PAGE BGHT I k,, Newly elected-officers,of 'Theta .Xi are Gene Sterner, president; -David Walter, vice president; Wil- Jiarn joluiston,,corresponding sec retary; Bruce Schaner t caterer; Jim Weaver, house ;manager; Da vid Staebler, scholastic chairman; William Martin, social chairman; ,and Robert Pech, rushing chair-, man. The new officers-of - Beta Sigma Rho 'are Howard Gleiti chancel lor; Edgar Snyder, vice Chancel lor; Eugene Chaiken,; wardeir, Steven Braun, vice warden; Bud dy Zuckerman, recording. secre tary; and Mark Schwarz, corre sponding secretary. Angel Flight initiates of last term are Ronna Bean, Judy Berg man, Judy Brunel]. Betty Carn wath, Susan Common, Cynthia Cordero, Barbara Else; Joan Fol lows, Dorothy Fransrob, Lynn Glasser, Rochelle Goulde, Jacque line Hatters, Carol McFadden, Judith Rush, Mary Lou Jennings, Kayr Little. Janet Koste, Doris Lippman, Cora Turpin, Jacqueline Weak, Carol Wenner, Sally Wood and Margaret Zerbe. • Recent initiates of Arnold Air/ Society are Paul Derstine, Rich ard 'Hinkle, Norman Byduk, Ger-1 aid_ McNelly, Edward Puscher, Craig Rumbler and Donald 'Wood well. . _ Recently elected officers of the Penn State Education Association are Barbara Greene, president; Joyce Law, vice president; Helen WANTED - - MEN AND WOMEN To Spend an Interesting Summer as • CAMP COUNSELORS - At one of the Finest Country Camps CAMP WISE • of the Jewish Coxiatunity Center 3505 Mayfield Rd. Cleveland Rte. IL Ohio • I Please arrange appointment for interview with our representative on March Istor 2nd, 1962, through your Student Placement Office. BERMUDA , i By PAN-AM • . MARCH 17 - MARCH " 1 ,• , ...5 • - T Sri , FOR! AN UNFORGETTABLE, UNINHIBITED EASTER VACATION Ca ll BARRY RREMAN - ~ . AD 74033 , THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. ifARK. PENNSVLVANIA Co-Edits Bagman, fearetairy; Darla 13orelle, treatrurer. New representathies-at-large for Nittany, Council - are Thomas Grande - and Charles Ploesch. Recently elected officers-of the Quarterdeck - , honor society are George Calnaghi, commander; Ru dolf Ralf. vice commander; Ralph Martin, secretary; • and Fred Neyse, corresponding secretary. Pew officers of the Future Farmers of America are - Richard Lorah, president; Frank Musser, vice president; Andy Chichura, secretary; Morris Oaten, treasurer; Welland Want, Sentinel; goy Johnston, reporter; and Harold Fehnel, chaplain. New officers of - the Young Democrats are Joe Wells, presi dent; Joe Tech, vice president: Helen Knshuba, secretary; and John Swift, treasurer. , New officers of Pi Omega Pi, business education honorary, are Christina Manchester, president; Norma Piercy, vice president; Clara Serfass, treasurer; Gail Far rell, secretary; and' Sandra Fran ceski, historian. New members of. Delta Mu Al pha, professional transportation fraternity, are Leslie Byeman, Sam Curry, Joe Ferranra, Dave Halpern, B:ryan Hoover, Paul Hummer, Regis Karel, Vince Sa lk°, Bill Slaappell and Bob Tward zik." • Newly alai:tad-Officers - pf Kappa Delta , Rho are-Gary Stares, con sul; /Camel , Dzvonik, aemor btme; Mark; Daniels,-junior !tri bune; Dale lErl:4-! quaestor; Paul Hummer, praetor; -and !Ted Ki janka,, rush chairman. - New offiCers of Sigma Delta Tau are Tem Wein, president, ' ; Linda Goldsmith,' first v)ce,presi .ent; Betty Jane B. second vice ',president; Lois cording secretary; and! Barbata Berger, treasurer. Cycle Si le ces Reser v ed Reserved parking- - paces for student • motorcycles, motorbikes, etc., -for which .the required park ing fee has -been paid, have been established on campus,. The areas are-now indicated by appropriate si g ns and no :PECrking ;of auto mobiles will be permitted in the spaces. The areas are the following; 41, east end; 43, west end and north of theatre arts production studio; 443 south side; 80, southeast corner; 83, southw es t corner. BIK REPAIRS PARTS ; ACCESSORIES Western Atito Batt:friction asesseed 200 W iD C;1!•911 I.vs. .• . -•• • ' • " d r ', - ' ~. • 1 : - "., . c • , : i.' , , f. , -i:t !^. : . .it ••i ''..; ':',:.,... ~ f. I - t f -.' ~•-•'. '", r '-'-; 1 i. • .:.7. ,'. z.- 4 i ,4 1 .,i ii, ;.: .i: . '• -,..: ' N; 1 *.4 ,;: , -.4.4 - ..z°36.,,1.,,, , t2.,,,,,„:477..., to please Her.. For The MIL BALL From ' ‘" 'WOODRiNCVS . Flower Gardens . 117 E..Saavar Aye. (across from Post Office) AID 11.05611 . , • Want a Aida? Las, Court? I• . • Use Collegian Cicisifietli FOR SALE BANJOS, UEFA GuitamVann En° *odd ,Ossurus--stripss, books. nude supplies. Pifer Musie•Cesittra;lleuser Pike. O EL leo 4 3441.11 I Pazi. • dear suceS4 Wedi , Phone 1- • TERDE-OCTELEViSION Seteeenairletety recandtqcoed. 1962. Zenith V.V...-1111ee, tzoale Sertkie. TELEVIBIOI4 . earavicz CENTEIC at STATE COLLEGE Ty. comm.= SCUBA Diving ChAilt. UHL la good condition., Clamp. Call Jam UN A-4661. - • - BPORTB CARE: We've got-tem. MI audits • and colors. Over 209 new and used Porsches. Alfa-Rowed' Jasuars ; ID's, TR.Vs. Realty's; and Sprite's: Volvo's; Virs; Miles; 4-wbeel drive Load Ram's. Complete fhtaneing And trade in earn :8.4-U BUY R-SUB-Z yet R 'Opts 'till 2 p.m. Writs or phone Sales 'fanner for list. 'and priors co soodels and colors interested in. European lances. Roseville ' York .• Coma', Penna. Phone Pillsbury 4281. HALLICRAFTERS S.uE. AM, SW. IleaS aboues. Played lasi than S bosun. 1125.00. UN 1-2332 after I.' EVENING GOWN, also' f. Good eondition, reasonable pike. Tall UN 1•4479. 1.149 CHiEVY. Good collation, inspeeted, 20 mpg— Will listen :to 'any tiesseruille offer. GU Tom UN 6-4611. PORTABLE ELECTRIC Sewing Rubins-- new; ordered by .nalstelc•—sll7. Seas forwards and backwards. New machine roarantoo AD 34361. REOORDS--lowori entice ts - unro. Stereo's PAP: Hi -pi . Is.'s. All popular • labels. Twixt $2.44 At Sears Roebuck .and Cons. pea,y, 230 'W. College Ave. • _ MI PARILLA_ Moterenli. $5OO. Pot tar- Iber , inforznatkon call ,I 0 94978 oftor 4:90 pan. • VERY - FINE Claimical German import; clean/et condition. we Included. Cad Al, UN 64011. SW offer accepted., ' , FOR ' RENT AVAILABLY DdIIEDIATELYa tJa fan niattd one bedroom apartment; heat !water, nava and refrigerator• turAhlhed- Lox further latomatiou tan - AD LOW. • GRADUATE STUDENTS, laPPWriattmerk— ,Cornfortable rooms with hot and cold running water or private bath. Innerspring mattresses. CENTRAL Parking. A.etorn. roodatioas to Inspect and ampere. The 123 West Nittany. 747102 or AD 7-41560. LOST =Meths return a any itittorY 20 Dotes. Lost between Willard £ Eest Nana Friday. Call Jan UN 641111. WRIST WATCH. whit* gold. Ladies Ham- Mow. Vicinity Boticiee*roormiL Reward. Jan UN 5-3011. I LOST my tunny Et* irritare Friday. Finder call Barb UN 6-31122. • THANKS FOR Worn of Din. rime aloo return sport jacket and diary. Call Jobs [Walker AD 7.7t1L BEAGLE PUP ket—brown, blaac. white. If found call Delta EPAloti AD 7-2895. 11(R.NT 1063 Clam Rini, Pia lin Delta on stone, fnitiali D.A.K. GM Don, AD &UTZ. SuctanDal ?roar& VVEDNOAY:4PEZRUAI* LlA;vvx. GIRL' •To aarnitz ipartmeatlfor aortas - terns.- Go* Weil AD 1-2688. • • VlAlfri:Di TWO wafters. CAW AD 7.402, ,atit . for: the caterer. ' • ZNEBGETICISALM&AN, put dose bark: 29 - hours &Wog risaYor - 10012. anLeil"s ilr74 k . ,72 4 7 7 BWI eretw Contact C.arotbuthiht Cogiivani. I • CAMP CHOONCT, idniamm banns Peasm. will laterriair-rmaer- CISEIMR2I far Counsellor positions is swim ming, • Red Cram inatractiaa,l ahoy, psi conservation tterestry skitl2).llstamiorar Friar; - iftenfoon. Pettus:, 28. Further information 'and appointmenta-LOl fiat of Student Aid, 218 Willard. RIDE TO Alksitinn3 Fridaj Mardi 1. Cali Dian* •AD 8-2289. THIRD MAN wanted for threli wan apart. went In Metssrer Bulb:11w far limint term. Call Jerry AD 74818. ! URGENT I RIDE TO Etnelester, Yeti. U. Call Janet UN WM. ' WANTED; ONE .CAR to rent for FAIRY and Saturday 'alights. Call . To: UN 5-4444. ' • - DEEPS:ERIS RAIMENT I Rabysittars aria: able for this weekend from' Delta phi Epsilon Sorority. Call UN 54330. • HELP WANTED f HELP WANTED•+kiteht tail ••AD 11-67.11 ask for caterer. TYPING WANTED . • TYPING—Vas% semi* mammal& Can AD 1-23315. . - - PART TIM tiplament. Collars stodeilsie. male or female. Atterriooa esti 'weskit work. 17 boors per week. Working sebedels will be arranged, to tuft elm and du* sehedule wbenerer possible. Call Mr. Kim& frr• IP a.m. • II ,p.m. AD 14451. Gahm—. VS4 per weak. • - STUD: _CST CHECK., CASHING AGICti oiren licautsy thni Tridarr- LIS - AO Saturday :304:10. CObiIKUNION BREAKFAST. Feb. 21. at 10:30 a.m., _ HUB Terrace , Ballroom A & B. Speaker Father-Joseph /41617. Tickets-207 ChaveL Byomored NeM , max Club. THESIS PRINTING. reasealable rats.. Phone AD 8-0774 cm U. 64541 after 4. SWITZERLAND. France, Italy—YOU item nee this and more this summer. . Foy details call UN 114641. ; ~. YOU CAN WEAR anything to' 'An Ringing," Feb. S 2, 23, and • 24. Tickets at BUD. Abby. • LA GALLEMA•S Wednesday Spatial Y Snathettl with Meat Sauce, Salad an 4 Guile Bread 94e, 2311 East Seaver Aver PBOC CABIN PARTY and irvernigkber. Feb. 24-25. Sign np at HUB desk. Dane. We, monies. group singing, toed. CONCERNED ABOUT, your tutu»? :At tend Pitts State Edueatkre. Assoc meet ing re& 27, 1:30, 114 Bouske. The Plano. meat Sorriest answers tour questions. "QUARTEB HORSES to Action" esior Mtn *l4ll4llns Club Umhat, 217 Willard, 7:10 T 1 . 1% • 1 oust
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