PAGE TW,EIVE PolishookAnnounces Parade Regulations Regulations and procedures for the Spring Week Float Parade scheduled for 6 p.m. Friday were announced 'last night by Robert Polishook, co-chairman of the parade. The time was moved back one-half hour, Polishook said, to avoid having part of the parade take place in the dark. Spring Week Profits, Fines . To Go to Fund The profits from Spring Week and traffic fines will be given back to students in the form of scholarships, according to Rich ard Haber, SGA president and chairman or the Penn State Stu dent Scholar Ship Fund committee. IP,ber said that several $l5O scholarships will be available as soon as Spring Week is over and the money has been tabulated. TO be eligible fora scholarship, a student must be enrolled in. a 4-year course and must have com pleted one academic semester at the University. He or she must have at least a 2.5 all-University average. The scholarships will be award ed on the basis of character, need and contribution to student activ ities. The winners will be selected by Tlaber, Dean of Women Dorothy J. Lipp. Dean of Men Frank J. Simes, Ralph N. Krecker. direc tor of Student Aid, and a mem ber of the comptroller's office. Applications for the scholarships Ore available Dt the Office of Stu dent Aid, 218 Willard and must be returned by May 15. .Discinirnary Action-- (Continued from page five) town apartment, Austin said. In addition, Austin said, the student served alcoholic beverages to mi nors and permitted women to stay overnight in the apartment. The other student was placed on suspended suspension. for re peated misconduct in the resi dence hall. The student, a fresh man in physical education, was already on disciplinary probation for similar behavior, Austin said. COLLEt CASH-17 words or less CHARGE-12 words or lees $.50 one Insertion 5.75 two insertions $l.OO three insertions Additional words-3 for s.os ' for each day of insertion ADS MUST BE IN BY 11:00 A.M THE PRECEDING DAY 1=:=1:1 FOR SALE ONE BEDROOM 27 ft. Trailer in eAcel knt. condition ; loented in (mkt spot on Branch lid. Phone Al) 8-0415. AERIAL COLT "200" Motorcycle. Call Jot' AD X• 01711 after 7 p.m. Int PONTIAC— radio, heater, automatic. Will sell for bent offer. Cull Maury, AI) 84021, DINING TABLE. six chairs; light with red upholstery on gents. Good shape.- Price' $3ll. Call UN Ci-2102, 1J64 TRIUMPH Cob, 9 to 1 piston and modified crams; recently vetch/at:ed. Call Al) 8-0373. FLOOR-LENGTII GOWN of white organdy over pink taffeta. Worn once, size •9. Call AU 8-9980. DESKIii. DESKS, DESKS, Files. Chairs. Shelving. Fur a complete selection of new and used, at the lowest prices in the slate see Equipment Manufacturers, I no., w 7. Pine Street, Williamsport, Pa. PAO DECCA Miami Stereo Hi-Fi $65. Al) f1..1t2:16. CFI A NEL • MASTER Transiator Radio one month old VO-26. Call UN 5-4503 1969 TiR3 TIZ Pil good con d ition Write or call Hill Thompson, 401 E Locust St., Clearfield, Pa. PO 5-3868. Tniumpil TR3, white, wire wheels, disc brake. See at 113 Mester St. LATE 1969 MGA Coupe, excellent con dition, dark !due, It 41.11, wires. WW. Gin's liken Twin-Cum! Honest 111,000 mi.— ,1795. NO G-6562 niter 6:00 or contact Bill Jackson, Rm. 114 Carnegie. TIIINK SMALL. Must part with my lovingly maintained 1057 VW. Has radio, heater, and extra spare tire. Excellent condition. AD 8-2556 between 5 and 7 p.m. only incase. FOR RENT COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate wed- end fiCCOmnitylations for family and friends. