THURSDAY. AUGUST 10. 1961 * Collegian Photo by Toto Browne JAZZ CLUB WORKSHOP Don Krebs and planned by the Jazz Club for the fall is a his quartet performed at the workshop held concert on October 8, featuring the Dave Sunday afternoon in the HUB ballroom. His Brubeck Quartet and Stan Kenton and his group was featured along with the Kenny Kuhn Quintet. Amo n g the activities newly reorganized band. • • Construction Nears End By DICK O'BRIEN Construction of new build ings and facilities at the Uni versity continues with sev eral projects scheduled for completion this Fall. Work on the East Residence Halls has been completed and per sonnel are preparing the build ings for occupancy in September, John Fishburn, head of the oper ations division of the department of housing and food service, said yesterday. ON GENERAL STATE Author ity projects now underway at the University, Walter H. Wiegand, director of physical plant plan ning and construction, reports that all of the structure for the east and west units of the class room wing of the Education have been completed and the structure for the administration wing has been started. The proj ect should be completed by June 1, 1962, he said. Exterior building work is near ly completed on the Horticulture Research Buildings on the cam pus while exterior masonry walls TEACHER'S AGENCY SOUTHWEST 1303 Central N.E. Albuquerque, New Mexico Serving the Entire Southwest, West & Alaska FREE REGISTRATION Member: N.A.T.A. Salaries: $4500 up CANDY HEADQUARTERS iPennsylvania Dutch Candies •Callard and Bowsers English Candies •Tobler Swiss Chocolates • Drake's Dietetic Car_dies • Kemp Nuts in cans Russell Stover Candies in State College only at GRIGGS PHARMACY 120 E. COLLEGE AVE. Across from Old Main have been completed on the unit on the Horticulture Research Farm near Pine Grove Mills. Footings and foundation walls! are in place and masonry work should soon be started on thel addition to the Mineral Sciences Building. ON EXPANSION AND revi-, sion of utilities, which includesl the installation of a new boiler' and auxiliaries at the Power Plant, work is progressing on schedule and should be com-I pleted prior to the beginning of.l the heating season in the Fall. Masonry work is underway oni the addition to Borland Labora-I tory which will provide a milk! unloading area, while a hay dry-I ing barn has been completed and; construction of a heifer barn isi expected to be completed this month. oinbines _any at smartness; wide teal-blue border is platinum banded; flowers in gray, brown, black, yellow. 5 pc. place setting... $2495 SUMMER COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Dining room open from 5 to 9:30. Your favorite beverages served from 4:30 to midnight. Open from 1 to 9:30 P.M On Graduation Day In Boalsburg, 4 miles east of State College on Route 322 (turn right at the. Texaco Stsition) . . . . - • Stcns COlsp.Pa. MEMORABLE That's a Dinner at Duffy's (Closed on Sunday) Counselors to Pay Part Of Orientation Expenses Orientation counselors have l wown will get enough person been re quested to pay for ly worthwhile, the program to make I orthwliiie, the money to be their board during the four-Ispent (estimated at $10)." Dean day orientation pro g ram this! UPP said. fall, Dean of Women Dorothy! THE JUNIOR RESIDENCE Icounselors will be the most coll .'. Lipp, said last night. i • nimus link with the women dur ... .. A "There is just not money enough,mg the year and so it was decided in the orientation budget to pav to include them in the orientation for the food and housing of the program. They will greet the wo men assigned to their floor when 195 '' women who will assist with they arrive Sunday, Sept. 17. Ithe program," she said. : The orientation leaders will act THE FOOD AND HOUSING a'3 "specialists" in telling the wo men agreed to provide thel men about activities and regula ,tions and serving as guides on (housing for the counselors and, leaders but the money w,as not e available for board, she said. i---- The Penn Stale Engineer has ! "The women are needed to help one of the largest circulations in with the expanuing program, this!the U.S. for a college publication year," she said, "and we hope thelof its type. . ‘ , FAMOUS LOCK'S RESTAURANT DUNCAN HINES APPROVED Victorian Room—Exclusive and Elegant Ballroom—Local Indian Decor Lounge—Col. Shoemaker Antique Collection Three Beautiful Drives-30 min.—Routes 220, 64. Jacksonville "CLOSED ON SUNDAYS" Banquet Facilities to 300 OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Special Prices to Parties LOCK HAVEN $470 i'z...- . ,-. -, •-i-‘:! . * -, ..-..1. , .•r;:.'i‘ , •it,. , ::' , .,.., , .Y:- ., ', , :- , :" , '' - : ::, , ,:) . •,:.,:;!1t_14: , -i:i , :',:,:g.AAi.ili . ',,, - ,-,;:5.:,...::,:',:;.:,-:; ''''''' ••:,. .` ~' i::: L` ;d t 4 3 amongst beautiful women, tradition not withstanding her portrait is made at bill coleman's invariably one-three-six e. college ave PAGE THREE x , i ,-- t 1 7 ` I:.1
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