PAGE TWELVE Nixon's Uncle Sees 'Frontier as 'Deal' • The New Frontier program of the Kennedy administra tion is a current version of FDR's "New Deal," according to Ernest L. Nixon, uncle of former vice, president Richard M. Nixon In its extensive program of Exam Plan To Remain Unchanged The Senate Committee on Educational Policy will take no action to change the pro posed final exam procedure under the four-term plan, ac cording to John J. Schanz, chairman of the committee. Under this plan, final exams will be given in the last 75-min ute period of each class. Schanz explained that the com mittee will not act on the recom mended changes in this exam schedule which were presented in an informational report before the University Senate last week. The report included a sug gestion to lengthen all class meetings during the last three days of a term from 75 minutes io 2 hours in order to provide for a longer exam period. This would have been done by extending class hours into the evening. Schanz said that his committee has decided against these propo sals and would like to try the original exam plan for one term before considering any changes. This trial period, he said, would provide a basis for any future changes the committee might wish to consider. Schanz also explained that the present exam plan could not be altered in time for the fall term. Overseas Training Offered to Grads Any graduate student interest ed in participating in the sum mer Graduate Overseas Training Program in Nigeria should con tact Edward B. VanOrmer, as sistant dean of the graduate school, 106 Willard. A graduate student who has completed 30 hours of graduate credit or equivalent professional experience in public administra tion, law, political science, eco nomic development or related fields is eligible. The program runs from June 13 to Sept. 30 and includes a five week seminar at Syracuse and 10 weeks of field study and re search in Nigeria. Bowman Attends Convention James D. Bowman, instructor in industrial engineering, attended the-1961 International Convention of the Institute of Radio Engi neers in New York, N.Y., re cently. factory authorized VOLKSWAGEN Sales Parts Service $1624.00 wyNo SALES CO. 1960 E. 3rd Si.. Williamsport BIKE REPAIRS PARTS ACCESSORIES Western Auto 200 W. College Ave. By LYNNE CEBEFICE increased appropriations in the national budget (defense, unem ployment, aid to depressed areas, 'federal aid to education, Increase' in the minimum wage, etc,), Nix on said the Kennedy administra tion has revived the fourth free dom of the New Deal—freedom from want. lie said that this program im mediately brings to mind the question, "What is this adminis tration doing to build a good America?" . Nixon. a former professor of plant pathology at the Univer sity, said. that the Kennedy pro gram can only lead to debase ment of the American dollar. He cited Gresham's Law of eco nomics which states that "when you debase money, morality goes ,out the window, and the nation begins to die." For example, in proposing in creased unemployment benefits, Nixon said that the administra tion is guaranteeing people a liv ing thereby removing the need for individual initiative. "We need more schools, but instead of inflating currency wouldn't it be better to use barns for schools?" Nixon said. In other criticisms of the new administration's policies, Nixon said that there is no "New. Frontier" in agriculture. He referred to the Kennedy farm program which proposes the establishment of a national farm er committee for each farm com modity or group of related com modities. In effect this would take tne drafting of farm legislation from Congress and put it into the hands of the particular farmers who would benefit from it. The fallacy in this plan, Nixon said is that "you can't even get a group of farmers together in a county let alone the entire coun ty." Seniors—what can Kearfott's personalized training program offer You? JAMES T. ORRICO Stevens'l nstltute V of Technology, '6O During his training pro. gram, Jim has already gained valuable experience In two diversified areas. In the Gyrodynamics Test Engineering Laboratory, he worked on the design of transistor circuitry and test equipment. At pres ent, he Is assigned to the field Service Department which. Is responsible for preparing manuals and technical courses. Jim plans to expand his ex perience even further Into both administrative and technical areas of Gyrodynamics, Eventually, he intends to concentrate on highly advanced sys tems engineering. Right now he's busy laying the groundwork In the broad spectrum of specialties which systems engineering embraces. Jim feels that this training program Is talior•made to prepare him for exactly the kind of work he wants to do. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA • A Over 18,000 Students And Faculty Read These COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS CASH-17 words or less CHARCH-12 words .or loss 1.50 one Insertion $.75 two. Insertion• $l,OO three Insertions Additional yrorda-8 for 1.41 for cash day of Insertion ' ADS MUST BR .IN BY 11300 LK THE PRECEDING DAY • ==MI LATE 1969 MCA Coupe. excellent con dition,. .dark R&M wires, ww. Gees like a Twia‘Cam I Honest 16,000 rni.— $1705. 110 4.6862 after 4:00 or contact Bill Jackson, Rm. 114 Carnegie. RUMMAGE SALE. State College Business and Professional 'Women's Club, 800. East Beaver Avenue, April 14 and 16. Sale hours: Friday, 1 . p.m. to 8 p.m. ; Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m, Proceeds-- Student Loan Fund. UNDERWOOD PORTABLE Typewriter, perfect eondition—sB6. Call Sue, UN 6-2167 between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. ONE MILE from campus-82x8 House trailer; patio awning, outdoor fireplace, wall to wall carpet. Ideal for . student couple. 31200, Call AD 84084 after 6:30 p.m. or weekends. FORMAL GOWNS, sizes 9, 10, 12, all colors, floor length and ballerina. Call AD 7-9769 after 6 p.m. CYCLING WEATHER is herel Man's Eng lish Racing Bike $15.00 and it's yours. Ron Huelin, 218 E. College Ave. AD 8-8358. DEAGAN VIBRAHARP, perfect condition, five years old. Call AD 7-2417 after 6 p.m. ENGLISH BIKE In excellent condition AD 7-4758. MOVIE OUTFIT, Keystone Capri 8 mm. Kodascope Projector. 750 watt , light bar including lights; Argus C-8 95 mm., like new I Jim, AD 8-2751, 1954 FORD convertible VB, standard trans mission, overdrive, new tires, radio, heater. Fraser, AD 8-6464. 1969 FORD convertible, VB, Fordomatic, power steering, new white walls, radio. Good condition. Call AD 7-2296. ONE MEAL TICKET In McElwain Dining Hall.' greatly reduced I Call Jeff, AD 8-1021 or AD 1-4409. STUDENTS 2'3'4' desk. Call UN 6-7283. ask' for Steve. STRIKE BACK at the gas tax hike with real economy '56 Volkeswaxen. Excel lent conditions $7OO. AD 7-4786. 1956 MERCURY convertible, power brakes. sea's, windows; R&H, automatic. Good tires. Cs'l Ed UN 8-5307. 1966 TRAILER, 46 foot; five blocks from campus. AD 8-8074. THEM FORMALS—NiIe Green, Powder Blue, Turquoise; sizes 8-9. For more information phone AD 7-2008 after 6 p.m. MUST SELL—white Hilman convertible, immediately. Good shape, '69 model, mechanically perfect. $1875. Call UN 6- 2260. CUSHMAN MOTOR SCOOTER, good con dition, 1960 model. Call Carl Johnson, AD 7-2861 after 8 p.m. MGA—radio and heater, 22,000 mi., never raced. Must sacrifice 51625—pending marriage. Call UN 5-6852. Check the experiences of These Recent Graduates PETER L. TODD Cornell University, '57 Because Pete wanted first hand experience in sew oral engineering areas— development, design, test ing, and manufacturing, he was given engineering responsibilities on a va. riety of projects. Curing his assignment to the Sys tems Electronics Labora tory, for example, he helped develop and test an aircraft navigation sys tem that is now fully op erational. After complet ing his training program, Pete decided to ask for