PAGE SIX 'I vrC: V 'l* ,w, - r ~&*3%is&s^-?;''?'x>i'~''A} i , tff>o „>«*si®Bs „■&• * ix>* ..y>v .. # 4fso£ & *,* yK £' , fj 1 ;:%£/lpr < 4- s - * —Collegian Photo by Ed Juffe HATLESS WONDER Two Gettysburg defensemen managed to knock sophomore Steve Schrader’s hat off during State’s 14-4 victory on Beaver Field yesterday. But the Lion sophomore (46) was unstoppable most of the afternoon, scoring seven goals against the Bullets. Gordon Bennett (L) and Lou Meier (R) move in to help Schrader out on this fourth quarter play. Schrader Fires 7 Goals Against Hapless Bullets By DEAN BILLICK | “I wanted to keep the score in scoring. Dick Seelig is second Gettysburg lacrosse Coachjdowa" Baer said after the game. w ith 17 tallies and Schrader ?. ~ , ,'“1 don’t know whether he would' •*. to Curtis Coull pretty well. havo bro ken the record if i’d' m 0 ' n , to u thud place Wlth 12 summed up his team's 14-4 have left him in, | scores. All three of the top scorers r , but vve were roll- are sophomores, loss to Penn State yesterday, j n , U p too big : Hayes got the Lions’first score on Beaver Field when he said,: of a score.” ! a t 3 .g 0 when he (a nj ed on the “We .lust couldnt seem to stop, tbat Schrader ifront end a fast break play, that Schrader.” Just for the rec- was aiming at | State couldnt dent the Gettys ord “that Schrader” is Steve, the record set by ; burg zone defense again for the oia Uidi ocnidun is oiev . „ H . J next 10 minutes. Schrader and he fired in a near- taug^ t me ' just | Although Ihe Bullets had the record seven goals to wreck the abou t everything ; ball in Stale terriiory only three Bullets almost single-handedly, j I know about the l times during, the first quarter, Schrader's seven scores were, attack,” Schra- ! the Lions didn t score until . , , , ~ ~ „ der said. Schrader hit his lirst goal at only two short of the al> time, HeS s who was suv. Schr.d.r i 14:15. Penn State record set by Bill: , .. , , , , , Hem in 1917 neninst Penn an All-American attack player at The second quarter was almost . . , 7,7 ;state in 1957, is the Lions’ attack:a repeat of the first stanza with Six of Schrader s s ven sco coach this year and has been State dominating the game but came m the second half and j Spend i n g most 0 [ ] lls time w-ork- failing to score. Rick Bainbridge Coach Earme Baer lifted him > jng on Scllrader scored for Gettysburg at 14:45 « I Schrader's second half out- Lions held a slim 2-1. might have broken Hie record, burst brought the _ Lions from 1 ' j near-disaster to their fourth win : The Gettysburg score markedj — | of the year. At halftime State ,the first goal scored against Lion a a A . jti wr held only a 2-1 lead and noth- goalie Jim Irwin in 83 minutes AA A IfjP ; ing seemed to he going right, of play. Irwin shut out Swarth- Gettysburg surprised the Lions mol ' e for 53 minutes in his last ■ r » a. «*»£* with a zone defense and State;£ ame -Br* **7i S j*S I spent the first half trying to fig- The second half was a dif ure it out. “Our zone buffaloed ferent story though. Hayes them the first half but they re- scored two quick goals to up , adjusted and we were never in the State margin to 4-1 and ' _Mhe eame after that.” Coull said. | from there Schroder took over, t "Penn Stale was easily the i He jumped the margin to 7-1 < best team we faced all year." | before Gettysburg scored and i ;,j he said. "I don't know why they i then the Lions ran the score 'j don't have a belter record than to 13-2. ~j 4-5. Schrader and Torn Hayes state fired 58 shots at the Bul "j are , certainly two terrific scor- let nets, their highest total in I ers * I three years and the 14 scores | Hayes fired in three goals, andlmarked the biggest offensive jfor the first time this year heishow since the 17-4 Loyola win. jhad to settle for Second best in! Scoi-in*: Penn Ktnte: Hayes < a >, Schra- j :thp ccnrincr mndc Hmvoc nr.nri ,,er l7l ' 121, SccliK. ami Ilennclt. i, „7° nr 7 PaJMt. nayes nowi ( ; elt>llllmri! . n ainbri( , Ke l 2 ), Jllltch , „ ml I has 25 goals and leads the team'Pearcr. | JACkHAKPERHoKHA^iuAcTIiARPE^MtKIIARFERJACKHARPERJACKHAIII * >! By The Associated Press American League x-l *♦■( rnit *-N«‘\v York l6 12 .571 15 13 .536 l6 14 .617 x-M mnesuta x-Hultimore x-Kansan Citv 11 13 .468 x-Wnhhii»K<on 13 17 .433 x-Chiraifo 11 16 .407 x-Boston .... 1« 16 .386 x-Los AngHe* ...... 9 17 .346 x Night games *'ntinnn! Ffniruc w. L. Pa. Franriscn IK *• .I»*v7 *l.* *h AnyeW'H IK 1:? .. r iKl -I'iltslmivll 14 11 .Mill '(’inrinnoH lf> 12 .T»s»fi -MiUvHviK*v . . 12 12 .r»(i« •Sr. .. .. II Kl ,4M* .(luoHKo . ... hi 17 .:i7n -PhUniUlphia K l‘» .2‘Mi x- NL*ht i-nnu'4 vkohahle pitoieks American Lenpne HuvhMtH* at York, aHtmnr iIM) <'U««'lhiu\, l.«uke 1 0-0 1 h( ILMnn, Mon Detroit, Uevan tfl-0) nt lUtltimore, vj*h. ce w'w\\t Only irnnu’s sehfdul*'d. National Lengur Cliit'iiiro. Cardwell Ct-2i or Hol>|>ie H-4> Rl San I'rum:isio. .fonts CC;M 31 ihvtvuker, Spahn il-2\ at l.on Angeles, Williams <l-21, niulit St. Louis. Hroutio <3-0 at Pfltslmrßh. Miz«ll i 2-11. nivht Cincinnati. }lm>k *rt-2) »t Diilmlrlphia. Wuzhanlt tti-ih, niyrht Cast-Second Goal Gives Sigma Pi IM Victory Sigma Pi moved into I'm final round of its league playofis in IM soccer last night with a last-sec ond 1-0 decision over Alpha Gam ma Rho. AGR held a 4-1 corner kick lead going into the final minute of play but a goal by Lou Price gave Sig ma Pi the victory. Sigma Pi will play Sigma Nu in the league finals tonight. •I's . *a.iJ 9 .700 10 .616 2 J 4 A 4‘* * 10 OUR LIGHT AND AIRY COOL AS A SEA BREEZE AND LIGHT AS A ZEPHYR, THESE POPULAR DRESS SHIRTINGS BY GRANT RE- TAIN AN ALL-DAY NEATNESS AND TJT FRESH APPEARANCE EVEN gjggl DURING THE WARMEST uviiMovraaaavHMJvraajavHHDvraadavHHavraaaavHHavfaaaavHSOvf THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA OXFORD BATISTE BUTTON-DOWNS WEATHER flit# Custom Shop for Men Around the corner from Bostonian Ltd, Short Sleeoes: white, blue and putty stone $5.95 limpet Lion Netmen Whip Mountaineers, 7-2 Special to the Collegian MORGANTOWN, W.Va., May 16 The way Penn State’s netters have been playing lately, they would probably like to forget their dismal early season start and begin the season all over again. The Lions won their second straight match here this after noon by whipping West Virginia, ★ ★ ★ 7-2. State now has won three of its five matches during May, losing only to eastern power houses Navy and Colgate. The Lions' seasonal record stands at 