PAGE EIGHT Ed Council to Honor Outstanding Seniors The Education Student Council decided last night to honor 10 outstanding seniors in the College of Education at the council banquet May 11. Those to be a( —lernic record Mum Assodation To Seek Seniors For Members Twelve college chairmen and 194 class agents have been selected to solicit Alumni Association memberships from senior class members, Ross B. Lehman, assistant executive secretary to the Alumni Associa tion, said yesterday. During Senior Week, which be gins Sunday, each class agent will contact a certain number of sen iors in his college to explain the advantages of joining the Alumni Association, Lehman said. The special senior rate for the first year is $2, he said. Regular membership rates are $3 for the first five years after graduation and then $5 per year. Life memberships are also avail able for $7O, which may be paid in five annual payments of $l5 each, Lehman said. The Alumni Association spon sors 70 district clubs, alumni weekends, the Alumni College and !lie Alumni Fund, Lehman said. In addition, he said, three pub lications are mailed to members to keep them informed of events at the University. The May issue of one of the publications, "Penn State Alumni News," will be sent to all seniors, he said. College chairmen who will head the project are Frank Millis, Ag riculture; Edgar H. Grubb, Busi ness Administration; Stephen G. Brown, Chemistry and Physics; Susan Sherman, Education; Gary Robinson, Charles Gaston, Engin eering; Gretchen Yant, Home Economics; Margaret McPherson James Nelligan, Judy High, Lib eral Arts; Eugene Grumer, Min eral Industries; Polly Mitten, Physical Education. Baseballers MON (Continued from rage six) fifth on a single by Rodenhaver and Broditin's single and twice in the 'Sixth on a double by DeLong, a sacrifice fly by Phillips and Gursky's second home run of the year. The Nittanies scored four times in the eighth, including Pae's bases empty home run, to make the score 15-1. Rutgers ended the scoring with a run in the top of the ninth on doubles by Bob Clawson and pinch-hitter Joe Thompson. Schwab-- (Continued from page seven) "and 1 had trouble adjusting it." Schwab said he feels great this year and is looking for ward to breaking his own rec ord. "I know I can go over 230, but how far over I don't know," he said yesterday, Schwab and Beard will compete for State in a triangular meet against Michigan State and Ohio State at East Lansing, Mich., Saturday Alexander Writes Article • Am on J. Alexander, instructor of English, is the author of an article, "A Modern Hero: The Nongenue," which is an analysis of film heroines. factory authorized VOLKSWAGEN Sales Parts Service $1624.00 WYNO SALES CO. 1960 E. 3rd St. Williamsport honored will be selected on the basis.of and service to the College of Education. They will be awarded gold keys. Sixteen candidates were nomi nated by the faculty and the council. The nominees are Sharon Hoffman, Marlene Neff, Sue Dins 'more, Sally Fowler, Sally Gens lzler, Betty Segal, Susan Sherman, Jacqueline Long, Carol McEl downey, Maxine Miller, Barbara Bundyacqueline Frank, Judy MarilynM Low,. Sussman, Susan Shayncr and Sandra Slish. In past years the Education Council has honored seven out standing seniors. Due to the increase in the size of the grad uating class the council decided to increase the number to 10. In other business, it was an nounced that applications for the fall Education Council Scholar ship are available to all sixth semester education students at the Hetzel Union desk. The $lOO scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic record and service to the College of Educa tion. The deadline for applications is May 5. At last night's meeting Jacque line Wenk, sophomore from Say ville, N.Y., was elected parliamen tarian. The council has also begun a program to speak to all visiting future teachers who visit campus in pre-announced groups. Two members of the council spoke on the new curriculum, its meaning) for incoming freshmen and stu-' dent teaching. Magner Edits Stories For Series Publication A series of Russian plays and stories, all edited by Dr. Thomas F. Magner, professor of Slavic languages, have been published by the EMC Recordings Corp. of St. Paul, Minn. - The individual publications, which include Chekhov's play "The Three Sisters" and Gorky's play "Lower Depths", are design ed to serve both as classroom texts and as scripts to recorded versions. VOTE CASH-17 words or less CHARGE-12 words or less 3.50 one Insertion $.75 two Insertions $l.OO three insertions Additional words-3 for 3.05 for each day of insertion ADS MUST BE IN BY 11:00 A. 51 THE PRECEDING ' DAY 1957 GREAT LAKES Trailer, 45'x8', ex- cellent condition, 2 bedrooms (one for study), storm windows and screens, fully ,insured, excellent 'location. Park Forest Trailer Park, AD 84432. 