PAGE TWO . . , • ~ Berlin Corridor 13Lizzing -, ,, EILZABETHVILLE. Katangiikratification of the Kitona aeree-: An immediate end ., d to militar yPr tern alining CalgtS Wes the Congo (AP) The Katangament. That was the poet he made ` bons against Katanga and a, Parliament decided yesterday tolwith Congo Premier Cyrille Aden- pledge by the Congo government! . . i W,ASHINGTON (A,—The West- nesday in th Hamburg-Berlin acid end its secession from the Congo:11a just before Chirstmas to ertd,that it will renounce the use of 'ern Allies warned Russia rester- Hanover - Berlin corridors, . the —on several conditions. AmongiKatanga's 11l months of secessiondinternationai forces to settle in- day!she is running grave risks in MIGs roceltfor four hours In the other things, it demanded that the Tshombe made the agreementiternal problems; . buzzing Berlin air corridors. They 26-mile-wide channel between Congo government take a strong4after two weeka et fighting in; •Portfoliosfor Katangans in the held the Soviets "responsible for isolated Berlin and Frankfurt. .1 stand against communism and'Elivibethville between his gendaricentral government consistent the consequences, a any - incidents W es t ern a i r tra ffi c, what it called the machinations of merie and . U.N. troops. with the political and economic which' nught occur." . civilian and military, droned in- , and out as certain imperialist countries. Since then, Tshambe his an-i importance of th e and at authorities said alerting usua L - J . U .S, i The assembly, which hat beennounced that all foreign mercen-l ]east equal in w tto those h eld measures have been taken for the debating the question off and on cries in his forces---one issue over' by former fo ll owers of the , late safety of Allied aircraft flying the The air control center it the since Jan. 11„ took action in alwhich the fighting raged—havelPatrice Lumumba. Tshombe`sPe- Berlin- corridors in view of ,the last of the Berlin four-power alien= storm four-hour session at whichlgone. U.N. sources say that as Larici fically wants the defense minis- buzzing by Soviet jets. - cies in which the : Soviet Union . . ! PresidentMolise Tsbornbe chargedias they know, that is true. try for Katanga. i While specific , measures *ere still partici p ates. the U.S. State Department wa s IT AP D that Katangal *Cessation of ail hostile acts not: disclosed, it was ; understood Western authorities, in; reject- . "in the grip of voracious finan- th e Leop old v il le government and l and interference in ICatang,a by that one measure is to keep fight- ing their dmands. have made a dere ,tthe United Nations , and :with- er craft ready to fly into the cog- point of routing Western Mies at , tare closer to getting together than' A ....... 1 ...• U . N . .,% ; 4 ..„,..,. „ I _ THE FINANCIERS, he any time since Katanga seceded l' s ` ''' s `-''' ''''' /° P` an '*—lncitPra at a moment's notice should altitudes the _Soviet wanted to want to make Katanga their cola- in July 1960 in the Congo's first 'accused of committing atroc iti es an Allied plane get into trouble. monePnlieel 4 ny and eliminate Matanga copper - month of independence. lin Katanga. I ' ' ! BOG JETS buzzed Allied planes from world suarkets• Besides' , : stand against Commit- . in the Berlin-Frankfurt lane yes-, .The legislators were called into i nism and imperialists, the assem-jSCOff Enters GOP Race terday for the second straight day', session by Tshornbe to considerably demanded: even as U.S., British and Frenc h embassies in - Berlin complained to' the; Soviet Foreign Ministry in; Moscow. i Following buzzing tactics Wed- Congo Unity Terms Set Dim Prospects Seen for last-off CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) Gloosni weather forecasts last night raised the possibility that astronaut John H. Glenn Jr.'s takes& int* orbit may suffer a 10th postponement this time instil nest week. But Project Mercury command ers still 'hoped against hope to seal Glen:Cp . :trace capsule Weal- Me skyward this morning. Bow evet. the weather outlook was alesaribeli as "less optimistic" than it was yesterday morning. Glenn still was taking it all cahnly.'The National Aeronautics And Space Administration quoted Glean is saying of the delay: "I can't get particularly shook up." COL. JOHN A. POWERS. Mer cury astronaut spokesman, said that if the great adventure does not get under way today between 71a a.m.. and 12:30 p.m., Eastern ' ' Standard Time there is a parai-I bility it might be put off four or five days. However, e decision awaited further weather reports and checks later last night. One weather development that worried officials was a possibility of thick clouds over the launch area, here. This would be bad. because it would spoil optical tracking of the great Atlas mis sile as it lifted Glenn's capsule New College Diner in, • *h./ T.1:30-3:30-S:3O-7:30-9:30 "Gayest Comedy in Yeats!' giiil A r U IF D E 1- Rii ine ~ HEPBURN glitters in IMEIKEIST MlNFBffiniS ILSIROSIfffei '~a ' AIM= THE DAILY COLLEGIAN UNIVERSITY PARK PENNSYLVANIA toward orbit. The ninth scrub, ordered early yesterday. resulted from a 54-mile gale roaring across - the central Atlantic where Glenn's ca ps ule would ' land in event of an emergency. FINGER EXERCISE LAST 2 WEEKS FRI. -SAT. pm. ~tttuutttetttmaf+fntttattttttttmttmtutuumutttmttntttttttuattuttnttttte PC)-iNI HOP POIIOCIZ 30c-50c Pollock Floc hem NOW SNOWING at I:5O-W:254:004:30 P.P. in ONE OF THE YEAR'S 10 BEST FILMS!" 1 MARIA SCHELL • STUART WHITMAN • ROD STEIGER in `IHE MARK"Ia Cinema Scope with BRENDA DE BANZIE For Gybernatarhsi Spot PHILADELPHIA (AP) Sen. Hugh Scott announced his candi dacy yesterday for the Republican nomination for goverpor,of Penn sylvania He said he did se reluctantly, [but with determination ."for the good of our party.% He vowed to (give the state "better and more Peconomic government free of ! boss control." CENTRE STAGE PENN STATE PLAYERS with Mr. Z f ilillany Councils THIS FRIDAY EVERY FRIDAY "A FINE PICTURE!. . . SALUTE IT!" - The New Yorker "POIGNANTLY MEANINGFUL DRAMA!" N.Y. Times "A MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE!" World Tit" Warn - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED r N.Y. Daily News "GENERATES DRAMATIC POWER!'" Herald Tribune "SOLID ENTERTAINMENT!" Most Mature bkl:s Pictural 8-12:30 —TIME Magazine —N.Y. Poet N.Y. Post Tryouts for . . . The University R FEBRUARY 22 Prise, Poetry, or If mori information is wanted: Michele Ohrman. prea. UN Mrs. Nesbitt. Speech Dept. • WEST 'HALLS' RECORD HOP 6 FRED "Bell Ring FRIDAY FEBRUARY 16, 1462 Brazil Isb Start 45 Prsieds RIO . DE JANEIRO. Brazil (R) —Prime Minister Tancredo Neves. has approved 45 projects coating SSU million to be carried out in Brazil itadfir the Alliance' for l'eavess program. 349 Sparks 3:30 p.m. des, read.S of your favorite coyEs AWAY FREE TICKETS T 8:00 12:30 dens contact -2934 5-7492 FREE iRiE • 1 . 4 ,
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