RSDAY. APRIL 5. 1962 aOO Teenagers Expected At HEc Spring Weekend ._ . . Approximately 600 high school students from Pennsylvania and; other states are expected to regis ter i| for the Home Economics Spring Weekend to be held April 13-14,-Lavem V. Henderson, asscn ciate professor of home-commu nity' relations, said last night In previous 'years about 2,000 adults and high school students haye attended the lectures, tours, exhibits .and films presented by the College of Home Economics to acquaint visitors with careers in the field. < i This year -with so many teen agers'-involved, the program has been geared' to their special in terests. The theme for this year's program is "Families Around the World—Technical and Human De velopment.” , /7 T9JJHS OF THE campus, home management resi ! dencef halls ! and ’ the two home , economics buildings are sched . tiled pit both days for high school students. Movies will also be shown both daysi ' Counseling for parents' and students interested .in careers in homejeconoraics.will be given all dajr Friday; and Saturday. Job , opportunities and the market de mand for graduates from major Pattee Given H istorica! Papers Everything from a telegram ad- (as, Thaddeu* Stevens and Daniel Lee; IJ.S. Commissioners to the; dressed to President Lincoln, to Webster, j J , court of France (1780) to pay in a permit for a whaling voyage on A PERMIT for! a whaling voy- terest- due on, U.S. obligations, the Indian Ocean, is contained in age to the Indian; Ocean issued to This was signed by Francis Hopi a'. Collection of historical papers Luther Little for the ship ‘lsrael” kinson,' a signer of the Declara jocently presented ,to Pattee Li-, of NeVr Bedford! is signed by tion of Independence. b w; ~ J , ‘ - President John Tyler and Daniel VIVID ACCOUNTS of the Bos- a memorial tnher Jatehus-Webster, secretary of state. ton ; Massacre, peace negotiations band, : iyin. EUis P. Grove, of State There are both genuine and between England and France, the; 1188 “ < JP a ,fraudulent! naturalization papers conspiracy of Aaron Burr, the of.the papers, Ralph W. McComb, 0 f the early 15th- century; articles attack-on the Chesapeake and the , nhranan, recently announced. Aof agreement of the Asylum Com- death of Andrew Jackson are ■ few were given.on a pj n y r estate firm of 1794, contained in a sheaf <?f news liMnrto be left with the signed by Robert Morris; and a papers dating from 1770. collection, McComb said. draft amounting to $l2O in ‘“600 t McComb said that these articles ' GROVE BEGAN his collection livres Tdurrtoisf’ on Benjamin would probably be put on display ■ aftera career in professional base- Franklin, Silas Deans'and Arthur later in. the term, ball was thwarted' because.of a leg. injury. He then began to study chins, banking and related -sub jects: , ■" i’ ' jjAmong the papers is an urgent telegiram ’to President Lincoln » dated August 1,-1864, asking him S' - td. hanie a new commander for the forces defending Pennsylvania after the burning .of Chambers : burg. ' . SIGNED “Chairman, Commit teeef Safety " the telegram reads “All,the business' part of the town with its jnills, manufactories, and .public buildings are In ashes and 'more than' . 2,000' people made homeless. The people charge him (General Couch! with abandoning them .on the first approach of the marauders—we need a command er here who has confidence in all the classes and who has a stake in our welfare and our people." . 1 Among other Grove papers are - letters of Presidents James Bu chanan and Martin Van Buren; GenL Winfield Scott, Gov. Andrew Gregg Curtin, Stephen A. Doug- M' - ; , ■ Used Book Sale Totals j The Used Book Agency ac cepted over 15,000 books this term Melvyn Schulman, chairman said. About 10,000 of these books were sold, totaling approximately $30,000. f . f Money from books sold may be | picked up atjthe ÜBA from Mon day to nexP|Friday. Unsold books maybe reclaimed during the same DOUBLE EDGE RAZOR .BLADES. Finn! Surgical Steel, honed is oil. Full money hack guarantee 25—50 c 100 — 85c. 200—51.50, 500—53.50. ICOO —(5.73. Postpaid.' Packaged 5 blades to package, 20 packages to' carton. C.O.D. orders ac cepted. Postcard brings general merchandise catalog. EMER SON COMPANY, 406 So. Sec ond, Alhambra, Calif. programs in the college will also be explained at thi4 time. ! Several freshman Jstudents will participate in a parcel discussion with Dorothy Houghton, associate dean of the college, bn “What It’s Like to be;a Freshinan at Penn State” COLLEGE AMD high school students are also invited to a sym posium on “Foreign) Service Pro grams.” The International Farm Exchange Program! the Peace Corps and similar programs will be discussed and Explained. In dividuals who have participated in foreign 'service programs will take part ih the discussion. Grace H. Henderson, dean of the College of Home Economics, in keeping with this year’s theme will explain-how tjie University’s home economics curriculum, re sponds to ;social > trends and will discuss the need j for men and women in jtamily service here and abroad, ■ J f The high school students are also invited to hebr the keynqte address to; be giveh by Lawrence E. Dennis, associate director of the Peace Corps,' at 1:30 p.m., April 13, ih Schwab. Dennis.'