1957 MARLETTE, 4xB, 2 bedrooms. washer. Choice lot in College View Trailer Court with trees and brook. Price 1 18 right. AD 8-1085. WILLING TO swap for cash 1960 VW convertible in excellent condition, very low mileage: a Vespa G.S. motor-scooter: Leica Camera and several lenses. Cull AD 7-4454. COIF CLUBS—set of 8 Spalding., Top- Hite irons. Goal condition, price reason able. Call AD 7-3220. GARRARD RC 88/4 Record Changer with base and 46 rpm spindle. Less than 300 plays. $52.00 with professional cartridge; $38.00 less cartridge. Original $86.00 value. Ralph, AL)9-0772. 1957 TRAILER, 38'x8'. Two bedrooms fully equipped. One-half mi.e from campus. Inquire 1245 N. Allen after 5 p.m. 1953 PLYMOUTH. Standard transmission, radio, heater, new battery, good Urea. MUST SELL. BEST OFFER. AD 8-2893 after 6 p.m. 1966 WHITLEY so' Mobile Home, excel lent condition, many extras. AD 8.2226 after 6 p.m. HAVE TRAILER, Will &IL Highest offer. Call AD 8-8074. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA SENIORS Z Z I Vote for Outstanding Seniors Last Chance Today at the HUB and BOUCKE MATRIC CARDS NEEDED • CO FOR SALE Blue Key, Delphi Tap 32 Students Thirty-two men have been tapped for Delphi and Blue Key hat societies in the past week. New officers of Delphi are: Ron Butler ? president; Bruce De Wolf son, vice president; Ralph Freed , man, secretary - treasurer. Also tapped were: James Sloane, Charles Davisson Louis Kushner, Guy Jackson, George Jackson and Barry Neilinger. Blue Key will initiate Paul Block, Barry Levitz, Charles Gross, Karl Fink, Michael Mc- Combs, Robert Banks, Ronald Si mon, James Poorbaugh, John Cornwatch, Lloyd McSparran, Hershel Richman, David Walker, Eugene Zuckerman, Donald Mac-n A lady, Richard Shaw, Harry Baer, Roger Schwarz, Richard Gilison, Mason Shessler, Gregg Khan, Ste ven Sussman, and Michael Her witz. New officers of Blue Key will be elected in the next week. Androcles and Druids hat soci eties have not yet tapped. Navy Information Team To Visit Campus Soon An information team from the Pittsburgh Navy Recruiting Sta tion will visit the University from May 8 through May 12 to talk to students interested in serving as commissioned officers in the U.S. Navy after graduation. The team, from the Officer Programs Division, will be locat ed in the Hetzel Union Building from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. Ze3 3 Pizza & Sub Shop 15" Subs 21 Ingredients Pizza 10" - 12" 14" Oven Hot Delivery To Your Door AD 8.0596 400 W. Beaver Ave. LEGIAN • NO 0.14 ..... R.. • FOR RENT NEWLY BUILT Apartment, new furni ture. Large efficiencies, utilities in cluded in rent except light. Further infor mation call AD 8-2039. TWO 1200 M furnished Apartment, first floor, near eampus t Utilities included. Men preferred. AD 7-26ti5. TWO FURNISHED •basement rooms. Sum- viler term. Shower, refrigerator, cool; near campus. $5.00 each. AD 7-7212. 510 W. College Ave. FURNISHED APARTMENT for two Available June for summer with option for September. Free parking. Call Tom, AD 8-2.914. APARTMENT, Furnished. Available for summer term. Second floor, 129 South Pugh, State College. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, three rooms and bath, dose to campus. Free perking. AD 84857. MODERN 3-MAN apartment, completely furnished, Metzger Bldg. Available for June. Call AD 7-2851 after FURNISHED EFFICIENCY Apartment in modern apartment building, within walk ing distance of campus—s 66 per month. Phone AD 8-2176. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate week end accommodations for family and friends. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany. Mrs. Cox AD 7-7792 or AD 7-9850. • LOST THREE-PEARL Gold Ring. On or around Carnival grounds Saturday night. Re ward. Please call EL 6-3328 if found. LODEN GREEN COAT at Spring Week Carnival. Call Dan. AD 7-4402. Reward. PAIR CItEY Glasses In brown case. Satur day night at Spring Week Carnival. Re ward. Call UN 0-7076. Seniors Plan for Participation In Nation-Wide Career Study In the next few days Uni versity seniors will be asked to participate in a nation-wide study of career plans of 1961 graduates, Joseph E. Faulkner, field representative for the project, said yesterday. The study will include 0,400 ,graduates of 135 colleges and uni versities throughout the nation. It is being conducted by the Na tional Opinion Research Center, lan organization affiliated with the University of Chicago. Participants in the study chosen