SATURDAY. MARCH 31. 1962 j Daniels i - ■ Pirates Benny Daniels, 29-year-old righthander, virtually Washington’s opening day- pitching „ assignment yesterday when he wept the distance and shut out City, 3-0, on three hits! ■ The exhibition triumph was a big one for Daniel*, who 1 became the first Senators’ hurler to pitch more than three innings and moist likely wrapped up the honor of throwing the first official pitch in the presi dential opener: at. Washington April 9. , i In another outstanding one man show, Bob: Allison of Minne sota hit three homers for five RBI* hut. the Twins still lost to 1 the Chicago White Sox, 6-4. . The Chicago Cubs beat Boston, Id-8; Cincinnati walloped Detroit,! *B-1; Pittsburgh edged St Louis, 5- Houston edged San Francisco, 1 6- in 10 innings; the New York! Met* outlasted ' Philadelphia 2-1 in 10 innings; and the Los Ange les Angels defeated Cleveland, 4-3. CAMXLO CAHREOH drove in the tying run for the White Sox in the ninthithen came across with the deciding rap on a Minnesota error. Four Boston -errors and a 14-hit attack enabled the Cubs to outlast the sed Sox, despite two-run homers by Carl Yastre zemski and Carfoll Hardy Twins Release Martin | ORLANDO, Fla. ,<AP) —: Billy i Martin, an 11-year major league veteran, was handed his uncondi tional release yesterday by the, Minnesota Twins; The Twins offered the 33-year old inftelder a job as a roving scout of major league clubs. Mar tin promised & reply today. Martin came to camp -with the second base job virtually clinched but was pushed aside by rookie Bernie Allen, a $50,000 bonus play er from Purdue University, ~ The Alphas Are Partying Saturday Night at the Alpha House ; ((an You Dig If!) Summer Study in New York Sckct your program from the 1.000 counsel conducted for 2,3, 4,5, 6,7, 8, 10. 12 and ; 14 week terms, beginning June 5 and ending Sqptet&ber 7. i 1 whom, mmm m evewm cuaa • lath* Artt • .In Buiinan •In tha Sdanen •In totalling ;• la Education ! •In Public AdminhtmGan '• In Engintaring •In Law if.. • in Communication, Arts nmSSIWL fiNDESSRABOATE fiMSWIE College Strident* in good standing at their on ichools may enrolL Application should ! tie made in advance. AH course*, have the 1 an* content as in the academic year. Stu ■ dents may take full year courses or a com bination of single term courses. Credits ait ordinarily transferable to other institutions. If - Write t» tte Director of Summor Staton* for ? ' te*ifF»rhnlo BoUetin is-21 and Aaplicattod , fttm. Tar Isformtioa oa Craduatr and Prof**- ' gootf itßflor, iMicaU K*o»t of rtat lotrreit. HEW YORK UNIVERSITY j . N£W YORK 3, NEW YORK , 7-2000 Ext. So97erttM Blcmks KC; Edge Cards By The Associated Press Four homers off Detroit pitch ing, two by rookie Joe Gaines and one each by Wally Post and rookie Don Pavletich. powered the Reds to their fourth consecu tive win. . Bob Clemente's two-run homer i was the key blow for the Pirates. Don Taussig, A 1 Spangler. Norm , Darker and Merritt Hanew ao , counted Jor - all the Colts runs against the Giants on . homers. Ranew hit two. , Phillies ace Art’ Mahaffey went • nine innings and, gave up seven ijhits before the Mets’ Gus Bell in the winning run with i a double ,in the 10th. Lee Thomas, and ’ Earl Averill i drove in the. tying and winning ; runs in the ninth inning for the ijAngels after Steve Bilko's homer • in the eighth brought them close I against the Indians. \ Titans -Win WPC Crown j GROVE CITY, Pa. (AP)—West j minster College was named yes terday all sports trophy winner in the West Penn Conference with a record-winning {ally •of 16 ; points. Grove City, with B 2 points, fin ished second. Geneva* tallied 62, St. Vincent and Carnegie Tech 41 each. Duquesne, Waynesburg and St. Francis followed in that order. (Phi Alpha) THE DAILY G Werner issues Call