TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 27: 1.962 I Van Zandt Gains Support As Woodside Withdraws CHESTER, Pa. (')—Supe rior Court Judge 'Robert' E. Woodside last night withdrew as a candidate for the Repub lican nomination for governor in favor of Congressman James Van Zandt. Van Zandt said "it is agreeable meetingthat he had conducted a to me to become the Republican survey of the Republican political!. It was youth. versus maturity party's candidate" for governor situation in Pennsylvania and con- in the races for male star per of Pennsylvania, after learning chided the Scranton-Van Zandt forrnances. Charles Boyer of' ."Fanny" and Spencer Tracey of' that Woodside had withdrawn in ticket was acceptable. "Judgment at Nuremberg" found his favor. • ''"lt w a s agreed by those p resent themselves contending with three: GOP LEADERS FROM seven that a ticket headed by Van Zandt l newcomers _ Paul Newman for, for U.S. senator and Scranton for ; southeastern counties Philadel- "The Hustler"; Maximilian Schell, governor would be acceptable. I.. .judgment at Nuremberg"; and' phia, Bucki, Montgomery, Dela- contacted Sen. Scott and ask-' Stuart Whitman. "The Mark." ware_, Dauphin, Chester and Lan ed him if this ticket would be It was a youthful race all the caster .L-.- promptly endorsed , Van acceptable to him." Zandt, who up to now had been way with the ladies: seeking the Republican nomina- Scott, a Philadelphian who an-• Audrey Hepburn, "Breakfast at 1 tion' , for U.S. senator, on a 'ticket nounced his candidacy earlier this;,„ any , ; s Piper Laurie, "Two; headed by Woodside. , HUGH SCOTT month with the avowed purpose of , Women"; Geraldine 'Page, "Two George Bloom , State Republican getting Woodside out of the race. w • Geraldine pa t °mei% ,; • ge, "Sum chairman,... opposes Van Zandt then said he would not agree until issued a statement for , mer and Smoke"; and Natalie, 'Woodside in which he quoted the • • • the governorship was settled. . , wooa. " Splendor in the Grass." , Bloom said. , , judge: ;et by' Rep. William Scranton of .. ,"West Side Story," "Judgment "Evidencing my_ sincere desire Lackawanna County for governor' VAN ZANDT. $l, an Altoona at Nuremberg" and "The Must for ' party harmony I now an-;and Van Zandt for senator. Congressman and former national ler" were nominated for best pic nounce• my withdrawal as a can-I ~ • ,conimander of the _Veterans 'of ture of 'the year, along with two dilate for governor in favor of . —COTT DEFINITEL . Y and d . r_": Foreign Wars, originally soughtlighter amusements, "Fanny" and Congressman Van Zandt and call liberatelY stated that he wou l d the GOP gubernatorial bid. : "Guns of Navarone." upon Sen. Hugh Scott to do the not agree to anyth ing ' until ; th e It appeared: obvious from the governorship was sett l e d and then ' same if he is sincerely interestedstatements by Bloom and Wood-, ,and only then would he discuss in party unityside that only withdrawal by Scott Bloom said in a statement after't the reit of the ticket," said Bloom , i • !could avoid a primary fight. a meeting that lasted over six, "WI have justifiable reasbri to Scott has stated he would with hours that the Republican leaders be that Sen. Scott and a few draw if the. compromise can originally sought to endorse a tick- of hisjbackers are unalterably :op-Ididate is acceptable to him. Zorin Expresses Hope For Space Cooperation UNITED NATIONS;! N.Y. (UP)— Soviet Chief Delegate Valerian A• Zorin voiced hope yesterday that the corning U.N. meeting _on outer space would lay the ground wOrk for Soviet-U.S. cooperation in that field. At a news conference he cited Premier Khrushchev's eable to President Kennedy hailing John H. Glenn Jr.'s spaCe flight and suggesting that the two big pow ers pool their efforts to explore space. ;1 1 1. 41 110,: lA3HINGTON (.41 The United States and Russia wore reported yesterday to be ar ranging for simultasiosus tele vision broadcasts in both coun tries of 'statements by President Kennedy and Premier Khrush chem. The tentative, dais is March 24 or 25. Zorin, "a deputy foreign minis-, ter, said the Soviet. Union in-, tended to coopera with the' United States and all other mem bers of the 28-nation U.N. com mittee • on the' peaceful uses of outer space. He said he thought that when the committee "convened March . .•: . • . New:College-166.f .LOCAL AD STAFF MEETING , TONIGHT STAff MENBEIB ONLY 7:00 131 SACKETT THE DAILY FOLLEGINCVNIVERSITY PARE. PEN;4SYLVANIA • !Committee to Vote .... On House Roll Bill ' WASHINGTON (AP)--Howard' , E. Smith, chairman of the House' Rules Committee, said yesterday: 19, "We shall be able to work joutliis group, will probably vote to-, a program of work for this coin- morrow . on a bill to increase mem-, mittee which will make .possiblebershiP in the House of Rep- i , mutually benefiCial and advanta_ resentatives by three to a per- . geous cooperation in this field of manent roll of 438. endeavor." 1 • I The Virginia Democrat said he a • ' expects to vote favorably himself "We hope," he added, "that for the bill sponsored by Rep.' there will be proposals - f rnm , Francis E. Walter, (1)-Pa.) It prev-1 both sides, of course which'iomsly was approved by the House • would lead to a fruitful coopera-1 j ud i c i ary . c omm i ttee. tion in the field of outer spact."l The three extra House seats will: He declined to say just what.b the Soviet proposals would he given ,to Pennsylvania, Mits.. : -- sachusetts;and Missouri whose de Zorin,• ; answering a question..legations are being reduced due to: 'said thatlin South Viet Nam, i theTpopulation shifts shown by thel Americans , "ire getting bogged' census. down: in la• very disadvantageou s The Keystone State now stands' and .politically unjustified warito lose three of its present 30; which will entail very unpleasant:seats - unless the Walter bill is consequences for them." 'passed. oil Reit semtne NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED FOR BEAUTIFUL HAIR TEL. FRI - 9-2 b., W. & S. - 9-3 AD $-0548 CAMP ECHO BURLINGHAM, NEW YORK SUMMER C Will Into Women TUES., MAR. ' Must b• at v. ; I APPO • vet, po.wd to Van Zandt for any of -1 HOLLYWOOD (AP) "West lice. :Side Story" and "Judgment at "This is undisputable proof that; Nuremberg,. took top honors in, Sen. Scott is determined to folloW! the Academy Award nominations' a policy of rule or. ruin to the yesterday, with 11 mentions bitter end even if it means de-, a pi ece . struction of the Republican par- The - Hustler" followed these ty." two hard views of modern life BLOOM SAID HE told the : with nin e nominations. for BOYS , and GIRLS iew Men and for Counselor itions 6, WED., MAR. 7 - , • least T 9 yoors old INFORMATION AND . CONTACT 077/CE MD, 218 WILLMID 2 Films Lead Nominations For Oscars Let Collegian Classifieds . WORK FOR ;YOU 414 0,14. SAVE MONEY -2 articles Void after March 73 Mast preset capon with dryclesaing I coops to a customer W. H. RIMMEY • . _ • • • • i _ • • . • • ••• ••• ^•••••••" .11mmo. owe.. 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