TUESDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1960 Engle Fears Lick Votes Against Proposal "‘l l-1 ' Calling for inter-League P/ay After Viewing Three Films By SANDY PADWE The reason Rip Engle's com plexion matches his white locks these days isn't due to lack of sunshine he's been watching films of Orego.n University's football team. The Webfoots and Engle's Nit tany Lions will get together in Philadelphia Stadium Dec. 17 where the second annual Liberty Bowl game will be staged. After watching the Ducks in three exchange films against Washington, Stanford and Ore gon State, Engle's biggest con cern is how to stop their speedy backs. "Their backs are just as fast as Missouri's," Engle said with a worried look," and it's going to take a strong effort to stop theth. "They're a real wide open foot ball team and they use a lot of flankers. "According to the movies it looked as if Oregon . could have beaten Washington. They had them until the last three min utes." The Webfoots came up with their top effort of the season against the Huskies. Quarterback Dave Grosz's pass ing, was the big weapon and it{ set the stage for Bruce Snyder's! five-yard touchdown run in the; • * * * third period. , The Ducks grimly hung to the a successful season, we'll lead as visions of an upset grew stronger late in the season." - greater. That's exactly the way it Then with 2:36 left Washing- happened. The Ducks with only ton's Don IsllcKeta sneaked past : three returning regulars in the the Duck defenses and hauled in : lineup, coasted by Idaho 33-6 in a 47-yard pass for the tying , their opener but lost to Michi touchdown. George Fleming's 1 gan, 21-0, in • their second out- PAT was good and Washington i jug. averted a major upset. I Then the sophs started matur- Oregon sports publicist Arting and Oregon ran up four L;tchman feels that a great team 'straight wins over Utah, Wash effort put the DuCks in the Lib-:ington State, San Jese State. and ertv Bowl. California before losing to Wash "lt was a combination of lead-ington. ership by seasoned seniors, excel-; They added two • wins over lent Work by the , other returning Stanford and West Virginia be lettermen and the rapid develop- fore tying - . arch-rival Oregon ment of a solid group of sopho-!State, 14-14, in their final game. mores that enable Oregon to get Oregon's offense was one of the bid," Litchman said. ;the best in the history of the At the start of the campaign,school Oregon coach Len Casanova; Grosz's passing and running wasn't exactly optimistic. : was sensational while halfbacks "We have a real job ahead com- Dave Grayson and Cleveland bining, our regulars with the oth-' Jones served as a two-pronged er lettermen and the rookies," threat on the ground and as Casanova said in September. "I receivers. would imagine if we are to have Defensively the Ducks were as tr. Ktc tomcctetwmcrevvvvr.wmcvmmvvigvcclltme , c , c , ,,m , c, , cpc , ctsv Y N II ' , , A Y . - 7. • come and celebrate our g ; v.. . . gi si ✓ ,.-..,: - ..,- togi::,t , .',. ~ .••• - ~ ~: •• ,L,l , r , ,,,,. ~.. • kf ''''''' ' ' Vl : ':i . •'-,' ' ''' ,'.',- Ij.,';', ilf tt.:;i:s ,<,• ; ‘ ,:•'..4A,ig..::.; . t • ~• ; ;.•': -I. ' .l e ,„'‘ - i,a• WA ,C A Y /...,7 ':ce VG *al, W. Viz ; ' el., v.;' , l •,, ni) 'at `;4.Y:':_l-,•• "- 4 f ti A I/A' SALE A A Mon.; Dec. sth to Sat. Dec. 10th 15 A Buy your Christmas Gifts NOW at these prices f r l t, Reg. Sale g, Price Price i t, • BLAZERS-Olive Shade 32.50 24.88 A A ZIPPER JACKETS-Zelan, Quilt Lined 15.95 12.95 v g RAINCOATS-Full length-lined 19.95 15.95 A A • SPORT COATS 35.00 29.75 04 le A 32.50 27.50 A 29.95 24.95 A. A Y A ki Y HOPSACK DRESS SLACKS-Machine 10.95 7.50 A A y Washable e j SWEATERS-Waffle Knit Pullovers .... 9.95 7.88 ; 7 1 . DRESS SHIRTS-Pastel Button Downs 5.50 4.48 g il .. SPORT SHIRTS-Ivy Stripe-B.D. .... 4.50 2.99 g ri ELASTIC STRETCH BELT 2.50 1.45 ii CORDUROY SLACKS-Beltless All 5.95 4.75 It Shades , CORDUROY SLACKS-Belt Model 6.95 4.99 2 Ivy-Black Only A A Belt Model, Loden-Antelope 6.95 5.99 A,. • WOOL DRESS SLACKS-Entire Stock .... 10% R OFF A PAR S SPORT SHIRTS . . . 10r,'. off H'S MEIN SHOP I 113 S. GARNER ST. STATE COLLEGE A A FREE PARKING AD 8-1662 A STORE HOURS: 10:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. )0104301011132470:110041470/11011001744341012M4174101101.1304101242ANDMAP, THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA DAVE GROSZ Oregon, quarterback * * good as ever. The first three opponents scored 41 points, but the last seven managed but 45 and only two— Oregon State and Washington State—could score more than a single touchdown. Great pursuit and alert pass de fense which snared 22 enemy aerials were the keys to she tough defense. THE MIL-BALL ELIMINATE THE LO-N-G WALK TO WAGNER BUILDING ICKETS FOR NOW AT THE HUB DESK By. JACK HAND - „.;this: The AL has drawn up-an Associated Press Sports Writer 'amendment which . would permit ST. LOUIS (A') The Nationaliexpansion to Los Angeles in 1961. League has voted against an The NI, version also would per- American League proposal call-'m it such expansion, but not Lin ing for nine-team leagues in 1961 til 1962. . with interlocking schedules, Na-! The nine-team league was the tional - President Warren Giles American's counter-proposal after said last night. • the National objected to immedi"- The action was taken at a meet-,ate expansion to Los Angeles. The Mg of NL club owners, w hi c hlAL said it would delay , going to was recessed until today with no; Los Angeles until. . - 190 if the formal announcement other thanl Its rejection had been p r op o s" l was accepted. 1 Giles' off-the-curl statement in ci expect hotel lobby. I ed, although some AL club- Giles • also said each league is owners insisted a nine-club "pro considering its own amendment b gram would be the best for aseball." to baseball's Rule I, which , Unless there is a sudden turn , stands in the way of American ;about in the present trend, the League expansion to Los An- The rule now requires lentire matterwillbe dropped in geles.- unanimous approval of all 16 I to the commissioner's lap at the joint meeting . scheduled for major league clubs for one Wednesday. If the leagues still league to set up shop in a city 1 ; are at odds, over an amendment, of the other league. ;, , r'ricies vote would be decisive. "What we are trying to do,"j Frick always has spoken in fa- Giles said, "is change the amend -Ivor of expansion, but has insisted ments here and there so thation a "fair and equitable" amend they are not so divergent and areiment, "one that we can live with more acceptable to Commissioner; the future." He has not corn- Ford Frick." Imented on the two amendinent The way Giles explained it is i Thinking of Mil Ball? 6.11 You Can Win One of 5 FREE Tickets Each corsage ordered by Thursday, December 8, gives you a free chance on a ticket to Mil Ball. Names of winners will be posted in Bill Mc- Mullen's window at 6 p.m. Thursday. Order your corsage today! BILL McMULLEN FLORIST • 130 E. College Ave. AD 7-4994 PAGE ELEVEN drawn up in New York last week SALE
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