PAGE EIGHT Life in USSR Discussed Wi (Continued from page one) “That’s not my concern.” After the female half of the team had finished exercising, they discussed the feminine side of So viet life. Polina Astakhova, from Stalino, said that women’s fashions in the Soviet Union are the same as those in the United States. However, she said, unlike Americans, older women in the USSR and fat women do not + CLASSIFIEDS + CASH —17 words or less CHADOR— n words or less $.50 one Insertion $.75 two Insertions totfO three Insertions AddifJohal words—»3 for $.05 for each doy of Insertion ADS MUST BE IN BY 11:00 A.M. THE PRECEDING DAY FOR SALE two'GENERAL Admission* Tickets for gym meet tonight. Best offer. AD B*B3Bl nsk for Frank. DORM CONTRACT for sale. Beam Hall (North Halls) Ist floor. Fhone UN 6* 5630, ask for Jim. 1065 30 ft. COLONIAL Mobile Home, like new. Two bedrooms, patio, shaped lot, lawn, perennial garden. Cali AD 8-8862. GYM MEET—four reserved tickets. Best offer before Sat., 2 p.m. Ask for Bud AD 8-0066. TICKETS FOR Russian Gym Meet. Call Don AD 8-0373. 1053 RICHARDSON Housetrailer, SO’ long. Ideal for married couple desiring low cost living. AD 7-7994. 1063 MOBILE HOME, XCozy Coach; good condition 88'x8\ Cali AD 8-0116. FRATERNITY ANNEX or small frnter- nity house for sale or rent: 13 rooms, brick building on Pugh Street. Large lot for parking. AD 8-C443 after 1:30 p.m. KING CORONET, used very little, excel lent condition; with case. AD 8-6448 after 1:30 p.m. MUST SACRIFICE six tickets to U.S.S.R, gym meet. Call Taut AD 7-2611. U.S.S.R.-U.S. GYM meet ticket. Call John AD 7-7710 after 6 p.m. 1964 NEW MOON Trailer B’xB6‘, extra equipment, good condition, reasonable. Penn State Trailer Park *'B‘\ AD 8-9549 after 6 p.m. HOUSE TRAILER, 1966 Colonial 96*x8'; two bedrooms, porch, excellent condition. Franklin Manor Trailer Court. Call AD 7-2365. CAMERA—Yashica D; twin lens, reflex with case, 9 filters, lens shade, $46 or make offer. UN 6-6776. SMALL ONE-BEDROOM Trailer (30x8). Low price, good investment for student and wife. Call Ronald Hornbergcr AI) 8-9096. NEW MEN’S figure Ice skates, size 12. $12.00. Stop at Art Education Office. Temporary Building. 10’x45’ MOBILE HOME—twe bedrooms, complete buth. Available at once. Can be financed. Price $3250. Call AD 7-3010. 1966 NAUSHA 85'x8' Trailer, 2 bedrooms, good condition. Must sell, best offer. Call AD 7*4660. 1955 VICTOR TRAILER 40* by B’, two bedrooms, Rood condition. Call AD 8- 00116. USED TELEVISION Seta 17" - 21" table and floor models. lUirn'a T.V. AD 7-3962. 1956 ELCAR house trailer, 45x8; air conditioned, Kood buy at $2OOO. Call AD 8-1966 or see 66 Hilltop Trailer Park. FOR RENT ARE YOU satisfied with your present room? If not check at 409 S. Allen St. But first call Mr. Heckondorn HO 6-6520. Flee parking, light cooking, relatively new furniture, singles and doubles available. APARTMENT —3-ntan, one-roont, available. Cull Trehlow, AD 8-1237 and on week day* UN 6-6401 or Neil UN 6-7361. TRANSFER STUDENTS to Altoona cam pus room, 3 home-rooked meals, 3- minute ride to school—sls.oo week. 904 2nd Street, Juniata. Altoona W 1 2-0109. DOUBLE ROOM for two men in new homo, separate lounge with kitchen equipment. Fro© parking. 246 Ellen Ave. Call AD 8-9697. Available spring semester. SINGLE ROOM, quiet, semi-private hath. Free parking ; 10-mlnute walk to cam pus. AD 7-4790. TWO BEDROOM Trailer. Immediate oc cupancy. Call AD 7-2025. ONE DOUBLE and one aingle room, near campus. Call AD 7-4126. ROOM FOR RENT with kitchen; across from Old Main above Campus Restau rant. Call Egg, AD 8-6639. ROOM IN desirablt neighborhood near campus, semi-private bath, all linens furnished. 