PAGE EIGHT Concert to Feature Composer Mana-Zucca, .composer-pian ist, along with Gimi Beni, bass baritone, and Olivia Bonelll, lyric soprano, will' highlight a concert spOnsorecl by the Uni versity CIO3, at 8:I5 tomorrow night in the State Coth , High School Auditorium. The concert will he a program of arias and songs that have been composed by Mana-Zucca, one of the few noted women composers. Some of these are "Speak to Me," "Joy Waltz." "1 Love Life," and "1 Shall Not Want for Music." Mana-Zucca played the piano before she was four years old and at the age of eight perform ed a Beethoven concerto with the N.Y. Philharmonic Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. She studied pi ano and composition in Eutope, and has been , a concert singer. musical comedy star and actress. Mana-Zucea now composes for the piano, cello, violin and other inAttiments. She has had over 1100 compo sitions published. A recent rec ord, "James Farrar Sings Mann- Zucca Songs," includes many of her compositions. She has also been made an honorary member of the National League . of Ameri can Pen Women and Sigma Alpha lota. Gimi Beni has studied at the Philadelphia Academy of Vocal Arts and spent two years in Home on a Fulbright Award. He was a featured soloist in Radio City Music Hall and has toured with the NBC Opera Company. SICK RADIO or PHONOGRAPH ALTRONICS SAVES & SERVICE Rear Of 454 E. College (Calder Alley at Marshall's Laundry) Phone AD 8-9602 Hours M. & F. 9 to 9 T.. W. Th.. S. 9 to 5:30 r=nn:=!:=l:: COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT GRADUATE STUDENTS. upperclassmen— comfortable rooms with hot and cold running water or tnicate bath, innerspring mattresses, central. parking atcommds. dons. To inspect and compare The Colonial. 123 W. Nittany. ADams 7-7792 or ADams 7-4950. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY unfue. n jailed one bedroom apartment. IleaL rratrr, stove and refrigerator furnished. For further Information call Al) il-0656. NEW HALF. Duplex Ranch, Hou•erville. 'Aim/ 1111)411, kitrhen, bath, two bed rooms. 'study and private basemcnt. $112.60 per month. Call AD 8-2949 or„ AD F-0-ittfi. TOWER ROOM Apartment, furnished. Tile shower. Close to campus. Free parkins. AD $4176. WANTED RIDE WANTED to either Greensburg. Charlemi or MeKeeaport Friday after noon. Calt UN 5.22T5 ask for Mary Lou or Lois. RIDE TO Now York City neciled div- PeratolY: Friday. Not. 17 or Saturday. Nov. Is. Pleas* tall *Argo AIN 041609 or UN 5-2531. WAITER WANTED at Delta UPSilfin to work for bla meals. Contact Bob at AD 74395. E=ME=MW=Ea=l Chxrles V artarik A S-21:45 ANT ED DESP Ell ATF.LY letlerhoven for dance group performance noon. Please eat, UN 5418 R or AD X 1361. HIDE WANTED to either Groonsburg. i'llarleroi. or MeKretgoort. Friday after tioon. Cali UN 5-2115 mak for Mary Lou or WAITiHS WANTED. Reasonable !mum. ‘cellent good working conditions. Call !low ie AD 7-490. WANTED TO BUY 1b FOR 1160 Austin-Healy Sprite. Cnil UN 5.6150. 11.1111•111114.11111111. FOR SALE BANJOS, GRES, Guitars, Pianos, Ham mond Organs, Strings, Hunks, alt music supplier,. Pifer Musk Centers, Hensler Pike. Open 'tit S p.n•. daily except Weds.. Phone EL FORD THUNDERBIRD. ltis6: white, two tops. stick shift with overdrive. Excel lent tonditien. 