Johnson T ells Vietnamese Ra«n Stops U. S. Will Give Support On Cease-Fire Military Post Revival Hinted In Washington ipecularLcs Lis ~:t?c sls-ns t; pc-lii c: '—ir.—c •r ii.; izZ’Z- :~c *_:? ibs ni—~>s Ac—- Arlf-.-rr. A. 3-cri* ciia-f c: -aval *zd G-i ZZ. WiX-W'H T>. lir’.zz, raiirs-i A.'— T cbia: zi iiazz •srs.'s has b*Ka rallsc Lr b~ i '!"K7 *3 —ai? s si- i - ci rAs rs •i.-AA-iurr ryirs— ari L: Barkers Turn to Papers Khrushchev Praises Communism at Rally j t-t\ i „ te ' " trve &*rh of our examoie/' Xr.ruihcheT ignored cold -war tot roots such a* Laos, 'Cuts and Genera conference os Laos in his speech commemorating the 401 h anniversary of the Georgian Republic. Vfe are ready to tali up our relations mth an in orc-er worlds' he :<? s*>:ure c*?3cs in in? Khrushchev shouted frequently throughout his speech but saved his loudest roars to deny Western allegation.) that the Soviet people are not free. "They say we do not have free dom." he shouted. "We Commu nists. we revo'.ict.oriines, we are the most free of the free people in A:;: iba •eraicii-.G ?t?s ;; pc- zi il- ~~s rra-a-h. iirzzqiizss :: -sras? awyMMBMHawwMMpjB i s-i * £ Club TIM Presents "A NIGHT IN THE TROPICS" 03nee To The Tropical Music Of la Marndeerf (A! Freedman) And His Natives Be ushered to your table by beautiful Tropical Penn State Natives Saturday Night, May 13th 8:30 -12:00 sl.Bs per Couple Reserve Tickets ai HUB Desk or Purchase at the Door BUFFET STYLE DINING Everyone Welcome r/H-i a Marx- :o build lZ:'i ~* r i K' Ih i.-; . :ot; Texas, Bonnies, W. Ky. To Play in Biuegrass ac.:rv.:r« | • i ’srr.' IrK* 4:H, S :Sl, ?:ts. f:tt ■r-c-rT.'-'-'r cr. Lacs vi.*_ - ;;r "hr Card:- I frrii tits* V P."2* } W~3i:wr 7*“*r3*j* Dni« «!*»•«? Cx:si? L 3 ir.Ti L*s ETHICS —TODAY a:— t : Is- S“M. 4: U. i-.U. * U. Jl4l r 553: :*m i». t :i. *;*♦ CATHAUM :«n.: ':-l. i-M. ?:M. »:JI "OJrZ or THE YEAR'S 10 BEST MOVIES!" —N T f n'l Dx- * 4 l mk\ xtumis. W rums ft & Jt GLORY WerL —~*>m< W'jta Wtarf” fly Extremists Protest Algerian Freedom ALGIERS f.-P, —European extremists threatened Algiers . :.;:s and possible bloodshed today in a new stand against ndar; independence. Word-of-mouth orders for strikes and M:-- d-rr.:r.s'.:3'ion.s tame- from the underground secret army or- iVr. ffa- sar.iz.atiCT;. the main settler resistance group, ,_ic before France ir.i :ne Algerian Moslem rebels are scheduled to ooen talks aimed a: g.vcng Algeria 'independence. French headquarters for Al geria, visibly shaken at the prosp-ecl of more disorders in this troubled city, warned that soldiers would fire on agitators. At least 20.000 troops, riot po lice and gendarmes, backed by armored vehicles, were alerted. 'Force must remain in the hands of the law," grirniy warned Jacques Coup de Frejac, the gov ernment's chief spokesman in AI- Seeurily officials said they ex pect right-wing commandos, un daunted by collapse of the April 22 military revolt, will attempt major action. Rumors flew of possible attacks on Moslem areas in an effort to touch off Moslem rioting arid thus compromise the government’s pol icies for peaceful self-determina tion. The rise of European agitation was accompanied by increasing nervousness among Moslems. s-i:a yes' "■? Uni- j*, a ii y iw* Today: 1:59, 3:46, 5:43, 7:40, 9:"37 Sun: 2:00, 3:47, 5:44, 7:41, 9:38 “OKE OF THE YEAR’S BEST” * -N.Y.Ttmes fr l ' -N.Y. Herald Trib. ~ NY - Posh Review *“ T‘ me Magazine kIXj&X '-OaityKews nmut -Newsweek Bergman's " Cuq trs* *wr* . . . m «r ' aw r * \ «. cal. ci or. th<s cvc of tho of the? coup '.vl'-lch lad to *he fall of the- Fre-n" h Republic * 2, SATURDAY //AY 13. 1961 Carrion Advocates Use Of Social, economic Aid I: PITTSBURGH UP, Dr. Ar turo Morales Carrion, U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for Inier-Aihenean Affairs, warned yesterday that economic aid is not enough if the United States hopes to stamp out Communistic influ ence in Latin America. ‘‘We must make an effort to create a social framework within, .which ail the people of a nation, can share in the benefits of pros perity and share ir. the fruits of progress.” Dr. Carrion said. JJb-dmvmmkatk **»«■«* t?t u# *' r* n w anew* rr*n co wm « ma**m The Great imposter Starring T»nr Csrtit. Jean Bliciraaa Sex Kittens Go to Ooiiege Starring Mamie Van D*ren ToeitJay Welti A Hijiswi Barlet (You never dt * b<>i/ like EXTRA EXTRA, plus a sneak Preview ear)/ an<l se-? a T I hit* no rpjX'&t sh■>»:*;>! Beginning Sum thru Wed. THREE SMASH HITS! “CINDERFELLA” Jerry Lewie • Jndilh Anderson "THE BOY WHO STOLE A MILLION” Maurice Reyna 0 Marianna Benet “DESERT ATTACK” John Mill* • Silvia Syw« Show Time 8:30, Come early and see all three! “Meet the Stars Under the Stars at the Starlight ”
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