TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20: 1912 _ •.. . , . , ißockweliDelays;Beta Sigma Omitron,- . , • Lewisburg Talk ~. _ 1 , • , • . IReq-- . uests. Local Status , . - Lectures ' Engineering Week Until Sunday The group Cif coeds who were dent Affairs. This committee is A talk and film on Land-Grind The Society of American Mili- formerly affiliated with Beta'scheduled to meet sometime this, 'Frescoes will be presented by Dr. tart' Engineers and the Engineer-' 'Harold E. Dickson bt - 7:30 ~pim..:ing Architecture Student Coun- Cold weather and the possi- Sigma Oniicron. national sorority, week. in the HUB assembly room. J .cil are jointly sponsoring the Na-'bility of ,snow forced a one week:_are petitioning to become offical-, . THERE IS A possibility. Dean i ' i • . ' .;tional Engineering Week Display.'postponement of a talk scheduled /2'. bythe.university recognized • Lipp set& of a small interested Fred W. Kniffin. associate•p - o- This display is on exhibit: from Gamma -Colony.- a local sorori - •group of coeds combining with thoe for Sunday 'by, George Lincoln !as ty, lessor of marketing,-will speak on: 8 amt. to 5 p.m. daily until Fri-'R oc k , -." former members of Beta Sigma I well. head of'' the American, Deim of Women Dorothy .I . omicron in the new Gamma the "Use of Computers in Making 1 :lay at Hammond Museum. i 'Nazi party, in Lewisburg. Business Decisions" at the second! ; ; ge------- , • - Lipp: explained that the purpose Colony. . rushing smoker of . Delta Sign* WDFM,WMA, J 'Focus' 1 In announcing the -postpone-iof the petitiOn . is to enable the . This would mean, she explained, Pi, professional . business fratert! "The 'Residence Cominunit ,: ment," Rockwell added that mostfgroup to !remain an organization that the new group could absorb nity. The meeting will be held S of the persons .at - - his Arlington, on campus and to give .it a name. at 7:30 p.m. at• Pi Kappa Phi, • -. i . Pro will be the to lc of dis- : • • P, , Va., ' headquarters appeared to • 4 ._. :all the assets of the former beanch , ..- She 'said there are financial of the national sorority. 409 E. Fairmount Ave., • cession 8r9:25 tonight on 'Focus' ,becoming down with the flu. ; •9, •- • • 1 a WDFM-WMAJ radio broadcast.; •" * ' assets, sUch as a bank account.: In discussing the chances or Dorothy J. Lipp, dean of Women' the new colony joining a national f He said his •present plans are to furniture and savings bonds which Donald Jewark, Sylvania .Elec- will discuss the philosophy goals :ask for a renewal of the permitAhe gi-oui4 must dispense with be- group. Dean Lipp- mentioned two tries Products Co., Will sp . eak on and- educational aspects of coin,' to use the Lewisburg post office bore, (*banding- ' ;possibilities. t. "Microwave Magnetrons" -at he mun it-, ) living. Robert Miller and steps as a speaking platform and • THE GROUP received pgrmiS:: Electrical Engineering Semi r, 1.1 Steve , Howard will be program'if•granted, he plans to speak this lion 'front the Senate Committee sAll of the national' sororities which are now on campus aro 4 p.m., 207 Electrical Engineering. ma d era tn rs. - , . 'Sunday it. 2 p.m. . ! 'on Student Affairs - to withdraw its • • ,- • . . _ . lenic 'Congress. Dean Lipp 'said, • • He said he didn't expect any national charter at the end of the' members of the National Panhel- The • "Pro Posed Communication Other Meetings i, trouble- in getting the permit spring term. Onezweek•after the. She added that there is only one Satellite" system Will be the theme Camera Club. 7:30 p.m., 2181 remaining member of NPC' that of a movie and talk at the Amtv- Student Council, 6:30,""1 be H ijar .. s i n i ewed. The topic of his speech cirganization was notified. Education . isn't on this campus whieli is can Institute of Industrial En i-. " Tyranny at Bucknell.!' the national president arrived on, of waiting p.m..215-216 HUB veering meetingat 7 p.m., in, 05. • . • I The Nazi, leader first attempted.campus. and instead 'eligible to be accepted by the Mechanical ,Engineering.nfil the 'end of the year. the de ,Mil Ball; ticket sales,. 9. a.ni.-s:to speak 'at Lewisliurg .Feb~ Feb. 4. , activation took place immediately. - - . • •• • . , ' p.m., HUB desk without a speaking platform and . - IN ORDER TO he accepted by ' 1 USAF Recruiting Representative, loud speaker system. Before get- The Sedate Sub-Committee on Dr. Hal Reede, professor oft.the University there must be no 9:30 a.M.