'Must sell. Call Mike. AD S -1536. ONE MARYLAND genie ticket Pen State sc4.t;onj at vusL Contact Gene, UN 64015. '6O AUSTIN HEALY 3000, 4-fratcr, loaded, white, C. Ilouber, UN 5-6213. KKNMORE Sinti-Autontiktie Washing- Ma chine $5ll. AD 74:4T2. '62 MGTD MO. Call Eggter at AD 74454 front 1 to L THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK. PENNSYLVANIA Beni has appeared on several television shows, and has recently returned ' from performances in Israel. He is now in his second season in the touring company of the Metropolitan Opera Guild's "Cosi Fan Tutte." Olivia Bonelli is also connected with the Metropolitan Opera Guild. She has sung in concerts, operas, on radio and television and has made best-selling record ings, Miss Bonelli has performed as a soloist with the Symphony of the Air at Carnegie Music Hall and Radio City Music Hall. The University Club is giving free tickets and transportation to those _students who can not af ford the tickets, which are on sale 'Mine ......... H.liMonin ......... n ..... Winans LIJ.11.1:1:11:=:111 FOR SALE FOR, SALE—Uard Guitar and inetructkma. Call Jim AD 8-5111. ATMACTIVE MODERN living room suite. new - unused. Will tell at large wield , fice. Call Ed Gardner AD 1-2261 or UN 5-6233. CHEVY 1956 Del-Air, i cylinder, standard sh:ft, 4-dt:or hardtop, R&H, new tires. Good running condition—asking 1450.00. UN 5-7481 or AD 7-4699. MOTORCYCLX MO CC's, single, !perfect condition. May be seen and ridden Sat. morning from 10 a.m.-ID•m. Details given at that time. 32S E Foster. See Bob Gross. 1-DOOR DOME Sfilan 1953: right around $2OO. $57 E. Prospect, or AD 7-2440. FOUND JACK : DID YOU lose a package from ilrandma? It has been found. To reclaim call UN 6-624 E. 1:::L1==1:I==13 LOST ALPHA GAMMA DELTA sorority pin. initials J.A.H. Reward. Call 'Judy, UN 5-81b5. ONE FLAG POLE. If found contact TRU Phi Delta_ UNK plaid London Foss Kahle/al ou IN Rolf course firld Thursday night. Call AI 11-1591 or UN 5-2631, ask tor Jim Karl, MAW RING, Demolay; vicinity of- Or mond Lab. Yellow gold, black onrs watt crown on Ioo.AIN 15-7k35. Reward. SLIDE RULE, Pleltett ; between Oernbnd and Willard. Csill F 4. UN 8-7420. ' WRITE RAINCOAT takes by mistake from Room 112 018 Main on %Vett., Nor. 1. Contact receptionist at 112 Oh Main or call Vince %Ismer AD 7-4150 or AD 7- 2027. • • - HELP WANTED ,WAITERS WANTED to help serve the finest fool in town. Call Mr. Harris at ITEE. AD 7,1444. ' PART-TIME SECRETARY with knowledge of electronics to :cork 10-15 bra. per , 'iweek. Contact 213 Bourke Building. PERSON M. 'KAREN! SORRY I left before talking to you in Pittsburgh on Sunday. Please call me 'came I can't call you. Sandi. AD S tan or AD T-2927. if lo Navy). IifiDMPSON HALL (: boat for better sleep ing. Contact UN 5-5015. ....., ****** ‘... ..... .......1460 1 1.•••••••ili.110.111i6W1.11411•44* MISCELLANEOUS t.t. !SECOND IN the Fall Po - rum Series "Wbat, Bo You Know About. Christ—A Histori-, lea! Myth t " Rec. Phillip Saylor, Tuesday at 7:01 r:in., HUD Assembly Room. Fre- i settled by the Newman Club. for $1.55 at the Ifetzel Union desk, ICars will be leaving from in froni lof the HUB at 8 p.m. Sattirday. Nittany Dell home of delicious sandwiches Lox and Bagels Seared Sunday 'Till 2 PA. BCTOSA from girls dorms 362 East College Ave. Free Parking/ In Rear MISCELLANEOUS SAXMAN (alto or tenor) desires work with an combo or dance band. Read or fake. Years of experience. Call UN 54432 I Nittany 38, Rin. 13, ask for Don Coolbaugh. SOCIAL. CHAIRMEN: The Nelson GrII. tith Quartet (piano, bate, trumpet, drums) has a limited number of dates not 'yet booked. This is a professional combo specialising in music for dancing and listening. Call Carl at UN 6-6367 or AD 7- 2776. CLASSIC FILM admirers—see one of the greatest silent films made, Frits Lfing's METROPOLIS. Friday, Nos. 3. 