PAGE EIGHT Players to Present Final Performance The Penn State Players will present their final performance of Peter Ustinov's "Romanoff and Juliett" at 8 p.m. tonight and to morrow at Center Stage. Directed by Warren Smith, as sociate professor of theatre arts, the play mixes a love affair with international politics in a satire on Russian-American relations. Tickets for both performances can be obtained at the Hetzel Union desk today and tomorrow. The next Player show, "Sum mer and Smoke," by Tennessee Williams; will open Dec. 2 for a six weekend run at Center Stage. The University has the only Mineral Industries Art Gallery in the world. It was established in 1930. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE PRES!! MFR. No moservatives added. Mirk W ErverAT Pr, li, Dale Summit, on t.,f y Sunday 11 it ell)0(oll 11111 i l'Ve lig. Bring jugs. Phone HA 2-1112. TIcKET 'FL) Pitt e.iitne, 41)-yard line. Cali Pete AI) i-1-9:132. DORM CONTRACT for Pollock C. UN WEIWING I)ltlstiti , ,i•r.t. 10, Chantilly lact,, 8:11 ill Irvin With 1, 0 Ny, !weer used. !ten conuble. fall 'Fed IIN DORNI CONTRACT. Citil Duve UN 5-4681 VOLKSWAGEN convertible, good condition , — V;50.00, 110 fi-6329. (MO.'S BICYCLE. used. Call UN 5-1384 ask t. , % . Attn. 'FIT KEY DINNEItti, Saturday 5-7 p.m. Uphill Church of Christ lionlshorg. Sl.tin and children ire. 1958 FOR D V-8, rttrinilaril toa t)871) 1011 good lino , and radio. Itothonalde. Al) R-9071 ::ftcr n o'clock. PERSONS NV IST] INO to purcluttie engage- invnt ring• or other diamond jewelry xvrite liox tli3, State College, Po. Specify interest. Discount offered. G FIGURE ICE Skates, excellent condition, 07.0.; G & ti. $lO.OO elicit. Call Judy UN 6-511104. FOR RENT FOUR ROO rA furnished aunt tment with private entrance. Locatett On north side of C/1111),I1N, suitable for a couple or stu= dent. Al) 7-721tt. FURNISH ED EFFICIENCY apart ment !Mihail(' for couple. Parking facilities. Avniluble Feb. I. Phone AD 7-7792 01 Al) h..22a3. MODKIIN SPACIOUS furnished 1111`11i, illllll . ol/111, ill new building adjacent t , ) College Township school. Avail• :ile Dee. 1. Just fi minutes drive . from downtown State College on 4 lane high way. Everything Provided. you lived curly ymir conking utenAs mid ihwris; ample fluset and storage space. Quiet neighbor hood in country setting. Enjoy e 1054., friendly tenant owner relationship. Phone AD 7.20:)8. CLEAN' PLEASANT r,,UM9 N ISt ED OR lint ornii•died ruonis ; Loth heal, miter and electricity f ur nkheil. Phone AD 8-9195. • ONE BEDROOM Trailer at Hilltop, lots elo:'..ets. Phone -AI) 7-7111111. APA lam ENT for rent FA4HIONABI.I 1111Ni-16511e.! hut sums furniture avail able. Aen ila tile NOW. Desirably located nli.n e Ethel )I,ierve'tl fully equipped efficiency kitchen, liaints rams, tile bath room and bra room. Ma mind couple or two preferred but will interview , older en. For NU details call Al) S-'2..Sfa. RENT THREE ROOMS and bath within ualLing tliulance of campus. occupancy Dec. I. Call UN 5-511.1, UN 5-71150 or AI) 5-ss4u. MEN STUDENTS One vacancy in fur nishett apartment for two—:39 earl' month including everything. Call AE 8-1109 after 3 :30 p.m MATH IC CA RD, ('hem breakage. meal ticket, and black ghasw•u. Kayo 'UN WONIA'N'S GLASSES in void came, beiKe min. , . lt.•a•nnl. AI) ri-3:',02 NAVY IWYCOAT 5 outside MO Osmond. Swap for coal left before' Tbanksuivinw. Cnll Ann UN 5-4197. FOUND ON E 135-1.11. Rathskeller sign found in vayant lot. Slap in and nee it at 'rhe Skel ler WANTED IVII.I. DO typing, thesis or non-thesis 91 IVoxukdnh• Pw rk. Al) 8-1,677. DEspFRATK! RIDE WANT ED to N.Y. 01. 