4-6. The win today was the Lions’ most impressive performance to date. The Nittany netters grabbed four of six singles matches and swept the doubles for the first time this season. Jim Baker, playing number one, defeated Mountaineer sophomore Buzz Ragland in a grueling con test, 8-6, 8-6. Ragland is a former state jun ior singles and doubles title holder and is rated as the best nelman at West Virginia in sev eral years. Two team captains clashed in the number two slot and State’s John Blanck came out on top as he de feated Bob Morgan, 8-6, 3-6, 6-4. Lion junior Whit Gray had lit tle trouble in his match with West! Virginia veteran Boyd Warner, j Gray won in two sets, 6-4, 6-1, j and upped his seasonal mark to : 6-3-1. | Number six man Don Benner used an accurate service to finish! out State’s singles scoring with a, 6-4, 6-2 victory over Don Cona-i iway. ! Benner, who hadn’t won a match all year until last Satur day, has now won two straight. State’s number three man Vance Rea dropoed a 6-1, 3-6, 6-0. deci sion to Mountaineer sophomore Chuck Bibbee. ! Rea, who has lost four straight. !was plagued by his own repeated long shots over the baseline. Don McCartney was State’s other loser. The Lion netter was defeated by Mountaineer letter man Bill Schaeffer, 7-5, 6-3. The State netmen have two re maining matches this season. They travel to Army Saturday COLLEGE MEN SUMMER JOBS FULL TIME WORK THIS SUMMER EARN $4OOO BETWEEN MAY AND SEPTEMBER 30 30 30 30 $lOOO Gash Scholarships and Sranfs to Colleges • Earn in excess of slo3 per/week • Travel to resort areas with plenty of time for boating, swimming, and golf • Win an all expense paid holiday to London for a week • Some qualified students may work overseas for the summer BASIC REQUIREMENTS: 1. over 18 years of age 2. at least 6 months of college 3. neat appearance Those students who qualify may continue their association with us next semester on a part time basis. Cal! nearest office for appointment. Buffalo TL 3-0435 Utica RE 3-1468 Elmira RE 4-8634 Pittsburgh AT 1-8385 Rochester LO 2-6220 Art c onsi Syracuse HA 2-0718 f 1 ® 1 ® Colleg ® AD 8 ' 2051 Albany HE 4-4981 Johnstown 5-4856 Schenectady FR 2-2610 Altoona WI 2-3232 NEW YOHK OX 5-8731 Brooklyn, N.Y. MA 5-7640 Hempstead, L.I. IV 6-4167 Jamaica, L.I. AX 1-7356 NEWARK, N.J., MA 2-5283 or MA 2-5282 Trenton OW 5-1973 Staten Island SA 7-3355 PHILADELPHIA KI 6-2258 Reading FR 3-735 S Allentown HE 2-6681 Harrisburg CE 3-1512 Camden, N.J. WO 3-2718 WEDNESDAY. MAY 17. 1961 WHIT GRAY ★ ★ ★ and close out the year at home against Cornell Tuesday. Summary Sinrles Baker (PS) defeated Ray land, 8-6, 8-6 Blanch (PS) defeated Morgan, 8-6, 3-6, 6-4 Bibbee (WVa) dfeeated Rea. 6-1. 3-6, 6-0 Schaeffer (WVa) defeated McCartney, 7-0, 6-3 Gray (PS) defeated Warner. 6-4, fi-l Benner (PS) defeated Conaway, 6-4, 6-2 Doubles Baker-Blanck (PS) defeated Ragland-Bib- bee, 7-5, 6-4 Rea-Moore (PS) defeated Morgan-Con away, 1-©, 6-2, 8-6 McCartney-Benner (PS) defeated Schaef, 6-4, 6-7, 7-6 NBA Gives franchise To Baltimore for 1962 NEW YORK (TP) Baltimore moved back into the National Basketball Association yesterday in the circuit's second expansion move this year.
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