PAGE SIX Big Ten Powers Oppos, Thinclads in Ohio Ri I By DENNIS KhrECHT Penn State track coach Chick Werner may be unfamil iar with the Ohio Relays the team he fields today will be.the first Lion squad in the ;. past six years to enter the Columbus meet. 1 , Bin Werner has a pretty fair of Pennsylvania today at 1:30. idea of what the competition will Th e starting lineup is tentativ - be like. "It will be a good meet," ly unchanged from last week, he •said before his 18-man team . Captain Bob Swahn, Dick Gilison, left for the Ohio State campus Paul Hummer, and sophomores Thursday. Most of the Big Ten Jim Tabor, Roland Gartner, _JO schools are entered and there will Baidy, and Bill Robinson are Oc he plenty of close competition." pected Bo to get the starting mid from THE VETERAN COACH de- yle. cided to take a bigger squad than 1 SWAHN AND TABOR sport 2-0 the casual 10 or 12 to the Ohio records this season. Swahn scored meet to give them more running , .„! the biggest margin of the meet experience against top competj- - ' I Saturday when he beat Colgate 4 tion before hitting the home dual • , . 'l7 Stu Benedict, 7 and 6, to pa meet schedule which opens at Bea- -.A . ~,:4 State to its 5-2, win. The Lions .... ver Field in two weeks. The Lions -- , . . ......i.....—.- ....,.., i • . - ',•: won their opener at Georgetown, have been hampered by spring GERRY NORMAN MIKE MILLER 4-3 f rains in their practice sessions For the first time this sea /in, as have many of the other teams. .* * * * * * ithe Lions will go through their entered in today's meet. relays again this year, they will in the 880-yard run. 1 paces in clear weather. In the Teams that will be comp eting ,only be competing in one event' IF WERNEWHAD arty predic-IGeorgetown meet, the match was today include Big Ten powers:again!t 'State. Werner has decided•tions about the meet, he didn't played in a near torrential down- Michigan, Michigan State. Illinois,'to concentrate his power in the' reveal them before leaving for pour of rain. Against Colgate, the Indiana, Ohio State and Purdue, individual events this year and Columbus. "Ifs too eay in the wind and cold added to the woes . • plus independents Miami of Ohio, run only the distance medley re- season to predict wha t}any one'of the golfers, who were already Pitt and Notre Dame. lay. . - 'team will do," he sa t . "Many having their, share of troubles on off the 'of the teams haven't had enoughlthe soft and mucky turf. THE LIONS have already met Mike, Miller will lead time to work out yet." 'i Clear and sunny skies are fore threerelay with the 440 leg, Tom Met-i of today's opponents during Michigan's distance s ar Ergas;cast for the meet with Penn; tern this year's indoor season. State trick will follow with the half,_ is listed among the . entrants, peratures are expected to range mile, Steve I Moorhead will run l'l',_ scored 43 1 . points to finish sec- with Purdue's 'Dave Mills, in the middle 80's. - • 1 .. -. Lion Golf Coach thelN -mile leg , and either Howie' aw n g and in a triangular meet held at • - - • whb holds the American indoor, "We have been playing in meen * * * Ann Arbor , Mich. two months ago • -Deardorff or Gerry Norman will .- ssu record of 47.2 seconds. Purdueweather," Boyle raid earlier t is being exceptionally strong con run the anchor mile. - Michigan led the scoring with ; I will also have Nate *Adams, out-,week. "You can't really !tenders for the riast severalyearN Sa Y 4 points and Purdue was third Norman is also entered in the standing dash man, whO tied the the boys to play up to their 1 Ilibut this year besaid they should with 38 1 / 4 . The thinclads also met three. mile 'run, and either he American indoor record of 7.0 because of this handi- be weaker because of the loss of . • Ohio State during the winter,ior Deardorff will run the mile. seconds in the 70-yard dash corn- . cap." 'veterans. . losing 81-60 in a dual meet. 'Miller is in the 400-meter hurdle;peting unattached as a freshman Nevertheless, Tabor and GartL, Today's match should be the TEAM SCORES are not kept !race' - and Mettrick will compete last year. I ner turned in three over par 72' firs t real test for the Lions, since 1 performances against the Big Red . Penn has always been a peren in the relay carnival, so each event - • - - 'Boyle said that these scores were; n ial powerhouse against "hack.• Is a meet in its own. It is also a 12 ucs Surge W e with New' Maz . ;exceptional for the bitter condi-yard rival" State. If the Nittanies battle of wits for the coaches as:Lil Itions under which they plaYed.fpaas this hurdle, they will still each mentor tries to out-guess, - ' The , match with Penn is ihave to contend with the three the other and put his men in, PITTSBURGH (/P) Bill; Sisler. He explained what prompt-I 'second4lf a four game h toughest opponents r - Maryland, events, where his chances of win- ied the switch. , Ifor State's golfers. Last year t e,Navy, and. Syracuse. The Lions ning are the best. -1 I ""iviazerOski's newly discovered , I "I KNOW FM a . better hitterlLions handed Penn a, mild 'upget:will have somewhat of an advan- Michigan's relay teams won the; power of concentration has led ; t h an .250,e he said. "It seems everylat Philadelphia, winning 4-3. Itage, however, '.since they'll 'be most races last year scoring vic -I to more concentrated I:iower,l year I hit around there.' I figured ) BY NO MEANS did the searel!meeting these three opponents on tories in the 440. 