TUESDAY.APRIL3. 1962 1 * j *. ' ' ! . f Johnson Corner Doy Talk Ticket Distribution Begins Today Ticket distribution for Vice in the collegeraay pick up ticket* The Career Bay program win Jed by G. M. -Hostage, district’. Members of the insurance and Lyndon B. JotuEon sjFriday at 110 Boucke. open at 2 pan. with 7 panel dis- sales manager for Proctor and [real estate panel will be John L. epeem scheduled for 8 pan, Tues-'i Other students and faculty cussions in Boucke. Gamble Company, and Bradjßernard, home office representa aay in Schwab will begin today, members may obtain the remain- The accounting panel will be Royer, district merchandising tive of the Aetna Life Insurance Johnson’s speech will conclude free tickets Monday at the led. by Marshall Evans, vice manager for American Stores,.Company; Roy C. Kern, educa tive day-long College of Business Hetziel Union desk, he added. ;. president of the Westinghousetlna , tional director of, the Life In- Adminktration Career Day. The. The vice president began j his Electric Corporation, and Paul*. Clyde Knapp, staff = supervisor surancc Company of North Amer topic of ha address has not yet political career as secretary to Katzen, president-elect of the for the United States Steel Cor-ica, and John. B. Kiindig Jr., presi been announced, Robert Barra- Rep. Richard Kleberg in 1932. ! Pennsylvania Institute of Certi- poration, will lead the discussion'dent of the Pennsylvania Realtors dough, chairman of the Career Johnson was elected to the Public Accountants. on Management. ! Association. Bay committee, said. House of Representatives in 1937 H. MAURICE OVEHLEY. gen-1 THE FINANCE PANEL will be Arthur French, district opera- EACH BUSINESS Administra- ant * serve d in that capacity lintilleral personnel sjipervisor of the lead by Charles H. Fletcher, a vice ! tions manager of the Emery Air Hon dub member willreceive 1948 when he elected tothejlndustrial Relations Department president, of the Mellon Rational' Freight Corporation, will head one ttrVct dt club meetings to- of the Atlantic Refining Company, Bank and Trust Company, and;the discussion on transportation, night, tomorrow and Thursday 1113 career was cli-.will lead the panel discussion on Clarke D. Young, assistant sales A coffee hour at 4 p.m. in the Barradouah Other rtudents maxed 111 1960 with his election to economics. _ manager of the A. G. Becker Hetzet Union lounge will follow - : : the vice presidency. I 1 The marketing panel will be Company: [the discussions. I RAOIO’PHONO 1 • SERVICE * j AD 8-6021 § l , n _.-l TELEVISION I JSC -SERVICE J LLi U J CENTER > | 232 S. Alleni 'St. . = imninuiuiiiiiiuiuiiituiiiiiiHiiiiimuiiioiiinmniiii Local Ad Staff Meeting Tonight 6:30 3 J 731 Sackett I VERY IMPORTANT | Everyone Must Attend - Break Out Your Bermudas!! It's Spring!!!!!! .!• ; I 'Q ' iißsmmmtnHnD^ Pi Gamma Alpha's Art Contest & floating Exhibit All undergraduate students .are eligible lo enter All work shall be two dimensions] such as oils, waiercolors, prints,'pen and Ink drawings, pencil drawings, charcoal drawings, ox any combinations ol these. ■ .All work shall, be suitably framed-(including eye* screws) or matted for hanging. All work shall be! submitted at the main of flee. UHm BBEHB ' fl^H^H HgH| . fIHB )99HHHB HHHB i ji HHH|H FROTH Out Wednesday, April 18 Tuesday, April 17 ’ ! THE DAILY COLLEG LANi UN IV ERSITY PARK.' PENNSYLVANIA MAK i • „ Circulation Staff Meting 8:15-9:00 203 HUB WOULD YOU LIKE TO SOME SPENDING MONEY? ' You Can Have A Chanel To Win Money And Sell Your Art Work By Entering IT In Rules room 10$, In Temporary Building on April 3-8. Prices of Work may be stated. Judging, will take place on April 6-7. All entered j work will be Judged by faculty members of the j Art. EcL. Art. and Architecture deportments. The Ist. 2nd. and 3rd place winners will receive SIS. i $lO. and $5 respectively. The first 23 works will be ) displayed Ih a floating exhibit in University resi dence areas from April 8 to April 29. , i * ’ 2 :T • 'I ’ f -f HUB Malt Corner Room Wornock Waring Pollock East j PAGE FfVE -?.l' j' lx '. *v i -1 f , : ? i ,
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