705 McKee Street. Call AD 7-7248. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED efficiency apartment one block north of campus. Private entrance. $B6 per month. Suitable for a couple. Call AD 8-8326. AVAILABLE FEB. 1 double room, College Heights; three blocks from cam pus. $6 per week. •AD 8-8994. TWO DOUBLE rooms for students, two blocks front campus. Free parking. Phone AD 8-6679. FINE PAD, four rooms and bath, fur nished, fireplace, modern kitchen. Ideal for three or four" men. Available Feb. 1. Can’t go wrong. Call AD 7-3716. LARUE COMFORTABLE single room for! spring avmcstev, $7.00 week. Near cam-' pus. 619 W. College Ave. Call AD 7-7212. TRANSFER STUDENTS to Altoona cam pus. room, 3 homo-cooked meals, 3-min ute ride to school- $5.16 week. 904 2nd St.. Juniata. Altoona Wi 2-0109. I IDEAL FURNISHED efficiency apartment. Private heat control, parking. Suitable Brad couple or bachelor faculty. Avail- 1 able Feb. Ist. Call AD 7-7792 or AD 8-2203, 1 itfi Gymnastic Stars - wear slacks. As for the status of Soviet women, Miss Astakhova said that most of them attend college and have careers. She said that the average age for marriage is between 18 and 25. After marriage, she said, they continue their careers. After all, she explained: "It would be a dull life if a girl who is married at 18 had to sit at home until she is 60.” FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT—comfortable week end accommodations for parents and friends. Colonial Hotel, 123 W, Nittany Ave. Telephone AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4860, ask for Mrs. Cox. ROOMS FOR RENT—close to school, free parking. Call AD 8-3021, ask for Tony, ONE DOUBLE front room twin beds. One single room; both in quiet home. Parking available. AD 7-4329. QUIET COUNTRY home. 8 large bed rooms, living room, kitchen and bath, oil heat. On hardtop road 10 miles to State College. Children welcome. Available now. Furnished 557.00 or unfurnished $42.60. AD 8-2320. SINGLE OR double, quiet street, two blocks from campus and center of town. 120 East Foster. Call AD 8-0044. LARGE COMFORTABLE double rooms with cooking privileges, spring semester. 236 and 242 S. Frazier. Call AD 8-1484 between 12-noon and 6 p.m. TWO SINGLE rooms In quiet home. Avail able next semester, near campus. Call AD 7-4823. 615 E. Beaver. MODERN 2-BEDROOM apartment for four students. UN 6-2042, ask for Bob. Walking distance from campus. GRAD STUDENTS, upperclassmen. Com- fortable rooms with running water or private bath. Colonial Hotel, 123 West Nittany, Parking, location central. Quietly operated for sleep, rest and study. Low student rates. Phone AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4860, ask for Mrs. Cox. THREE BEDROOM (or two bedroom and study) architect-designed, contemporary house In Park Forest Village. Nice patio with privacy. Many built-in features. Spa cious living and dining areas. Large out door play area. $126. Available Feb. 1. Write Post Office Box 676, State College. FURNISHED APARTMENT vacancies for male students. Share with other students. Two blocks from west campus: parking available. Call AD 8-1409 after 6 p.m. HELP WANTED PART TIME work, college students (male only) ; evenings and Saturdays. Call Mr. Rogers between 9 e.m. and 2 p.m. AD 8-2051. Salary $46 a week. MEALS HOME COOKING at Collette Co-op, 244 E. Nittany. AD 7-2693, ask lor Kathy or Julie. LOST WILL THE boy who exchanged grey loden coats In Boucke Thursday (RED key case in pocket) call AD 8-1829. 1 have yours. 