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany. M. rnr A)) 7.7792 nr. AO To avoid confusion before the parade begins, he said. the floats have been divided into three categories and will arrive at three different times at the starting point on Curtin Road near Wag ner. Floats in the first category (Colonization-1800)' should report at 5:05 p.m. and should line up on Curtin Road as near to Short lidge Road as possible, he said. Groups in the second cate gory (1800-1900) should arrive at 5:20 p.m. and line up behind the first category, he said. The third group (1900-Present) should report at 5:35 p.m. All floats must enter the forma-. tion area by University Drive and! should pull over to the right hand side of Curtin Road, as far as. , possible, as soon as they are in ,position, he said. Each category has been desig nated by a color, Polishook said, and these colors will be used to identify the floats' position in the parade. ' The first category has been a . ! , signed blue, the second, red and the third : Preen. The Campus Patrol will en 'force certain parking and traffic regulations .Friday night; Poli hook said. These rules are: 'to No traffic will be allowed along the parade route on campus during the parade. • Curtin Road from University Drive to Shortlidge Road will be closed to all traffic beginning at 5 p.m. • •Parking along Shortlidge Road will be prohibited from 5:30 p.m. until the parade ends. .Parking on Burrowes Road from Pollock Road to College Avenue will be prohibited from 5:30 p.m. until the parade• ends. After the parade, all floats must use University Drive and College Avenue to return to the fraterni ties, Polishook added, Parade directors will be at the starting point to give all instruc tions, Polishook said. every one simply follows directions and , arrives on time, the parade should' be one of the best," he said. ;lAN CLAS TOR.RENT MODERN FURNISHED 3-mien aParDliOnl. Metzger Building. Available .for June. Call AI) 7-2851 after 5:00; 10-11EDROOM FRATERNITY House for rent. Lnrge living quarters in good con dition. AD 74412. TWO MAN furnished efficiency apart ment in Metzger Hui Wink. Excellent con dition : kit6hen. For summer only. Stan, UN 6-6772. RESERVE A ROOM for the summer term' now! Only one-half 'block from campus. 125 S. Pugh St. AD 7-3412. PUDLIC-ADDRESS Amplifiers. Great for Carnival. With mike, atmakern, etc.. 8-20 walls, $B-616 per night. Cell Ed. AD 8-6408. ROOM AND BOARD for fall. Family idyls meals. Rooms only for summer. Clean and quiet. 243 S. Pugh St. ONE 4-ROOM Apartment—sso. One small efficiency apartment completely for niabecl—s3o per month, Morning call AD 7-2207, Evening call FL 0-2800. NEW TWO BEDROOM Duplex, available for immediate occupancy. Centrally located. CaHEederated Home and Mortgage Company AD 8,5500. WANTED EIDERS WANTED from Pittsburgh to State College on Friday and returning to Pittsburgh on Sunday. Call 1 - lenry, AD 84795. DESPERATELY NEEDED ! Ride to Beth- Irhem Friday, April 28. Call Sandy, UN 5-090. RIDE TO Philadelphia Friday. April 28 any time. Call Elaine UN 5-7902. RIDE OR RIDERS from !Amniale for Senior Ball weekend. Call Fred, AD 8-2747. WANTED: INDIVIDUAL who cracked LIBERTY BELL. Please report to "A Xi Di?lt" or "Chi Phi." SOMEONE WILLING In ent the he food in town in return for services as waiter. Al) 7-4332. RIDE FROM — Ne;fork efi; -- for Wring weekend. Col/ Arlene UN 54487. DESPERATELY NEED Ride to NYC or Philp., Friday, April 28. Call Vicki UN 5-5207. RIDE DESPERATELY Wanted to and from Boston. Mother's Day weekend Call Jeri Schwartz UN 6-2100. USED HOOKS for Asian countries will be collected in the dorms Saturday. Support Soohomore Class Protect. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN.• STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Liberals Endorse Three Candidates (Continued from 'page one) big thing is getting it started in the, first place. Robert Harrison, University party candidate for president, said he stands for strong govern ment. He also emphasized the University party platform. Harrison denied that he had backed down on the issue of the student march to HarrMull. This was never a party plank, he ex plained. If enough students are inter ested in making the march it will be conducted, Harrison said. "Witmer said that if he were elected vice president he would consolidate student government committee system. He said that he would "sit at the top," of these committees. Jay Huffman, Campus party candidate for vice president, said that if he were elected he would act as a liason between the stu dents and the administration. Miss Cavanagh emphasized that she would push the executive branch of student government and make the secretary-treasurer position stronger. Mary Swed. Campus party can didate for secretary-treasurer said that she is a math major, knows how to work with numbers and has had the secretarial experience necessary for the position, in ex plaining why she felt qualified for the position. Track Summary Mile-1. Moorhead, State; 2. Deardorff, (State; 3. Norman, State, 4:12.2. 10D-1. Brown, State; 2. Go/was, Navy; 3. Prichard, Navy, :09.6. 220-1. Brown, State; 2. Cobras, Navy; 3. Metzgar. State, :20.8. 440-1. Metzgar, State; 2. Davies, State; 3. Bing, Navy, :98.9. 380-1. Miller, State: 2. Havey, Navy; 3. Lingley, Navy, 1:62,6, Mile-1. Norman. State; 2. Fleming, Nn'vy; 3. Heine, Navy, 9:14.8. 120 Highs-1. Shields, Navy; 2. Grant ham, State; 3. Dumont, Navy, :14.0. 220 Lows-1. Grantham, Slate; 2. Shields, 'Navy; 3, Gaffney, Navy, :23.9. Mile Relay- 7 -1. Penn State (Brown, Mil ler, Metzgar, Davies) ; 2. Navy 3:14.6 Field Events -Discus-1. Hart, Navy; 2. Musser, State; 3. Sage, Navy, 161-7 1 / 2 . Nigh Jump--1. Wettstone. State: 2. Campbell, State; 3. Thaxton, 6.5 1 / 2 . Shot Put-1. Brown, Navy; 2. Mather, Navy; 3. Hart, Navy, 64.2 1 / 2 . Javelin-1, Curtice, Navy; 2. Schwab, State; .Tozour, Navy, 20 6 -11%. Broad Jump-1. Prichard, Navy: 2. S. Thorell, Navy: 3. Grantham, State, 22- 104 i. -Pole Vault-1. Tie between Nutt and Rector, Navy; 3: Tie between Peters and Beard, State, and Stratton, Navy, 13-1. ==l IFIEDS ti PIANO PLAYER who plays by ear. Apply Meyers Restaurant, 2 till 4. DESPERATELY NEED ride to N.Y.O Friday, April 28. Call Vicki, UN 5-8207 TYPING AND multilithing thesis reports. etc. Reasonable sum. Call AD 74055. FURNISHED APARTMENT has two male graduate students. needs one more male student. Within walking dittance of cam pus. Phone Al) 8-1409 after 6:00 p.m. LOST BLACK' RIMMED glasses in white ense with Spanish sketches on it. Lost Thurs day in Willard or Pollock area. Please call Louise, UN 6-8016. MISCELLANEOUS WAS DOLLY MADISON really making Ice Cream wholesale? "White House Scandal" tells all. Kappa Sigma-Alpha Chi Rho. ANYONE INTERESTED in taking EE 9 during summer please contact Lynn Kiehl AD 11-2101 immediately. AMERICAN CHEMICAL Society Student Affiliate Meeting tomorrow, 7 p.m., 103 Osmond. Officers elected, plant trip sign-up, picnic discussion. FOUR DIMENSIONS—open for bookings May sth and the afternoon of May 6th. Call Dart, AD 8-6718. WHY DID Geo — rii 7 e --- 6r - o;1; - ?