PAGE EIGHT Boro Discuss Development TIM, Land The Town Independent Men’s Council Is presently negotiating with the Borough . Recreation Department to .secure permission to develop a tract of land into four base ball diamonds, according to Phillip Haines, TIM president. The area under considerat: is not being used tor anything at the present time, he said. TIM proposed to provide men and matefiais for the project, if the borough will supply equip ment and give the council permis mions to use the field for intra mural softball in the spring. TlM's interest in this field stems from the fact that there are already 100 many intra mural softball teams utilizing the few University facilities which exist and, according to Haines, TIM has had difficulty in, the past in running their intramural program, Haines said. In other business, Haines an nounced that the Senate Commit tee on Student Affairs had once again tabled their application for an aulohomous charter. The rea son for this action is that the committee said it feels that TIM can operate without a charter for the present time just as well as with one, according to a letter which TIM received. Haines commented, "I dis- FAMOUS LOCK'S RESTAURANT WITH: Victoria Room —Ballroom with Indian Collection Lounge—Col. Shoemaker Horse Era Collection Historic Fort Reed with Murals 1773 SPECIAL PRICES TO PARTIES Three Beautiful Drives from Stale College 30 miles (Route 220 Route 64 Jacksonville from Bellefonie) Opposite Court House Lock Haven 5470 book Exchange • BOOKS Will Be SOLD for the Remainder of the Week HOURS: USED BOOK AGENCY (ÜBA) 9 curt. - 5 p.m. BOOK EXCHANGE (BX) 9 a.m.-5 p.m. The BX has a Complete Line of Engineering Equipment and School Supplies A New Shipment of SPIRALS have come in PENN STATE BOOK EXCHANGE ion belongs to the borough and agree wholeheartedly wiih this decision." , It was also announced at the meeting that the council had ac quired the Bell Science Series films and would start showing them shortly on a once-a-week basis. This is a series of one hour movies which presents the mys teries of science in non-technical form. CLASSIFIEDS—RESULTS 50c BUYS 17 WORDS MISCELLANEOUS PART TIME Insurance Salesman wanted. Will train and arrange for license. Age 21 or over. Only those persons who are graduating on or after January 1962. Reply to Box 781 Stale College, stating name, address, phone number. THIRD LECTURE of the Liberal Arts Series will be held Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 7:30 p.m. Speaker is Dr. Lawrence Latt man. All students and faculty invited to attend in HUB assembly room. MR. SOCIAL CHAIRMAN: the George Hotter Quartet has these Saturday nights open. Feb. 11, 18, April -8, 22, May 6, 13. Call AD 7-2496. THE BOTTOM FLOOR OF THE HUB THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA WlUllHlNnillllHHlltUlKllllllllimMllHMiailllUiaUlllUlllKlllHMtmniKeH'tilHlininmiHimililHlMllUMUM'tMlllMiintHllilMMUMMHiMllHmillUnllt CASH—I 7 words or less CHARGE—I 2 words or less $.50 one Insertion 7.75 two insertions $l,OO three insertions Additional words*—3 for $.OB for each day of Insertion ADS MUST BE IN BY 11:00 A.M. THE PRECEDING DAY 1956 MGA white convertible, all extrnß, top condition $llOO.OO. Call AD 7-7683. DORM CONTRACT, Pollock A. Call Harry Higgins UN 6-7971. SPORTS CARS: 1958 Triumph TR3 Road ster, electric overdrive disc brakes in front, seat belts, etc.—sl476. 1958 Chevro let Sport Coup, 348 cu. in. engine, three 2-barrel carburators, high lift cam. for speed, floor shift transmission, poaitraction axle, etc.—s2o9s. Keckler Chevrolet, Inc., Benner Pike, Bellefonte. 1969 MGA, blue, carefully maintained for 20,000 miles. Cali UN 6-6852. 1956 NASHUA House Trailer, 35’x8\ two bedrooms, good condition. Reasonably priced. Hilltop, Lot No. 17, AD 7-4660. CAMERAS, guaranteed, like new, 60% off 35 mm. Argus C-3, wide angle lens and case. Also Kodak movie 200m-8, elec tric eye 8 mm and case. Phone AD 7-7285. AM-FM RADIO and 3-speed record player combination, $7O or best offer. Call UN 5-8280 or UN 6-8248. DORM . CONTRACT—haIf of double room in Thompson Hall. Reason: pledging fra ternity, Sixth semester E.E. for room mate. Call UN 5-5237. 1959 TRIUMPH Tiger-Cub Motorcycle, 200 cubic centimeters, fully equipped and in excellent condition. AD 8-0904. 35-FOOT, TWO-BEDROOM House Trailer. No down payment. Pine Grove Mills. AD 8-8696. COMPLETE DRAWING Set—instruments, T-square, board, triangles, etc. Jack Davis AD 7-7683. LADIES WHITE Figure Skates in excel lent condition, size 6. Call UN 5-8877. MEN'S FIGURE SKATES, she 10. Call UN 5-7759. USED TV set, 21'* console—s4o. Call Larry AD 8-1612. SLIDERULE —in good condition—sl6. Call AD 7-7046. FOR RENT LARGE DOUBLE room, private entrance and bath. 512 Waring Ave. AD 8-0114. SINGLE OR double room for rent; one block from campus. Private entrance. 