PAGE TVJO- Strikers Riot in Guiana GEORGETOWN'. British Gui-,here last week of Queen Eliza ana (AM—Demonstrators strik-I , beth's husband, Prince Philip, on tour. . la ing against the leftist Guiana gov2ihig So uth America ernment clashed with police and for Bri e tisl7 4l 'llrreejl7latanntS called set fire:to the center of this South a general strike called Monday American colonial capital yester-"against his. government's heavy day. ; tax program erupted into vio . Britian quickly dispatched a,imre• warship and airborne troops from' Defying a government ban the West Indies to•help put down,on demonstrations, thousands of the uprising. strikers paraded through the city. Threie pe r so ns w e re .• re p o rtecufi*hting several pitched battles killed in clashes with police. ;with police, who tried to disperse Anti-riot forces fired into the them with tear gas. - - mobs after first using tear gas OPPOSITION LOWERS Forbes on_ them. ;Burnham and Peter D'Aguiar led DISCOPtiEn i WITH• leftist's crowd of 20,000 demonstrators Premier Cheddi Jadan eruptedi through a police cordon around into demonstrations that • got , Parliamerit buildings. world attention during the visit An ugly situation also developed U.S. Nazi leader Plans lo Talk In Lewisburg Again Tomorrow George Lincoln Rockwell, head of the American Nazi party will pay a return visit to Lewisburg tomorrow. He was jeered out of town Feb. 4 when he attempted give a speech. As of late yesterday afternoon, Lewisburg officials did not know if the Nazi leader was .definitely corning. The only communication he had made with them was It request to use the post office steps to speak. This was granted by postmaster Gregg Johnson. A spokesman at Rockwell's headquarters -in - Arlington, Va., told the Collegian last night that Rockwell was definitely planning the trip. He said Rockwell was slated to speak at 2 p.m, from the Third St. .entrance to the post office. Un lbce his first attempt. Rockwell will use a loud speaker system. Saig:gon Tour— (Continued from page one) their actions The British note was a reply to' a Soviet complaint of Jan. 10 blaming the United States for turning South Viet Nam into a military stronghold. Britain and the SoViet Union' served u co-chairman of the 1954 Geneva conference that split Viet Nam New Co!lege Diner r a FINGER ill EXERCISE TONIGHT 8 p.m. -CENTER STAGE PENN STATE PLAYERS Stub WEIIIMAY "SPARTACUS" THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY . PARK PENNSYLVANIA About 50 followers are reported to be coming with him. When asked if the Nazi group expected any trouble this time, the spokesman said that he be lieved that most people wanted to hear Rockwell talk and would be quiet. BIKE REPAIRS PARTS - - ACCESSORIES Western Auto- Satisfaction Guaranteed 200 W. College Ave. AD 7-7 M I • _ -- COLLEGE STUDENTS ' Part Time ~. .. l5 Hours weekly to do promotion . . - and advertising for the Min-Max , • Teaching Machine ...-. Afternoon and. Evening Hours 'Only : Salary- $4O . Call Mr. Carroll —AD 140tif The School of the Arts presents "THE SAVAGE EYE" WINNER OF . THE GRAND PRIZE AT THE EDINBURGH FILM FESTIVAL. THE ROBERT FLAHERTY AWARD AND CITED FOR SPECIAL ACKIEVEMDIT AT THE VENICE FILM FESTIVAL. JOSEPH STRICK, Co-pioducer and Co-director of the film, will give an informal talk entitled 'Urn Maker -1962" after the showing of "The Savage Eye" Everyone invited. Pie - Admission Charge. TlM:l4etzol Union Building Ballroom WEDNESDAY, fEIIitUARY 21, 1962 outside the city's electric Power plant where a mob clashed with riot police. Police fired tear gas 'shells. Two persons were repo injured. Brig . Derek listPr of Britain's Caribbean command was flying from Ningston, Jamaica, at the bead of a company. of about 150 men of the Royal Rtunpshire Reg iment. THE BRITISH EILTENSE Min istry in London announced that two additional companies from the East Anglia Regiment em barked ori Royal Air Force trans ports and a chartered airliner in England and were due Saturday. The British frigate Trouhridge already is in the vicinity and a smailih re ßritish about 30 mill's- outside Georgetown. The immediate cause of the strike is an austerity program which imposes compulsory sav ings on all monthly incomes over 20 Pounds—ss6—to raise an ad ditional government budget of 6 million -West Indian dollars-43,- 480,0(10. TODAY Ihru TUESDAY "MOST DELIGHTFUL COMEDY IN YEARS" AUDREY HEPBURN libs. t anwir iraiL.- Asa= 4 %MEMO' Yeaturn TODAY at 1:30 -3:30- 5:311-7:313-9:30 TOMORROW at . 2: 20 -4:30 4:50-9:00, 7:30 p.m. "WESTING. SOMETIMES *NOM DIG I:armful dioter of efooorotic visodseludois. An seam •ea Iwo. Lid then be no doubt that tbeir ate estistd It- Is trout the ecessistratioa el the Mogssedies feces of Lc* AsePdos that - rim. &me. Ere foreelor —want. Now Togir.:Thoos. • • ~ ! . , ~ . MI G's , End- .Berlin flights BERLIN (AP) —= Soviet MlGslwhich the Soviets had‘olainted for ters 1 failed tolshow up yesterday for ad-'exclusive use of the Hamburg. vertisedi exercises in, the Ham- Berlin lane at levels up. to 7.00. burg-Berlin air corridor and an feet. ' - informed -source said the Soviets A message from the Soviet offi indicated they would drop their cer in the four-tower Berlin Air 19-day-old harassment tactics. Safety Center gave tie irreprsaion Bad Weather may have tempo- that the Soviets are cat ' off the rarily grounded the Red figh whole thing. an --,. ' .., _, - =ace t their) East German bases. But said. Weaern •airliners and military On the other. i Soviet Em planes droned in and out as usual bossy spokesman in East Berlin despite 1 gale winds and driving indicated the Soviets still stood on ram. 1 , their claim to be able -to make were Ito reports of any block bookings lof air space in rcraft sighted during the each of the three 2 -male wide Pao am. to 12:30 p.m.'--:-(corridors whenever they iris& Soviet P(ri • • —LIFE magazine THETA Saturday 9:00 -1: Music by "THE SCREAMING' EMT" Frosh Only "SOLID ENTERTAINMENT AT THE ~.....1r.:.::,.4:.:.0:.: , ; :.:,i • NOW SHOWINGj YOU WILL ENJOY nap MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE "A FINE PICTURE . . I SALUTE IT1" . The New Yorker , I "POIGNANTLY MEANINGFUL DRAMAI" N.Y. Times • A Most Mature Motiati . Piclmi • . . • HE - 1 rLIK--4,3%.,.. 1 Maria Schell Stuart Whitman Rod StaisPr TODAY AT I:50 • 4:25 • 7 :0Q.•120 SUNDAY AT 2:10 • 4:40 • 1:45 • :00 .4- • •-• • ....... , - A RIOTOUS NEW TWIST In the ART OF GENTLE PERSUASION; •Ip ow, v'-e—.4 0 Begins WEDN SATURDAY. FEBRUARY Ti. 1962, N.Y. Post N.Y. WORLD TELEGRAM ALA° PLAIIt Ileac iktt Dams Diet !Ow RANI "Do? COMET BACK' XK NE or lc) aEs
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