-'AGE TWO Kennedy,AdenauerMeet In Ist Policy Conference Ist Astronaut Tells of Trip in Spaceship ~ 4 JERUSALEM ("P) --T h e WASHINGTON VP) President Kennedy and Chancel- - MOSCOW L-PJ Maj. Yuri A.l for Konrad Adenauer of West Germany were reported to ft re il wted -last felt good—just like at b0me..~.„,i.,,,„ night he prosecutor tlf. Adolf Eichmann eel Israel's right to try have made good progress yesterday toward establishing during has swift, historic trip in r--- -- - a Soviet spaceshi than as the killer of millions of smooth working relations between the new U.S. admirustra- P That reaction. relayed to Pre-, ~,, r , ''' s, declaring yesterday, Lion and the Federal Republic of Germany. mier Nikita Khrushcher in a tele- ' - phone conversation, capped an "For this crime there is no The two leaders chatted for one.earlier series of messages cover thour. 35 minutes at the White , ng the astronaut's Impressums atonement, there is no pardon a. Leaders 'House in their first meeting win ce p Kennedy became president ----ee while traveling in orbit at 17,000 and there can be no forgetting. e miles an hour. i Pointing his finger at the bald, Their conference "A aS "most A transcript of a conversation former colonel in Hitler's Gesta- I To uiscuss sMisfa,ctorv." members of Ade- between Khrushchev and Gager- Po. Atty. Gen Gideon Hausner, nauer s delegation reported in after the flight was read over cried, "It is only possible to be-, The two spent most of the time the Moscow radio. iheye and to hope that the 801181 the flight I will not carry on the crimes of ] R istricting ed a j. lone , w o iSi thf a ir ter int i 7 i. eign police 74- I; t e r for- Al; r w at as us v of the co ssf cosmic their fathars and will not be diles. Secretary o f ship functioned properly. During called upon to answer for their IState Dean Rusk and German the flight I saw the earth from crimes. But for him who created HARRISBURG (,13---Penn- Foreign Minister Heinrich von a ;peat height. I could see the seas:these crimes, there is no atone sylvanta Democrats and Re- Brentano tthe mountains, big cities, nyersonerit" The future of the Atlantic Ai. and forests: Gagarin reported. 1 Eichmann scribbled a note on publicans yesterday completed Fiance was the town topic die- I The astronaut was in touch by a pad in the prisoner's dock, a plans for a "summit meeting' ' cussEl by the 8 5 - Yeax - obi chart- iralli°- broadcasting the first words cellos and the U.S. President. 43. ever heard by man from outer next Monday to discuss reap- Their conversation was "a / ispace, from the time he was blast-' con- __, into the ~,.. portionment tinuation of discussions held be- ". 'Li e a n task to. een the chancellor and Dean' Soviet reports said he reported Aside from education , the Acheson in Germany" on Sunday, el.er) thing was normal even to of redistricting the states legis White House press secretary p i his landing lative and congressional seats i n erre Salinger announced after line with the 1900 national censiis ward. is about the only major item left Army Approves Acheson. former secretary of for the 1961 session state, is now• Kennedy's adviser on Attending th e session will be the North Atlantic Treaty Organ-; Training Center both Republican and 13etnocratic ization lie familiarized the chain- Special to Collegian leaders cellar with the US chief execu- WASHINGTON LiPt—The Ar- Pennsylvania's 30-member con-'tive's philosophy on NATO. ' my has approved a four-acre greutonal delegation is scheduled "The chancellor and the Pres- site at University Park, Pa., for to drop to 27 under population` Went had a personal discussion construction of a reserve train changes in the MO census. l on the subject of NATO and the , ing center. Rep. James E. Van The last time the state Senate ways of achieving greater unity J Zandi, R-Pa... said yesterday. was reapportioned on a statewide in NATO. - the State Depart- i Vara Zandi said Congress last basis was in 1906. The state House men/ reported. : year approved 5366.000 for ton of Representatives was redistrict- The problem of Berlin, German struction of the center. ed last in 1053. :sources said, will come up when Van Zeno& said President Eric If the Assembly fails to reap-the two meet again today. A. Walker was will ing to pro portion congressional districts, it Adenauer is known to agree vide the land because he thinks will mean that all congressmernwith Kennedy that "the cohesionn the reserve training center not would be elected on an at-large'effectivenes. and adaptability of only will benefit the State Col basis next year. There is no penal-tbe Atlantic community" has to lege , Pa., area but also will be ty for failure to reapportion legis-'be insured. berietioal to the university i n it lative seats. , He is reported worried about.sell. ,Kennedy's intention to give pri- Soviets issue Space Stamp State to Sponsor lority to NATO's conventional - (forces over its nuclear capability, LONDON ('i The Soviet ! ,Union rushed out a special stamp Ceremony for Ike !Macmillan Ends Visit : commemorating the space flight. : commemorating radio said the stamp car- HARRISBURG (.