PAGE TWELVE North Halls Turns Down ress Code The men of the North Halls area have overwhelmingly defeated the dining hall dress code which the area council passed Feb. 13. The code required that students wear a coat and tie at special din ners and set up a new enforce ment method. This would require that all students, who violated the regulation three times. go be fore the area tribunal. The bill was referred to the residents of the area on March 28 aftmr a petition was presented to the council protesting the bill. The referendum was defeated by almost a three to one margin. The vote was 166 for and 453 against the code. The vole totaling 619 was 46 more than necessary for approval: Under the North Halls constitu tion a referendum must be ap proved by an absolute majority of the residents. ;Wayne Ulsh, president of the North Halls council and proposer of the code, said that much of the code was taken from the Guide to Residence Hall Living. The guide was distributed to all students at the beginning of the school year by the office of the Dean of Men, Ulsh said. These provisions set up in the guide are still in effect, 'Ulsh em phasized. factory authorized VOLKSWAGEN Sales Parts Service $1624.00 WYNO SALES CO. 1960 E. 3rd Si., Williamsport OMANI slam puo 9133110 Cool Temperature s Expected to Remain Even though old sol is growing nearly 10 degrees below normal. strongerAiaily, chilly, almost win-: Little change in this "cold" terlike weather, continues to pre- weather regime is expected for vail in Pennsylvania. several days, and no precipitation Temperatures should remain of consequence is likely before well below seasonal normals Sunday afternoon. through the weekend, but sunny Today should be mostly cloudy, skies may bring somewhat mild- breezy and continued cold with a er weather to this are tomorrow. high temperature of 44 degrees. The past six days have been A few sprinkles of rain or pos more like a typical first week of s,il3lY a few snow flurries are like- March than the first week of 'Y. during the afternoon. April. Two and a half inches of Some cloudiness and cold tern are predicted for to-' snow fell on the first two days peratures night and a low of 30 is expected. of the month, and temperatures have dipped to 32 degrees or low- Tomorrow will be partly cloudy er each day. and milder with a maximum of > The 2.5 inches of snow boosted 52 degrees. the season's total to 80.9 inches making this the first winter sea son to have more than 80 inches of snow. The 1960-61 winter became the snowiest in State College weather history on March 23, when the total surpassed the 74.9 inches that fell in the 1941-42 season Temperatures during the first week of April have averaged LIBERAL ARTS LECTURE SERIES SPONSORED BY THE LIBERAL ARTS STUDENT COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 11 7:30 HUB Assembly Room Dr. Harold Dickson Professor of the . History of Art and Architecture "The Arts and the Formation of the United States" ILLUSTRATED WITH SLIDES EVERYONE INVITED lansvo SSNIG a3iiiwav SIBOW3W Snip dOH NDOllOd Mid .'i1E101.Z1::•111......,':. DllOad DNIadS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Collegians Miss-- (Continued from page six) dents refused to go to classes. Two of the highlights of the fever-ridden demonstration were a mass meeting of the demonstra tors in front of the student union and the throwing of parts of a picket fence (which they just hap pened to have handy) at Univer sity President Cloth McDonald. DSZ ' ' ' NOIIVNOCI OE:ZI. 0 4 00:8 IHDINOI S,NDOI - 10d CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE '53 CHsVY—stick shift, 4-door, radio, • heater: new Saint, sent covers, snow tires, battery, radiator muffler, excellent condition. Contact Herm Weber, AD 8- 2416. SINGER ELEC •IC Portable Sewing Machine, used and in perfect - condition. Can be guaranteed if desired—s 29.96. Phone AD 8-8367. THINK SMALL. Must part with niy lovingly maintained 1967 VW. Has radio, heater, and extra spare tire. Excellent condition. AD 8-2686 between 6 and 7 xr.m. only please. ACCORDION—La Towel, 120 base. Rea aonable. - Phone AD 8-2044 before 10:90. 