TUESDAY. APRIL 3.1962 Arcaro Near Retirement; Arizin Expects Close Tilt NEW YORK' (ff) Eddie Arcaro, the top money-winning Jockey in the history, of racing, i$ hearing retirement and a final decision on whether £o quit the saddle immediately or ease, from the saddle gradually is expected to be made today. Now 46, the winnef of more rich stakes races than any other jockey, hasn’t ridden in this' country since last Novem ber at Aqueduct. In true Broadway fashion, Inviting friends and newsmen to a restaurant late this afternoonlThe reason for the get together wasn’t announced. ARCARO. son of a former Cin cinnati taxicab driver, won his first race on Eagle Bird at Agua Caliente, Mexico, JarC 14, 1932. He has won the Kentucky Der by five times, more than any other jockey. Six Preakness . and six Belmont stakes winners have put him ahead of any rival in that , department. Teh years ago at Arlington Park, 1 Chicago, Arcaro became the first American-born jockey to win 3,000 races, and remarked: . *Tm just-going to keep onrid- Inguntil I get tired and then-I'll quit, whether it's 4,000 or 5,000 or what." PHILADELPHIA (A>) Paul Arizin, i veteran star forward of the Philadelphia Warriors and one of the National Basketball Asso ciation's all-time leading scorers, says if j the Warriors can contain the Boston , Celtics, “good fast break it .will be a great help to ward beating them.” 1 ARIZIN, WHO has been one of the. Warriors* steady mainstays throughout the. play offs; was pre viewing tonight? sixth game of the ;best-of-seven Eastern Division playoffs here in Convention Hall. Boston leads the series, 3-2, and the Warriors must win to stay in contention.' All three Celtics victories came by decisive scores in Boston Gar den, including Sunday’s 119-104 triumph which was interrupted THE USED BOOK AGENCY Arcaro has sent out telegrams by several fist fights and an out pouring of jeering Boston fans onto the floor. The Warriors have won by close margins at Conven tion Hall, where the j fans here have , jeered the Celtics and cheftfed the Warriors ini the heated rivalry. ; , ■ j ‘ University of California j AGRICULTURAL STUDY TOUR * to the ! South Pacific JULY B—AUGUST 19, 1962 Full credit courses aboard Matson luxury liner Mariposa, with call*, at Hawaii; .‘Tahiti, Rarotonga, Fiji, Samoa and field *trip in New Zealand. Optional side trip to Australia. Courses in plant and sal sciences and home economics taught by top-level regular faculty members. • far dataila write *» , University of California Agricultural Study Tour 442 Foot Siroat, San fmeitca NOW SELLING BOOKS TODAY AND TOMORROW WILL BE THE LAST DAYS BOOKS WILL BE SOLD Money will be refunded for incorrect books ■'j;- ■ p | * 1 ' ! HOURS: low the Collegian advertising because Jniversity Calendar's dates are incorrect Fol the Non-profit—Student Operated USED BOOK AGENCY - . | (Your Most Convenient Plate to Buy and Soil Your Books) THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA 1 ? ! M EXHIBITION | BASEBALL SCORES Chicago (A) S, Kansas City 1 Cincinnati 5, New York (N) 3 New York (A) 9, Minnesota s St. Louis 7, Philadelphia 3 Houston 8, Milwaukee 3 Boston 5, ClevelandJl Los Angeles (A) 6,,E0s Angeles (N)js ; j COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS j . r -T . i FOB SALE FOR RENT j LOST VESPA MOTOR SCOOTER In excellent READY SOON— two-room npnrtoMnt with LOST: REWARD, t pc. dark premrlptfcm co«<Mtioo, $2OO. AO 8*2122. Ui.W. Fro*- tmtb; fu rubbed. Cotnplei* kitcbm fariii- sunglass—, brown fttHgator <**— and pect. ; ti—, .parking. CwUal* location. etoa* to brown smoko rims. Also Moors, UN 1-8888. - ' - - - esmoos. Suitable ootapl* nr b*cb<4ar who .^“7..,*j ' ~ . * w H U 57 MARUrrra Trailer M'xS' with two .ill be kero until Smbmtit. Call AD *Tn Tn * Mramu. la excellent rowtitlda, poreb T.TfM or AD T-iI.VO Atherton Monday nictit i *fl AD iaduM Mast adl immediately. Call AP T*tMA ft44Ue 7 FURNISHED EFFICIENCY with abower ~ t y ;- 1 batb. 4 blocks to rampas. Awstlsble in* **JRU SRLACK RIMMRP Gismo* btaw* . USED SINGER Portable Sewing MacWne* mediately. Located 128 East Fslrmonnt , S'iJ**!? Mare * New motor, la perfect condition. Can Are. AD 8-OJW t. < ,€k PT# *^/* l L sUn,i^ l UN bn Kuamnteed- tit, Cnll An*M«?. large' ROOJdTn pfir.t, home for Ti M i2. N JS^^ ■ 1 , I “ l • V L, T T< e^:’ <,, ti ATTRACTIVE. MODERN : IWln« room .