permanent assignment to the Precision Wound Com ponents Section. One of the most important advan tages of working at Bear fott, Pete reports, Is the project engineer approach. Under It, you can develop specific skills, and, at the same time, gain the engi neering perspective that comes from seeing a proj ect through from concept to completed product. KEARIFOII DIVISION GENERAL PRECISION. Lillie Falls. New Jersey FOR SALE CHARLES R. ELLISON, Jr. Vlllanova University, 'SO What Impressed Charlie most about his Kearfott training program was the Immediate opportunity to apply theoretical analysis and optimum design tech niques to realistic and stimulating problems. At the Me time, he gained a comprehensive experi ence In the many other engineering aspects of carrying a project through to completion. Encouraged by tuition reimbursement and company sponsored courses, Charlie is now continuing his academic training toward en MS degree and perhaps be. yond. With midtown New York only 40 minutes away, he has easy access to the many fine colleges within the New York/New Jersey area—Columbia, NYU, Stevens, Newark College of Engineering, and others. ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWS APRIL 14 FOR ASSISTANT PROJECT ENGINEERS Make an appointment now with your Placement Director, or write to Mr. Francis X. Jones, Technical Placement Supervisor MOS 011. D.. .1101 . FOR SALE '63 CHEVY—stick shift, 4-door, radio, heater, new paint, seat corers, snow tires, battery, radiator muffler, excellent condition. Contact Herm Weber, AD .8• 2416. THINK SMALL. Muit gait with 'my loe i ingly maintained 1957 VW. Hap radio, heater, and' extra apare tire. .Excelleirt condition. AD 8-2588 between 5 and 7 p.m. only please. SLASH YOUR high coat of •kitchen equip ment by buying from Equipment Manu facturers, Williamsport, Pa. Tremendous bargains on. all new items and guaranteed rebuilt - hquipment. Dishei, .China, Silver ware, Ranges, Refrigerators, Dishwashers. GOLIATH TIGER Deluxe Coupe. 1959, 21,000 miles. A title, excellent condition. 21100 cash or terms. Charles Flynn, WI-M -TV, Altoona, Pa. 1952 JAGUAR ,XK-120 •Roadster, good Mechanical coaltion. $6OO or best offer. EL 5-3734 after 7. WANTED MALE STUDENT to s6re efficiency apart ment; location 131 Locust Lane. Call AD 7-2681 alter 5:00. TYPlNG—fast -and .accurate. AD 8.2648 PEOPLE TO attend the 411 & Clever Clubs Square Dance, Friday, April 14th in HUB Ballroom from. 9-12 p.m. Musk: by Jay Crouse and The Country Gentlemen. Admission $.50 donation. BOY TO share trailer• with two seniors. Call for details AD 84262. Penn State Trailer Park. WANTED TO HUY one used drafting lamp. Call Mrs. Packer, AD 7-4051. THESIS TERM PAPERS, other typing— experieneett typist. Campus piek up and delivery. AD 7-2836. COED COMPANION to travel independent ly in Europe this summer. Call Helene, UN 54056. WANTED—GIRL TO share apartment. Call AD 7.7877. Available immediately. DESPERATELY WANTED—one ride to Dartmouth for May 12th, Green Key Prom. Call Barb UN 6-5648. WAITERS! Need extra weight? Let us feed you. Call Al) 7-2961. TYPING AND multilithing thesis reports etc. Reasonable. sum. Call AD 7-7055. FURNISHED APARTMENT has two male graduate atudents, needs one more male student. Within walking distance of cam pus. Phone AD 8.1408- after IS :00 a.m. ==1:1 LOST LOST—WALLET Saturday night in either The Cathnurn or The Skellnr. Reward for its return with I.D. cards. Call Kent AD 84456. WILL THE. PERSON who took my white Jacket at Zoology Lab Room 214 Frear 10:00 a.m. Tues.. April 11 return it to the office on that floor. WHITE GOLD Hamilton Watch in Sim mons area. Reward. Call Sandi. UN 6-7158. GREEN GLENN PLAID London .Fog Raincoat at Beta Theta P 1 on Saturday. Call Dick, UN 5.091. Reward. VINCENT MONTALTO, Jr. Penn State, '6O Summer employment with the company In 1959 gave Vince all the reasons he needed to join Kearfott after graduation. He likes the way Kearfott Project Engineers STAY WITH A PROJECT—from the study phase right through de sign, prototype, produc t ion, and reliability testing. They are not only responsible for all techni cal aspects, but for quality and price structure of finished hardware as well. Vince finds this philosophy opens the way for growth along a variety of paths gives him experience and perspective in practically every phase of engineering. A family man, Vince en joys pleasant suburban living with his wife and son in a nearby community one of many fine resi dential areas within a 10• mile radius. THURSDAY, APRIL 'l3. 