THURSDAY. MARCH , 1. 1962 Powers' Inquiry Delayed WASHINGTON (AP) An ap pearance of U 2 pilot Friincis Gary Powers before congression al "committees investigating his spy-plane flight over Russia was apparently delayed last night until sometime next week. The; postponement- developed when John A. McCone, director of'the,Central Intelligence Agen cy, informed the groups he would have #o put off a schedul6d brief ing. today on the interrogation of Powers. - McCONE SAID he' had not had time to complete his review of Railroad Job Curtailment Pro i iposecl - by. Cothmission • WAS ETON (AP)—A White. House commission proposed yes-I t&day a drastic overhaul of wbrk! and - pay practices on the nation'sl railroads, The 21-inan panel handed Presi dent Kenhedy an exhaustive re- I recommending methods for the railroads to—gut off many thousands of workmen it said were not needed to operate moving, trains—while meeting their in-, come loss temporarily as they, arel schooled for new jobs. . •, I THE COMMISSION agreed in 4 effect with the carriers that theY have for years been saddled with "featherbedding" require ment to keep on unnecessary workersd It said ,some 35,000, firemen on diesel locomotives .in freight and yard service serve no useful pur-1 pose, and should •be • gradually , eliminated. • The panel urged ' that the rail- anumminummtnanummuumumponnunummiumnimmnimmunmmoniunniiiitimmuniiiir E . I%lV ° -HERLOcHEK ip Supper Special (Serve:! Toes, Thur.,. Sat.? • Bar-B-Oued Chicken • Oven-Hot Pizza • Steaks • Submarines *Ofher Sandwiches Quick Delivery After 4:30• 221 L Beaver Ave, Al) 8.0518 Emuitiainnwinummintininnaniumtumumumannumumulunnunnunnunumumummuna THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA • 'Red Leader Jailed Fr ench, Algerians WASHINGTON (.oP) A man - described as the organizational T o Resume Talks secretary of the . U.S. Communist PARIS (RI Freneh and Al-, a report prepared by the special; Senate Foreign Relations' party refused to answer a grand Sian rebel spokesmen agreed board of inquiry that questioned'Committee, also interested in the. jury's questions for the secondllast night that a final round of Powers. ' 1 case, werc likewise notified of the time yesterday and was ordered negotiations to end the 7%4-year. f McCone was to have repor ., I reporteddelay. ;jailed by federal Judge Alexander old .Algerian nationalist rebellion on the investigation to a special! Powers was downed May I, , Holtzoff. will opeh soon, perhaps by the Senate watchdog committee 0n1960 while oci a photo reconnais-i But effectiveness of the order en d o f the week. the Powers case at 9 a.m. and:sanc e flight :over the Soviet Urr-,was delayed until 4:20 p.m. to- In Tunis, Algerian rebel sources the Senate Armed' Services,comion. He was: jailed in Russia on2morrow while • the ruling is an - - said French - and nationalist dele- I mittee at 10 a.m. 1 , i lespionage -charges, but exchanged!pealed. ' gates will meet Saturday or Sun- , A decision on whether to suin. l ,Feb. 10 i for Soviet master spy The: defendant is Philip Hart,L ;clay to put the finishing touches mon_Powers to appear before'the!Rudolph'Abel, who had been con- a portly, balding, 59-year-old. in an agreement ending the con committees is not planned untilivicted in the United States. ! !printer from Brooklyn, N.Y. Hel f f ici after McCone'has testified. , • Since the trade he had been un-,was released without bond. THE HOUSE Foreign' A ff a i rs ,der government interrogation at . . 1 _I , The agreement would provide , 0 "! for Algeria's self-determination ICommittee, , which had announced , a secret location. 1 - and eventual independence. 'earlier it would call Powers, an ,- , di Let Collegian Classifieds e l . .. WORK FOR YOU road industry - be allowed to ad just .to advancing technology to free itself of 19th century meth ods. THE INDUSTRY promptly ac cepted the:retommendations, but five unions representing 20,000 workers who operate trains re jected the proposals with "shock and disappointment." The unions foresaw a loss of 80,000 jobs. The unions set a series of meet ings over the hext two 'weeks to consider taking strike votes among their members. Kennedy: called on the industry and unions, however, to enter into immediate. collective bargaining on the recommendations, mindful that they have "an overriding re sponsibility to the national inter est to provide the-post efficient and safe rail transportation possi ble." CLASSIFIED AD STAFF MEETING TONIGHT' 6:30 PLEASE BRING PENS All Staff Members Must Attend CAMP WAYNE 11 Miles CAMP