PAGE EIGHT Handbook. Applications Applications for- the • business staff of the Student Handbook are now available at the Hetzel Union desk. The applications must be re turned to the HUB by next Tues day. 311Enz==:=:=1=2 RUSHING SMOKER KAPPA SIGMA SUNDAY, FEB. 19 LIBERTY BOWL FILMS WILL BB SHOWN PLUS A GUIDED TOUR OF OUR NEW FRATERNITY HOUSE ALL FRESHMEN MEN WELCOME ~ ,~ , .. + CLAS 'r, CASII-13 words or less CJIARGE-12 words or less $.50 one insertion $.75 two Insertions $l.OO three Insertions Additional words-3 for $.05 for each day of insertion ADS ikSUST BF. IN BY 1.1:00 'ME PRECEDING DAY FOR SALE '56 140 A white convertible, wire wheels R&M top emu:111111, gift-wrapped--s9fls Al) 7-703, Miko.sell. TA l'E ItECORDE.R, almost new. Need money--x 46.: worth much more. Excel lent Speech 200 aid. Call F.I. 54601. USED TV Sets. All makes table models $lO - $5O. All in good working condition. Cnll Phil at AD 7-4332 or AD 7-91:11. 1953 BUICK Ivith standard transmission. Best rash offer. Phone AD7-4702, ask for Dave. 1( ITCH EN SET with tour ehai ra —sls. : glass packed caar nwttier, guaranteed t',0,000 miles—RA. Sonitone Diamond Cer amic Stereo Cartridge, a I ulost new--$7. AI) R-0426. BRAND NEW C-31 Writ.° Lettering Set, purchased value 127. will sacrifice (or $7O. lIN 5-1217. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS find supplies, string, met hods, ete. Used string bass. new G-stringed lttiMe. guitars. Pifer Music Center, Benner' Pike, Bellefonte. Elgin 8o:1441.. TROPHIES AND Carnival Novelties in • stock for any occasion—immediate de livery. Engraving—"h4 discounts"—Quiek "Sign Painting and Show Card Service. Sam Troutman's "Trophy and Novelty" Shop, RD 1, State College, Pa. Phone AD 7-2192 after f p.m. CAMERAS. guaranteed, like new, 50% off 85 nim. Argue C-2, wide angle lens end ease. Also Kodak movie 200rn•8. elec• trio eye ti mm and case. Phone Al) i-72g6. 1959 MCA, blue, carefully maintained for 20,000 miles. Call UN 64852. FOR RENT EFFICIENCY APARTMENT: Everything furnished. A fter 7 p.m. FL 9-2 S9ll-- beforr 7 p.m. AD 7-2207. IDEAL. MODERN furnished efficiency apartment; parlor, own thermostat; private entrance. parking. Suitable volt ph or bachelor. Al) 1%1192 or AD 14850. MALE STUDENT to share double room, 55. call AD It -0393. APARTMENT FOR two mole atudentm at. 129 South Pugh. Call AD 7-2005. FURNISHED APARTMENT for •two male students, reduced from ;75. , to VA per Month or $75. per month with one free month. Two blocks went of campus. Free parking. Call Al) 8-14b9 after 4 p.m. SINOLE OR Double Room+, t' bioeks from cittnous4 quiet tilted. Phone Al) 8-0044. MEN STUDENTS and mmerelaaamen— three very large cmitfortable double rooms. very reasonable 'rates: one and one-half blocks from campus. 236 S. Frazier Street. Call AD 8-11S4. FURNISHED APARTMENT %Ilea/ICY for one student to share pith made student; two blurbs from -West Campus. Free purl:- ing. Call AD S-1400.1. Delta Sigma Pi Officers The new officers of Delta sig ma Pi, professional business fra ternity are: George Haney, presi dent; Jerry Reitman, senior vice president; Dave Downes, junior vice president; Greg Kahn, secre tary; Joe Larotonda, treasurer; Lee Porter, historian. 300 E. BEAVER IFIEDS + LOST: PAIR OF black frameit Klaktes in pink case in vicinity of West Halls. Call UN 5-6795. REWARD FOR return of 100 EC leaf note book which disappeared from Waring Hall Monday. No questions asked. Leave at HUH desk and/or call Pete, AD 7-4606. SILVER BUTTERrLY pin near Rfle Hall Saturday night. If found please cal Ginny, UN 64828. Reward being offered FOUND IN E.E. on Tuesday, black and white scarf. Cull Hunk. AD 7-2232. Pay HELP WANTED KITCHEN HELP woracil—work for meals Contact caterer, AD 8-2473. WANTED: PERSON TO wash dishes for meals. Call AD 7-4402. BLUEBOOKS WAN TED—In (net we want them so had we're sponsoring. a dance to stet them. Feb. 11S 111.311 Ballroom. DESPER ATELY NEED Coutti's "Emer gent Human Nature" for Sor. 426. Money no olject. Coll Al,• AD 8.1702. Please, please, Please! TYPING—THESIS or other. Experienced typist. Call AD 8-040. WA ITER TO work for meals. Hest food in State Colleve. Chi Phi. Call AD 7-4332. , DISHWASHERS FOR fraternity work, two meals, eat three. Call AD 7-2161, 'ask for caterer. I WANTED: LIVE INSECTS! Call AD 8-2410, ask for Paul. WANTED TO BUY • GIRL'S ENGLISH Style Bike. Call All 8-8790, MISCELLANEOUS SEE WHAT'S IN FRONT OF YOU?? Maybe not. See WINDOWS OF THE SOUL tonight, 7:30. 119 Osmond. ,THE RELIGIOUS DEBATE of the Cen lory—"The Dead Sea Scrolls." A talk ,to given by Msgr. John 3. Daugherty, TneAtty, Feb. 21, 7 p.m., HUB assembly room. Presented by Newman Club. HOTEL GREETERS Southern Delight buffet, Sunday, Feb. 20, 4 :30-0:30, Home Er Maple Room. Call AD 8-8522 for reservations. Only $1,50. ILLEL UPPERCLASS Indies grads— buffet dinner, movie. dancing, Feb. 25. 