THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1962 AWS Will. Conduct ICCB Hears final Election Today First Draft !Of Survey • •. Judy Allen, sophomore in 'chemistry from Pittsburgh, aud Janis Somerville, funior.iu arts and letters from Muncy, go before the voters today in their bids for the Association _ Of Women Students presidency.' • Balloting. for AWS president, first and second vice presi dents, secretary add treasurer will take place from 11 am. to 2 p.m, and4:3o le , 7 p.m. at polls located In each residence area. Commu ters and ' town women may vote in_the Hetzel Union Buildingliorn 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. today.. THE HUB POLL will also be open to , any women students pre senting their matriculation cards and meal tickets , Candidates for first vice 'presi dent are Barbara Feit, junior in business administration from Great Neck, N.Y., and Merle Ste.ns, junior in arts and letters from Philadelphia. The first vice president has, two responsibilities, according• to the AWS constitution. She presides at meetings in the president's ab sence and coordinates community council activities by chairing the Comiriunity Councils Board. • TWO CANDIDATES each for the Offices df second vice presi dent, secretary and treasurer were selected in primaries on Tuesday. Burgling for second vice presi dent are Judy Duquette, fresh man •in education from Alexan dria, Va., and Lynn McTavish. sophomore •in home economics froin West Chester. ,Vicki Caplan, sophomore in re- Board Opens CollegiakApplications I , Applications for the position of( The , board will interview can editor and business, manager of didates in April. ' shoul be suit- Tie Daily Collegian from May 20, t r t r e Charles Applications 11. 5 1 3r 0w d n, s . ecr b et m axy 1962, tb .May -.' 20, 1963 , will be,o received by the Boaid of. Directors 213_ egie. Of Colliigian Inc.i.4intil March 1. Candidates must submit a tran script ,of their scholastic record and a - letter stating their qualifi cations for the position sought. The letter should cover journal istic experience, employnient rec ord, reasons for seeking the 'posi tion, plans for directing the tonal or business operations of the newspaper and campus activ, Wes.- • Only persons currently enrolled in' the Urtivesrity and in good academic standing will be con sidered. New College Omer •c A ", New York to London, June 24; Paris to New York, July 23. Observe 'first bead the paltural, pol kal, social, and religious seen In London, Amsterdam, Remo, kra4 lemma, and Pads. Hear lectures by leaders of each country visited UN ' all indult& travel undium A choice (optional) of extension "A" or '3" is aixilable for an additional $l5O. Extended trips Irwin& Nice. Monaco. - Basel. Heidelberg. Bonn and Frankfixrt. Contact: Clifford Neon .„ Pa, 211 Eisenhower Chapel , - Phase 11111 54548 - SPONSOREDifT THE COMMIT' E o!lNTrit-BELIGIOI7IS WAIR2I By KAY MILLS habilitation' education from Pitts bOrgh, will oppose Shannon Klug, sOPhomore in medical technology ttfom Pittsburgh, in the contest for secretary. Nominees for treasurer are Joan Adams, sophomore in liberal arts from Pittsburgh, and Carole Hersh, sophomore in elementary and kindergarten education from Short Hills, NJ. There was a 26 per cent voter turnout in Tuesday's primary. Carial Tomlinson and Linda Uram, elections commission co-chairmen, anticipate a higher percentage today because Candidates for president and first vice president will appear on the ballot. THESE POSITIONS were not included in the primary Ilection because there were only two can didates for each of fice.ll Constitutionally, the AWS pres ident presides over all meetings of the AWS Senate and•executive council: She also has the power to call special meetings and acts as official liaison between AWS and the- dean of women's office. Marla Stevens, present AWS President, said. , Your date will remember Mil Ball Weekend for the reit of her life, if YOU remember to order a, caring& • for bei. You'll find the , best prices and service at Bill McMullen's. Order her corsage today! BILL ~.. -I. :....:.•,..:..:.:• ULL .ti.H.! .