THURSDAY. MARCH ,I . 1962 TO: Pittsburgh's Wrestling Team FROM: At Least One Disgusted Grappling Fan (And Probably the Team) FOR: A Challenge We challenge you, 'the Panther wrestling team, to wrestle - like 'men and not run 'Moe babies when you come to the EIWA Touinanient next weekend at li s ee Hall! . What we are islcing of you, Panth e rs, is to start wrestling, instead of 'running, staffing and laying on your stomachs like you did last week in your slim 15-14 victory over us. For years now, wrestling fans have watched grapplers g uided by your coach Rex Peery use what has been mildly termed "traditional Pitt conservative tactics." (Quoted from the Bethlehem Globe-Tithes) 'I, - lln plain terms we're sick of watching you wrestle like tliis. You are ruining the sport. You are defeating its purpose. Panthers, even your own fans were disgusted by your !running tactics against us. They-watched four of your nine nine men get warned for staAing; and two of those men lost points.for,not doing anyth - g even after the warning. We had, no warnings. . - THEY WATCHED YO get a couple of quick points and Ithen ;lie on your stomachs, crawl for the mat edg e , and in igeneial just wait for; he buzzer. Only about four of. you did any. wrestling Dick Martin at 123, Daryl Kelvington at 1.47,, August Arrigone at 157 and Jim Harrison at 167. The onl time ' mast of you wrestle is at the beginning of the bout and when you are behind. ; • One State fan gave a perfect answer to one of • your I followers who" was complaining of the dullness of the match. ' "If you ever saw wrestling, you might like it," was his curt reply. ,Our coach isn't one to complain after his team has been beaten, but•this week was an exception. IPitt: got a quick lead on us and then ran, lay on their stomachs like dogs, played on the edges of the mat and waited for the buzzer," Speidel said yesterday in his office. "We k,noCked them all over the Mats, but once they get 1 ahead of you:you're not going to catch them in 10 years. It was our fault we let them get the early lead, but it was only ..rightithat they keep wrestling after'getting the lead. I • 'TN NOT BLAMING the boys because that's the way they've been, taught. That style was brought in from the West bvPcery and it's what I'd call the 'zone defense of wrestling. "That style will ruin the sport and is killing the rules. It couldn't, survive here at State. Our fans wouldn't stand for it and we could just close up shop." • State isn't the only team that is, disgusted with Coach Peery's 'tactics:: , ' "Lehigh would just as soon not meet Pitt because of their style f ," Speidel added. - We can hear ' your answers now. "You're just a poor loser," you say, "and besides look at Peery's recorti.- It's 100-3,24 and you can't knock that, can you?" i First of all, we're 'not poor loseri, quite the contrary. Most, of us, at least the lans anyhow; WERE firmly convinced that tyou had a better team than we. In fact, you could have beaten us by at least five timed the score you did. 1 ' . FOR' THIS REASON wel feel your style of wrestling didn't get the most Out of y ur team and certainly didn't put on a good performance fo the fans. Secondly, o Peery's record s outstanding, but we like to think there is more to, athle cs than winning. We like to think that rules are made to e observed, not broken_ The rules definitely stand gainst your type of wrestling. There is a penalty point for sta ling, which consists of running off the mats or not making a honest -effort to throw your man or make contact with him!. In other words, we like f;o see teams that wrestle and don't stall. You shouldn't try to beat the game by breaking the rul6 just because officials don't always have enough initative to call the infliction. WI) AS FAA AS WINNING goes L T, anthers, our style of wrestling has done pretty well also. We've managed to win our share and in the. proem continually draw crowds of 5,0001 to 6.000. much better than your' all-time record of 3,808 against Lehigh this year. Pur coach's record is 179-4942, even better than Peery's. In the overall series record, we've beaten you 14 times, you've virOn six meets.'Not too bad, is it? Undoubtedly you will remember this article next week when you compete in the Easteins. You will come here as co-favorites with Lehigh. You could win the title, but you wSI hays to wrestle not stall! Why not try it? a dean's view Challenge Issued To Pitt Matmen 3 • By DEAN BILLICK Assistant Sports Editor THE DAILY COLLEGIAN.',UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA 1 IM Results 8 • WIJNG INDETENDENT LEAGUE A • i Woceßiorners 6 Nellrillali Chili 2 lAtlesilenF II Teo Pins I I Torsadoes ft Bearer 1 1 Mawr 6 Selluyik ill .