PAGE EIGHT Seats Available For Telecast Tickets are still available for the special closed-circuit telecast of the Penn State-Miami foot ball game scheduled for 9:15 p.m. Friday. The broadcast will be presented over four large screens in Recrea tion Hall and the Eidophor screen in Schwab Auditorium. About 550 reserved seats at $3 each remain for Schwab and over 2500 unreserved admission tickets at $2 each are left for Bee Hall. Jack Barry, former'Penn State football announcer, will do the play-by-play for this closed cir cuit telecast. Sale of tickets will continue until 5 p.m. Friday at 249 Rec Hall. If any still remain, they will be sold at the door. Bernreuter — (Continued from page one) router said he is confident they will be ironed out soon. Registration for the fall term went smoothly," he said, "and the rate of dropouts for the Summer term was normal as compared to the spring." Last spring 27.84 per cent of the stu dent body dropped out of school, was pul on probation, or given a warning. Bernreuter also foresees the four-term system as the coming trend in college education. "Increasing correspondence with us asking for information on our setup is evidence of widespread interest in the program,” he said. Army Reserve Project More efficient and economical operation of the U.S. Army’s diesel engines is an ultimate aim of a basic research project now being carried on by University engi neers The research also has as its objective the broadening of the range of fuel that such engines can use. It is supported by a one year $38,712 grant from the De troit Arsenal of the U.S. Army Ordnance Tank Automotive Com mand. NON-PROFIT •><■•■ + CLASSIFIEDS + niiniiiKiiiiiMiHiiiiiiMitmiiiiiiiMinniiMiMiMMi DESKS, TABLES, breakfast sets, drwtera, chest of drawers, Untight chairs. Hoy’s Used Furniture—just off Mountain 8t„ LeinonL AD 8-0420 after 8 p.m. FRESH CIDER, no preservative added. Truck at Freezer Fresh, Dole Summit, Sat. evening, Sun. afternoon and evening. FRESHMAN ENCHNEEKS-Offidnl slide rule, used one term, less than half price. Cal) Dennis AD 7-4826. HAIRCUTS, all styles in stock. Rudy’* Darker Shop. One mile from married grad dorms on Benner Fike. Weekdays: 12:30 to 9:00, Saturday 8:00 to 6:80. GREAT DANES —AKC registered show and pet stock, cropped and innoculatcd. Nomad’s Dane Kennel. AD 7-3989. 1964 BUICK SPECIAL, hard-top, excel lent condition. Must sell. Make us an offer. AD 8-1876. BUY A 1963 2-bodroom, 3-bed Trailer for $lOO down and the balance as rent. Suitable for a trio of students. Cali AD 7„- 4762' after 6 p.m. SINGER PORTABLE. Sewing Machine, used, perfect condition. Guaranteed 6 yrs. $3O. AD 8-8367. TO ENHANCE the floors and/or walls of your fraternity, sorority or dorm. Penn State rugs—s4.oo. Cal) UN 6-7406 or AD 8- 0703. MEAL TICKET in Waring Hal! for rest of term. Reduced price. Call Kay, UN 6- 7416. 1960 TR3 SPOUTS CAR with hack seat, racing safety tires and racing clutch. Price $1,600. Call AD 8-6968. BINOCULARS, 7 and 10 power; excel lent for sport events. Coated optics. Call AD 8-6403 after 6 p.m. BOOKS FOR SALE—English 119, CDFR 318,*'Commerce 161. Call Neal AD 8-6718. 1961 OLDSMOIULE-98, good tires, brakes, heater, automatic transmission, window' washers, spot light, other accessories. AD 7-4412. 1968 FORD, recently repainted, mechanic ally good, condition good. Must sc)]. $176. AD 8-8764, RENTAL PARKING. 301 South Atherton. Call Witt Stine, AD 8-6264. BLACK LEATHER Wallet, $B7 and cards. Reward if returned. All the money 1 have. Call UN 6-6683. FANISIIED: SDT PIN. If found place emergency call to Doni, UN 6-8680. PAIR OF black and white framed glasses in a white case nt Saturday’s game. Reward! Call UN 6-2809. [BROWN RIM GLASSES lost on Saturday | between MeElwnin and Beaver Stadium. !Please return, Tom Saxer, AD 7-4332, Chi [Phi fraternitv. LOST—ONE WALLET. Reward depends on condition when returned. Please re turn papers. UN 6-4434. THE PENN STATE USED BOOK AGENCY (ON THE GROUND FLOOR OF THE HUB) INCORRECT PURCHASES FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. and SATURDAY 9:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. THE ÜBA WILL SELL