PAGE TWO Adams Chapel The Reverend Harry B. Adams, associate professor of practical theology at Yale Divinity School, will speak at the University Chapel Service at 10:55 a.m. tomorrow in Schwab. Richardson Dilworth, mayor of Philadelphia, will not speak as scheduled because o Critics Acclaim Canadian Ballet For Standards The National Ballet of Canada, which will appear at 8 tomorrow evening in Recreation Hall, has been acclaimed by critics in three countries for its "excellent dance standard" and "audience excite ment." Lois Smith, prima ballerina, will lead the company in female songs. She has been noted for her performances in "Swan Lake" and "Coppelia" as well as in the tragic "Giselle" which is being reviewed this year in her honor. This season Miss Smith is star ring with David Adams, the com pany's permier danseur, in the full-length presentation of "Prin cess Aurora" which is based on highlights from "Sleeping Beau ty," David Adams has been called one of the world's leading danc ers—a title earned by dancing in Europe before joining the Nation al Company. Adams, a six-footer, is known for his leaps and physique among ballet-goers. He has previously danced lead roles with London's Metropolitan Ballet and with the Royal Ballet. University Party Executives The executive committee of the University party will meet at 3 p.m. tomorrow in 212 Hetzel Union Building. • Party Registration LIBERAL PARTY :• THIS AFTERNOON • 1 P.M. 218 HUB to Address Tomorrow illness. Adams, a Yale grad uate, is the author of "The Bible Message." The University Chapel Choir, directed by Willa Taylor, ,will sing, "The Last Words of .David" by Randall Thompson. The Reverend Richard Nutt, 'Methodist Chaplain and director 'of the Wesley Foundation will speak on "Victory" for the serv ice at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the Helen Eakin Eisenhower Chapel. Nutt has served for five years in 'a pastorate in Connecticut and was campus chaplain at the Uni versity of Nebraska before he came here five years ago. The Meditation Chapel Choir, directed by James Beach, will sing the Dutch carol, "Awake Thou Wintry Earth." "Reading for The Heaven of It" will be Reverend William Kurhe's topic for the Lutheran Student Association evening pro-' gram at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow, as he speaks on Graham Greene's book, "The Power and The Glory." The Westminster Fellowship' will hold a discussion on "Love' and Justice," at 6:30 p.m. tomor-1 row in the Presbyterian Univer-1 sity Center. Reverend Barrett, Rudd, associate University Chris• tian Association director and di-1 rector of religious studies will lead the program. Art Professor to Lecture Dr. Harold E. Dickson, profes sor of art, will speak on "Arts and the Formation of the United States" at the Tuesday Liberal Arts Lecture Series rather than Dr. Joseph A. Dixon, assistant professor of chemistry, as was previously reported. I ENCORE WEEK I . . NITT4N.Iif at 2:10, 3:55 Today 5:45, 7:30, 9:20 p.m. KIRK DOUGLAS in "PATHS OF GLORY" ••• • • • SUN. & MON. • MGM Presents An Arthur Freed Production "BELLS ARE RINGING" Starring Judy Holliday • Dean Martin Sun. at 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9:00 ••9 • • Tue. ( R. Burton - Barbara Rush Wed. ( "The Bramble Bush" Fri. ( Elisabeth Taylor In Thur. t "A Place In The Sun" • • ext. Wee • • "Hell To Eternity" THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Petroleum Refining Lob A one-year grant of $75,000 has Laboratory. been made by the li-so Research The company has been support and Engineering Company of ing this research work, .which is Linden, N.J., to the Department of under the direction of Dr. Merrell Chemical Engineering for research R. 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