil-, expand work in high temperature physical properties of_ the ma-iosophy candidates in thecountry.' crystal preparation and vrcrwthi i terials. , 'Welker said that he plans to look) was awarded to the "University, The researchers will place the entire research program of this week. phasis on materials that crystal - !the Unive - d' to determine it - - -- - -- • - they O.G The contract, presented by the 'lize from liquid, vapor or solid; they are producing an adequatef -Advanced Research Pro je c t slphases held in high 'pressure—;number of Ph-D• candidates. i Agency of the Department of De-thigh temperature furnaces. Thel imacEß skip th a t he d oes ' tense, was described by President scientists will try to increase them know -what action will, b e Eric A. Walker as "one of thesEte of these materials to makettaken as i result of this survey. most important in the history of extensive testing possible. I He said - that he will conskSer the University." - : RUSTUM ROY; professor of,both the educational training pro 'IRIS CONTRACT gives The geochemistry, and WE,. Bell, pro-ivided by the projects and their 'University the opportunity forlfeßsur of geophysics and assistant!eontributions to- the fields being Jeadership in one of the mostidean for research in the College,sindied. Both pure .and applied critical technologies of our time t of Mineral Industries, will be:research projects will be con -the development of new ma-project directors. !tinkled-since both are needed. par- . terials to meet the needs of the Several other mineral indus-rticularlY in -the field of science.. space age," Walker said. tries* professors will participate Wa lk er " said The research program will also' in the program and 11 new aca- J include the training of scientists demic staff members and 10 grad-proxy A s p o i n t s A ss i s t a i r d Jn high temperature crystal etiem- uate assistants will be added to, '- --*-- Istry where the manpower short-.the research staff. ! 13enjamin M.- Need, former staff Age is critical. ! Walker, who is a member 0f,472etn.,.,PerA.,„°!1..;the..... Institute Washington, hi ,.. ici c i ,..., De " It will permit an expansion of the Manpower Panel of the Presi--- Analyses in ----" ,D.C., was recently appointed staff the ?University's Work in the de-dent Kennedy's Adv isory Com velppment of synthetic minerals. mittee, said, yesterday that theluralistaiv.,nt b y PresideTiit Eric A li) the present program, Mtense,committee is concerned with the'' , ---`" ' beat and pt - essure-- found deep,-- —- -- --------------; The appointment will become within the earth are duplicated to - ~ . effective Aug. 1. 1 • Miss rennsrvania Contest create new mineral forms. Walker . Nead w il l- fill the p osition va said that it was this work of try- The Miss::Pennsylvania contest.cated when Christian IK. Arnold ing to undeistand how rocks and opens tomorrow night in West:resigned on April 1 to becothe' minerals were formed in the Chester with Centre County rep-iassociate executive secretary' of earth that ; led,to The ARPA con- resented by Nancy Stringer. 7th;the Association of State Univer -tract. term arts and letters major from cities and Lind-Grant Colleges in ___ The new research program w i lli West Ca dwell. 'NJ. concentrate on controlling the' composition and, perfection of both single and polycristalline materials, to ' develop a "banle! of these materials to serve as 420 Seniors Join Alumni Association Aliout 420 of the 1.800. June graduates have joined the Penn State Alumni 'Association, Ross B. Lehman, assistant executive sec retary of the Alumni Association, said yesterday. Those seniors who Have not! already joined, about 75 per cent: of the 1962: class, Will be con-. tacted again by the alumni office.! Lehman 'aid.. Brochuies and letters will be mailed to ;the newest graduated: seniors in September, he said.. Those who join the association will receive the alumni magazine, l published seven times a year, the, quarterly alu m n i newspaper. called • "The Penn Stater" and: Ridge Riley's Football Letter,l issued after each football game. Cost for one year's member- 1 , ship are $3 and fora lifetime( membership, $7O. New College Diner Downtown Bete Atli the Nl° , jet •ASK ABOUT OUR $25 SAYINGS soup PROFIT SHARING PLAN• BOARD & ROOM BEAVER HALL Special Summer Rates loom: 53.50 per week & up blank $lO 5-day week a z 0 al Advantages Worth Con icierlng . . . • Clean, pleasant rooms • tarnilyetyle meals (no standing in line) • Convenient to town and campus • Far your leisure-hours--5 channel Make Reservations Now ter Simmer sod Fall Terns •ASK ABOUT OUR $25 SAVINGS BOND PROFIT SHARING PLAN• MIR'S 'slack in stock aga ` I . I . 2 FAMERIZ , S4II=Sii"—=‘4I-91.7.411raiL11i. HOODED r4;dite. , Z.1,,,. -0 1, 4 i lt •c1~„~~...,.r,, , ..+,.,•f..^~1,,4. -L.t 0••...,., _ 1r......w._.. b~mm,r+ •: M~.: u,.~or~:~,; .ru: •sr *'::^.: tom^--.:a-~n 1 1: rtts-.*lmp 317 E. Beaver Ave. SUMMER COLLEGIAN: UNIVERSRY pARK. PENNSYLVANIA DENIM WINDBREA Short Sleeve Perfect for Beachwear • DENIM SHIRTS Pullover and Buttondown Frayed sleeve and bottom Also available— VAN 11EUSE11 417 PIII4.OIfERS white and colors Get His At Hues 114 E. College Ave. Washington, D.O =kW.' 1,..141t3=1. '.9otitL".CND'T#F,CßY.Rtry'rr,~v':wuBt~~3iA, Now Open: STUDENT CHECK CASH AGENCY' Cardroolii— - Ground Floor of HUB OPEN: 9:30 A. M. 'til 12:30 P. M. MONDAY thru FRIDAY " - r sh Personal and Busiriess Citcits • . 1 . . I . . 1; icycl e inspethon Set far Sciturday - ." ( Final bicycle inspection will bei The State College inspection held both on minions and in Stale gill be held from 10 to 31 a.rn. College Saturday.. land from 3 to 440. m. at the Mu- The free campus inspection will,nicipal Building.; This inspection be held from ID a.m. to 3 p.m.. in;will cost -50 cents. State College parking •area 411. Alter Saturday,rolice said that !unlicensed bicy unregistered bicycles found cm des found in tie borough will campus will be impounded and.subject their owners to a $2 to $5 a storage charge will be levied. ,fine. ' .. . LiciaIARPERJACKHARPERJACKMAIRPZIRJACICHARPERJACTHARPERJAcKHAS 10. 'so 4r, *wimpy REZNI KER ZEES • THURSDAY; JUNE 28. 1962. Around the corner from Bostonian Lt 4 lc .• Ca!klerlekrt - WVIII'Ie ritE4l,k 1• ONEY OPEN FRI. & MOIL UNTIL 9 t f• - e Custom Shop: i for Men STATE COL!IGE, PA. • TRADITIONAL 'is the uiord For many years Sack Harper has been the shopping place of well-dressed Penn Stolen end you're iilviays wel come here. 'f; •• SWEATSHIRTS $2.98 Small. Medium, Large In white, black, gold. green, red, maize, tan,; oxford.
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