-.:_ THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PANE PENNSYLVANIA The Centre County Building anditunnel, located near - N. Atherton .Construction Trades Council ex- St and Pollock Rd : I The council hiaa charged IPects to "'Minim picketing at tbe lßush is - break" down ' o t hat I Garfield Thomas Water 'Tunnel:conditions is the Centre wcat'atlttunti, I - until we can sit down with Mr. area. :Bush and discuss the problem with' Yesterday was the third day the ihim," Sidney G. Willer , sec retary - council has assigned pickets to . . The Prelmumn7 - que 9 tionnairet u council, of the ' said yes-,the tunneL for student evaluation of the 'foutterday. - 1 Willer *Ls* said the situation 'term e - term system was presented to thel W. Floyd 'Bush, a Martinsburgmight never have arisen ' if • Bush Council Bo a rd rt .:electrical and general contractor.' had attended a meeting last month ____ . is doing modernization and im- which the council had scheduled c Icently by Warren Long, nem•,provement work at the water!with him. IP h Ys - Council representative ~. . , Long said the questionnaire is ei„,,,,,f;,, 18. or Snoopy , Wizard of Menlo Park still' in a rough form. A copy:—"*'' Thomas A. Edison, 'Wizard of ...: of i t was d i str ib uted to each o f, You've Seen them many times, the and now you can vote for ,your;Menl° Park". Was issued 1 . 097 '.4 the council presidents to ~ s t r i p ip atents—the largest number over-:rt. favorite ' Peanuts comic iback to their councils for susses itions f or c h ange .and approval. character' in a contest to raise mited to one inventor ...„,„„„,for the World university ' __________ THE ou r sn ommultE is de _ ~,.,.....-y ..or we • :signed to - determine student Se rv ice- ; - I !opinion of the relative merits of Students may cast their ballots ; the term system as compared to , — a penny a vote —in Waring, the semester system. Long said., dining hall. There will be a jar, :ICCB also hopes to get student labeled for each character. The views on the length of time be 'contest is being sponsored by the' tween classes, possibility of extra Religious Affairs Committee in time for final exams, holidays.'Wfst Halls. ;vacations and type of examina-' sys- ; USG Rules Committoo— I tions best suited to the term Item, he added. . (Continued from page one) ' The completed questionnaire on last week's agenda , but were ;will be distributed to approxi- not discussed at that time. j mately 1,700 students by mail: A PRO,POSAL to invite Presi-; 'during the second week of the dent Enid A. Walker to speak at' :spring term, Ervin Hill, ICCB a USG meeting is schedled to be; ,chairman. said. presented by Bruce Harri.:on, TIM :In other business the board di e -'representative. I cussed the possibility of a con: Harrison's proposal calls for stitutional change to increase its, Walker to address the Congress . membership to 20, to provide forion the four-term plan and ont two representatives from each 'plans for the expansion of the college council im,tbe heart Th e University's facilities. r questionnaire will again .be con-,.6.„4 e.,„, w ' .. sidered at the . ext ICCB meeting."'" '"'"' food 8/t it after the presidents have had an; Pi Lambda Phi fraternity and., opportunity to discuss it with: Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority col-i their individual councils. lected 239 cans of food for the! HILL ALSO -said that 28 ac-:Yled Cross at their "Can-can jam ceptances from • Business firnui!nV" Saturday night. 4 I ._ have been received for the board's;l Career Day exposition to be held! May I and 2 on the first and, ground floors of the Hetzel Uniont building. ICCB has invited rep resentatives from all areas of in- F , dustry to answer questions from!' students in any college. Hill said. 130 East Caner Stcrte Coilimp, Pennsyt SATLANTIC BY AIR Council Plans Continued Pkkefing FINGER EXERCISE LAST 2 WEEKS FRI, -SAT.. 8 ' Pm' fng up steam. If It succeeds, the Bible will be removed hem court rooms. Public school prayers will be banned. And IN GOO liorf, TRUST will be taken off our coins. In this week's Post, fhtty Graham speakS out apinst this trend and bads why he thinks atheists play into Communist hands. IS* Solonloy trousboir CENTRE STAGE PENN STATE PLAYERS \„„ PAGE THREE PI( r naming Wawa mou si 1011.
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