by scientific probability sampling methods will be asked to fill out questionnaires cover TREASURE HOUSE FREE Gift Wrapping and Packaging • COLLEGE MEN • SUMMER JOBS FULL TIME WORK THIS SUMMER EARN $4OOO BETWEEN MAY AND SEPTEMBER 30 30 30 30 $lOOO Cash Scholarships and Grants to Colleges •Earn In excess of $133 per/week *Travel to resort areas with plenty of time for boating, swimming, and golf OWin an all expense paid holiday to London for a week •Some qualified students may work overseas for the summer • , - BASIC REQUIREMENTS: 1. over 18 years of age 2. at least 6 months of college 3. neat appearance Those students who qualify may continue their association with us next semester on a part time basis. Call nearest office for appointment. Buffalo TL 3-0495 Utica • RE 3-1468 Elmira RE 4-8634 Pittsburgh AT 1-8385 Rochester LO 2-6220 • Syracuse HA 2-0718 State College AD 8-2051 Albany HE 4.4981 Johnstown 5-4856 Schenectady FR 2.2610 Altoona WI 2-3232 CLASSIFI WANTED COUPLE WITHOUT children desire nicely furnished apartment starting Sept. 1. AD 8-0876. GIRL PASSENGER wanted to Northwest. Prefer to leave June 4. Share driving if possible. Cull Barb AD 84278. RIDE FOR TWO to Pittsburgh Friday, May 5, after 11 a.m. Call Riehie_ F. or Paul, AD 7-4409. DISHWASHER WANTED—work 2 meals, eat 3. Call caterer, AD 1-2161. BASS GUITARIST or organist (with or- frail) to play with best known band on campus. Moat be able to play R & R and blues of professional caliber. Tryouts for next year's band will be held before cremes• ter's end. Call Sam Spotto or John Haber. len AD 7-4969. UNFURNISHED 84100 M apartment start ing in September. In or out of town. Call AD 7-3519 after 5 p.m. RACKS IS IT GUYS? Extra beds needed for Mother's Day Weekend, May 13 & 14 at Kappa Sigma. Call AD 7-2044 and ask for Jim Dean. CLEAN, MODERN single room wanted ; close to campus. Will occupy from June on. AD 7.3464 after 7 p.m. PROFESSOR AND family would like to rent furnished house or apartment near Penn State University from June 8 to August 26. Write details to Dr. Bell, Box 39, Saergertown, Pa. KITCHEN HELP wanted, Phi Epsilon PI Call Butch AD 7-4953. TYPING AND multilitbing thesis reporta. etc. Reasonable sum. Call AD 7-7015. FURNISHED APARTMENT has two male graduate students, needs one more male student. Within walking distance of cam. Doe. Phone AD 8-1409 after 8:00 D.M. THURSDAY. MAY 4. 1961 !rig various aspects of their career plans. The research will attempt to provide a national estimate of how many college students in the 1981 graduating classes plan to go on to graduate studies and how many intend to go directly into business, farming and other oc cupations, Faulkner said. It is designed to determine the influences that prompted the stu dents to make their choices, he added. "The research, one of the first comprehensive studies ever made of why, when and how college seniors make their career plans, is expected to yield important infor mation on the relationship be tween college experience and ca reer aims and goals," Faulkner said. MOTHER Deserves Something Special On Her Day . . . Naturally A Gift From DS 0 MISCELLANEOUS JOURN STUDENTS--only a few days left to get your tickets for The Big Picnic at HIM-Singer Park, May 12. 21.00 in Journ office. DON'T FORGET Club TIM. Tickets re. served at HUB desk or at door. Every. one welcome. DR. ROBERT W. GREEN will finenk on Louie XIV. May 9, 1961 at HUB Arson. MY Room, 7:30 p.m. URGENT NEED—Ride to New York City or Philadelphia. Any time „Friday, May sth. Call Phyllis UN 5-035. PIZZA PARTY sponsored by Newman Club at 6 p.m. Friday, May 15 in Chapel Lounge. 25c. ATTENTION SOCIAL CHAIRMEN! One to a mix-up in booking the Ken Huhn Quartet is open for Mny 6. Call AD S-1297. SHOT DOWN: Two 6th semester engineers would like to meet sympathetic girls. Call Pete UN 6-2631. BRIDES-TO-BE. do you know about The Free Bridal Consultant Service at 0. W. Houta & Son? }louts is happy to help you plan a smoother, more beautiful wedding and facilitate gift-buying for friends through otfr Gift Preference Regis. tration Program. We invite you to stop in or phone AD 8.6701 Extension U., TENNIS FANS—racket stringing and re. pairs the No-Awl•Way by Hassinger. Large selections of nylon or gut.. Prompt service. Guaranteed-satisfaction. University Tennis Service, 614 E. Beaver Ave. Phone AD 7.2a15. PIPER'S: Your one•stop music center on Renner Pike. Guitars, banjos, complete music line_ accessories. Open daily from 9-8 except Wednesday. Pifer Music Center. Phone EL 8.8441. FOUND IN Stephens--1959 Class Ring. initials B:J.H. Call Barbara, UN 15.7867. POUND
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