880, two mile! I that hitting off my front foot comeeasy. The match was tied ,atithe University course. and distance meciley..relays , and; one of the major factors in the I mus t b e t h e reasbn,q. I talked it ' when Jack Meredith a - re! in expected to be one of the t o plPittsburgh ; Pirates' me t eor i c: over with Mr. Sislerand we de. it . , urrung letterman who hasn ' t _ . teams today. If the Wolverines stick to the • Lion Frosh 9 I .Opens Today 'By IRA MILLER 'lt may be just wishful thinking,; but Penn State's freshman base-: ball team may play its opening; game today. Weather permitting, t the Nitthny Cubs meet Altoona' Center at 2 p.m. on Beaver Field.' The frosh have had just nine' days of practice this spring. three, of them since last Saturday wheni :the scheduled opener with Beh-! rend Center was washed out. Nine days of practice isn't much time to develop a baseball team,' and Lion coach Bill Spieth views this opener with apprehension,t -especially since belies a corps of! untested hurlers. "We'll probably use several pitchers to see just what we've' got," Spicth said. "We haven't had, enough practice to really have a good idea of where we're headed." . Spieth indicated that the starting nod would go"to -either Joel Mel-. ville of Saegertown or Jun Bailey of Pleasantville. The Lion coach named a tive lineup of Fred Swope, first; base; Dave Byrard, second base;' Dave Felak, shortstop; John Har vey, third bane; Jim Kroemer, leftfield; Paul Rhodes, centerfield; Joe 'Simonelli, rightfseld; John' Gregory, catcher, and Melville or Bailey. Of the hitters, Spieth rates Swope, Fekik 'and Gregory high. "Swope's been hitting the ball! pretty well," he said. "but will it continue? Felak and Gregory have all been hitting hard in practice, but that is only practice.' Although the team now stands as little more than a bi g ; question mark, Spieth feels confident that if the Lions lose, it won't be be cause of a faulty defense. "De-• fensively, we've looked pretty! food so far," he said, "but as I said, you can't really tell what'll happen until the same starte THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA * * * tided to try it. I worked on it all start this season. ; spring. I hit 300 in the exhibition The flashy fielding second base-I games, and it was the bst spring man, who gained fame with his' I ever had. home run that won the 1960 World "I feel more power' now. The Series, has a .367 average ,in the balls I. hit are hit a loti harder. I first-place Pirates' eight-gamel get my whose body in it instead undefeated streak. Of his 11 hits , ofjust my arms. I've still swung six hive been for extra bases —I early a few times, thotigh. I can three home runs, two triples and; feel myself doing it. nie next one double. He also has eight runs' time I just concentrate 'harder." ' batted in. ' I Mazeroski takes issue with any " This ;is my best start in the' one who says the Pirates are Majors,":Mazeroski said yesterday winning because they have been as the', Pirates rested before tak- . playing the National !League's ing on the New York Mets this ' weaker teams—New York. Phila weekend. "I feel that I'm wait.' delphia and Chicaco. Pittsburgh ing for , the pitches a lot betterl is two games away Iromltying the instead Of hitting off my 'front; Major League record 'for con foot. I'm not as anxious as ,II secutive victories at the start of used to be: I concentrate more."l.l season. Mazeroski, who hit .265 and had' "We've been playin g good 13 home runs last season, said hos i enough ball to?. beat anyone in the changed; his batting style during league," he ,said. "We've been spring training with the assist- 'getting breaks: In this streak we &hoe of' batting coach Georgeicould beat anybody." ; * TEN * SALUTE TO STATE WBLF -Radio 1330 Honer frateratty teday Tall Phi Sethi I I A.M.-12 noon EA RN MONEY - - wad softball and earn money at the same thee. Umpire softball Ones ,for Tel softball lowa, ; Cott Bob Stillman AD $-2770 or `Sign up at office. 203 G HUB Penn Provides First Test For Undefeated 'Golfers ay JOE GRATA a If you see State golf coach Joe Boyle walking around the University golf course passing out cigars, it will be because he's proud—not only that his Lion linksrnen are undefeateil .l in two starts, but also that he became a father for the third time . yesterday morning. ; Mrs. Boyle presented he 4 husband with hiS third straight (boy, that is) and the coach's golf contingent will be trying•for its third win of the season playing host :to ,University ,seen any action this year, chipped,' a 50-foot shot into the cup on the' 1 111th hole to tie his Penn opponent,' ' Art Wolfe, and go into "sudden , death'! overtime. • It took only two more holes !Cr Meredith to. make his move - and outshoot the Quaker linksman to give the Nittanies the coveted win. Others winning matches for State who are% on the Lion roster this year were Dick Gilison and Dave Miller, both junior letter men. Wolfe is the backbone of this ;year's Penn squad, which was htirt by graduation. Boyle -tabs them 'as Frank about your keeps pier lair meat ad/ Nabirally.f7istbegreaseless fle fights embarrassi pers. keeps your hair neat all SATURDAY,?tPRIL 21, 1962 * * * Nichols Sho o ts 69 For Houston'_Golf Lead HOUSTON, Tex. (W) Bobby Nichols, young Kentucky star, shot a one-under-par. 69 yesterday to take the 36-hole lead in -the $50,000 Houston': Golf Classic. Nichols' 68-694437 left him one troke ahead of Jack Nicklaus, 'JayJ Hebert, first-round leader George KnudsOn an d Bruce Crampton. Bun4hed at 139, - two strokes off the 1 pace, were Dan Sikes, Dave Marr, Rex Baxter Jr. - ; and Billy Casper Jr. Tony Lema and Doug Sanders were knotted :at even-par 141:Le • ; 4 : Vitalis with if-7 --.: 'day without weirs*. to& ,• . : - . discovery. ueven Yrtaks• -11 dandruff, tts!dry- zz"-- um.)ir witiciwt gease. Try ill
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