7 & 3, RUB. Tickets at HUB desk. PSOC OVERNIGHT Cabin Party Nov. 4 & 5 at Stone Valley Foreign. Clibin. Leave Rec Hall 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Satur day. Sign up at HUI) desk. PART-TIME JOBS available immediately for college men 15 hours/week workime schedule. Salary $45/ week. Call Mr. Rich ardson 9:30 a.m. - 2 :00 p.m. AD 8-2051. PIZZA PARTY sponsored by Newman Club after 6:15 masa Oct. in Chapel Lonnie. Pizza 2 / 2 5e; coke 10e. Call UN 542 M for reservations. NEWMAN CLOD open business meeting Nov. 6, 7:00 p.m., Chapel Lounge. Slides of European churches shown after meeting. Refreshments. Everyone invited. ATTENTION 'Sorority & Fraternity presi dents: Don't forget to, turn in applica tions for Greek zanies at HUB desk by Fri., Nov. 3. LUNCHEON SUGGESTIONS: -Fish sind Chips just 40e. Our own made soup and sandwiches. Open 6 - 1 a.m. Next to HutPhles Itestaurant. SCIENCE FICTION enthuslasts—see the film "Metropolis" about an amasins city of the future, Friday, Nov. S, 7 & 9, HUB. Tickets at HUB desk. PSOC CANOE Trip Nov. 6 Sign up la RUB' desk. PSOC ROCK CLIMBING. -Chilcoat Hollow. 9:30, Nov. 3 at Roe Hall and Forostry Cabin. FALL FORUM Series—" What Do You Know About Christi" Nov. 7, 7:00 p.m. Reverend Phillip Saylor, HUB Aseembly Room. Sponsored" by Newman Club. PSOO WORK PARTY. at Ski Slope _Son., Nov, 6 Leave Rec Hall 10:00, 1:30 and from Cabin Party. Sign up at RUB so we can feed you. HORSES BOARDED, Stoney Point St:ble Rates reasonable. AD 7-7302. GUNS: 3040: - - 12 GA., Also assorted ammunition suitable fai defendima private fallout shelters. "The Pacifist and Non-Pacifist Points of View" by Ted Draw:. & Art Seyda. Lutheran Student Center, 4112 West Collette., 6:30 p.m. this SundaY. Nov. 6, 1961. Welcome. AVON IS now presenting new gifts for Christmas. To see our complete selection. and receive a free sample of lipstick, sachet, or after-share lotion, phone AD 8- 2700 anytime. or step at 22e Nigh Street BE AN EARLY_ BIRD I NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE CAMPUS CLEANERS 110 E. BEAVER AVE. Let Collegian Classifieds Work for You MEMO TO CENTRE COUNTY VOTERS: Don't forget: TOM GILL for District Attorney 1. Graduate of Allegheny College imagna cum laude). A.M., Harvard University. LL.B., Harvard Law Schad. Twenty years professional experience. 5. Admitted before Supreme Courts of Pennsylvania, Virginia and Korea; also Federal courts. 6. Enlisted as private, World War IL Advanced through ranks to Captain, during four years active duty. Presently Lieutenant Colonel. Judge Advocate General's Corps Reserve. 7. Former Civilian Legal Adviser, U.S. Military Gov ernment in Korea. 8. Former Instructor (pmt-time) In Business Law, Pennsylvania State University. 9 Partner in law firm, Gill & Lederer, 10. Secretarj, Centre County Bar Association; mem ber of Pennsylvania Bar Association, Virginia State Bar. American Bar Association. 11. Vestryman and Senior Warden, St Andrew's Episcopal Chulch; member of Executive Council, Diocese of Harrisburg. 12. President, Harris Township PTA; member, Cham ber of Commerce, Elks, Lions, Boalsburg Fire Company. To serve Centre County in the administration of Justice without partisanship .GILL for DISTRICT ATTORNEY (N.B. Tom Gill on WFBG-TV,Altame, this evening, 6:23 p.m) FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1961 thinking about for the coming Open Monday ihru Saturday 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Quick 3-hr. cleaning service) (Advertisement) clean clothes holidays. AD 7-2162
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