"i-'sr'i Sltr lailu H|(!lnlknta« 1 Showers, » <kJ V —see page 4 VOL. 62. No. 121 1 MISS PENN STATE OF 1962, Linda Krum boldi, was crowned by Mrs. Eric A. Walker last night at Awards Night'in Recreation HalL On the left is' Allison Woodall, one of the finalists for the contest. Miss Krumboldt was Theta, Phi Gam Receive Top Spring Week Award By JOAN HARTMAN Screams of joy filled Rec . reation Hall last] night as [the “natives from thejFiji Islands,” Kappa ] Alpha Tlieta and [Phi . Gamma Delta, won the overall Spring I Week trojphy. ; ; . They |had previously won [first ' place trophies fin 1 the Ambassador tour division of thje carnival arid in the poster jcontest ' TEARS OF HAPPINESS stream- ed down the face of Linda Krum i boldt as she was 'crowned .Miss " Penh State of 1962 by Mrs.;Eric A: Walter. Miss Krumboldt; was sponsored by Kappa Alpha Theta • and Phi Gamma Delta. : Also winning first place trophies foe i the -carnival 1 were Alpha Omicron Pi and Delta Chi ip thej Bel;Air tour division and Phi Mu 1 Senate Adds ,3 Faculty Members To Committee on Student Affairs By MEL AXILBUND . Reorganization' of the Senate Committee on Student Affairs was approved yesterday as the Univer sity Senate dropped three ex of .ficio members from the commit -1 • tee 1 .and added three faculty mem bers to replace them. - ■ I Dr. Donald V. Josephson, chair man of the Committee bn Com mittees, proposed the change in the student affairs group. HE I SAID his. committee had looked into the .composure of the • student affairs committee and; its j functions in deciding on the] change. Anoth’ejr consideration] of] the committee, 1 he said, was a' desire to reduce "the workload , of i the: student affairs group chair-1 man/; ] . To Accomplish this aim, the Sen-] ate 1 also approved a proposal to . name: the chairman of the Sub committee on Discipline from among the-voting members of the student affairs committee. The chairman of the student affairs group presently i also serves as subcommittee chjurmam^ Three [changes in the Senate UNIVERSITY PARK/PA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 2. 1962 sponsored by Kappa Alpha Theta and Phi Gamma Della. She was chosen after being interviewed on stage' by Laurence H. Lalbman, master ol ceremonies for Awards Night. and Kappa Delta Rho in the Conti nental tour division. ‘ Second place carnival trophies went to Delta Gamma and Phi Kappa Psi, Alpha Epsilon Phi and Pi Kappa Phi, and Delta Zeta and Acacia. PI BETA PHI and Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Delta Tau and Phi' Epsilon Pi, and Chi Omega and Beta Theta Pi received third place trophies.. Rosalyn Ewan, sponsored by Simmons and Kappa Sigma, and Eugene Rinkus, sponsored by Phi Mu and Kappa Delta' Rho, were named Queen of Hearts and He- Man respectively. The combined Olympic trophy for first place went to Miss Ewan and her Spring Week partner, David Maize. The second place trophy- was presented to Rinkus and his partner, Jenaud Schwartz. Marilyn Sauer and Daniel Ko- I rules were proposed to make the' Committee on Student Affairs’] responsibility in chartering stu-i dent organizations. less adminis trative. Two of the proposals were adopted and the third was re ferred to the Rules Committee for rewording. • The proposals which were ap proved deleted the first paragraph iof rule Y-ll and restated rule W-13, making student groups re sponsible for general conduct their functions. The deleted para graph gives the student affairs [committee authority over the organization of student groups. I . THE THIRD proposal limited use of; University facilities to ] groups that have been recognized by the University. The proposal was sent to commitee when Dr. iWilliam J. Schrader, associate 1 pfofessor of accounting, pointed •out that guidelines for the ad -1 ministration to follow in recog -1 nizing student groups were not 1 specified. The Senate also approved A motion, to speed the notification of students that, their grades are deficient at ’midterm. 1 FOR A BETTER PENH STATE Jody, sponsored by Peltaf Delta Delta and Sigma Alp Tia Epsilon, placed third, and Jane Hoffman and' William Coulouris, sponsored by Delta Gamma and Phi Kappa Psi, were the fourth place winners. THEA GERBER and Robert! Cole, sponsored by Kappa Alpha] Theta and Phi Gamma Delta, and Carol Mowers -and Charles Hil bish, sponsored by .Atherton and (Continued on page eight) Cool, Cloudy Weother InterruptSfcHeat Wave The heat an£ humidity that oc cupied the -Northwestern states for 10 consecutive day was re placed by cooler air’yesterday. Showers caused lower temper atures last night, and showers or: occasional rain may persist this: morning. - 1 Today should be mostly cloudy and cooler with a high of 64. Partly cloudy skies and chilly weather is expected tonight. The low reading will be near 47 de grees. Tomorrow and Friday should be sunny and pleasantly Warm, USG Installs Officers Tonight By WINNIE BOYLE Following their, installation to night, the new Undergraduate. Student Government officers will’ present to Congress two proposals based on their campaign platform planks. ! The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 109 Boucke. DEAN WHARTON, USG presi dent-elect, will present a' resolu tion which would establish an elections code committee, [consist ing of the Elections Commission chairman,, the political: party chairman.’ and a representative from The Daily Collegian.: In a report to the .Congress during the recent elections, Allen Feingold, Elections Commission chairman, recommended the estab lishment of an elections code which would serve as a guide to running the elections. Wharton's resolution atates: Reds Free 2 Soldiers SAIGON, South Viet Nam '/n Two young U.S. Army sergeants were released by Communist guerrillas after J 22 days of captivity yesterday. They said they were kept bound the entire time but that their captors fed them rice apd showed no brutality. j The men, Francis Quinn ol Niagara Falls, N.Y., and George E. Groom of St. Joseph,! Mo., looked tired but otherwise healthy and unharmed when they] stepped from the plane that brought them to Saigon. ! Thev told debriefing office, s they had been held throughout their captivity on a mountain top near where they were caught April 8. They denied rumors that; they had been led through.villages and exhibited for propaganda purposes. QUINN AND GROOM were re leased less than five miles from the spot near the coastal town of Da Nang where they were am bushed with two other American soldiers and 31 Vietnamese •train ees. The other Americans, Sgt. Wayne E. Marchand of Platts mouth. Neb., and Sgt. James Ga brial of Honolulu,, did. not‘survive. They were wounded, and their bodies were later found less than two miles from the scene of the fight. Both Quinn and droom: were shielded from newsmen, but in relating their ordeal to debriefing officers they told of carrying their wounded comrades for oyer a mile until the Viet Conglgucr-! rillas ordered them to put! them] down. Quinn and Groom said they] did not witness the final moments of the injured men. | The two men said their captors' fed them rice several times a day/ Doctors pronounced the two in Fisher to Head ! 'The 1962-1963 executive eom-;thc staff appointments will be miltee of the student-operated made tomorrow afternoon when radio station WDFM was named the new ami old rxecutive.com yesterday by Dr. Harold D. Net- mlttci*x meet with Nelson.-, son, general station manager. ! Fisher will be responsible for Robert Fisher, junior in ele- the overall operation of the sta mentary and kindergarten education. . ; ■ tion from Pottsvjllc, was named; He said that’he intends "to in station manager, and Paula Peter- crpase news coverage by estnb-* sen, junior in journalism from lishing more contacts with other Alexandria, was named program campus organizations." director. & ! He added that the increased- THE HEW husiness manaeor' naws «. f >verage will be of particular [SSE3S 4SSSS Bagd-a** am e» - ] man in chemistry ami physics lbl ; oadt ' aßtin «' |from Philadelphia, will serve as. WDFM BROADCASTS on tho [chief-engineer. ■ 'AM cycle with State College radio | The appointments will .go into station WMAJ from 8 to 10 plm. 'effect May 7. The remainder of during the week. "Now is the time to write such The new officers have also said a document so that it can be free that they will opose a proposal of any externa] political irt- based on a Campus-Liberal carn fluences such as might exist before'poign plank. The bill, which will elections.” ibe presented by Murray Wimjer- The second University party r P? n> - Ann t’.* 1, plank which will be presented.'? llll approvai ofaffilla- Salls for the establishment of a , w >‘ h *»>« United States Na student opinion bureau to aid. t,onal S tudent Association. Congressmen in. gathering opin- 1 The orgahization is described in ions of students Morris Baker, vice president- of college, student governing bodies elect, will present this resolution associated to give consideration to which defines the reasons for questions of mutual interest, such an agency: • WINDEHMAN SAID yesterday *The existence of a definite 'that after a few minutes, of J?<* ,°^ com T U u lcatia !?* between discussion on the issue, someone the USG and the student body. , W iH postpone the motion until •The need for true student next week so that the Congress opinion before the University ad- men can study NSA's constitu ministration will consider USG tion and prepare questions. He proposals. t . jsaid he hopes the bill ’‘will be • The impossibility for a Coni- come a real controversy and from gressman to be In contact with! that an intelligent decision will b« all of his constituent*. ireached.” good condition and said they would be ready for duty after) a few days rest. : THE SERGEANTS said the Communists gave no reason for freeing them, causing speculation it nuiy have been done as a hfay Day gesture. ; They said that after their re lease it took two and a half hours to make them way down the mountain top ori which they had been held. They were guided by a mountaineer working for tho Viet Cong. They reached a group of vil lagers who, led _them to a local ciyil guard post,” and, from- there they were evacuated by helicopter to JDa Nang, near where the am bush had occurred,* and flown to Saigon. ’ QUINN AND Groom were.clean shaven when they arrived and wearing the camouflage uniforms nnd berets of th* Army special forces to which they belong.. ~ 1 A team of- officers, physicians nnd a U.S. Army chaplain were on hand, to .receive them at Sai gon's airport. Intelligence officers declined to say whether the Communists had tried to indoctrinate the two po litically or to disclose whether the men may have undergone interrogation. The two are expected to be present at a news conference today. WDFM Staff the resolution as a confederation FlV€ CENTST
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