1..1. Monday evo of lor S or Tuesday morning. Call UN 5.2327. num WANTED to main line or renter l'hiln. early TAIMIIIY afternoon. Menne call SIN 5-11;16. Thank you. RIDERS VOR taNi to Lewistown, kitting 110011. Nov. 22. Contact Artie ITN 5-7175. _ . ONE WA ITEIt for A FAN. Work for lunch. !nipper -- get breakfast free. Call for more in for nation. Ira All 7-2941. HELP WANTED CODA OPPORTUNITY for waiter's job. Cull Al) 7-1979. KITCHEN HELP Ilethied nt Kappa Sigma. Cull Huh McLaughlin AD 8.04(14. PART TIME WORK- college students (male - only) meninga and Saturdays. Call Mr. Rogers between 9 R.lll. and 2 p.m AD 8-2051. Salary $45 a wetk. Pleasantly Mild Weathe Little change in the weather is expected for the next few days. A storm system that is just moving inland from the Pacific onto the West coast of Canada may bring cloudiness and perci pitation to this area by Sunday afternoon. The local forecast indicates a continuation of the sunny and The Stan Barton Quartet invites YOU 10 BILL'S tonight for Dancing, soft music and a pleasant evening Enjoy life the best way— an evening at BILL's 238 W. COLLEGE AVE. ={lll THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA JACK SAVED HIS COMPANY $lO,OOO ON HIS FIRST ASSIGNMENT While Jack Trabert was in college he had some definite career ideas. He knew what he wanted—a job with a payoff for good judgment and hard work. With a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Nebraska, Jack knew he could look in many directions. And he did. He talked to 20 companies. And then in August, 1957, joined Northwestern Bell, in Omaha, Nebraska. His chance to show what he could do was not long in coming. On his first assignment Jack came up with answers that made it possible to handle long distance calls made at night in the Omaha area with less force and equipment than was needed under the old system. This resulted in a $lO,OOO annual saving. Next, Jack worked on a training and devel- Will Continue Today mild weather today. The maxi mum temperature will be near 53 degrees. Mostly cloudy and cool weather is predicted for tonight and a low of 36 is expected. Tomorrow should be partly, breezy and cool with a high tem perature of 50 degrees. LICK 'EM , LIONS Free Lollipops To All Girls Attending the WEST HALLS RECORD HOP on Friday Night Free Admission To All GIRLS From 8:00 to 8:30 Time: 8:00-12:30 Place: Waring Lounge "Our number one aim is to have in all management jobs the most vital, intel ligent, positive and imaginative men we can possibly find." FREDERICK R. KAPFKL, President American Telephone & Telegraph Co. ,Two Delegates Chosen Gerald Logue, junior In engi neering science from Parker, and Richard Westrick, sophomore in electrical engineering from Allen town, have been named co-chair men for the All-University Career Day, Stephen Brown, chairman of Inter-College Council Board, said yesterday. opment program for "mark sensing"—a new method for mechanized processing of long dis tance charges. Today, Jack has an important role in plan ning and developing telephone facilities to keep pace with Omaha's ever-increasing need for long distance services. Jack puts it this way—"lf a guy can keep his average up, there are places to go in this outfit. A man doesn't have to wait around for opportunity to knock—he has all he can handle right from the start." If you want a job in which you're given a chance to show your stuff, and held strictly accountable for your decisions, right from the start—then you'll want to visit your Placement Office for literature and additional information. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1960 • ATNERION ST • . . . . n 1 ,04 • SUNDAYS 12 . .p m: TAXI RETURN GRATIS e I 0.);"
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