7:00 p.m. Reservations by Feb. 22. Call UN 5-7700 or UN 5-5984. ; FRESHMEN : POSTPONE that date Fri ' day nite. Come to Alpha Chi Rho stag party at the 'corner of Locust and Fair-, 'mount from 7:30 on. - • EN PERT SHOE SHINE: Davidson's Barber i Shop, next to Murphy's-8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily. TYPEWRITER TROUBLES? For expert repair and reasonable rotes including pick up and delivery call AD 8-1006 or . AD 8-860-4. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA 2.4:30 P.M. LOST FOUND' WANTED Tryouts Rescheduled For New Production Tryouts have been rescheduled for "Three Sisters" by Chekhov, the next Players' Production to open at Center Stage. They will be held at '1 p.m. today and tomorrow in the Little Theatre in the basement of Old Main. :arm tew..Bo, *About WILL WIN THIS FABULOUS RCA 21-INCH COLOR TV SET! / (I. Here's all you do. Have every member of the sorority save the empty packages of any of the Lorillard products displayed below. The sorority that has saved the most. empty Lorillard packages will be awarded the RCA color television set. NOTE: 1. Wrap empty packages in bundles of 450.2. Deliver to The Daily Collegian Office on 'March 22. Winning sorority will be notified by March 22. In the event of ties—a blindfold drawing will decide the winner. 1 THE Entire Student Bod y Atictily CAN ENTER THE LORILLARD SWEEPSTAKES FOR THESE FOUR GREAT PRIZES! You don't have to be a member of a fraternity or sorority to enter. -. . 1 ,0 0 ,-, N ,,,,,e,, 4 ••,: • 4,. 4 11 3 3 s sn k I ~.:..: ':',. ;;:; 1 : . 4v,i:i.,;;,mC..3;;;:'' .4- ' ?if ..,,,.....,,k. A ROYAL s ii 1 , . ~,Ii?-. . . ki' : %: l ;,i > . k:4:ic>‘i :,: :; . e'%;•":% PORTABLE ~,,: :.. . ; P::: •:,:.>: •- • ''<.: 0 •• • 0. •L - • :.:,.5 .:•.s. •••• • - • re;' ; ' .. " '''„ . '"•••<:;':' AN RCA .....••••• PORTABLE STEREO SET MARK 38 READ COMPLETE SWEEPSTAKES RULES HERE: I. Each entry must consist of one empty pack of any of the following brands: Kent ... Newport ... Old Gold Filters, Straights . , . Spring OR—a plain piece of paper which has the "hand" drawn block letters of any of these brands drawn in any size. Your name and address must be written on the buck. 2. Deposit your complete entry in the Lorillard Campus Sweepstakes entry box. All entries must be on deposit before: 12 noon Mar. 22. There will he a random drawing in which the prize winners trill he selected in consecutive order. Drawink will be held under the supervision of The Daily Collegian Staff. Enter as ninny times as you want. Only one prize per contestant. Entrants need not be present to win. 3. Lorillard. Campus Sweepstakes is open to all students and faculty members of this school. 4. Lorillard Campus Sweepstakes Is subject to all Federal, State and local laws. 5. Students and faculty whose immediate families are employed by the P. Lorillard Co. or its advertising agencies are not eligible. sPlx ... .... - • • OLD GOLD 1 I 6 • / //‘ "" c " . 5 `"" 7 KE NT oLD 60t o I . . . : ; ............... . !! • .... - .... • ................ PRODUCTS OF P. LORILLARD COMPANY First with the finest cigarettes—through Lorillard Research! Drawing will be held at 9 P.M. March 22 from the stage of the Cathaum Theatre. At this time the winning fraternity and sorority will also be announced. More Tickets Available For Dance Performance Student tickets for the Merce Cunningham performance will be available tomorrow morning at the Hetzel Union desk-. Cunningham and Company will perform at 8:30 tomorrow evening in Schwab Auditorium, •sponsored by the University Artist Series. 1 I.:s «y • Awe" . 41' :1. 1 4 .ig , : ft; :4 , "., ..4:o.:0P. , ..... ; : f ,.. • • • ' • • 0 „ No: A, ?A3.• ••• Zta.tV. 'ofrgx,4 fraternity WILL WIN THIS FABULOUS RCA 21-INCH COLOR TV SET! .. ..... • . . . . . . • . •• • - . . The rules for fraternities follow the same pattern as for sororities. The fraternity that saves the most empty Lorillard packages will also win this RCA color 21-inch tele vision set. So start saving the empty pack ages of any of the Lorillard products shown below. NOTE: 1. Wrap empty packages in bon - dies of 50. 2. Deliver to The Daily Collegian Office on March 22. Winning fraternity will be notified by March 22. In the event of ties—a blindfold drawing will decide the winner. AN RCA TRANSISTOR 0. CLOCK RADIO LW'. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1961 factory authorized • VOLKSWAGEN Sales Parts Service $1624.00 WYNO SALES CO. 1960 E. 3rd St., Williamsport A " POLAROID CAMERA C 1961 p.tcrivoto Co.
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