-- A. 2. McKee. COMMUNION BREAKFAST Sunday, April 30, 10:30 a.m. HUB dining rooms A&B tickets $1.25 at 207 Chapel. Sponsored by Newman Club. FOR STANDARD and Electric Typewriter Rentals: complete typewriter repair service: and all thesis typing supplies, shop Nittany Office Equipment, 231 S. Allen St. AD 8-6125. NEED SPRING Clothes Shortened? Call AD 8-2001, Marilynn. Straight skirts— The or planted-51.00. BOWL AND MEET your friends at down town Dux Club. Public lanes—rates 32 cents. No waiting. 128 S. Pugh St. TENNIS FANS—racket stringing and re• pairs the No-Awl-Way by Hassinger. Large selections of nylon or gut Prompt service. Guaranteed satisfaction. University Tennis Service, 514 E. Beaver Ave. Phone AD 7-2316. FIFER'S: Your one-stop mludo center on Benner Pike. Guitars, banjos, complete music line accessories. Open daily from 9$ except Wednesday. Pifer Music Center. Phone EL .1544141. WANTED Bioncin Admits Deliberately Hitting -Batters LOS ANGELES (R) Jiro Brosnan, veteran relief pitcher for the •Ciricinnfiti-Reds, says that on occasion he. has been ordered to hit a batter deliberately and has done it. This statement, by the National League twirler Was carried in a copyright Herald-Express story yesterday by John B. Old. Brosnan, asked if he had de liberately hit a batter, replied: "I have." Asked why, he said: "I was told to." Old asked: "Then managers, upon occasion, do order their pitchers to deliberately hit a bat ter, but not with the idea of perm anently injuring a player?" "That's right," replied Bros nan. "Where do you try to hit them —in the shoulder, hips or legs?" he was asked. "Usually at his back," said the bespectacled Brosnan. "The worst that could happen would be a cracked rib, but I can't throw that hard." Three Canadians Named To NHL All-Star Team MONTREAL (IP)--Bernie (Boom Boom) Geoffrion, who scored a record-equaling 50 goals, and two other members of the regular season champion Montreal Cana dians were named to the National Hockey League's all-star team for the 1960-61 season. Geoffrion, a right winger, was joined by teammates Jean Beli veau, a center, and Doug Harvey, a defenseman. SUMMER HOUSING Comfortable Rooms 1 / 2 block from Campus may now be reserved for the summer ' term. $5/Double $6/Single Male Students Only 125 S. Pugh St. AD 73412 COLLEGE MEN Part-Time Employment 15 Hours Per Week Sales work for internationally known firm with offices in every major city throughout the world. Local calls to establish customers. Car furnished. Rapid advancement offered on competitive basis. Careers in management available to qualified students upon graduation. Must have at least average grades. Working schedule will be arranged to suit class and study schedule whenever poisible. CALL MR. RICHARDSON 9:30 A.M. to 2 P.M. ADams 8.2051 SALARY $47 PER WEEK TIM Educational Series presents "20th Century Presents" TODAY . 12:30 d 1:00 6:30.1:00 HUB Assembly Hall A Free Public Service by TIM TUESDAY. APRIL 25. 1961 • . Golfers, Netters Win— (Continued front page eleven) Saturday for their only match this week. Singles , • Baker, 4P$), defeated Brown, 6-4, 6-2. ,Blanek, (PS), defeated O'Loughlin, '6-1, 7." -5. Rea (PS), defeated Mason. 6-4, 5-4. McCartney, (PS), defeated Koehman, 6-2, 10-S. Crag, (PS) J , defeated Glaser, 6-1, 6-2. Coldren, (PS), defeated Martens, 0-0, 3-6, 6-6. Summary bermiu,(Pitt), defeated Morton, 2 up. Rutherford, (I°S), defeated Snodgrass, O and 2 . B,.ul n a, (PS), defeated tong, 6 and 4. Galleon, (PS), defeated Shorthouae, 6 and 5. Miner, (PS), defeated VeselenY, IS and 5. Swaim, (PS), defeated Hoffman, and 4. Meredith, (PS), defeated Swanson, 5 and 3.
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