PAGE TWO Shelter Survey To Begin Soon By DOROTHY DMSHER A survey of campus buildings which could be used as fallout shelters will begin "in the middle or latter part of next week," Stanley H. Campbeil, vice. Presi dent for business administration, said yesterday. University officials met yes terday with officials from flltl3- Singer, engineering consultant firm, which is conducting the sur vey both on campus and in a 10- county area in this region. EVERY BUILDING on campus ' will be investigated by the 8-man survey team, Campbell said. This does not necessarily mean that, they will enter each building, he added, since some buildings can be investigated by looking at drawings of them. Each building must meet cer tain specifications, one . . being that' the building can accommo date and protect SO people ade iguately, Campbell said. 'Oth4 -considerations will be the type of construction, the number of floors, the material used be tween Mons (wood, concrete, etc.) and the size of the central core (classrooms, halls. etc.) of the building, Campbell explained. FORMS WITH this• informs- I lion and other details must be' completed for each building on' carrima.. • The job otsurveying this cam pus, Campbell said, is. more _ex tensive than most of the teem conducted, since there are more large buildings on campus thim mittnuntrutunstimmunnummiln • PO—NI HOP poetta C,„„cit, r• - • • 3118-lik _ Pone& Roc Room esnonnmimmirmomusammetuntummintutimminemimmininti Secretary of Commerce LUTHER H. HODGES "A World of Cmni,efitipn" 3 o'clock, SinQay AftEnncon P- Schwob Auditorium TICKETS blow Available at Main Desk, - HAW Union Iloaaing. - Free to Students, $125 to General Public.. The Pennsylvania State University leiture Series in any other specific area in th county . University officials beside s! Campbell attenchog the meeting were Walter H. Wiegand, direc tor of the physical plant; Otto E. Mueller, director of housing and, food services; Col. William G. Pelton, director of security, and J. William Wilson. administrative assistant to Campbell. WRA Voting Regulations Regulations for voting in the Women's _Recreation Association elections were explained last. night by Barbara Newman, presi ent of -WRA. Freshman women may vote for{ lall offices, and upperclass women, ',may vote for all bUt the office !of freshman representative. I; Upon presentation of her ma triculation and activity cards. a woman student will receive two ballots. one for Association, of Woman Students candidates and One for WRA candidates. She will then sign a register. This is to prevent a person front voting more than once, Miss Newman said. Primary eleitions 'for both AWS and WRA win be hel4....Tuesday, and final eleetions,—Thuay. Ag College Given Grant A contribution of $2OO has been made by the Pennsylvania Pest Control Association to the John Vogel Memorial Fund for -support of pest control research in the Col lege of Agriculture. - - uilinillllllllllllllUlllllllllllllUlllllllLt ANOTHER THIS FRIDAY EVERY FRIDAY spooks: on THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVBI f SITY PARK. P 114 M ROTC Repori No report concerning the Lib eral Arts faculty proposal for voluntary ROTC program will ready for presentation to the Uni- ; Senate for at least six months, Joseph G. - Etnybaek, chairman of the Senate Commit- tee on - Military Instruction, said I ! y A t At e informal meeting held Tuesd y evening Dr. Robert G. Bernreuter, speek . assistant ta . the President for ,Student Affairs, said that the Rain proposal had gone to the committee and would possibly be ready for presentation to the Senate by, their March er. April meeting. • ' • 0L BERNREMER is very op timistic in thin*ing the report l will be ready for, presentation sot soon," Rayback skid. The Liberal ! Arts faculty hadl 111" months tot work on the report and it will, take the ; Military instruction corn-) mittee• at least six months to in-i vestigate the report." ' THE HISTOHII of 'the Liberal! Arts faculty ROTC proposal is a, long one. On Miry. 24, 1960, the liberal arts faculty passed a' rer-: lution to the effect that 41 4 1. , •' mili tary program should be made 'voluntary for students in the lib teral arts college:- STATE NOW BY THE srAn OF "CARRY ON NURSE- rP7 .211, Wee , Koav i,:14111-1,01,12111 it MINS FILIMIXCKPI AT - 3:11, 6:32.11152 AT - lak 4:51.11:12 YOU ARE THERE! AMCATNINBIMITIITII WEST RECORD -HOP TONIGHT - 12:30 Wpring F . 'mwntotion Delayed iths June 2, isa Dean Ben Fat wssna, dean at the College i -4 , Liberal Arta, submittal the repast to University - Senate. From the Senate, the report went to the Cammittee as Military Instructkm ftir review. . The Osmusitbee returned the report to the Liberal Arta faculty ROAM OMR OM MISKII !"lALLS FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1962 aad t$ them that the x=2l east %hew came far the chanke• - • After up-datMg. the ripest. the Arts faculty revessed it in almost the smut farm ea Nov. 2. MI. In mid-January the fac ulty resubmitted. the revert to CAMPUS RESTAURANT where you always la Good Food at Reasonable 'Prices Onlisa Corner of College sad Pugh COMO 14 And Try HI ust, sus; sa.. sus. *as 'Ons- of the Year's 10 Bed" "A BROW-BEATING BALL!' Bosley Crawthers Billy Wilde e r;:=!'t!M 4 0411/2MI• I Last Thins Tonight 7:234:13 "rub Osaideh Has Twig E as e. ; • A. Dashed !nude lift C.... 4171 'ors Am u Inman= 2nd WG mum Tingtesit PRICE in "Mt ROUSE Don't MISS =SI
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