THURSDAY. JUNE 28. 1962 • : . ' , Entries Due at Noon F 1 - 1 .Candidates for Cricket Team , Softball and basketball Learns must register- no later than 12 A inoon in 202 Recreation Hall. sum . -• To 'Report' to Saturday Tryout .mer sports co-ordinator. putc I Sykes announced. -- t Anyone enrolled in - the Univer- The predominately En Ors h Equipment, with the exception:sity for . credit, including graduate ;sport of cricket will be 'renewed of the 'W}sites, Will be furbisbed`students, may participate. but on the Penn State campus this, by* the team. ,:' Only team entries trill be ac-, SatUrday' with tbt , first ormai , ,-. f '. -, . : ii.ahyand David Vaughan hav ec e l l, ... net practice: arranged., tentative • Extur --- ---- et, or , . . '1 1 - , ANY INTERESTED! playersimatches, with Cornell and thei should meet at the Efetrel Uniontßritish Embassy. Weekly practicer desk at 12 noon - on Saturday,ffsessions will continue until the: organizer Michael Leahy an-;first fixture, scheduled for the flounced. flatter part• of July. • "We would like to have players' AS NO formal practice area h with experience, as we will be: been secured, players should col playing some godd teanis," Leahy!tact' •Leahy at AD 8-9071, said, "although anyone interested; Vaughan at AD 7-2251 for furthi in watching, will be welcome." ;details. a amigos ................. a ...... saatanarmaasaaaoa. rasassaawaaaaarem COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS r IMB/••••• ****** I•••••••••••• ••••••• ***** ••••••••41 ***** ••••••••••••••• 00000000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR RENT M .IIII.•••••••••••••••• GRADUATE STUDENT. upperelassmen—' RIDE NEEDED to Erie or vicinity. June comfortable c00n... hot and 'cold running• 20th at 5:00 n.m. or after. Return ride water or! nri‘ate bath: Central location, to State College - on Thurs.. July sth. Call "Parking. ,The Colonial. , 123 .W. Nittany.iLynn. UN '5-8683 •AD 7-7792 or AD 7-010. - , GOCID HOME for kitten. Ca!! AD 8-2721 APART - 3. KENTS AND ROOrn for rent. 8 I or AD 8-9071. ask fur Frank. AD ROOM 91'1TH private bath in quiet neigh-1 I.,rhood for tunimer school. NP faeilityf ,......„,........................,,,,......, fn} storing 14 car. Cal l AD ....73391 after ;LOOKING FOR Adventure: Try the Penn 5::O. SUMMER ROOMS at Alpha' k appa L am b-{in skin and scuba diving. Pun and travel., da: $5 per - week. 11.50 ,per. day. CallOper to everyone. First meeting.: I :30j AD 4-2 k,. 101, a , .for Stan. II p.m.. July 5. 203 Willard. . I APARTMENT. West Colle ge Ave. ' One: IR "YOUR • RADIO or Phonograph working ro,an and bath., private entrance, fort properly?. If not. for fast service with one or two. Sink. sins,. refrigerator. study:free pickup and AD 7-2ZSI. table. bilnk be:•dr. Available now. Phone, Car radios a specialty, FOR SALE rnemesseasiosews.•.0..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••PM WOODEN ' DINETTE SET j ,and Elect lux Vacuum Cleaner. rAke new. AD 8- 0222 or EM 4-1555. • 'C,IfENROLET '56, Z-door sedan, 6 stand- rti tritn+rni.aim, eNcellt4lt. condition, $35 0 . Call Al) f•-)•);(.7 after 4 p.m. 1919 FORD 2-door. Olds engine. Good tire+. 'cuaton.izi-d. Befit 'offer takes, C.. 11 Don at AD 7-4 ;4 after II:00, p.m. It. no amtwer tall AD :4-296.'9. ' " (. TV Set with stand. $5O. Excellent ri.ndition. Call AD S-31414. ' MINI-BIKE Motor ;Soiover.l Just over— hauled: 70-125 mpg. Tun' , peel 50. Can carry two. Canny blue.( 1121). Dort Barto lett.i. 521 W. Collere Ave. !. SPORTS CAR. .1553 Cistaalia Farina's best desisn. Most sell today. Best offer over $7OO. Call -AD F-2043. ONE YEAR OLD' QLPIMPIA Portable: ease. instructions. cover included. Like new. Pica tYne. 115.00. Can 'AD 3-2016 after 6:00. for. Bob. SIN LE . RED with Ms April:m.4 and inner- .orina rsittrees. Best offer over 525 Call 'UN 5-11E2. • • • HELP WANTED ) WAITERS AND kitchen hel p at all' E. Reav,:r Ave. Apply in pei-son. Ask for 11, 4. Cuenca. ATTENTION ' MARRIED STUDENTS Young married. couples will be especially interested in a Provident Mutual. Hospi-. 'tal Policy. Under this unique ,policy, only the wife need ;he to take advantage of full family, benefits . . 'including maternity, hospi tal. care, and surgery. This is particularly advantageous .when the husband is covered under another policy. New additions to. the family are, covered, without extra cost, from the age of 15 days' un til the following anniversary date of the policy. Payments for sickness and accident Be gin, from the first day of coverage. This policy has no deductible. This is important to the student farriily. You are protected . . . beginning • w ith the first dollar' of covered expense you incur. And that's just thebegin ninEr. For more details, call George Borosque at ADams .a-0544 :or stop in at our Wffice, 103 E. Beaver Ave., State College. . SUMMER COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA WANTED MISCELLANEOUS novelties... * all top quality "BILLY. B^ ICE CREAM SAND Llust a few of the Clehc.ous frozen rovelt,sl, your friendly 1 , .7' Your biggest money's-worthi And 'so delicious! The variety -and high quality of Breyers delicious noveltiesi is-unequalled. Kids love them! And Whether they're enjoying the treats shownlhre or eating Popsicles, Toffee Nut Bars, Sidewalk Parfay or other good things from Breyers,s mothers know their frozen ,treats are wholesome . . as good for them as they are delicious . because they're made by Breyers. packed in heat-sided was tar your pfOtattiidr. Quality Buyers tai Csikgips Classifiuts WORICFOR YOU BERMUDAS SWIMWEAR • $3.98-5.911 $4.00-6.00 Whites. blue cords, plaids. Boxers. reversibles, swim di s i o .th e C en t er o f p onsy l van ia ,batiks, polished chinos. - play styles. plaid & solids. Free Parking At bar of Store While You Shop • 229 S. Allen St. • AD $-1241 CANDIDATE TRAINING. for INDFAII, Radio Penn State General Meeting for LB Interested' SUNDAY, JULY . 1 at 7:00 P.M. hi Studio 304 Sparks Building linac ,S?ez ... iYS time for those afternoon jaunts to Whipples and Stone Valley. And. naturally everyone will want to be attired in the latest beach and swim wear styles. STOP IN AND SEE OUR ASSORTMENT I^ ' !, ask for Breyer BILLY 0" CHOCO POPS ANYONE GOING TO "WHIP'S' HABERDASHERY 716c1e fiev BILLY Ei ,-e"""~° z -- PAGE SEVEN
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