TUESDAY., APRIL 17. 1962 . 1 . 3 -4 . • • . de . • . Police, OAS fliatiki‘ ; in Alger" ,ita - Segregation Lears •„ ORAN, Algeria pl”) PoliCel . The battle was reported- 1 ' - I 1 I , `smashed a`Seerst Army o rigan i za _ihave killed one policeman an . ; • ; ;wounded 12 other persons, 10 t lExc,ommunicated in Sout ;tion (OAS) attempt- to seize an . armory in a suburb yesterday. them - secret 'army commandos c other Europeans, then ranged through the streetsi at terrorist positions' THE BATTLE broke out -whil "flagrant disregard of his fatherly'of his own and contended the. blazing away weapons. . Oran, Algeria's second large counsel" contained in personaVarchbishop exceeded his authority ' with heavy !city, was paralyzed by a genes letters to them' from the arch-'by threatening excommunication;' POLICE ALSO struck hard at strike of Europeans protesting-tb bishop on March 31. 'in order to desegregate parochial 1 I terrorists in downtown Oran, aldeath sentence imposed in Par schools- next fall. secret army stronghold, arrestingllast week on ex-Gen. Edmo Mrs. Gaillot had acknowledged, . the letter and asked for an audi-. Perez claims he never received 25ipersons. and seizing stolen mil- Jouhatid, secret army chief l ience with the 85-year-old Lath- a letter from the archbishop. ,itary transport and arms. western Algeria olic prelate. i Archbishop Rummel reserved to RI CAI; ANSWERED the arch- himself any appeal from the ex ibishop's letter:-with a public letter communication order. i NEW ORLEANS, La- (APs—The. Roman Catholie archbishop of ~,N'ew Orleans excommunicated "three segregation ;-leaders yester day, invokinta rare spiritual pen alty. i 'THE ORDER. from Archbishop Joseph Francis ytummel expelled Louisiana political leader Leander }I. Perez Sr.; Jackson G. RiCau, a former real estate dealer; and Mrs. B. J., Gaillot Jr. Perez,. was :district attorney of Plaquemines and St. Bernard 'par- Ashes, which adjoin New Orleans, for 20 years and has been ' the Strongest voice for segregation in XAouisiana. . Rican is now executive secre pry, of the Citizens Council of South Louisiana.. - I. MRS. GAILLOT. 41, mother of two. children in Catholic schools, heads a small segregation group iknOwn as ;"Save Our Nation, inc." I The fiery' Perez said the excom munications are simply a, move i t frighten or terrorize the parents of parochial school'children, and it will not work. • At to news - conference. Perez 'saids the excommunication order, • r`in no way • affecti my relation :to my church." E'lle said he would attend Mais ext 'Sunday ."as usual." THE EXCOMMUNICATION or der said the three had shown rri,in.istulummummtentullmuniumm Piolo ° PlloNoi • 'SERVICE • D 4 . Pickup .AD 8-6021 , E TELEVISION Mill SERVICE 1. 1 CENTER ; F , 2321. Allen St. ' 1111111UP111111111M1111 Break Out Your Bermudas!! It's Compromise on Test-Ban Controls Deemed Inadequate by U.S., Britain GENEVA (R) Eight nations zation of existing ! national instru; headed i by Brazil, Sweßen and ment systems to detect nuclear' India have proposed conclusion explosions. An international corn-, of a nuclear weapons test ban mission consisting of a limited based- on control arrangements;number of qualified scientists a proposal which falls short of would be established to check dis-, what Washington and London turbances; •but its efforts would, consider necessary. I depend on the willing cooperation ME COMPROMISE proposal,of the country under suspicion. , was submitted ,yesterday to the AMERICAN Ambassador . Ar-: 17-nation general disarmament thur H. Dean and British Minister, conference. Burin a, Ethiopia, of State Joseph Godber, in criti- i Mexico, Nigeria and the United sizing 2 the compromise, say - they, Arab Republic also supported t 6.particularly want to know what! sanctions might be required in; plan. , the event a country delayed or b The compromise calls for utili- blocked inspection. i tit L i t - tome to the HUB Terrace Room Spring!!!!!! FROTH Out Wednesday, April Tuesday, Apra 17 THE' DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY ARK. PENNSYLVANIA Candlelight April 17 . . . . . •.,. . . . . .. . . . . . . . , _ . . ~. • ... , - . .. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . , . . . , . . . . . . ~ . . . . . , . . .. .._ ... . ~,,. • t .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . ... . . . .... . . . . . • . , • ... . . . . . .... • . • . . ....• • . . . . ' .. . • . ,_ .. . .. .. .. . . . • . . . . .. . . . , . . . .. .. , , . . ... . ~ ; , .. - '.- . ; ;., ~ . ' ';':....., • ... .• . ~, . . . ... ... . . ; . , • . .. . ... . . . .. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. . .. . . . . • . . . . • .. . . , ..-...- - • .-. . . . ...; , •. . . , ... . . , . . . . . . . . .. . : ... .. .. . . , - -* . , .. . , . .. . . .. . . ..,..... .• . . . , . Aritz - Yr. Circulation Staff' Meeting 8 : 1 9:00 214-215 HUB Dinner 5 - 6:45 P.M. . , . , . I ' . . • 1 I . -, ... P ' , •,it 1 • t t.'t. , • - . 7„ •: " -1 /. - : ' i . 1 t • I 1, Teaching Opportunities • East Africa Poachers• College, Columbia 2{~~lvelrstty,' is recniiting s dZ . , • \•,„., co9ege graduates fOr ieconct ary school teaching in Tan- ;0 , ganyika, Kenya, Uganda, and Zantibar. They will join 150 Antertcatts orceady serving in East Africa, it Al Openings exist in Physics; Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Enilish, Hi,. ‘1 tory, and Geography. ()Pol cotn pletion of training, candicicitei will e ; - receive 2-year appointments as wick %4 vt . tied education officers. k; , . ,r • For further information, writes TEACHERS FOR EAST AFRICA P.O. Box 850, Teachers College, Columbia Univ., New York 27, New York 1. HUIC 27,4;311 4. Corner Ritorn ' 4. Warnock 5., Waring. 6. Pollock 7. East
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