WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1961 Students Revive 'Button Wearing' The Old campus custom of wearing campaign buttons was brought back to the University yesterday when the Block "S" club began selling "Fight on State" buttons. The buttons, which sell for 10 cents, are an "attempt to re juvenate the spirit of the Penn State student", Robert Dufner, president of the club said. The buttons which are 2 1 / 4 inches in diameter with blue letters on a white background will be on sale this week at the Hetzel Union desk and the Book Ex change, Dufner explained. Free "Squash the Orange" cards for the Syracuse game can also be obtained at these places, he added. Last year the Block "S" club sold "Lick 'em Lions" buttons during the football season. The slogan was changed this year be cause "Fight on State" is "more in line with the Penn State tradi tion," Dufner said. "Lick 'em Lions" wasn't the only button evident last year since wearing campaign buttons was in. Grad Scholarships Graduate students interested in applying for the Marshall Scholar ships may obtain application blanks from E. B. VanOrmer in the Graduate School Office, 101 Willard. The Marshall Scholarships pro vide two years study in Britain for recipients. Applicants must be United States citizens, under 26, with a bachelor's degree. Preference will be given to candidates who corn bine high academic ability with capacity to play an active part in the life of whatever United King dom university they may attend. The deadline for filing applica tions is Oct. 31. Students must present a recom mendation from their department head or college dean in order to apply. The Oldest Dance On Campus The Best Jazz Band in the World GET YOUR DATE NOW FOR THE JUNIOR PROM (This is the fifth in a series of articles concerning the re cent SGA student enca rn p- I anent. ) Compulsory ROTC, the pres-I 1 en t apartment "entertain ment" policy, and disciplinary procedure all came under fire in the Rules, Regulations and Student Welfare workshop. Charged with closing the disci Since last year was also an - pline communications gap be-' .election year many students wore tween students and staff, the ,inembers of the workshop also buttons honoring their favorite , candidates. Some of these buttons discussed new areas for student are still being worn by die-hard: responsibility and how to remedy . Republicans. Other students have major student conduct problems. special political buttons in moth Compromise resolutions final balls for the next presidential ly passed by the workshop rec campaign. ommended that compulsory ' The evidence in favor of wearing ROTC be reduced to a maximum buttons can best be illustrated of one year and that the apart by the fact that during last year meat restrictions be waived for 21. 'President Eric A. Walker spoke students over • ; before the University Senate The perennial issue of compul wearing a conservative gray TOCS sort' ROTC drew sparks from two! (Thoughtful Observers of the sides. Some students compared' !Contemporary Scene) button.the present system to "requiring , Other administrators and everyon efaculty to take AAH 1 or Music Others felt that freshmen were! me mbers wore TOCS buttons 5 ." last year also. The button craze;rlot prepared t on vat an intelli-I seems to be "the thing" again 'gent decision on whether or notl this year since a well knowto take ROTC and said that a!, n mighty of the faculty was seen'short compulsory program might only yesterday wearing a "Fi g ht be valuable as an "orientationli on State" button, according to period." an unconfirmed report. I The group finally agreed to thel, By JOAN MEHAN j vogue. During the early part of 'last year many Pirate fans wore "Beat 'em Bucs" buttons during the baseball series to show their • faith in the team. All Styles 4440 The Swingingest Weekend of the Term OCTOBER 20, 1961 Tickets Available Friday Morning at HUB Desk . . . . $5.00 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK PENNSYLVANIA PARTY GLASSWARE Hollow Stemed Campagnes You And Your Date Treasure House Our Biggest Rivalry Dancing from 9 'til 1 Workshop By PAT DYER News Editor PLUS PLUS EQUAL Discusses Discipline ;compromise, preferring it to a !since almost everybody breaks it." 'recommendation to abolish the Speaking for the administra- Icompulsory program completely' lion, ) Dr. Hobert G. Bernrcuter, 1 ~ , j wl . lßh, as one member put il.l,pecial assistant to the president hasn't a chance" to get through for student affairs, cited towns the University Senate. ;people's objections and an tin ! One of the most clear-cut usually large number of disci ' divisions in student-administra- iplinary cases in which apartment live opinion showed up when ;parties were a "contributing tac tile workshop opened debate on 'tor" as major justifications for the apartment ruling. Students the present ruling. called the present ruling, which In passing the resolution, the states that women may not visit 1 apartments, rooming houses, !members of the Nv ork shop said that they hoped this might act trailers, or private areas of liv- 'as a "foo t in the door" toward a ing quarters occupied solely by ;change in the olicy if students men, "unreasonable, Victorian !group not misuse it. The workshop and unenforceable." !group added that as a check on One member summed up the present student behavior the reso student side by saying. "after all,llution should carry the stipulation if anything immoral is going to i that in order to be eligible for the go on, you don't have to go to!waiver, the student Must have an apartment. Besides, the presenthad no previous offenses in this ruling is little more than a farce, area. CANDIDATES AND OLD MEMBERS FROTH ADVERTISING STAFF* MEETING TONITE 'Also those interested in art & photography JUNIOR PROM COUNT BASIS SYRACUSE RECREATION HALL 7 P.M. 208 Boucke PAGE THREE
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