FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1961 Bike, Automobile Offenders Learn Crime Does Not Pay' Two University students learned yesterday that "crime does not pay." The young career of crime for one student eijded yester day when he failed to. stop for a red traffic light. A State College police officer stopped the light runner and began checking his license plate, driver’s license and inspection sticker. The alert offi cer noticed something strange about the inspection sticker namely that it was homemade. In doing this the student who was driving the car and the student who owned the car broke about 16 regulations, the officer said facetiously. But he then said seriously, that the students would be fined $4O and costs of at least $l5. Another student found his bi cycle which had been missing for four months outside a downtown store yesterday and immediately called the borough police. The po lice told him to wait for the per son who had the bicycle and STUDENTS... IN BUYING THE RIGHT SPRING SEMESTER SUPPLIES Don't overlook the marvelous ly complete selection of sta tionery and artists' supplies at 0. W. HOUTS & SON All your needs in paper, pencils, ink, pens, Grum bacher supplies the artist with the best in v oils, brushes, canvases, stretch ers, canvas boards, etc. Stop In and seel First Floor Stationery Dept, Open Daily til 5:30 Mondays & Fridays til 0 book Exchange • BOOKS Will Be SOLD for the Remainder of the Week HOURS: USED BOOK AGENCY (ÜBA) 9 a.m.-5 p.m. BOOK EXCHANGE (BX) 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The BX has a Complete Line of Engineering Equipment and School Supplies Money Will Be Refunded For Incorreci Books Mon. & lues. PENN STATE BOOK EXCHANGE bring him and the bicycle to the police station. At an unofficial hearing at the station, the student, who said he took the bicycle from a parking lot about four months ago, defend ed his actions by stating that he was just borrowing (he vehicle. Friedman Reinstated (Continued from page one) ballot shall elect the winning candidate." Assembly then voted and New man won the seat. Later in the meeting, when nominations were made for a Campus party member to be on Rules Committee, Friedman was named. Assembly will vote on nominations at its meeting next week. THE BOTTOM FLOOR OF THE HUB Hit DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA NSF Teachers Program 'At Homes' to Resume The University is among 41 Informal Friday afternoon "At ESg selected forlhe R°escard[ H ° mCS ” wil ,' T"™! Participation for College Science P- m> l°da> -n the Memoual Teachers program lo be spon- Lounge of the Eisenhower Chapel.j sored by the National Science Everyone is incited to share re-! summ er of 11)61. freshments, music, an open fire About 350 science teachers from , junior and senior colleges will and conversation. These galhet take part in the program at pre- ings will continue for two more doctoral and post-doctoral levels, weeks. . :i Valentine SPECIAL: Box of assorted Spring Flowers $0 only Ik FOR VALENTINES OUT OF TOWN SEND FLOWERS BY WIRE Woodrings Flowers 117 E. Beaver Ave. AD 8-0566 factory authorized VOLKSWAGEN Sales Parts Service $1624.00 WYNO SALES CO. 1960 E. 3rd Si., Williamspor: 1/Ulnter (^(earance (Continued Special Item Just Reduced! LONG SLEEVE PULLOVERS $5.00 Smart Sho 123 S. Allen Bucket ch ol PAGE FI Garland Shetland lood start >r Back (0 buys rate luality and io to the jji is for smart
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