for More Track Recruits Track coach Chick Werner has some fine athletes to oppose Navy in the first outdoor track meet of the season, April 14. But when Werner talks about depth, he's treading on thin ice. i Yesterday Werner issued his annual call for track and field candidates to fill'out his- short list of manpower. And he said the only prerequisite is desire. ALMOST EVERY season Wer ner has sent out the same call with the same negative results. In 1957 he even challenged the student body to produce a 102 dash man, but the challenge went unheeded. Candidates who never have run on high > school track or cross country teams should not hesitate because of ,their inexperience. Werner cites the case of Horace Ashenfelter, who never ran in high school, but as a Penn State athlete won the IC4A two-mile outdoor title in 1948 and the IC4A indoor, outdoor and National Col legiate titles in 1949. 3 'Ashenfelter capped bis brilliant jcareer by winning the 1952 Olym pic 3000-meter steeplechase in the world record time of 8:45.4. He was given the Sullivan award, the highest award an American amateur athlete, can receive. WERNER- SAID positions are available in both track and field competition. All interested candidates should report to Werner or assistant coach Norm Gordon on Old Bea ver Field between 4 and & p.m. Uons To Meet Falcons Penn State will inaugurate foot ball relations with the Air Force Academy next season. The Falcons will appear at Penn State Sept 29 in the Lions’ second game of the campaign. New College Diner gimsHmmianraiii 3 3 3 m I JA =3 1 ' 2 * s 1' V >■' I f t i - ■ '1 1 • i I. UNIVERSITY PARK. By DENNIS KNECHT For Those of You Who Need a Break This Weekend . . . Study PHI KAPPA THETA fy-m Freshimen a YLVANIA CAA Fencing Cheampionships em Test of Ability, Stamina nother full day ot action is in so the Lion trio ot Chick Poole, e today far some 105 fencers Dave Leviris and Joe Bubirvak can a 35 schools in the 18th NCAA be excused if they're a little wind* :ing championships which con- ed at the close of the tourney le tonight at Ohio State. No tonight i ilts erf the first Say’s activities For those impressed by figure*, e available at press time last close to 1300 bouts will have been it contested by the time the tourney he championships not only ends late tonight a fencer's ability to attack One oddity of the tourney is parry but also test his atami- that the home team rarely 'wins. In 1? years, only two home teams have won—Army (tied withi Rut* gers) in 1949 and Penn in 1963. Ohio State and Navy have been host to the most national fencing * itle meets, three each. The! MM lies have won' twice and the buckeyes once, but neither (if the schools took the title at hotne. N St lent due res* wee nigl out-of-shape fencer can win an NCAA title. He'll it pretty , tough ■ sledding ugh 34 bouts in two days— equivalent of 11 dual meets med into less than 36 hours uring the regular season e competed just three times. Only Jockey T-shirts are Power-Knit to keep their fit The Jockey Power-Knit T-shirt is mnn-tailored . . . from the exclusive nylon reinforced .Seamfree' collar that Slavs snug and smooth ... to the extra-long tail that stays tucked in. It’s Power-Knit with extra top-grade combed cot ton yarn to take the roughest kind of wear a man can give it . . -and still not bag. sag or stretchout of shape. It's a Jockey ... » j-<\ the man’s T-shirt... Power-Knit to * I keep its fit. % Jockey "Ess' ■■ l«i«*rpnr»Le*|. K*tu»«ha, Wift*. !iiiTmimi!itiiiimmiuHi«immiiiittin~min'iHnm«Hn^Amiuiiuitiii!inimtiniitmnutit^ iiamraimrami COME TO OUR , . t SESSION - AT - Today r- ’ *» featuring e Hi aml'i 'heir Nnv Electric Organ 245 10:30 - 1:00 OPEf d Fraternity Men with Dates DRESS SLOPPY Five page Eleven I * >
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