* i lfli Ida a Flee Guys ; By ' JOHN MORRIS (Gene Wettstone explained. „mei . .L-410E WIDMER. Hi Ley. 2161 I , The old events will be dropped 'High Seciee-206 wouzz. Hi I.zio. 5.441 Penn State's nastics .., team, Mich Game tteamS—Ht Lee St. 264 Reaves today to compete in theifrom the indivicinal- champion ', , INDRPENDENT I DRAGLE a ' isomewhat Confesed Eastern• I nter -„ships in 1964, it they are dropped 'Paler ii. Poplar 0 i•• Munliternerr 4 s St:oilers ,- 4 i collegiate Cymnastics League in-.a t all. Nittawy Five A Spaillteri - sldividual championships tomorrow "We don't know how many en- Narthumberfasid .11Cleartie44 Misfits 2 lifereer sand Saturday at West Point'. ;trants there will be in the old Mich Game—RAY wArsoN. tt..-tbvinis“ , -; Led by :defending eastern all- events,” Wettstone said yester land. 1r22 ___" ' 'around champion Greg Weiv., the day, "or maybe some of them will High Series—HAßOLD urn': Rejeeta, 349 • i on will' compete in six events;be put back on the program." High Can.. iteanii—Mii;octo. 343 , ion the 10-event program. ' The Lions don't, have any en- FR k : fEWNITY LEAorg A Alpha Kappa Lam. 6 Delta thwiilaa 2 1 1 The RIGL revised its scheduleitrants in the four special events, Acacia 5 Ma Deter T6t4a 45 1 of events aft, the talent-laden Nittanies Delta Theta Slime APi Lambda Phi 2 `Sigma NU 4 Phi Ma Delta 4, last year, , i - e to have at least one eon- Beta Theta Pi ' 2 Kappa Signsa Si ping the 'f ,r in each of the six regular iNish Game—LOU PAULIN'. Ilet• Theta ! rings. turn Ls. PL 206 Hitch Series—LOLT FACLIN. Been Theta and rope ( MSS and Tommy Seward Will PL S5O _ ifrom the pete in the all-around for 'blue S 5 ( teens !--Delts t t ralicia. 62 . gram in fast ... In addition to h 4 is all-arourid , . BASKETBALL the free exert n, Wets is also the defend- INDEPENDENT gill - rings cistern champion in the long . ,Juniper, (3-4 ) 15 Larch 11-61 r , long horse v; '.e. vault, the pastille! bars and ILindery' t 6-1 i 4SChestnut i2-lit 29, This is a I rings. Salaam. (2-61 341 Maple (5-2 l Vt sitional 10 ward, r ard, who may be Weiss' Sycamore (441' el Watts I 1241 22 p ' iiieknr, (2-4 1 , 46 Birch (0-7) 14 ! for the E,IGL ( competition in the all- Hemlock 16-I) 61 Butternut (1.61 12 the schedult 11d, is the., defending champ ' Berk" 164 I 62, Sellulnull I" 31 ; . evrnts for le free exercise. Celia. Lackawanna ( 5 -21 I Ca. Hall fft. 01 e a ' Bucks 1231 -0 . .Idtiardam II 4041 20, Y r s ow. eissi.s one of the. favorites on , Allegheny 17) 30 Mosatomery 1131 :SI championships inciuces Inc evenis,tnc. side horse and both men are Hich Scorer—JlM'MOSS. ',Hemlock 1 that were dropped from the dual-'in the running for the horizontal • TOM SILLPFER. Berks. 14 i meet "competition.: bar crown. , FRATERNITY "The flying rings, tumbling.; Penn State's Gerry - Schaefer 'Phi Ep. Pi (3-21 at shrin! - Chi (I-41 26 ' {5-2 t 22 . rope climb and tratnpolle , have , won the eastern flying rings I Al. Phi al. (64) 40 Phi Sit. Kap. Theta K I 1241 20 Al. . Six. Ph' 41-0 23 been kept on the progratir 4 , ,per-:championship last year, but did Phi Del. Th. (6-n Si Al. thl pelt ii-Al 2o• been a gymnast who starica infnot compete this year when the 1 Phi I:a. De. 16-0) 44 Si*. P. Sp. (3-0 32 A. Ga. Rho 13-41 12 P. Kati. m. tn-l'i 14 , 0ne of those events to finish his'event wes dropped from the t dual sic. _ PI 15-21 54 Ste. AL Mu (1-6) 1 2 collegiate ' career," Stare coach' meet program. _ 1 ____ . Tam Ka. Ep - 16-4's 31 Ariseis (4,3 i It' Mid weer --PETI2 DOSALLI.' Aloha Six-' 1 I Bucs' Clemente Reports To Spring Training Site , FORT MYERS, Fla_ (FE", Out fielder Roberto Clemente reported to the Pittsburgh Pirates spring training site yesterday and com plained he has stomach trouble. Team physician Dr. Joseph' Finegold diagnosed Clemente's' trouble as a nervous stomach. Dr., Finegold gave the Puerto Rican outfielder some pills and Cle-I mente worked out with the team.! 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