* lk iß^dtiUnro"'^ ,auni ***••• *•« AD 7-s*ll* " Wile: new. anused. Will aell below n „ so u ofoampu.. Fro. Parkin*. ' ,L~~ wbolmnle at. C«U Ed Gardner. AD 7<*»J. C »“ AD 7-«» l. ! ?£*± rr ln UN HUI. 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment with Theater. Call UN *-tI»S. Reward. T ??.? !S .S O,,P “ TE . aJ|; tk pUSrid.“AD^JSl , “ r4,t ”' , '. Q ’ ,irt ! NOTICE : : D f?i m k ß th oo Uu^ , ‘Trd‘ , EVENING. Apr.. 3. am. 1»«1 TRIMPH Cycle TRI «M e.c. Excel* .lady conditions for male undent. Phone:- «'■«»'» Auction ledww mle oC furniture lent condftWn. Call Dale AD MIC ADJ-Ml 4 or AD *.U*7. 1n.74 wsehlv. j»"d mtarrtlaßKiue ertlslce. R.mte M he. Itil CHEVROLET Custom hard-top. low- UNFURNiSHED TIIRKK ROOM Modernj kiTmTIP. St" Johnny Gray*"auctt.meen eemd hood -St tall lixhts. custom dash. k,tcheoTuMr erpi(w«l. Acall- mechanically. rood. Beat offer. AD A-OS4I ? bl f K ** t }'*}?’’ *"■•> T AWWQITtt 11-U:ta dally, atit for Road -Way. £«*£« f ™n W ' f * # * ,r <K 03 FURNISHED APARTMENT, la EXPERIENCED DRUMMER drolre. wwrk Unt eondltfan. Call Mrs. Wrl*ht UN BuU( | iß ,. downtown location r with Comho. Aeatlahle t.nmedlatehr. r Cal! AD MAM. Phone AD_MIM. QUALITY PORTABLE Translator Tepe Ro-i AVAILABLE' IMMHHATKLY—room »«4 STUDENT CHECK Cashlna Aaenry open ctsrder with, elactrical • attachmant. Ut.| hoard at the Ac >'Hill Cluh. 107 East Monday then Friday »:»<> i .01); Satwr- AD 1-441 L Park Aeeaua. Foe ilnformation call AD '**■. . . . GIRL'S BlKE—cood condition with lleht I*- 1 ” 0 - ' CHINESE LANGUAGE piaaa .ill meoj horn, hashet. tit. CaU RIU. UN 5-M7«.i tntwrrn Mondays 7:JM:JO p.m. In 110 Willard. —> ... . , WAHTED stsrtine April t. l.vrrrsm H«vme bed at ATTENTION PHILADELPHIA sree real- Imt on# I wasftn in ('Man# W wetrnm»> dent*—lMl TR-S Raadatey, light hlue WANTED: SAXMAN and Drummer for Booka are now available at Nltteny Newa. with match la* hardtop and white suft top. combo aow formldc. Should best JtAR XntllT RKGINNKR italiet Clause., ece- WriuFrank H. Millw. Kea. W Mm. Boh. UN 7!*.U JI?I » form^TUhL 7» Drcarihrooh Drive. Preset Hill. Pa. - M»l«. 1 *| t h Grand Ballet De Monte Carlo. lit6*- GIRL'S . ENGLISH BIKE foe nla Call W **J®*® '* J ra,k * ar , ** l AD C-9W2 bmweea M y». evenla«a. AD a-IJSI. Coat »10. At T-4KS. aak for VI. m the. MANAGEMENT CLUB. 7:J» pm. Wed.. : trmeurcr. _ .April 4. Beta Theta Ft. Speaker free. urr D WlM'l'l'h KITCHEN HELP sllAlpb* Epsilon PU Call AFte-ClO. Tfekst* for Lyndon Jobsumn's , ["mhmii !11 m 1 um 1111 "u 11111 I AP 7-7802. wk for Jrrry _ STIfDFNTn EARN UP .rTtn tITTZ- BOY TO~ WORK f7r meal a COHC.RATUI.ATIONS To" Ahdse-'*Taa ti F N Dln U s!.two three B *" Jn ‘* 7 ' C “' ™ rU ' ‘ * nlait of your choice- Downtown Dux Hartsnan. AD T-7?47. April FlrM. Laose, If* S. Puah. . WANTED—ELECTRIC BASS player for FROSH CARWASH April lllh. Klr.l Core#. combo. Can Al AD T-MIU. Flrat Sermd. Slily paople needed. Ht*« -. up HUB daak. Deedllo. April Vlh COUNSELORS NEEDED. Girl 3<©ut C*mp Hear Dußola, Pa. FiV»>*««k tMion. July S t* A usual 10. Information 210 Willard. 9:30 till 5:00 Sample Lead* League NEW YORK Sample of the Pittsburgh Stcelers. returned the mbst number ol punt* last season in the NFL. Sample ran back 26 punts, com piling a 10.3-yard per carry aver age,* third p£*t in the league. The Steelgy? placed fourth as a team in punt returns with an average of 11.2 yards 'per carry. KITCHEN HELP. C.U AD 7-20 U, xk foe eaterec. PAGE ELEVEN Unbeaten Boaters Penn State had eight straight .undefeated soccer teams from 1933-1940 under coach Bill Jef frey. Jeffrey, who Lion hooters for 28 years, compiled an overall record of 154-24-29 and had a total of 11 undefeated teams. Let Collegian Class!fiads WORK FOR YOU IvOTB BUSH PENN STATE. Mtarfll. -
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