1962 PENN STATE class ring lost In basement of Carnegie. Finder please notify John Black, AD 7-7636 or UN 6-2631. LOST! PAIR OF glasses in Rec Hall locker room Wednesday night; grey case. Call Irv AD 8-1136. LIGHT BROWN Scarf on Saturday eve ning in Rec Hall. Please call Ron, UN 6-6156. GLASSES AT Glennland Pool. Please call Dick UN 6-5773. Reward is offered. "wanted WANTED: TWO kitchen help. Phi Sigma Pi. Cali AD 7-4963. ask for Butch. WANTED: PERSONS TO assume room contracts in Graduate Hall for spring Rcmeater, Call Ray, UN 6-6206, Dave UN 6-5589. SINGLE ROOM, private entrance, bath close to campus. AD 8-2774. MALE GRADUATE student wanted to fill housing contract at Grunge Hall. Call UN 6-4100. IN A JAM—all types of typing done. Rea sonable prices, quality work, Quick de livery. Phone AD 7-4433. ONE MALE student to share two-man apartment with Bth semester E.E. stu dent. Four rooms, T.V., parking Bpace; two blocks from campus. Call Bob Miller, AD 7-2700. WAITERS AND dishwashers wanted. Three menla dally. Apply Sigma Alpha Mu, AD 8-3021, ask for Al. [PART TIME insurance salesman. Will | train and arrange for license; age 21 ; or over; only thoi© persona who are {graduating on or after Jan. 1962. Reply to Box 781 stating only name, address phone nuinbei. MISCELLANEOUS lIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIHIIIMMtIHUIKH EXPERIENCED TYPIST desires typing to do in her home. Have electric typewriter. Cull EL 6-8023 after 6 p.m. weekdays or any time weekends. EXPERT SHOE SHlNE—Davidson’s Bar- her Shop “next to Murphy’s”—B o.m. to 5:30 p.m, daily. WILL DO thesis or non-thesis typing. Reasonable artes. Call AD 8*9677, 91 Woodsdale Park. WANTED : Student Poems —rinys—Stories Essays, etc., for CIRCA. Help promote n Literate Penn State! Manuscripts ac cepted at HUB desk through Feb. 28th. MAKE RESERVATIONS now for room and board at Marilyn Hall, 317 E. Beaver Ave. for spring semester. Total ;board and room $367.00 (a few vacancies nt $358,001. Ask for Mrs. Petriskey. QUALITY CLEANERS. 109 S. Pugh St. under new mnnngoment but with the best in dry cleaning, laundry and pressing. Will Di«*k up and deliver. Call AD 8-0992. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA □ LOVE LOST. Little Girl Blue, Spring is Here, I Should Care, I Wish I Knew, I’ll Never Smile Again, When Your Lover Has Gone, more. STIIB9 □ VOICES AND BRASS. I Had the Craziest Dream, Autumn Leaves, Laura, It Had to Be You, Never Again, Pennies From Heaven, dozen. 5T1295 .if.* In stereo and regular L.P. A HOW TO WIN A MASTER'S DEGREE AFTER 10 YEARS AS A FRESHMAN WThey Ve been enrolled at Capitol for 10 yews now and still haven’t become the Four Sophomores, but the Four Freshmen's just-released album displays a degree of musical mastery that’s just about the smoothest and most danceable this side of Commencement Day. In the style of die original "Freshmen Sound," the boys sing and play their own backings to songs like Funny Valentine, Paper Moon, But Beautiful and Dream, Strictly straight-A stuff. 5T1485 SEVEN HAPPY RESULTS □ VOICES IN LOVE. There is No Greater Love, In the Still of the Night, Out of Nowhere, I’ll Remember April, I’m Always Chasing Rainbows, etc. 5T1074 D IN PERSON. Somebody Loves Me, Indian Summer, Sweet Lorraine, It’s a Blue World, Day by Day, Them There Eyes, Old Folks, five more. STIOOB OF MATRICULATION AT SATURDAY. JANUARY 14. 1 □ FIRST AFFAIR. Be Careful It’s My Heart, I’m Beginning to See the Light, At Last, Long Ago and Far Away, It’s a New World, seven others. 5T1378 D FIVE GUITARS. Ratn, The More I See You, I Never Knew, Come Bain or Come Shine, It All Depends On You, Invita tion, I Understand, etc. 5T1255 • CwfMß«c«<dt,k*
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