PAGE TWO Lumumba Supporters Hit Three Congo Villages LEOPOLDVILLE, the Congo (IP)—Col. Joseph Mobutu reinforced Equator Province to the north yesterday after soldiers loyal to ex-Premier Patrice Lumumba attacked three villages there. The attackers came from Oriental Province to the east, Drugged Girls' Mother Held Responsible CLEVELAND, Ohio VIII —Pe tite, attractive Lillian Fratanto nio, mother of this city's "sleep ing beauties," was convicted yes terday of mistreating the two little girls by secretly feeding them sleep-inducing drugs. The girls received nationwide attention{ last summer when doc tors puzzled over what sent them into deep comas: The younger, Bernadette, 3, had been in the hospital for the big gest part of a year, and thousands of dollars were contributed to pay for the specialists who ex amined her here and in New York. Venila, 6, who joined her sister at Mount Sinai Hospital July 10, and Bernadette have been tempo rarily in custody of a Catholic charities home. They will remain at that home until the court de cides who will care for them. ,Juvenile Court Judge Albert A. Woldman said he will order a psychiatric examination for the mother. He said this will be part of a presentencing report. Mrs. Fratantonio, 29, who has been tak ing psychiatric treatments on her own since last August, was re leased in custody of her husband, Vincent, a shipping clerk at a local brewery: Her bond of $lOOO was continued. Defense attorneys said they will consult with the family before deciding whether to file an ap peal. Clark Favors Job Bill WASHINGTON W) Sen. Jo seph S. Clark (D-Pa.), yesterday predicted early Senate passage next year of a new bill to relieve unemployment. Clark said he thinks the bill will be similar to the depressed area redevelopment measure passed by the Senate in 1959. • TATS' NOW FP Project Joey I.S.A. XMAS PARTY FOR 80 NEEDY CHILDREN December 11 NB BALLROOM 1.6 P.M. EVERYONE WELCOME ASSOCIATION FOR CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Meeting December 7, 1960 TIME 7 to 8 P.M. , I PLACE HOME EC LIVING CENTER Miss H. Daniels "The Christmas Flower" THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA stronghold of Lumumba's sup porters who are threatening to set up a rival regime in Stanley vine, the provincial capital: The raid tended to discount a statement by Mobutu, the Congo army chief, that the Lumumba faction held only part of Stan leyville and had no strength in the rest of Oriental. The attack on.the Equator bor der villages apparently was in re ' prisal for Mobutu's arrest of Lu mumba, captured in the interior last week after he eluded army surveillance in this capital. Advisors from the province said the raiders attacked vil lages inhabited by the Bumbas, Mobutu's tribe, and at least two villagers were killed. Mobutu sent a' company of sol diers by plane from Leopoldville to reinforce the garrisons in Equa tor. Wrangling between Mobutu's f backers and the United Nations continued. A U.N. official prom ised vigorous action if—as report ed the Congolese Transport Corp. carried out a threat to halt the transport of U.N. supplies by rail between the port of Matadi and Leopoldville. U.N. soldiers guarding the res idence of President Joseph Ka savubu, a Mobutu backer, were abruptly withdrawn. They had been on quart:l.:duty there for several months. U.N. officials said Kasavubu's security has now become a purely Congolese matter. DREAM ABOUT ALL THOSE SWEET NOTHINGS tl,O 414 111 r BUT IN REALITY BURGER BOATS ARE BEST Bar-B-Qued Chicken Halves and Wholes 50c and up FRANK'S HOAGIE HAVEN (Formerly Morrell's) 112 S. Frazier St. SPEEDY DELIVERY 5 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. CALL: AD 8-8381 U.S. Accuses Soviet Union Of Colonialism UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. VP)— The United • States accused the Soviet Union yesterday of hiding under the "false banner of liberar tion" while heading the laigest colonial empire in the world. In a slashing attack on Soviet anticolonial activities, U.S. Am bassador James J. Wadsworth told the UN General Assembly the Kreinlin is "the arch practi tioner of this new and lethal co lonialism." He called , the Soviet role "cynical and hypocritical. "This veto, a bare-faced at tempt to blackmail the• Security Council into accepting a package deal," he said, "has effective ly prevented Mauritania fro m achieving its full status and rights in the community -of na tions." Wadsworth suggested that UN members should consider the im plications of this veto the next time the Soviet Union `!takes the floor to champion, with hollow oratory, the independence and equal rights 'of ail peoples." SPECIAL Next time you feel like taking a break, take it at Duffy's in Boalsburg. You won't regret it. You can relax and enjoy yourself. If you're graduating this semester, you must visit Duffy's at least once more. Your favorite beverages are served. Duffy's Open Saturday at 6 p.m In Boalsburg, 4 miles east of State College on Route 322 turn right at the Texaco Station) ..•- ..• . ' -.• • Open Meetin g 9 p.m. tonight •,, H u All Interested Students French Assembly Gives Approval To Nuclear. Force PARIS (ill France finally de cided yesterday to pay the full price for membership in the world's atomic club an inde pendent, exclusively national nu clear striking force. The National Assembly gave its backhanded consent to President Charles de Gaulle's plan for a t 1.2 billion striking force when the government's opposition again failed to muster enough votes be hind a motion of censure against the government. The opposition marshalled only 215 votes, far less than the 277 needed for the censure motion which would have overthrown Premier Michel Debre's Cabinet. On the two earlier readings,' the oppOsition was 207 and 214 re spectively. Under the Fifth Republic, a bill is considered adopted if a motioa of censure involving the project Ifails to pass. 4# ' aa/le.• ATOE4TO4 $t 111 RATE CO6EGE pr 01.1 N 7 DAYS gESUIVAII N 7104 P_M AD feciEl SUNDAYS 12 10 4 PM TAXI RETURN GRATIS ANGEL FLIGHT PICTURES WEDNESDAY 6:30 PENN STATE PHOTO SHOP Welcome WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 7. 196 1111111111111111111111111 s,r4Nay. tvA4tve , e "rAdor`re NITTANY •iTonite 7:30, 9:05* Suspense{ Sex! Comedy! ligitleßaßiot comEs,4 I f ni , _ , 4 sl. a , WITH ME! EASTMAN COLOR Dress in Uniform
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