1961 FOUND FOUND—CAMPUS Parking Permit, Iden tify by license number. Call Bill, AD 7-49b1. FOR RENT MODERN 8•ROOM - Apartment; item. refrigerator, heat, Incinerator and park ing furnished. Available June 12. Phone AD 7-8856. LARGE, CLEAN ROOMS. Good living • conditions. Reservations taken now for summer and fall semester; $ 6 or $7 double $8 or $D Dingle. 236 S. Frasier 6-1481. FULLY FURNISHED modern three man Apartment, Metzger Bldg. Available for June. Call after 5:00, AD 7-2861. . SINGLE ROOM, Ist floor—besides shower near campus. Graduate men preferred. AD 1-241615. MISCELLANEOUS THE DELIGHTFUL Comedy "Our Hearts Were Young and Gay" Fri. and Sat., :80 p.m., Junior High School, Frazier Street. PLEASE MR. WEATHERMAN, can't ice please have Nome good weather for JSA's picnic at Whipple's on Sat.—Gloomy SOCIAL CHAIRMEN our booking dead line is near. We have reeelved several inquiries already. We must aek all other houses Interested in using the MAIN LINERS or the MARK FIVE for their spring weekend to contact us immediately. The Fred Pomerantz Orchestra, 6840 Hobart St., Pittsburgh 17, Pa. SORORITIES, FRATERNITIES, INDE PENDENTS—Add a trophy to your col. lection. Nittany Putt Par sponsoring a miniature golf tournament. Organize a group and call AD 8-8662 or AD 8-6633 for Information, SQUARE DANCE--music by "The Country Gentlemen" Friday, April 14 at 9:00 p.m. Donation $.60. HUB Ballroom. FREE! RIDE TO Syracuse. Leaves 1 p.m. Thursday 13th. Help mind 3 kids. AD 8-0174. INVEST YOUR summer in an American Friends Service Comm. Project. Work in a Mental Health Project. Industrial Semi- Workcamps, etc. See Mr. Charles Walker at 210 Eisenhower Chapel, t-12 A.M. and 1:30.5 p.m. today. LIVE AND LEARN at Koinonia, a reel- dential seminar in Christianity for Penn State students. Openings for next Septem ber. Call Mr. Gibson, UN 5-7627. RECORD HOP Friday April 14th sit 8 p.m. Our Lady of Victory Church. Ad mission 215 e. Sponsored by Newman Club. SKIERS—rope down and spring cleanup work party this weekend, Sat. & Sun. Your help needed, girls too. Cabin party at Ski cabin Sat. night. Information and sign-up at HUB desk. Rides provided. PIFER'S: Your one-atop music tenter on Benner Pike. Guitars, banjos, complete music line accessories. Open daily from 9-8 except Wednesday. Pifer Music Center. Phone EL 54441. A career with a company whose size has grown 20-fold in ten years From 300 to 6000 Employees 25 New Laboratories Kearfott's remarkable record of expansion is a reflection of its achievements in electronics, electro-mechanical components, precision instrumentation and now, the development of complete systems. The continued expansion of the company means exceptional growth opportunities for recent graduates in all six major divisions: Systems Engineering Division. Gyrodynamics Division Electro-mechanical Division Precision Components Division Electronics Division Power Equipment Division In keeping with the dynamic atmosphere at Kearfott, a personalized training program gives the young engineer the freedom to explore many engineering fields before selecting the broad area best suited to his career interests. Performance leads quickly to advancement through Kearfott's policy of PROMOTION BY MERIT. For detailed Infor• 'nation, see the Kearfott representative when he visite your campus.
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