FRIDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1961 Murals De : ~s: •:,, t., ABRAHAM LINCOLN GESTURES toward the steps of Old Main from his position in the land-grant mural by artist Henry Poor. The mural which has been called "one of the greatest works of art produced in this country" depicts the founding, aspirations, labor and early personnel of the University. The tree which • • • • * • The Morrill Land-Grant ActlNorth Wall in 1940, painting in !fresco, a technique which consists of 1862 established the meansof applying water-mixed pigments: for the Farmers' High SchOol,ito freshly trowelled plaster so, that pigments become a part ofi founded in 1859 with four that wall as the plaster dries. , faculty members and 119 stu-1 The main mural depicting dents, to develop into The Penn- Lincoln handing a young tree, the symbol of growth, to a sin approximately 2,000 faculty and I Sylvania State University with ' dent, is framed by two columns. Poor , staff members and 17,000 students. be a said he wanted Lincoln to symbol of hope and faith I Because of this, the central 1 , and more than just a part of figure of the Henry Varnurn Poor the design because of his his murals in the lobby of Old Main toric s i gn i ng of the M orr ill A c t is Abraham Lincoln, who signed In In the background, can be seen the act into law in 1862. the original Old Main, still under These murals which depict (construction, a young man 'on the founding, aspirations, labors I horseback saying farewell to his and people of the University. ;family before leaving for shcool have been called "one of t h e land an old man who represents greatest works of art produced 'the artist at the age of 70. in this country." by art critic 1 At the right students are gath- I Forbes Watson. ,ered around a table with EvariL The north-wall mural was pre-:Pugh, first president of the Uni- : i sented by the Class of 1932, and,yersity, and behind them three' money from other classes, alumni ;students in military uniform re-! and the All-University Cabinet!flect the provision of the Morrill, made it possible to complete the'Act concerning military training.' work in 1948. ; The mural on the east wall, Poor, one of the nation's lead-, begun in 1948, contains a panel 1 ing artists started work on the ' called the "Old Boys", represent.- ; Weather Expected to Remain Cold The weather in the Nittany Val-iperature of 42 degrees is indicated ley has retained one characteristic for this afternoon. through its fluctuations over the A few light showers and .cool; past 100 years—it is still change-' weather is forecast for tonight,l able. !and a low of 35 is expected. The next few days will fit into Tomorrow should be this pattern and frequent weather cloudy and cool changes are indicated for the', weekend. Today should be partly cloudy and continued cold. A high tern- V ates" end the tyranny at hunger. poverty and ignorance? Or will the African extremists rampage— t and turn the country into another Dingo? Read this wfties Post Mir Saiteinisor THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK PENNSYLVANIA The Record Room A RECORD us the IDEAL GIFT for o FRIEND or ROOMMATE At the RECORD ROOM you'll find the most complete record selection in central Pennsylvania including a wide choice of popular, jam folk, classical, and Christmas albums; monaural and stereophonic. As a special service to Penn State students the Record Room will MAIL any records in time for Christmas at no extra charge. Stop in at the Open Monday thra ict History Lincoln is handing lo the young man in the mural symbolizes the growth of the University and the Land-Grant system. Lincoln is a symbol of hope and faith because of his historic signing of the Morrill Act in 1861. ing selected individuals who played an important part in the development of the University. In their formal grouping and serious faces ,the artists strove to express the determination, of all who contributed to the University's growth. Other panels depict the various areas in which the University of fers training: science and engi neering, mineral industries, agri culture, home economics and liberal arts. The last panel illustrates the activities of the students includ ing music drama, and athletics. PI Office Donates Photos All the photographs for this special issue were donated through the courtesy of the Public Information Office. rvvvctocmvgsvewrwvoguicxwK 11 A itt • A 1 T A I all . d 1 i )... . il - 6' - A WI . A Ai ti A A g Western Auto A ; 200 W. College Ave. 1 11 If AD 7-7992 A A PIDOWieIaXIVANZIWIND4PIi*M242OOII I tvgarttIittVOMPEIMICNIMINVOMeci A partly Suggests . . . A , RI AI Af Record Room today Friday 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 am. to 9:00 p.m. rS I MM'I ,W' t •!' ).1A 41 - k , ZtriE?k'' 10-i4f4; ?:,4-.,. . s~~~ 2V.107 t BERKSHIRES are the only stockings with the guaranteed NYLOC Run-Barrier! That is why Berkshires are the stockings she wants above all others! Berkshire stockings with NYLOC won't run from top or toe into the sheer leg area—or she gets a new pair free. Berkshire stockings are sheer as a wisp. They come in a collection of "Color Spice" shades. Perfect for Christmas giving. From $1.35 a pair. _at Give her the only stockings with the. NYLOC ® Run-Barrier— Berkshire stockings an,6l co STATE COLLEGE PAGE THREE kit* CHAP cREAMcs rough, red kamis /fad AR-EX CHAP CREAM Special ingredients in this rich, non greasy cream smooth, sof. ten and help heat rough, red skin. Hospital tested and hypo-aller- genic. Scented and Unscented. I% oz. tube 50s• / 4 oz. 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