PAGE TWO Vietnamese Crowds Welcome Johnson SAIGON, South Viet Nam (/P)—Lyndon B. Johnson wor ried the police" but tickled the fancy of cheering, flag-waving crowds of Vietnamese who welcomed the touring U. S. vice president to Southeast Asia yesterday. The vice president brough Kennedy Requests Five-Year Wir On Delinquency WASHINGTON (IP) Presi dent Kennedy asked Congress yes terday to declare a five-year fed eral war on juvenile delinquency. He said offenses by youth “dimin ish the strength and the vitality of our nation.” The President’s program, sent to Congress in a bill, would cost $lO million the first year. , The bill’s specific provisions: •Grants to states, communi ties, agencies and institutions for projects aimed at preventing ju venile deliquency. These projects would be experimental ones dem onstrating and evaluating tech niques for controlling delinquency or treating offenders. The tech niques, if proven useful, then would be applied throughout the country. • Grants to train probation of ficers. police, social workers, in stitutional house parents, youth gang workers and others in the field. .•Federal technical assistance and instruction to states, commu nities, agencies and institutions fighting juvenile delinquency. Besides sending his bill to Con gress, Kennedy created a Presi dent's Committee on Juvenile De linquency and Youth Crime. Congress Asks to Outlaw Strikes of Missile Workers WASHINGTON (/P) Sen. John L. McClellan, D-Ark., ap pealed to Congress yesterday to outlaw strikes which he called damnable arid blamed for slowing down the space flight-missile pro grams. The Arkansan plans to offer specific legislation soon. McClellan heads the Senate In vestigations subcommittee which has just suspended its hearings on labor troubles at missile bases, j He said the disclosures werej appalling—at least as shocking as! anything turned up by the old! Senate rackets committee he! headed during three years of; probing into labor-management underworld ties. In suspending the committee AGADEA3Y AWARD WINNER BEST FOREIGN FILM OF YEAR NEWSWEEK— i " 'The Virgin Spring* j everywhere beon the | mark of in director's J astonishing PolenM. his ability to lumir.on up a sense of life more tompletely than anyone now working in film*." INGMAR BERGMANS Feat: 1:59, 3:46, 5:43. 7:40, 8:37 t a cheering promise that Presi dent Kennedy is determined to give South Viet Nam powerful support in its fight against Com munist guerrillas. And in typical campaign fash ion the Texan stopped the motor cade five times to leap out of his car and shake hands of persons along the four-mile drive from the airport to Gia Long Palace, offi cial guest house of President Ngo Dinh Diem. All of Saigon’s 2,000 police a substantial ai my, marine a; paratrooper u: its were out They gav President Kenm dy’s special e; voy milit a honors and tigl security protei tion on his ar: val for an im- portant round of talks with Diem on strengthening the defense against Communist subversion. Johnson mad» clear all U.S. allies in this part of the world can expect strong support. "The United States is proud of lhe role it has been able to fill in assisting Viet Ham," he said. “My purpose is to explore with your leadership what is required to protect the integrity of Viet Nam and to fulfill the promise of the strong foundations for a free society which has been put in place in recent years.” His brief airport statement gave no details, but Johnson reportedly has been given sweeping negotiat ing authority and permission to offer $4O million in arms to South Viet Nam’s pro-Western govern ment. [hearings, McClellan said he want ed to give the administration an (opportunity to meet the problem by executive means but he made clear he intended to go ahead and offer legislative remedies. Secretary of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg subsequently said Presi dent Kennedy is shaping a pro-, gram aimed at halting the strikes while protecting legitimate rights of workers. On Route 322 at Boalsburg Showtime 8:30: Box Office 7:30 Tonight and Saturday MB ImmaWaM Gieiiiroeiil tlllts lolmlista "MISFITS" at 9:00 Only Also Playing ... "High Cost of Loving" Feature at 11:15 Only Sun., Mon., Tues. and Wed, 3 Big Features . . , “JOHNNY ROCCO” Feature at 8:30 “Stop, Look and Laugh 11 Feature at 10:00 “Queen of Outer Space” Feature at 11:15 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Eichmonn Accused Of Pogroms JERUSALEM (IP) Adolf Eichmann swept Berlin clean of Jews over objections of army and industry clamoring for manpower in the midst of war, a witness testified yes terday. By document and testimony, the prosecution strove to show that the Gestapo colonel on trial for his life was the power behind the pogroms that shook Europe in the wake of the Nazi conquest. The story of the roundup of 80,-! 