- address will be open-to the public. 'The Town Independent Men's Connell Is-providing dancing ] lessons for independent men living in town. Information and sign-up at HUB desk. Latest time forj sign-up Is 5 pan. Thursday, April 5. 1 , | |' M Mi ' T • ATTENTION TOWN MEN I ! DANCING LESSONS CABEE KNITWEARS I-n Home of Fine Sweaters! "ttspUlT ' ~ / ISHMU9OBB) v EmOBUD 160% 7lr?iii Woo! I \ led/ctjs/zMi 32 to 40 - $1213 Z* perfect TOPFise m sucks $d skirts • SMART, FASHIONABLE STYURB • FULLY; HAND-f ASHIOHED FOR PERFECT FIT t*' : I • COLORS: Frost White, Fire Red, Buttercup •j - j .Yelkw, Black Magic, Cambridge . j ? Grey, Silver Grey, Udy Blue, Toast -j ' Brown. s«nd order foi IE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. ,PENNSYLVANIA Boehm Outlines School Plan Regional development of large universities and a halt in duplica tion of higher education programs throughout the state are repre sentative of the. proposals ad vanced by Public Instruction Superintendent Charles H. Boehm in an outline of a proposed mas ter plan for higher education in Pennsylvania. Boehm’s “guideline to a master plan” . calls, for a three-region educational division of the state: 1) the southeast served bv joint efforts of the University of Penn sylvania and Temple University; 2) the west by the University of Pittsburgh; and 3) the rest of the state' served by this University. Within each region, the, influx ence and resources of a particular university or group of universi ties would be called upon to serve the Commonwealth, Boehm said. THE OUTLINE calls for a state cooperative library system which would set annual state assistance for college and university libra ries and match grants irt capital expenditures for new facilities ana additions. , Boehm’s library system would be supervised by the-major uni versity in each region and co ordinated .by the University of Pennsylvania. ■ In presenting his outline March v l± [ VyJ if (HMU'I i f Mita Slits 7 lo 14 $11.35 White. Red, Black mitsjmb: bcMdMkarn* W* »»r ttntit. SATISfACTIOM CtUBABTHD. 20; ifoehm considered other as- number of bachelor’s degrees con pec ts of the proposed master plan: ferred. admission goals for all types of Boehm also considered the pos mstitutions in the state; public sibility of developing a standard representation in higher educa- relationship between fee costs in tion, and scholarships, fellowships the various types of institutions and loans. . . _ 0 f the state. IN THE AREA of fiscal support. In addition to specific recom- Bochm felt One of the most teas- mendations, Bothm'i general Ible ways to determine appropria- statements emphasized the need tions would be to relate the for adequate funds to develop amount -of aid to indexes education, and the sincerity of such as: number of Pennsylvania-future educational leaders to in*, students enrolled as underclass-[sure the success of any state mas men or upperclassmen: or the ter plan. . Town Housing List Revisions Planned "The State College Chamber of'sons out of town, particularly Commerce’s housing list will be!from University personnel sched revised about every two weeksluled to arrive on campus in June, because of the continual number! Students, may obtain a copy of. of property owners who have re- j the housing list at the Chamber' quested, that their; housing accom-iof Commence at 1284 S. Allen St. modations be.placed on the list,{Landlords may have their hous- S. William Kalin, president,, said; ing facilities placed oh tha list yesterday. . by calling AD 7-7644. About 150 single and double rooms and apartments are includ- ci,-*-,. o ed on the present list which was 9HQW I rip mimeographed Monday, he said. A bus trip to Hershey to sea The Chamber of Commerce in- the annual- Ice Carnival will be tends to keep the list up to date sponsored by the Figure Skating this term and the summer term Chib ®t ® :3 5 am -> April 14, .Jar since requests from bpth property a “ interested persons, owners and students hava been The price, which includes both numerous, Kalin,said. the bus trip and admission to tha Inquiries about housing have carnival, .is $4.25 for students and already been received from per- $4.75 for adults. 1962 IFC - PANHEL w -i V ~t i f I jazz Festival Ticket* aj .hub desk, nittany new* and record room -.mrai m 4r». «.'■;**•/»■»«* iwasrXM?* FRIDAY 8 p.m. : RECREATION MALL $1.25 ! PAGE SEVEN I TO iOOTH DS ZZ iy Lewis RIO & Lionel Hampton Orchestra
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers