THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1960 Candidates Review University Plank A University party proposal advocating coordination of student governing groups under the Student Government Association faced mixed reactions in interviews with candi dates for assembly seats last night The plan, advanced in the University party's election plat form, would provide for co ordination of such groups as Leonides. To*n Independent Men, campus men's organiza tions and com munity councils. Pat Higgins 4 junior in home economics from Sterling, Va., and a University candidate for assem bly, said the plan would make student government stronger. She added that while the plan might take a while to work out, it would give unity and continuity to stu dent affairs Wayne Ulsh, junior in business administration from Plainfield, said, "spA is not - working up to its constitutional limitations now." lie added that SGA should do more under its present system rather than try to expand. The 42 people now on SGA Assembly would be given too much to do under the Univer sity party plan, he said. They mould, instead, work up' to and Thcrease the scope of their pres ent system, he said. Ulsh is running for junior as semblyman as an independent candidate and has been endorsed. by members of the proposed Lib eral party- Campus candidate Edward Loev, sopohomore in pre-med from Philadelphia, said student groups might lose their authority if they'. were all consolidated under SGA. lie feels students need more au thority, which they could not gain! under the University party plan. Loev is a candidate for sopho more_ assemblyman. The SGA elections will be held! next Tuesday, and Wednesday,: Dec. 6 and 7. Eidophor to Carry Wrestling Matches The Penn State - Army wrest ling meet will be shown on the Eidophor screen af 7 p.m. Satiir day in Schwab as part of a closed circuit television experiment. The doors of Schwab will open at 6:95 p.m. Two cameras will be used in the experiment, Leslie - P. Green hill, associate director of the Di vision of Academic Research and Services, said. If the first attempt is success ful the procedure will be adopted for overflow crowds in the future. There will be no charge for the experimental showing. Giles Believes Majors Can Reach Agreement LOUISVILLE (A') Warren Giles, president of the National League, said yesterday he be lieved the two feuding major leagues could come up with a ter ritorial agreement as the result of today's summit conference with Commissioner Ford Frick: "I have enough faith in the fair nes of the National League and American League owners," said Giles, "to make me believe we can come up with a rule that will not deprive large cities of two major league clubs where it ap pears justified." Gus's has the best PIZZA in town AD 8-1461 AD 8-9012 'Phila. School Offers Grant An annual full tuition scholar ship to the Pennsylvania State College of Optometry in Philadel phia is being offered for a worn an resident of Pennsylvania. To qualify for the four-year ,award, a student must have two ,years of pre-optometric college work. Students must also rank in the upper half of their classes during their last year of college. !All scholarship winners must re !main in the upper half of their classes during the term of their !graduate studies at the Pennsyl !vania State College of Optom etry. The scholarship is valued at $3200: Women interested should write to Woman's Auxiliary of the Pennsylvania Optometric As sociation, Executive Offices, PO Box 1201, Harrisburg. Chem Prof to Give Taik Dr, Thomas Wartik, professor. and head of the Department of. Chemistry, will deliver a collo quium lecture before the Depart ment of Chemistry at the Univer-; sity of Michigan on . His subject will be: "Amine Complexes of Certain Aluminum Compounds." Piiii04.00440044.00Ww".010 Don't Miss 'SKI HAPPY' A feature-length color movie Presented by the Ski Division Of the Penn State Outing Club Friday, Dec. 2, 1960 8:00 P.M. Schwab Auditorium FREE DOOR PRIZE Tickets on Sale for 65c at HUB Desk or at the Door SOCIETA CORELLI, an ensemble of thirteen instrumentalists Tickets, $1.25. (free to students) now at iletzel Union Bldg. desk The Pennylvania State University Artists' Series THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Eng, Arch Scholarships Still Open Only one application has ben received for the two Engi neering and Architecture Stu dent C ou n c,i 1 scholarships, Charles Gaston, president of the council, said at last night's meeting. Sophomores enrolled in the col lege are eligible for these schol arships. Applications may be ob tained in the Scholarship Office in Old Main or at the dean's of fice at 204 Sackett. The deaCiline for filing applica tions is 5 p.m. Friday. Dec. 9 in 204 Sackett. The scholarships will Pay the students' tuition for their fourth semester. In other business, the council decided to appoint a standing committee to compile a book list for engineering cour,;es. This list would be made available to stu dents while they are at home be tween quarters, Richard Westrick, sponsor of the bill, said. Stu dents may then be able to buy books at home and perhaps save money, he added. An amendment to fill vacant council seats passed the first vote of the council, Under this amend ment. vacancies will be filled af ter elections by applications. The ;elections committee of the coun cil will then refer qualified apoli cations to the council where they will be accepted or rejected by a majority vote. AWS Allots Working Funds For Area Council Activities The Association of Women This decision came as a result of Housing's policy which pro- Students decided last night to of Christmas trees only for one allot 10 cents per woman living central location in each area. In other business, AWS see p each area to the respective' ale voted to look into the pos community council. j sibility of sponsoring a contest This sum will serve as a work- to find the best-dressed coed , at the University. ing fund for council sponsored ac- This contest is held alimony by tivi ties. Glamour magazine. All entrants • AWS Senate will provide'must be sponsored by a recog- Christmas trees for individual, nized campus organization. Each residence units. All units that college wishing to enter a woman want Christmas trees are to con-'must hold its own contest and en tact Linda Huston, food and,ter its winner by the deadline, housing chairman, this week.' March 1, 1961. Trees will be secured through the It was also moved that Linda Building and Grounds Depart-i Huston - , food and housing chair ment. IContinued on page eight) y:' K . ~~':',yp .i~ . A USEFUL GIFT- A_ FAMILY GIFT AN OLYMPIA PRECISION PORTABLE! Here—feature for feature the world's finest portable! Full-sized key board—convenient half spacing—automatic paper support—front set tabs —distinctive type styles— handsome color options— handy carrying case. A breeze to operate—even for the inexperienced. Precision-built for years of trouble-free perform ance. See the magnificent Olympia before you decide on any other portable. COSTS PAT PENNIES A DAY Nittany Office Equipment Office Machines & Office Furniture 231 S. Allen St. AD 8-6125 8:30 p.m. Thursday Schwab Auditorium PAGE THREE
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