1940 PONTIAC 4-door, motor recently overhauled. Excellent battery with guar antee-8105. AD 7-3440. SLASH YOUR high cost of kitchen equip ment by buying from 'Equipment Manu facturers, Williamsport, Pa. Tremendous bargains, on all new items and guaranteed rebuilt equipment. Dishes, China, Silver ware, Ranges, Refrigerators, Dishwashers. GO LATH TIGER Deluxe Coupe, 1969, 21,000 miles. A title. excellent condition. $llOO cash or terms. Charles Flynn, \\WWI - Altoona, Pa. NEED A T3'Pewriter? Good used office model, wide carriage for thesis or theme. Call after 4:00, AD 0-0574. 1052 JAGUAR XK•I2O Roadater, good mechanical condition. $6OO or beat offer. EL 5-3794 after 7. 1965 GENERAL TRAILER, 45 ft. Private lot five blocks from campus. Must sell. Call AD 8-8074 after 15:80. FOR RENT n f MODERN THREE-ROOM Apartment for rent. New refrigerator, range, and dis posal unit furnished. Call UN 5-2102. WANTED I. WANTED one dishwasher and one waiter to work for meals at the University Club. If interested please tall lira. Par sons, AD 7-2381. RIDE TO Binghamton or Elmira, Friday, April 19, back Sunday. 'Must make plans immediately. Call Carol UN 6-4316. RIDE WANTED to either Syracuse or Ithaca on Fri., April 14. Can leave anytime on Fri. Phone UN 64223. PHI KAPPA TAU is in need of one (1) waiter and two (2) dishwashers to work for remainder of semester. Will any in terested party .please see the caterer in Person or call AD 7-2760. TYPING--fast and acct. rate. Al) 8.2548 TWO COEDS to support two dashing destitute professional students. No other qualifications necessary. Call AD 7-4453. TYPING AND multilitbing thesis reports etc. Reasonable sum. Call AD 7-7055. NOTES OR old tests from anyone who has taken Zoo. 41 by correspondence or from Dr. Tletz. Call Twig at UN 8-8468. )103HD IMOD. 33114 6 1!I• 9 WON 3311 d a3iiiwav SllllO FRIDAY. APRIL 7. 1961 WANTED STUDENTS EARN up to $1.50 per hour Betting howling ping two or three eve. flings of your choice. Downtown Dux Club, 128 S. Pugh. DON'T CONTACT ME unless you can handle a sax in a four-piece combo. Ron Weeter, AD 7-3181. FURNISHED APARTMENT has two male graduate students, needs one more male student. Within walking distance of cam "pus. Phone AD 8-1409 after 5:00 p.m. LOST PENN STATE Jacket lost near 214 Tioucke Wednesday. Call Cary, UN 54022. ward. NORTHWESTERN High School Ring with the initials P.C.S. If found please call Paul at UN 5.1887. TAN, LAWRENCE Raincoat at DU Sat. Mar" 25. Please return I Call Ed. UN 54840. Reward. SAD SATURDAY I Racoon collar coat taken by mistake at Beta Sig Saturday night. Yours is still there. Boma Em. braceable Watch lost near South Halls. Reward $6.. UN 6-7709. MISCELLANEOUS LIBERAL ARTS Lecture Series., Tuesday. April 11, 7:90, HUB Aseembly room. CAMP HAPPY TRAILS—A Girl Scout Camp near Altoona, Penna. will inter view women on campus for summer counselor positions on Thursday, April 13 from 1 to 5 p.m. Information and appoint ments.- The Office of Student Aid, 218 Willard Building. SIGMA THETA EPSILON and KAPPA Phi Car Wash-81.00, Saturday, April Bth, 10-5. St. Paul's Methodist Church. BOWL AND meet your friends at down• town Dux Club Public Lanes; 32 cents. No waiting 1 128 S. Pugh St. FOR STANDARD and electric typewriter rentals; 'complete typewriter repair service; and all thesis typing supplies— shop Nittany Office Equipment, 231 S. Allen St. AD 8-6126. TENNIS FANS—expert restringing and repair. Large selection of nylon and gut. Prompt service, guaranteed aatiafaction. University .Tennis Service, 514 F.,. Beaver Ave. after 5 p.m. THINKING OF changing curriculum or - - just plain curious 1 Come to the Mineral Industries Open House tonight i-9:30 p.m. SKATING FANS—Trip to Hershey Ice Carnival, Saturday, April HS ; chartered bus. Transportation and show, 84.60. Call Jack, AD 8-6097. MODERN JAZZ made daneeahle for afternoon Jam Sessions:. The George Sutter Quartet. Cali AD 7-2406. PIFER'S: Your one•stop music center on Benner Pike. Guitars, blades, complete music line accessories. Open daily from 9-8 except Wednesday. Pifer Music Center. Pkone EL, 6.8441. THINKING OH changing curriculum? Come to the Open Houses sponsored by the Colleges of Mineral Industries, Chem. istry and Physics, and .Agriculture. 9 a.m.. 5 p.m. today.
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