THURSDAY. MAY 4. 1961 Town Police New Traffic No left turns will be permitted from Garner St. or Short- Edge Rd. at E. College Ave. beginning this morning, State College police announced yesterday. professor of music, will present Henry Purcell's three-act opera, The prohibition of left turns at the intersection is beingi"Dido and Aeneas," at 7:30 and made to eliminate traffic congestion cars makingl 9 p.m. May 12 in the Hetzel Union Assembly Room. --- !the turns against traffic and tying! Admission to the performances lup other cars to the rear, police will be by complimentary tickets, said. 'which may be obtained at the Southbound traffic leaving cam-,Music Department office, 216 Car t pus on Shortlidge Re. will be re-, negie. 'quired to either make a right turn! Vocal soloists for the perform 'onto College Ave. or travel across ' ances will be Gale Leister, senior 'College Ave. and move south on ;m music education from State Garner St. ,College, Kay Esslinger, senior in Cars traveling north on Car- ! music, education from Reading,, ', ner St. will be able to cross Col- ' Sandra Sliker, senior in music lege .Ave. to enter campus or ' education from York and Samuel, make a right turn to travel ; Gordon, ; senior in music educa lion from Claysburg. eastward on College Ave. from ..Dido and Aeneas" tells the, the single lane of northbound , familiar Greek legend of Vergirsi traffic. "Aeneid," in which Dido, queen, The right or curb-lane of trot ' : ;of Carthage, falls in love with] fic on Shortlidge Rd. Will be for!the Trojan prince, Aeneid, and' right turns only. Cars in the cen-,kills herself when he deserts her. ter lane of traffic will be re-' ouired to move across College'Summer AWS Applications Ave. to continue south on Garner! Applications for summer posi-, St. 1 • • tions in the Association of Women; No left turns will be permitHStudents will be available tomor- 1 ted by traffic traveling in either,row through Thursday at the' direction, police said. !Hetzel Union desk. Traffic coming off the eastern, ----- end of the campus and traveling, eastward tow a r d Bellefonte!' should utilize the new cloverleaf.l off E. College Ave. Traffic mov-I ing north on Garner St. and wish-1 ing to travel westward toward the; center of the Borough should user Beaver Ave. Beta Colony Gets Charter Beta Colony sorority was grant ed a charter by the Senate Sub- Committee on Student Affairs last week making it the second colony to be given a charter this semes ter. The only other local sorority on campus, Alpha Colony, was char tered by the Senate in the early part of this semester. The Univer sity now has 26 sororities and two colonies. Beta Colony is planning to af filiate with a national sorority and will petition for membership on Panhellenic Council before the end of the year, Judy Klein, soror ity secretary, said yesterday. The colony has been informally rushing and now has 22 members, Miss Klein said. A membership of 16 girls is required in order for a group to petition for representa tion on Panhel. Next year Beta Colony will ha ,re the suite presently occupied by Alpha Omicron Pi in McEl wain, Miss Klein said. College of Home Economics Presents the Movie 'PICNIC' , with Kim Novak and William Holden Saturday, May 6, at 7 and 9:15 p.m. Schwab 50c per person VOTE TODAY FOR SG A I VOTE TODAY FOR S ort 0 SGA ALL UNIVERSITY ELECTIONS •:t 0 >.. Q 0 0 TODAY FOR SG A I VOTE TODAY FOR SGAI VOTE TODAY FOR SG A I VOTE BOUCKE, HAMMOND AND WILLARD 9-5 NIORS MAY A ye • • DING SENIOR AWARDS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Set Up Rules TODAY is the LAST DAY Voice Your Beliefs By Voting for the • ALL UNDERGRADS MAY VOTE • MATRIC CARDS ARE NECESSARY TO VOTE ;Choral Group !Will Perform Purcell Opera The Penn State Singers, a 20- voice choral group directed by Raymond 11. Brown, associate ,Wil GRAD STUDENTS Let an experienced Printer do your THESIS MULTILITHING FAST so ECONOMICAL Commercial Printing Campus Shopping Center you to in Student Government People of Your Choke Polls will be in HUB 9 - 7 SO VOTE TODAY I Frc,th Announces New Staff Officers The 1961-62 editorial staff for Froth include Jim Peppier and Ed Uric, co-editors; Bruce Botwin, business manager; Andi Busca nics, associate Olio"; Dan Dixon, John Cylc and Linda Latt, circula tion managers; Charley Suhyda and Bob Gandel, advertising managers; Ed Kronstadt, sales manager; Richard Gillison, ac count executive; Art Schubert. promotion director: Peggy Miller, copy director; Mary Del Kahle, exchange director; Scott Kosten bonder, photography director; Jay Ebstein, art director; Steve Suss man, assistant editor. —For every student with a spark of genius there are a dozen with ignition troub:e. Pizza Party 6 p. m. Friday, May 5 Chapel Lounge Sponsored by Newman Club VOTE TODAY FOR SG A ! Senate Ed Bill-- (Continued from page one), banks and other lending instdu, tions. Another feature would be a statewide system of scholarships ranging in value from $lOO to $l.OOO per year depending on the' family's need for • rid. The scholarships would be available on a competitive basis, such as tests, to about five per cent of the graduating high school sen iors. Hays said that in submitting the bill, the committee did not provide for earlier implementa tion of the proposed program, be cause it felt more time was need ed to efficiently set up such a program. He was "hopeful" the bill would pass but didn't think it had as good a chance as the other two proposed measures, PAGE tHREE C 0 ut 0 IP C 0 0 a x, 0 ):te
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