PAGE TWO , Bow to . Navy Pressure BUENOS AIR E S, P.rgentina'pressuring Guido to nullify theand void all elections held since (AP)---Faced by renewed threats election results. , Dec: 17, 1961, That would! throw WASHINGTON tiP) U.S. sciena of military takeover, President' THE INTORMA.NTS said Guido'out all ballots cast for guberna fists and rniltary chiefs, poised for Jose Maria Guido was reported:was preparing'to go along with tonal and legislative--pcistc in "' '-- ---‘ a new series of nuclear tests, hope yielding last night to navy de-'another of Clement's demands —Argentina's provinces and also for to find ways to pack even greater mands that he wipe out election that the entire country be placed half the membership ;tif the federaidestruative power into smaller victories won by followers of e a _' under federal control. !al Chamber of Deputies. !warheads. lied dictator Juan D. Peron. • ! This.would permit the president, Clement's demands] constituted; to replace all !elected officials the answer from the. conntry's• Informed sauces said yesterday l a major aim 6t these 'aerial tests, Ttrare was no official word but with his own appointees . It also - naval forces to the alllarmyt rebel - th e the first such in the• • Pacific iM informed sources. echoed by•• - - ;would eliminate'all the provincial lion - Saturday which ' brought! n e a r ly four years, will be to in every newspaper in this capital: • • • • I . legislatures. • tanks,• antiaircraft gtins and bata, crease the efficiency of U.S. mis raptured Guido ready to sign anti-. INFORMANTS SAID Guido tle-garbed troops inilo the heart' aile warheads and nuclear bombs. Peronist and anti-Communist de-! •• - would sign a decree declaring null of Buenos Aires. 1 1 EXPERIMENTS LOOKING to crees demanded by the navy. • - IN AN OBVIOUS move to back , ' • 1 _' ward more efficient, warheads' • . its words with steel, naval chiefs , - . will come in what are called wea- 1 t ordered a 500-man marine , bat- , Senate, to Debate , Voting Bill ; pon . effects-tests in which nuclear talion to the capital area for use. - • I Idevices--as distinguished from i 1 incase of disorder. WASHINGTON (AP) —Oppos- nounce the bill as upconstitution-Ifinished weapons—are exploded ling sides gathered their forces yes- Carrying on conferences started • . !under various conditions. terday for the start of a Senate' With an oblique reference to the' Sunday night, Guido remained in The Soviet Union is believed to debate that Could developinto Southerners' favos i t ; tactic' hiaoffice holding aalks with politi. have made strides toward greater anotherprolonged civil rights against civil rights bills e i warhead efficiency in its most _ cisns and military leaders in an ,hatt i e =p ro- ;- . longed oratory Stennis said he' effort to find a peaceful solution ' - / ' • • , .. , recent series last fall But author- Democratic. leaders said they had no doubt the literacy test pill • • to the prolonged crisis touched Off, a a , d -' , ities feel the Soviets still trail the mart today to call up the would be "discussed' at great by Peronist landslide victories " ;-11 ' 1 i , United States in this aspect of March IR. , Kennedy-hacked, voter literacy lengah-fully." L 1 nuclear weaponry'. test bill and push it through to a The measure wouldprovide that Earlier tin the day the navy sec- showdown. -, : a sixth-grade edudAtibh )be 'the Nuclear efficiency sometimes is retary, Rear - Adm. Gaston Clem- 1 Southern senators took up posi- maximum literacy requirement to referred to as "a bigger bang for .ent. emerged from a •.session lions against The measure, with qualify any person to vdte in al smiling. But he declined to say ,e a e r y indica*th they were pre- federal election. I anything to reporters. • !pared to wage !another all-out fili-' i The admiral issued a bulletin to buster. if necessary, to defeat it. naval __commands Sunday lining Even before the battle was the navy up with army elements joined. Sen. John Sten-oils. D-Miss.; took the floor. yesterday to de- Guido May * SIILLEFONTE * PLAZA Last Times TONITE Deborah Kerr / "The INNO•ZENTS" 1 WED. 8 THUR:i. i Tuesday Weld in ? N BACHE'LOR HAY= ••••• sTATE - LAST DAY! "MOON PILOT" Starts TOMORROW ShelimitUp r 4. Steuellg , Jessica a most mischievccis 011 Imaw " 1 " 131 " . m.Ol AT - 1:20. 5:32. 7:33. 9:34 Begins TOMORROW NITTANY THE DAILYCOLLEGIAN: UNIVERSITY PARK.' PENNSYLVANIA New College Dmer wnt ern Between the Mo+es NE USED LOVE 'lc UWE MOST MEN 4,1, USE MORIEV _ :TRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER presents vp . ni•-t NE MAN FIRLDINE PAGE ) 1:"Y .d utt aw _ irth, Ealortaunrrintl AIMEE - 440 / Alum lIRLEY KNIGHT IN AV i i4i_ 'BEGEY.RIPTORN , CINEMASCOPE • METROOLOR Starts TOMORROW TIMES Jim Hutt,n • Paula Prentis • Jul, ( arter 'THE HORIZONTAL UEUTENANT" , at 1:30. 3:35. 5:30. 7:30, 9 :30 p.m. 333 EUROPE' HOTELS More t h an 140 EU rODT•I3 citi ia. 19 coontries covered in handy hat of 1'43 low & tnediurn priced hOlei II I for the footloose but budnet-"bound 'student. Priem, address. etc. Useful as tour 411¢ plement Major touriat rities pills color ful smaller towns & resorts i popular. 'sub European.. Fits Vr inirwe and can vv.. you man: , times its CMS- Send $1 flea Voyage info. :Rot 2.3.11-1.7 Les Angeles Cal.; t; , • LAST TIMES TOprITE • "knights of the 'Round Table" at 7:2(1 P.N. "Ivashae" at 9:15 P.M. New Nuclear rin Getritir National entry for yourself CRAB 132 Sout State e i TUESDAY. APRIL 24. 1962 Tests Set uck.l The cost factor is an' • rtant one; since nuclear , 'pons are expensive. But much • than economy it at stake. ; NUCLEAR WARHEADS be co e more efficient--tha t , is, pro du • . greater blasts' from small am. unts of Material—they in, cr Ise the striking effectiveness of e rocketsrthat propel them. 1 is is especially important toi, the United States, which is build ing its future long range striking power around,the Polaris sub: maiine-launchei missilr and the la -based Minuteman interconti ne tal ballistic 'missile. Flare ,Talks on' Berlin • Slated for WashingtOn . WASHINGTON (Al') --Secre tart of State Dean Rusk agreed with Soviet Ambassador AnatOly F. Dobrynin yesterday to make Washington the site for future talks on the Berlin situation. liege Queen Cow r your Candidate at: REES Allen =St.
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