TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 20..196 , Lipp , O pposes .Standardization , t . , . `Bells' o .open iNpw' AWS Officer On Thurs day` . ; , . ay --, ! , T 4, .. . . . • • • The Penn StateThespiarte pro duction, "Bells Are Ringing.", Witt, Tar Assume Duties , open at , 8 'p.m. Thursday - in: ' .„ Schwab. Performances wd . l be: Jimis Somerville, president- r Presidenl. I wish her all po,j• Creation of a "push button" her office, Dean Lipp said. - I 'held nightly ;through Saturday,' i. luck in the future." I .. ; We always welcome concrete 4 elect. ariot four other it.ssocia :and there will be a matinee • 4 - l Also elected to the new system matching women's ju- suggestions," she said. . p.m. Saturday. • dicial _penalties with infrac-' trHE UNDERGRADUATE Stu- Tickets are On sale now at the ttion of lkomen Studetits of fi- executive council were sao icers wilt be installed at the Fejt, first vine president; tions could result in Stlidents . dent Government Congress formed Hetzel Union,desic. Prices for thei ,_ :McTavish. second vice press a committee to investigate the:evening performances' are Si,5OlAWb Senate .meOing tomor-:Vicki Caplan. becoming IBM numbers, Dor 7lnen • • secretary:. i Carole Kersh. treasurer. - f and women's judicial sys- and $1.25 for the matinee. Tickets, . , . . i rosv. i ' othy J. Lipp, dean of womer, terns and codes at its meeting will also be sold at.the dooi.. I Forty-three per cent ofi :said recently. - ~last week. The committee was. The musical 'comedy mice-mist Mis, Stinen.'ilie, junior in arts:stud undergraduate women - Dean Lipp said she opposes at- directed to make plans for the ,a on l icampus went to the mai n employee Or an answering and latter} from Muncy..was elect - tving ed Thursday, defeating Judy Al . elect the foie officers. , tempts to establish uniformity in standardization and clarification service who 'can resist invia , decisions of _ women's judicial of these. Codes. • • iherself ;n the jproblems i .of the. NANCY sophrore in chemistry from I NANCY BARNHART. 4 boards. . i DO Lawrence H. Lattman, firm's clients. 1 1 president of ? the Women`: Re; • chairman:of the Senate Sub-corn- ittsburgh. _, Most judicial * cases concern dif-' Carolyn Fishbein. sophomore lit :: il '; tion Ass.scittion. is looktng ferent people with different back-•mittee on Discipline, also plan.s - grounds, Dean Lipp said. Infrac- a study of sub-committee , proced-. "I'm tivitie.% for 'WRA. . .art education from Baltimore, Md.l Asked bout the election re- ward to a year of broadened ures,this spring, Dean Lipp said. !Judy•cast as Ella Peterson. the part,sults. Mis`r. Somerville said "It is mylhope that durina tions may appear to be the same Holliday previously played. aware of (the responsibility shat No, women's judicials decide - • __; on the surface but really involve', accompanies my pbsition. With coming vein' the Women's different circumstances, she added. -cases concerning State College laW ALLAN JUST. . in freshman-- the assistance of the other mem- reation AssOciation will be kii. - .- iinfractions or cases in which.chemistry and physics.from Ricks- bey of the executive council. I'll ened to Meet they growing : SOME PENALTIES • are recom- there is the p N ,possibility of moral-ville- .Y.,' be will portray Jeffrey, doing .my best to coordinate 'nand:: and expanding interns •mended for judicial infractions misconduct, Dean Lipp said., :Moss- a New York playwrightrwho.the views; of all the women stu- the Penn ;State endergrad but these are only recomrnenda- "These cases' are not. handled eventually falls in love with Ella. dents into one working organiza- WOMell: . MISA Barnhart 411 lit • tions, Dean Lipp said. They are by 'students in order to protect: Nancy Alinkoff, senior in sec- ti on. ,, . "We encourage both the .3(1 contained in a 11-page outline, them' and their Parents from po-ondary education from Kingston, . and the unskilled to particil "Women's Judicial Systems." ~ tential. law suits'or other pres-,is portraying Sue, the owner of - MISS ALLEN said. "AWS in all our -club and intrant , "We have delegated the author-,surest' she said. 1 - - the answering service. couldn't have a more capable activities." ity to make decisions to the As- - , sckciation of Women Students' judicial boards. We reserve only the right of review?' She has never reversed a de cision yet, she added. The. only automatic judicial penalties given are Saturday with drawals of privileges when women exceed 15 late minutes a month. Women receiving this penalty are required to sign in with their • senior residents at 7 p.m. and may neither leave the building nor entertain a date in the lounge, that evening. IF .A WOMAN forgets to sign in and is notified by a staff mem ber, she , receives an automatic 15 late minutes. , "We have made these penalties automatic because they are minor and would overcrowd judicial calendars." Review of the judicial system is a continuous process within Sevareid-- IContinued from page on United States might have to with draw its aid from some countries to 'prove it , means business. The Unij.ed_States might have to con centrate-- its assistance on ,two -or three , countries, neglecting others, he 'added, - Sevareid said that: during re cent travels, he has found some of his earlier ideas were wrong. These changes . in his. philosophy have given him a rough time, he added. He said he hi.s antagonized some friends with liberal, ten dencies and finds the right wing ers hi Congress want to hand him "adoption papers." During his „lecture. Sevareid dis cussed areas of ,public misconcep tions which need clarification:. 'Contrary to popular thought, nature seems to .have no §pecific intention of preserving Arrkrica. • •Both left and right-wing poll- Veal grouPS feel that everything wiling in the world is correctible by U.S. actions. Whenever events turn against:U.S. interests, these .extreme groups -think the fault lies in Washington. ' ' •Setbacks are actually intrinsic to the.U.S: role as a major power. Instead of tearing ourselves apart with self-criticism, we must learn to live with the setbacks. We must remember _who we are and re member that Americans; more than Marxists, set off attempts for equal.ty in the world. New College Diner Dc.,vvrtos.,n Bttw . c‘ , Tl the Mcr"rs BIKE REPAIRS • PARTS ACCESSORIES Western Auto . Satisfaction Guaranteed 2UO W. College Avis. " AD 7:70.2 THE DAILY . COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA Girl WatcheA Guide lig,C@Oal C3O Becoming a specialist Experienced girl watchers, for 'AN= routine wat ch ing has lost some of its excitement, Often betome specialists_ (This is definitely not recommended for beginners. How ever, it may be practiced as = change-of-pace by more advanced students.) They may spend an entire Acid trip concentrating on one part of a girl. This tends to step up WHY BE AN AMATEUR? JOIN, THE AMERICAN SOCIETY L OF- GIRL WATCHERS NOW! - • saca'asnmsiensmo CARD. Visit the editorial office of this publication fora free membership card in the world's only society devoted to discreet, but relentless, gist watch ing. Constitution of the society on reverse side'of card. Ills ad based cmi•tbe book, - The Chi Watcber's Doltle." Teats Copyriatt by Donald J. SUICTI. Drawtnis: Copyright by Eldon Drdttd. iteprizzarby perminioe ot Harper Brotbers. • & cs. 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