-P) Former, OTTAWA 4 ' Pi Prime Minis - ;rtes the inscription "Soviet man President Eisenhower and his ter Harold Macmillan of Britain i n th e cosmos" and shows part wife will he welcomed back to left for London y esterda y. e n d . of the globe and the space ship in Pennsylvania in ceremonies on ing a 3-week visit to the West'ffi g ht, the State capitol steps next Mon-Indies, the United States and' ' day, ,Canada The Eisenhower. who maintain t , —,., -;---,---- } a farm home near Gettysburg. NavY —Chases Kea Mats have been vacationing in Califor- SEOUL, South Korea CP) —AI nia since the President left office:destroyer-escort attacked an di in January. chased! six small Communist navy, Three high school bands will torpedo boats from South Korean:` prctvide music for the informal waters yesterday, navv spokesmen! ceremonies. 'announced last night. i JFK Praises Space Flight WASHINGTON k r ia l _p res i_ Soviet astronaut who yesterday ;safely completed man's first dent Kennedy said y e st e rdayrouna-the-globe rocket flight in . Americans mu s t recognize ,sPace• ! "A most impressive scientificthat the Soviet Union is nowachievernent," Kennedy called it. first in the race for space but and one which all humans may he declared the United States ad.rri H i e re. added, however, that the aims to be first with achieve-' Soviet Union scored with Sput nik, the first earth satellite, and •,. ments of greater benefh to: now the first man ins pace. mankind, "That advantage is going to be ...with them for some time," Ken- In probing the skies above, ' . I 'nedy said. ! will be some time before we catch, The United States. he affirmed. up." Kennedy told his news con-'sill intends to press its manned ferene. ' flight project this year. "with; "So one is more tired than ' , due regard to the problem of the aim he said. of seeing the Soviet' iife of the men i nvolved: , Union beat the United States in ..We are. I hope, going to go in a spectacular space feat. ! other areas where we can be But the fact is. Kennedy said— first." Kennedy said, "and which . , , and repeated it—that "we are 'will 1 -rino p.rhaps more long behind.' range benefits to mankind." He sent congratulations to both. Sower Pretmer Khru3hchev and rla . n who was involved." the TODAY and FRIDAY Feature at 7:00 - 9:10 p.m. work o.- to rut TAYLOR. CLIFT. W INTERS :GEORGE SEEM. A PLACE IN THE SUN A ProptAAA At arm 11111111.1131 • • SAT. ONLYI • I "Hell To Eternity" THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA NOW IN 0 W Nominated for 7 Academy Awards! Inculciing "BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR!" w , - TILE ALN =stow r _ 40 4 IMIE•1101114111 1 0 %.,.. --: •• ' , • , - name SW. 2nd WEEK The Year's Big Spedatiet it wilt- be remembered forever e TODAY at 2:00-5:104:20 P.M. e Thu TATE. Now_ - METRMLIANN4I4AYER PUNIe EDNA FENDER'S CIMARRON Combo Scoot METROCOLOR 7 - 1 1: • 4 . . . Fealuxeiixne 1:15. 3:57, 6:39, 9: 27 ATllll.liMi Israel Defends Right To Try Eichmann Why are some girls prouder of their rings than others ? You see it in her eyes—but the reasons aren't all roman• tic ones. Her diamond ring is an Artcarved. This means it meets rigid standards of excellence in cut, carat weight, color and clarity. Nor is this simply a verbal promise. Artcarved's written guarantee explains how the exclusive Permanent Value Plan lets you apply the full current retail price toward the purchase of a larger Artcarved anytime, at any Artcarved jeweler throughout the country. You will be proud, too, of Artcarved's award-winning styling, like the Evening Star shown here. To be sure it's an Art carved: Look for the name inside the ring, and ask for your written Artcarved guarantee. Of course, being engaged is wonderful, but sealing the engagement with an Artcarved ring makes ft were wonderful than ever—forever! rtca DIAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS J. P. Wood & Sone, Inc, Dept. -.P.1 218 E. 415111 St, New York 17, N. Y. ifi s‘ i S k s \ ) t'''' ). \'‘' ' Please sand me more facts about diarnort 7, ~ rings and "Wedding Guide for Bride an • . ' ''' '-• Groom". Also name of nearest (at hem •,i , k., — .„.., town) Artsarved Jeweler. 1 am enclogi 100 to cover handling and ...la. In _ . . ' . , _ _ Evening Star h U exclusive pateeted design —on of Attcatvecrs sward-winning settings In State College See CRABTREES JEWELERS • 132 S. Allen St. For Beautiful ARTCARVED Diamonds THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1961 cage of bullet-proof glass. Then, he sat cupping his chin in his right hand. His only display of animation came before the triers second day began. He exchanged a few words with his German defense counsel, Robert Servatius, through a private telephone. Servatius is challenging Israel's right to try Eichmann former chief of the Jewish affairs section lof the Nazi Gestapo for "crimes against the Jewish people and I crimes against humanity." The German lawyer claims that Israeli war crimes law is invalid because it was passed in 1950 aft er the crime was committed. He says Eichmann was only an instrument of his Nazi masters dragged into the crime and, in any event, it was committed in Europe and not Israel. rye INK um do owlap.imas aft 404. M., walk Im a•••••••••••••• lior•• City County or Zon
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