BOOKS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. UNIVERSITY PARK, PENNSYLVANIA FOR SALE LOST WILL REFUND MONEY FOR UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30 FOR RENT GRADUATE STUDENTS, upperclassmen. Comfortable rooms with hot and cold running water or private bath, innerspring mattresses, central. Parking accommoda tions to Inspect and compare. The Colonial, 123 W. Nittany. ADarns 7-7792 or ADatna 7-4860. WEAL MODERN, large 3 rooms and bath, unfurnished apartment (or partially fur nished), dose to campus. Suitable for 2 or 3. Electric range and 2-door G.E. refrig erator with freezing compnrtment. Parking, recreation area. AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4860. STUDENT PARKING adjacent to campus; on Park Avc. Minimum walking to all buildings on campus. Inquire at 207 E. Park Ave. AD 8-1330. ROOM—private bath, ehower, for two stu dents ; central. Call Mrs, Cop, AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4860. APARTMENT IN Boalsburg above store; 6 rooms and bath. Stove and refrigerator. Suitable for couple or students. Cal) HO 6- 6332 or HO 6-6912. WANTED—ONE BOY to share an apart ment. AD 7-7296. DOUBLE ROOM for rent; cooking facili- ties. Central location, parking. UN 6- 6861; after 6:00 AD 7-4078. FURNISHED APARTMENT for 4 or 6 students. Call AD 8-0763 or inquire 622 West Beaver, WANTED WANTED—POSITION AS Bassman with any group playing locally. Experience with name groups and Air Force Band. Write or contact Bob Umbaugh, Woody erest Trailer Court. WAITERS AND Dishwashers —work for meals in the new modern kitchen at Delta Chi. Call AD 7-4989. MEN TO WORK for meals In fraternity house kitchen. Best food in town. Call AD 7-4151, ask for caterer. MOTOR SCOOTER, in good shape, $126 or less. Will pay cash. Phone AD 8-0786 ask for Dave. FEMALE ROOMMATE to share apartment. Call Marilyn. AD 7-3943 or AD 7-2776. WANTED—GUITAR MAN for Combo. Cal! Al. AD 7-3383. STUDENTS—EARN UP to $1.60 per horn setting bowling pins. Two or three eve nings of your choice. Downtown Dux Lanes, 128 S. Pugh. WANTED—WAITERS. Tan Kappa Epsilon. Contact Cook or phone AD 7-4444. GIRLS WANTED to sell part-time in their own dorms. Requires little time. A chance to make extra money. Call Mr. Shaw, AD 7-7818 after 7:00 p.m. GRADUATE STUDENT to share apart ment. Call AV 8-89)6 hi the evening. DISHWASHER WANTED. Call caterer at AD 7-2961. PANTRY BOY to work for menls. Excel lent food, no dishwashing. Cnli AD 7-4937. STUDENT OPERATED HELPWANTED TABLE WAITERS—work for your meals. Call caterer at AD 7-4898. INS i'R U CTI ON TUTORING IN German and French for courses and graduate language require ments, Call 12 p.m. - Z p.m. and 6 p.m. - 7 p.m., AD 8-1264. 1937 FORD COUP. Cdil Bob Bartlett, AD 7- <4U. MEALS NORTH, SOUTH!"EAST ’ Go North to Eat the Best; Mom Isenberg’s Famous Homestyle Cooking; your home away from home; no atnnding in line, no dishes to carry, fine food at its best; Breakfast 46e Lunch 65c Dinner $1.16. Call Mr. Beamer at AD 8-1330 for your meal ticket Ag Hill Club, 207 E. Park Ave. Twist Again with the Lambda Chi's Delta Sig's ,**>r*~ ' "Combined Session" Saturday... Sept. 30 2- 5 at the PINK ELEPHANT (Open to fraternity men with dates) 9-2 at the LAMBDA CHI ALPHA (Open at 11 to fraternity men with dates) THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1961 MISCELLANECUS STUDENT CHECK CASHING Agency now open. Hours; 10:30 a.m. - 6:15 p.m. at HUB desk. SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: THE lU-FIVE are bach, featuring two electric guitars, base, organ, sax, drums. Need more be said? 11 Contact Barry, AD 8-6186. ATTENTION SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: The Twisters arc back on campus with rock and roll or jas». Bookings now available. Call Al AD 7-3383. P.S.O.C. ROCK CLIMBERS I Introductory trip. Meet front of Roc Hall 10 p.m. Sunday. Bring sneakers and lunch. SO.A HOUSING Committee will have office hours 7-9 p.m. weeknights—behind 203 HUB or call UN 5-7112. IF YOU DON’T like Women’s Government. then run for AWS community council and change it. "If you can't beat ’em, join ’em.” SCHOOL SUPPLY STORE
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