602 Holmes St. AD 7-4720. TRAILER JUST suited for three under- graduate or graduate students who de sire inexpensive housing. For further infor mation call Don, AD 8*0686 after 6 p.m. COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE FOB BENT ONE ROOM—will rent double or single. AD 7-4147, 483 West Beaver. TRAILER WITH two bedrooms, T.V., washing machine and patio. Ideal for married couple. Further information call Don AD 8-0686 after 6 p.m. SINGLE ROOM for working man, office man, or student. Call AD 7-4196. IDEAL MODERN furnished efficiency apartment—own parlor, own thermostat, private entrance, parking. Suitable couple or bachelor. AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4800. NICELY FURNISHED apartment in new home. Includes all utilities, disposal, washer, private entrance, terrace and yard. Phone AD 7-7141 after 6:00 p.m. THREE-ROOM Apartment, 904 S. Pugh St. AD 8-1458 after 4:00. Available immediately. Large basement. $BO.OO per month. ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED apartment— south of Pottcrß Mills. Secluded location by mountain stream, pines and hemlocks in back yard, near highway. Kitchen, large living room-bedroom cominbation, private entrance, private bath, efficient oil heat on own thermostat—only $6O. month. UN 6-7648 before 6 p.m., EM 4-1548 after 5:30, HEATED GARAGE, 444 W. Fairmount Ave. Call AD 8-2368. MALE STUDENT to share apartment for three—s39.oo per moth. Call Ken, AD 8-0318 after 6:00 p.m. QUIET SINGLE and double room with shower in fraternity section for male students. Call Mrs. Lemmon, AD 7-7852. VACANCY IN furnished apartment with two male students. Reasonable. Alos furnished room for rent. AD 8-2761 or AD 8-9609. ONE HALF double room,; warm, quiet, pine-panelled. Private bath, private phone, private entrance. 242 Nimitz Ave. ADams 7-3309. ONE SINGLE room in quiet home. Free parking available. AD 7-4329. UNFURNISHED THREE ROOM apart ment with bath, stove and refrigerator furnished. AD 7-4022 after 3:30. SINGLE QUIET room in fraternity sec tion. No other roomers. Call AD 7-2326. SINGLE OR Double rooms, two blocks from campus; quiet street. Phone AD 8-0044. SINGLE FRONT ROOM, private home, 2nd floor. Call AD 8-8743. HALF DOUBLE room in private home. Private bath and entrance. Call AD 8-9659. upperclassmen. Com- GRAD STUDENTS, fortable rooms With running water or private bath. Colonial Hotel, 123 West Nittany. Parking, location central. Quietly operated for sleep, rest and study. Low student rateo. Phone AD 7-7762 or AD 7-4850, Ask for Mrs. Cox. t s' THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1961 BLACK LEATHER Gloves, white fur lined —on Tuesday, second floor Willard. Please call UN 5-6004. PAIR OF glasses between Osmond ami Rcc Hall, half brown, half clear frame. Call Dave AD 7-7621. Reward. WHITE GOLD Bulevn, ladies wrist watch, expansion bund—HUß, Jan. 22. Reward. Call Sharon, UN 6-2329. TWO WEEKS AGO In town—Post slide rule. Finder please call Robert Battle, AD 8-9411. REWARD FOR return of Post Sliderule left in 216 Hammond last semester, Ken AD 8-2007. LOST: HISTORY 21 text and red note book outside U.B.A. Urgently needed by owner. Please return to HUB desk or cull UN 5-2776. No questions asked. LOST 1959 Penn State class ring, near graduate hall. Initials J.C.L. Call Joel Leininger UN 6-4426. Reward. WANTED BUY OR Rent pair of snowshoos. Call UN 6-6460. ‘ MALE STUDENT to share large 3-man apartment near campus, averages $5O monthly, room and meals. Call AD 8-1436. WANTED TO BUY—used bicycle. Call UN 6-4493, ask for Carl. TWO OR three arm chairs wanted. Call UN 5-5441, ask for D. Elz. MALE ROOMMATE to share comfortable trailer with two other students. Many conveniences. Please contact Don at AD 8-0686. WANTED—third man for three-man opart. ment; two blocks from campus. Call AD ‘B-2796. LARGE DOUBLE room. Prefer graduate Btudent 526 S. Pugh. Call AD 7-2791. SOPHOMORE OR Junior campus repre sentatives to book top flight collegiate jazz band. Commission basis. Send resume* P.O. Box 692, Wrightstown, N.J. HELP WANTED WAITER WANTED—work for meals. Call Delta Upsilon at AD 7-3398. DISHWASHER FOR spring semester. Lunch, dinner furnished. No Sunday meals. Apply caterer. Alpha Rho Chi, AD 7-4232. "miscellaneous”’” JOURN STUDENTS I Don't miss the big cabin party tomorrow night at the C.E. Cabin 8-12. Today is the last day to get tickets—llB Carnegie Or HUB desk. Transportation provided. Free refresh ments. EXPERT SHOE SHlNE—Davidson's Bar ber Shop next to Murphy’s—B a.m. to 8:30 p.m. daily. Bnekfio ichol LOST
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