PAGE TWO JFK Pushes Tax House Responds WASHINGTON (AP) Presi-;was heading for an afternoon'position on nuclear test controls, dent Kennedy strode directly intoishowdown in the House whenilt was generally- a reiteration of the battle over his tax bill yes- Kennedy declared, "We.need this : this country’s demand for tnter tcrday during his news conifer- bill” (national; inspections, .which the ence and Democratic farces in the Twctcrm Soviet Union rejects, to check House presented him with a big flf , t r e _v„ l j against violations. And it ac victory a few hours later. would spread the tax burden. wledged that: “we seem to be The President disparaged Re- a, " y * _ . . ..... .lat a- real impasi(e" with the So publicans for opposing the meas- I fmd-great difficulty in viets ure which calls for new incentives the position of any to businesses to modernize plants, and for withholding in •come taxes on and in- J! 115 at most impor terest payments. ' tanttime, he said. iiruPM , , The President opened his con- WHEN THE showdown came fenence with a vigorous argument late in day. House GOP for histax measUTe . Then 6 he an . forces lost 225 to 190 ; m a move nounced Whittaker’s retirement to strike out ggryed notice that the United ytsions. A second, 219-196 roll-j gt a -t es will accept no nuclear-test ctII then passed the bill and sent agreement that doesn't provide it to the Senate. f or inspections. Kennedy put himself smack on Whittaker must leave the court the firing line at a news confer- after nearly five years on doctor’s epee, which also produced news orders, Kennedy disclosed. 1 off the retirement of Supreme ruMmuTn v „„„ i Court Justice Charles Evans Whit- • f**** El^ T a [* er tha co "' taker, bleak prospects for a nu- *«««*• White issued clear test banyan appeal for state elaborating Kennedy's legislatures to . give city voters equal repersentation and a word of: appreciation to the Soviets for proceeding “with care” in the Berlin crisis. i The administration's tax plan EUROPE Conti too nmrh to Uhc Just the first tour heard of. Sprnd 4c A learn about A banutiD unrcfrimrfitrd fun tour, Ue*luclion /or three or more. Et’ROPE St’MMKR TOURjf Kfquoia Taiadena, Cat. (* BKLLEFOKTE, * > eaoaaa now showing / One Show Only ( Starling 7:30 p.m. J KIRK DOUGLAS ) JEAN SIMMONS .) in Technicolor! Collegian Credit i Staff i * 13! j Sacket ! ? ;h - I Sat. i - IP.M. ! THE DAILY COLLEGIAN; UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA ' BERMUDA HOP TONIGHT 8:30-12:30 Pollock Rec Rod\m i Admission: 25-50 c 1 i Presented by Nittany-Pollock Councils ■ . i • . i ■fhw %J, men Wc 4me j * » < ■ \ , CAthAvM Coming Wedu The mlghly "KING! OF KINGS" SELLER: "MW NOV * SHir^v Bill, Quickly Gemini Sjpacecraff Model Displayed ST LOUIS, oU*>—A full-scale model of the Gemini space gerfift designed’to take two astronauts! into orbit for ,ji week or more, 1 was unveiled yitsterday. It could play a major ! role in manned! flights to the rcpon. - j The wooden *|nd glass mock-upl is larger but quite similar in a.p-i pearance to the! bell-shaped! Mer-| cury capsule used in America’s; manned space shots. The! Mer cury has only epe-day orbital ca pabilities. ! All, IN FUN! • NOW SHOWING* 1:30,3:30-5:30-7:30-9:30 Conference Asks Treaty Preamble GENEVA (AP)—The! 17-nation disarmament Conference agreed yesterday on a procedure for drafting a preamble fop a disar mament treaty but the Western powers expressed some . concern about the attitude takfen by the Communists. I In British eyes. Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian [A. Zorin seemed determined to mug the Russian disarmament line from first to last, with] little con sideration for the views of fthe non - Communist nations. The Americans took a more hopeful '' LIOHEI HAMPTON ORCHESTRA . • ! jj tickets $1.25 at hub desk, nsttany news and record room! _ . 1 ' - . j 1 -.1 I . : FRIDAY, MARCH 30. 1962 j t , view following a! three-hour ses sion. • - j i J ; SPECIFICALLY, the delegates instructed their j co-chairmen American Ambassador Arthur H. Dean andj Zorin—to work out agreed language! for a preamble and report back by the middle of next week if possible. . Leaders, of the other delegations will submit comments and sug gestions of their 1 own by Monday morning and these ; ideas will be considered jby Dean and Zorin. The co-chairmen also may call in various delegates to help them in their workJ i ; DON’T MBS RAMSEY LEWIS TRIO ! !! * ' • . : *-i 1962! IFC-PANHEL W-. itivol i I * >n Hall
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