PAGE TWO Malik Urges U.l to Spread Ideology To combat Communism, the United States must aim to spread Its ideology by infiltrating the universities, governments and trade unions of other countries, Dr. Charles H. Malik, former pres ident of the United Nations Cen • eral Assembly, said Sunday. “The art of nibbling,’'—limited •warfare, so well developed by the Communists, is a tactic that should be employed by-the West as well, Malik told a standing , room-only audience in Schwab. - “U.S. money, technology and ' machines are not sufficient in the Western offensive against the So - viet Union/’ Malik said. “The U.S. must spread its; ideology, too." THE WEST must meet the Com munist offensive on ' its own grounds, 'and not be misled by professions .of “peaceful coexist ence" which Malik called a Soviet weapon of war. The Communists ultimate aim is to annihilate all non-commu- New Study Project Planned for Corps Dr. John Ball of Michigan State University will be the first guest, lecturer for the “Projects in Un-| derstanding-Culturc” which have been initiated for the fourth Peacej Corps Philippine project now in training here. j The purpose of the new study area, organised by Charles L. Holt, editorial director of the Philippine training project, is to provide a basis for understanding and objectifying the entire train ing program. EMPHASIS IN THE [course will, be placed an an examination of the social structure of the Philip pine culture and its historical de velopment, a survey of the major language groups of the Philippines and study of Tagalog. the nation language of the islands. Dr. Ball, who will lecture to the trainees today through Friday, will give a survey of the differ ences in the world view of an Indo-European and a Malayo- Polynesian, with a consideration of how language is interwoven with the social structure. Other guest -lecturers will be Miss Dorothy Lee, author of the book “Freedom and Culture," April 12, 13; Ward H. Goodenough of the University of Pennsylvania, currently visiting professor of an- mm - c£nte ! Ppna Suta KRRPP’S ,T" w £ | |*i t —• . I I APft)Lp«HAY^ TOPE. the: , , MON dr ' —— by nfes-rirW SHRI THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK, ! nist systems and universalize the “revolution of the proletariat.” . The !expressed doctrine of “peaceful coexistence"" has been one of the Communists’ most suc cessful strategems in perpetrating the cold war. It leads to the ulti mate objective of world domina tion, while the Soviet Union'is yet too weak to forcefully annihilate the nori-Communist political sys tems of the world, he said. COEXISTENCE IS impossible in light of the. Communist objec tive, which Khrushchev candidly reiterates to each Western digni tary wijth bis “We will bury you/' Malik said. I - The West must awake from its lethargy and complacency and take some initiative in salvaging the existence of democratic sys tems rather than just reacting to every move made by the Com munists. • The jWest must nibble away at 'Communist strongholds infaddi- jthropology at Cornell University, April! 16, 17; and Isidore Dyen; professor ,of linguistics at . Yale [University, April 22, 23. THE REMAINDER of the course will b« spent in study discussion [groups in which the volunteers willsrelate what they have heard to their present and past ex periences and training and future goals. The volunteers are studying to become teacher-aides in English jand [elementary science in the ,Philippines. . IFC| Panhal to Sponsor Jazz Festival Friday The annual IFC-Panhel Jazz Festival will be held at 8 p.m. Friday in Recreation Hall, Charles Berents, chairman, announced re cently. t The festival will- feature Lionel Hampton and his 15-piece band and the Ramsey Lewis Trio. Tickets are available at the Hetzel Union desk at $1.25 each. festival is being jointly: spon sorpd by the Interfratemity and Panhellenic Councils. : Let Collegian Classifieds v WORK For YOU tion to merely containing the Communist threat' said Malilr, who endorsed guerilla warfare by the West ! MALIK LISTED* nine npinta which he said constitute the un changeable core of Communism. These, included “Rsidical aetheism, moral relativism arid materialism. Communist party /solidarity [and one-party monopoly and the con viction of the inevitable triumph of Communism. T He gave 12 reasons for hope in the free world, leased on techni cal progress and the moral pre cepts of Christianity. If anything is tj stop Commu nism, Malik said, jt is thatiwhich Communism was in reality de signed to eradicate —Christianity, not democracy. j Malik's speech kicked-off a 4- day forum, “You; and the Com munist Challenge/’ sponsored by the University Christian Associa tion and the Newman Club.: * BSUtDNTI * (SQCBEJ last times TONITE one shonjat 7:30 SPARTACUS in technicolor WED. and THURSDAY . Rita Hafworth “HAPPY IfHIEVES” r JESBM33^ r- TONITE 7:30-9:30 PM. —ij PETER SELL! piS Great aril "TWO-WAY STRETCH" * TOMORROW® 20FTHET[EAR'S TOP PRIIfE PICTURES ON ONE i&IANT SHOW! EUA KAZAN'S ijRODUCHON OF 3BWpae «CMSS tTIMIiI „ mmm , m i IB I HH ALSO: U All tha loTAjstorlas of tha | ■world rollr't into on«l j Wmw W JOSHUA LOOM -* ! mxtxvoM ( i mukvmtc* iGARON-aenUER; emiiin ’ i»olux (4 BOMpOIZ ' TECHNICOLOR* n£s} DrwWARNIfR BROS. W TGGETIKIjR nominated i 1 ACADEMY AWARDS K 3 NO PIZZA... • • • TH,S WEH f OR NEXT p|f ’! but for the Best Hoagies, Steaks,! Meat Ball Sandwiches . * Call AD-72373 . Capparelli's Spaghetti House : 414 S. PUGH ST. [. GOOD FOOD - QUICK DELIVERY * • . i . | : l- i i PENNSYLVANIA Six Launch Campaigns I For Top IFG Positions Six candidates made sejlf nominating speeches last night for the three top offices of Inter fratemity Council. Candidates for president are Emil. Sos, Delta Chi; Robert Banks, Phi Gamma Delta; and Gene Sterner, Theta XL Those running for vice president jare Edward Snyder, Beta Sigma Rho; and Joseph Wells, Theta ChL : James Burk, Sigma ls run ning unopposed for . secretary treasurer. | FOLLOWING THE candidates’ speeches, Richard Pigossi, pres ent IFC president, told the fra ternity presidents that the (ex ecutive board had decided to have the elections on - a drop-downl basis. This would mean .that! the' gpiiimmiiiimiimimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimimiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii Student Loan 1 Students who will need to borrow funds to help mi j«w i * } : , * | jE their 1962 Summer Term expenses should obtain, ca ;E plete and return loan application forms by April 13. S Applications for loans for the 1962-63 Fall-Win E Spring period should be completed and returned beff E June-1. E . Application forms may be obtained at the E of Student .Aid, 218 Willard. Tuiiummiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiminiiiiiimiiii TUESDAY.) APRIL 3. ! . i losing candidates in the first two elections would jbe able to run for the position of secretary* 1 treasurer. ,-■!'•.! ' | This recommendation resulted in controversy i land was unani mously defeated jby a vote of the counciL h .- I - THE CANDIDATES will; be campaigning throughout the week and elections w|ill be hpld next Monday night at the .next IFC meeting. In other-business, Pigossi read a letter which he. had sent to Ralph R. Ricker, who is in charge’ of the placement of athletes, request ing an increase' (from $450 to $6OO to each athlete oni scholarship living in a fraternity house; Ath letes who live iin the residence 'halls receive S7SQ. | ' lining teet £ am- = ter- = ice £■ lIIIIIIHtT
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