000 Jews in the German capital j came from Hildegard Henschel,! who with her husband escaped' from the gas chambers only be cause the Soviet army captured j Theresienstadt camp in Czecho slovakia in 1945. | She said her husband, Moritz, was spared from early arrest j only because as leader of Ber- i tin's Jewish community he could direct Jewish affairs. L. B. Johnion Henschel was called repeatedly! to Eichmann’s office after the I roundup for the death camps of eastern Europe began in October' 1941, she testified. \ In June 1943, she, her husband and 300 bedridden patients of the! Jewish hospital were put aboard! a train to Theresienstadt, she tes-j tified. Her husband died in Israeli a year after the Russians liberated! the Jews in the camp. i Rep. Charles A. Halleck of In diana, the House Republican lead er, said there will not be “any tremendous Republican support” for the bill, but its Democratic sponsors seemed confident they have the votes for passage. 1 Presenting: THE SWINGING | I 4 - DIMENSIONS ! LIVE AT MARILYN HALL 317 E. Beaver Ave. and SAVE! Rates start at $216 for Board & Room for the summer semester —including a $5 returnable Break* age Fee. In addition you will receive a $25 Savings Bond if you board and room at Marilyn Hall 3 consecutive semesters including Summer semester OR 4 consecutive semesters excluding the Summer se mester. Before YOU sign a room contract anywhere STOP & COMPARE Other Advantages Worth Considering , . . m Clean, pleasant rooms • Family-style meals (no standing In line) a Convenient to town and campus • For your leisure-hours— s channel television Make Reservations now for Summer & Fail Semesters ask for Mrs. Petriskoy Senate Committee Okays School Bill WASHINGTON (JP) The Senate Labor Committee ap proved a $2.55-billion school aid bill yesterday and pointed it toward a floor battle starting Tuesday^ The committee added $252 million to President Ken nedy’s recommendations but did not change the purposes for which the money could be used. The funds would be available for public school construction or teacher salaries, or both, during the next three years. Sponsors did not claim White House approval of the higher spending figure, but indicated confidence that Kennedy would accept it. All 10 committee Democrats and two Republicans voted for the measure, which include* a newly adopted formula for al lotting money among the states. Opposing them in the 12-2 line up were Senate Republican Lead er Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois and Sen. Barry Goldwater, R- Ariz Dirksen said he was against the original bill and was even more opposed “now that it has been i increased more than $2OO mil' iion.” He added that Republicans will try to trim it down with amendments on the Senate floor. For Your Dancing Pleasure FRIDAY ... 8-11 p.m. Price 80c/person $1.50/coupl® (Includes game of Miniature Golf) AD 8-8682 ml. from Campus on N. Atherton • Miniature Golf • Archery • Snacks • Dancing FRIDAY. MAY 12. 1961 iConstitution Delayed— (Continued from page one) anin : about his appointments three hours before Assembly meeting. Foianini said that he had objected strongly to the idea of having the appointments made last night. After a conference between Ha ber, Foianini and Dennis Eisman, Campus party chairman, it was decided to delay the appointments for 24 hours. Foianini said he would then name his choices and present them to Assembly on Sun day. Take Penn State With You Join the Alumni Association *9K’Dhve-m mum 4- a- m WM.M * * Mtvnm ITMt CBUICt * MUSONII The Great Imposter Stirring Tany Cnrtfo, Jain BUtkmin Sex Kittens Go to College Starring MasaU Van Boren TawHtsr VToW & Mijano* Bardot (Yaw nerer saw a student tadjr like this!) EXTRA EXTRA, plus a sneak Preview (Come early and see all threg hits— nG repeat showing*) “ Meet the Stare Under the Stars at the Starlight " Wed.—" Con, Wilk The Wind' NOW ai 7:00, 8:30, 10 P.M. —Tomorrow at — 1 :$O. 6:20, 4:50, 6:30, 6:00, 9:6$ Sesrinn from the p«eea of ' ia ClntmtScdpa with Le* REMICK Tie# MONTANO
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