WAYNE • . , • For BOYS Apart For GIRLS ' Openings for Faculty. Graduate Students and Undergraduates over 20 BOYS CAMP GIRLS CAMP Watestrest. ARC Instructor Arts • Crafts Athletics _ Athletics t• Forest r 7 - G•noral ' MINK nil( 1111111/111 Crafts Nature . Natter* ' . Pltetwaphi - 'Warfront. ARC. Instructor ' P ea" Applications mailed on request . CAMP WAYNE, INC. 55 West 42nd St. New York 36, N.Y. , -,.. , - . Now Accepting Applications for SUMMER SESSIONS Accreditedir/ kg C.W. POST COTAI EGE ;ddli OF LONG ISLAND urevaturr 7 BROOKVILLE, LONG ISLAND. N.Y. TWO 5-WEEK SUMMER SESSIONS • DAY & EVENING June 2Sth to July 27th =July 30th to August 31st An exceptional blend of modern, superior educational and cultural facilities on a traditional 126-acre campus setting: this is C. W. Post College on the Ninth Shore of Long Island. one hour from midtown Manhattan. Nearby are famous beaches, sailing clubs, summer stock theatres, parks, golf courses. On-campus features include swimeting, gymnasium, riding, bowling theatre and concerts. ACCELERATE YOUR DEGREE PROGRAM UNDERGRADUATE COURSE offerings include studies In Liberal Arts and Sciences, Pre-Professional, Pre-Engi neering, Business and Education. GRADUATE COURSE offerings include studies in Biological Sciences, Education, English, Guidance and Counseling, History, Library Science, Mathematics, Murk Education and POMica, Science. DISTINGUISHED VISITING AND RESIDENT FACULTY OUTSTANDING LIBRARY FACILITIES APPLY NOW Admission open to VISITING STUDENTS from other accredited colleges. F. pesithmai kdormatiers, suonnser soutlean and aPfecolloni phone MAyfair 6-1200 or mail coupon • Director of Summer School. C. W. Post Collars. P. 0., Givens** LI.. N.Y. Masai send ma Sumner sossions Inhumation bodotin. C. P. Woman's ilasidonea Had - Q lasn's Risidorica Had 0 Undoripsousto ❑ Graduate 4a NMI/ I /Wilms yI ' I City - sus.. , vititinir student. from which coQlopf CAN KENNEDY CLEAR UP THE STATE DEPARTMENT J.F.K. once tossed a 'long winded State Department report right in the waste basket. It was his reaction to the department's endless red tape. In this week's Post, you'll learn txiw the State Department is bogged down by paper.pushing and committees. What Kennedy is do- ing to streamline the operation. And why one insider feels the situ. ation is just about hopeless. no - Saturday Zooming IK3wr M:== 0 Day 0 Evening PAGE THREE Through the Looking Glass with Gabbi Yesterday, while I . was in Ethel bleserve's, I noticed a little girl standing with her nose flat against the• window. peering into- the shop A timid, thing was she, afraid to ven ture into the world of Ethers. But this world is not just for a select few. It's for everyone. So I went outside and escorted this little one into the store. She just starred at:- all the beautiful things around her. . But don't let this happen to you. Everyone' is welcome at Eltiel Mesons's. Why'don'tyo4 stop in today? To buy or just tirs - browse. SPRING IS COMING You probably think r am crazy for saying that, but it is. I just know it. All this snow cannot persuade me ithe other way. All of a sudden Spring will just hit the campus and don't say that I didn't warn you. Coeds, when this season does come, you'll want to perk up your outfits wio,a new handbag. Straw is the thing this year. Ethel has a large selection of beautiful; and styl ish spring and summer bags. Whether you want a straw one cr one in a straw and leather embination, you can find it at Ethel Minorco's. • S. LVER CHARMS N), this is not the plural form of charm. Ethel is not selling "charm" to you coeds who want an easy way to catch the man of your dreams. But she is selling silver charms; in every shape and kind. Did you say that you don't have a bracelet on which to p u t charms? Well, Ethel has them too. For as low as $3.00, you can start a charm bracelet, with one charm on it. Then buy a :charm to signify every special: event in your life. While speaking of jewelry, Ethel Miniarvis also received a new selection of silver pins (to match your NEW• charm bracelet). Circle pint are still popular, but there are new types. For , example, a pin in the shatie of a cat is just the cutest. For you abstract ones. Mal has pins of different shapes which would , look just treat on your sweater. Come in today and pick but a pin that will spark up your clothes. Time to run. DOn't, forget- to stop in qt Ethel Vieservo's to day and while you're there, tell them Cabbi sent yoti. So long, Gabbi M M_ 112 E. Col:14w, Aye.
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