-3:30 p.m., HUB ground Ling started hewas booed and Organizational Control. heard the : economics;will speak at the fl oor written discriminatory clause in ~ open! , jeered out of town. . . petition list week, Rut Alex Black, meeting of Alpha Kappa Psi, butsi-:Parillel; 4:30 203 HUB p.m., Commenting on the possibility chairman` of the committee. de- ~ the organization's consititution.. ness administration professioOe e i , The_other possibility, Dean Lipp Sruoch . of Arts Lecture, 7 ' p.m . of this situation- oreuring ag' ain • (lined to irommunt on its ternill- said, is . a new national ' sorority fraternity, at 7:30 p.m. at Alpha; HUH assetriblv room' Sigma Phi fraternity. i . ..' ithis Sunday, he said he did not mendation. , forming in the New England' • • • . 'Science -Fiction Society, 7 p 1T1..1 think there would be any trouble. Black. Said the sub-committee states. The group's - main policy • , 214 HUH 1 'His headquarters had expected is only a tecommending body and is to accept members of any race Dr. Elton Atwater, professor and ! Sophomore Class Advisoryßoard.!,a crowd of about 15,000 to attend that cis recommendation will now religion or creed. Dean I.ipp ex head of the department of poliiti-: 7 p.m.. ;212-215 HUB 1 cal 'science, will speak on the WUS. 7:30 p.m.. - 217 HUB had the talk been given- this past go along With the group's petition plained. She said she felt this - Sunday. • United Nations to 4 the- Centre t - ----------___-------1.-----_____ . - *-_-_______-_---__ tn th(. Sate Committee on Stu-croup is worth watching. County chapter of the Rese ' , e i Officers Association at '5:30 p. I n The.dinneir meeting will be h Id •at the VFW Home in State C l iege., , i ' TODAY ON CAMPUS • . • Snow Pelt s , Natlon; Skips Pennsylvanta Pennsylvania escaped a majlor snowstorm over the weekend, but a large portion of the nation did not. - I Heavy snow fell from the Dakotas to new England aid average accumulations range frqm 6 to 18 inches. Some sections bf South Dakota report more thn 30 inches of new snow. As the storm responsible or the heavy snows passed north, of here yesterday: some sleet and freezing rain', was observed.' Colder weather 'and snow flurries were expected in the wake of the storm last night. Today should be mbstly clout;Y, windy and cold with a fewssnow flurries. A high of 30 is expected. ' Partly coludy and cold weather is indicated for tonight and 4- morrow. Tonight's low should near 20, and a high of 34 is, likely tomorrow Why Can't You Remember A-noted publisher in Chicago ieports there is a simple tech- 1 , *que-for acquiring a powerful! mory which can pay you! l dividends in both business land social advancement and 1 w ots like magic to give y t o z ] ' necessary self-con dence and greater popularity According to this publishe r any people do not r ' Ow much they could influences them simply by remembering, Ccurately everything they see A ear, or read. Whether in busia esS, at social funCtions or even casual conversations With , ew a cquaintances , there are ays in which .you can domi-{ to each situation by your ility to -remember. s ',To acquaint the readers o ifis paper with the • easy-to ollow rules for developing skill ' remembering anything yod oose to'l remember, the pu ' ers haVe printed full detai . their self-training meth ..a new book, 'Adventures in Memory," which will be mailed 'free to anyone who requests iti No obligation. ' Simply send iyour request:. to: ' Memory! Studies, 835 Diversey Par k way, Dept. 3757, Chicago 14, 1 11l IA post&rd will' do: - 3 4. NE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA: Coming Saturday E4ening, May. 3 r 7 -1 7- ; ' 1 , - , , • , • ; ' 1 14 t 7 t I 1_ i 1 ! 1 t , :i: t . ' 4 :.• : ~,.:. r., "' .... . 1 ' ' t ~ . ,c- 1,1 ~• ".'"' ,A.', :1.3 . . '6O - ~ •1 :: i 1 •® TICKETS GO ON SALE $1.25 Jazz Club Members Liin's Den Booth • t', 1" . , ,ett u , 4 4f .ti t b 1 • 4 *l " it; ll ,lA • • r , HUB Desk 1 7:30 P. M. in Comfortable SCHWAB AUDITORIUM !`he Fenn State Jazz Cit HORACE SILVER -and 'His Quintet NEXT MONDAY $1.75 Non• Members PAGE FIVE -,1 - ,t presents .Nittany News
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers