PAGE EIGHT' Bus Ad Council To Give Award The Business Administration Council will award $lOO this se mester to a student in the col lege in recognition of his schol arship and service. To be eligible for this award, the applicant must be of at least fifth semester standing, enrolled in the College of Business Ad : ministration and have a minimum 3.00 All-University average, the council decided at a meeting last night. The winner will be selected by a point system whereby each ac tivity of the applicant will count a certain number of points. These points will be added to the appli cant’s average, and the student with the highest number of points will receive the award, Lawrence Abrams, council president, said. Krauss Publishes Article Dr. Franklin B. Krauss, profes sor of Latin and head of the de partment of Romance languages, is the author of an article, “The Battle for International Commu nication,” published in the Octo ber issue of The Classical World. NEWMAN CLUB Presents Gala Record Hop Friday, Nov. 4 8:30 -11:30 P.M. Our Lady of Victory Basement Corner of Fairmont and Frazier Peabody Speech, Dem Rally Moved To Parking Lot The large cro v wd anticipated for the speech of Endicott Peabody, Democratic candidate for gover nor of Massachusetts, has neces sitated a change in location for the speech, according to John Bonella, chairman of the Young Democrats. Bonella said last night that Pea body will speak from the park ing lot in the campus shopping center located at Shortlidge Rd. and College Ave. at 12:15 p.m. Thursday afternoon instead of from the Hetzel Union ballroom as previously announced. The State Democratic organiza tion will send a speaker truck to State College and surrounding areas Thursday morning to ' in form voters and students of the Democratic rally at which Pea body will speak, Bonella added. Pennsylvania State University was chartered in 1855 as the Farmer’s High School of Pennsyl vania, and had enrolled in 1859, 119 male students. Admission 25c THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Bartoo Attends Seminar Archaeologist to Speak Ronald A. Bartoo, associate pro- Donald B. Harden, archaeolo jfessor of forestry, attended the gist and director of the London |lsth Yale Industrial' Forestry Museum, will speak on “Roman Seminar at New Haven, Conn., London” at 8 p.m. tomorrow in recently. 121 Sparks. MM .111.tit# RECORD CABINETS for music minders. Many sizes, styles and models in beau tiful finishes. Priced from $17.96. 6% cas and carry, convenient terms. 0. W. Houts and Bon, State College, Pa. 1962 FORD convertible, R&H, new top, new tires, good condition. Contact Bill UN 6-8167. 1954 CHEVROLET. Recently overhauled. 62,000 miles, new battery, muffler, tail pipe, current Penna. inspection. Asking $360. MAin 6-6436. *63 CHEVROLET, radio, heater, automatic, very good tires, excellent running con-, dition. Must sacrifice. Ed Sigal AD 8-3129. 1967 CORVETTE and 1956 T-Bird, both with 2 tops, automatic trans., and ex cellent condition. Call Frank UN 6-4697. ’63 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook, excellent con dition ; radio, heater and overdrive. Needs eeatcovere. Call UN 6-2953 or UN 6-7648 before 5 p.m. TRAILER 27', excellent condition. Ideal for married couple desiring low cost housing, comfortable living. Call AD 7- 7994. STOP LOOKING for that gift—O. W. Houts and Son have thousands cf gift items that would please any friend, sister, brother, mother or father for any gift giving occasion. 6% cash and carry dis count. Shop the Dnse gift wares dept., and save. O. W. Houts and Son, State College, Pa, HOUSE TRAILER —immediate possession, includes all modern conveniences in cluding Television. Call AD 8-0644. Perfect way to ovoid high rentals. DORM CONTRACT for Pollock A. Call UN 6-6064. USED TELEVISION sets. 17” • 21”, table and floor models. Burn’s TV. AD 7-3962. RIDE TO Syracuse, Ilhica or Elmira for two anytime Thursday or Friday, Nov. 10. 11. Call UN 5-8223. GOOD OPPORTUNITY for waiter's Job. Call AD 7-4979. KITCHEN HELP wanted. Call caterer AD 7-2161. Candidates for Bachelors or Masters Degrees the operations of business, are invited to discuss opportunities ins find government. This is a unique opportunity to find out about the many career opportunities at IBM. The IBM representative can discuss with you typical jobs, various training programs, chances for ad vanced education, financial rewards, and com pany benefits—all important factors that affect your future. SOME FACTS ABOUT IBM An Unusual Growth Story: IBM has had one of the exceptional growth rates in industry. It has been a planned growth, based on ideas and products having an almost infinite application in our modern economy. Diverse and Important ProductsflßM develops, manufactures and markets a wide range of products in the data processing field. IBM com puters and allied products play a vital role in INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE WANTED Marketing and Sales Engineering and Science IBM IMIM.MIHMaMIItM.MM.Ma..I.IiIkMiM«.MII.IMMMMMI FOR RENT DOUBLE AND one-half single room for students, 433 W. Beaver Ave. Phone AD 7-4147. TRAILER FOR RENT, 2 bedrooms. 322 North Penn State Trailer Park *'B”. Apply Trailer 4 or 10. FURNISHED 2-ROOM Apartment, cen trally located. Available on, or about Feb. 1, 1961. Coll AD 7-7792 or AD 8-6264. DEXTER CLUB Room —single $9.00, dou ble $O.OO. 129 Locust Lane. Four minute walk to HUB. See Dick, walk in. ROOMS FOR Rent—Comfortable weekend accommodations for PARENTS and FRIENDS. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany Ave. Telephone AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4860. ask for Mrs. Cox. * MEN STUDENTS: One vacancy in fur nished apartment for two—s 39 eacl month; including everything. Call AT 8-1409 after 3:30 p.m. LOST muiiimmiiiimimiimiimiiimitHiiiiii.ii.iiiiii LOST—SIGMA DELTA TAU sorority pin around Pollock area. Call UN 6-8700, Linda. LEATHER JACKET at Theta Delta Chi Friday night. Have yours. Call* Diane UN 6-4956. SET OF diamond rings, Beaver Stadium parking' area. Call Virginia Forsythe AD 7-2134. LOST: BAND’S Microphone stand behind Delta Phi Saturday night. We need it. Reward. Call AD 7-3309. TAKEN BY mistake, P.S. Jacket with emblem. Have your jacket. Cali UN 6-7174. GREEN CORDUROY stadium coat; lost outside 812 Boucke on Saturday. Call UN, 6-8627 or return to finding place. SILVER J.D. Bracelet. Jim inscribed on front. Call Jim Sloane UN 5-8713. $lO REWARD for "Grackle,” grey tiger cat wearing cloth collar with bells, nick in one ear. Missing since Wed., Oct. 26. Last seen Thursday night in College Heights area. May be anywhere in and around State College. Any information call AD 8-0407. jSSHBPJfJj A Across-the-Country Operations: Laboratory and manufacturing facilities are located in Endlcott, Kingston, Owego, Poughkeepsie and Yorktown, New York; Burlington, Vermont; Lexington, Ken* tucky; San Jose, California; and Rochester, Minnesota. Headquarters is located In New York City with sales and service offices in 198 major cities throughout the United States. The Accent is on the Individual: No matter what type of work a person does at IBM, he is given all the responsibility he is able to handle, and all the support he needs to do his job. Advance ment is by merit. The areas in which IBM is engaged have an un limited future. This is your opportunity to find out what that future has to offer you. Call or stop In at your placement office to ar* range an appointment with the IBM representa tive for the date above. If you cannot attend an Interview, write or call the manager of the near est IBM office: Mr. S. F. Davis, Branch Manager IBM Corporation, Dept. 882 206 Main Street ' Johnstown, Pa. JOhnstown 7-5181 THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1960 Prof Co-Authora Article Dr. John F. Corso, professor of psychology, has co-authored an article entitled ‘‘Techniques in Designing for Maintainability" in the October issue of Electronic Design. ■ •Ml »Ml9*M »«■»•« •»•••• KITCHEN HELP wanted. Contact caterer, Phi Mu Delta. AD 8-2473. MALE INSTRUCTORS for Ice-skating classes, graduate or undergraduate stu dents who are qualified to teach beginning skaters in Physical Education classes. Must have some vacant sequences Mon., Wed. and Frl. Good pay. Call UN 6-2162 for appointment. DISHWASHERS AND Waiters. Phi Sigma Delta. Call Bruce Edelson AD 7-4409. PART- TIME WORK—college etudenta (male only) evenings and Saturdays. Call Mr. Rogers between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m* AD 8-2061. Salary 546 a week. MISCELLANEOUS T.G.F.B. SOCIALIZE, meet and bowl with your friends downtown. Every night eix guaranteed open alleys for the casuals. 7-12 p.m., rates 32c. Dux Club, 128 S. Pugh St. TYPING QUICK, accurate work. Rea eonable prices. AD 7-4433. IS Y.OUR VISION getting worse year after year? A new method makes it possible to Improve vision. For free in formation wr'te to Dr. D. S. Rehme, Ivar Vidfamnes, Gata 29, Hagersten, Sweden. ROCK N’ ROLL Thursday night at the Rathskeller. JACK: OUR DEBATE for Friday Is can celled. Everyone is going to the West Halls Record Hop. Dick. SOCIAL CHAIRMAN: Jam Sessions Our Specialty. The STATESMEN now avail able at reasonable rates. Call Craig Yerkea AD 7-4928. AG HILL PARTY M.C. and Song Leader tryouts: Thursday, Nov, 3 from 7-9 p.m. in 109 Armsby. NEED HELP? The originator of MAD magazine has done it again—only this time for college students I He‘s created a hilarious new magazine called HELP 1 Want to see how funny an adult satire mag can be? Send 60c to HELP!, Dept. A-10, Box 6673, Philadelphia 28, Pennn. $lO REWARD for helping rent a two bedroom house trailer on big beautiful wooded lot. Call AD 8-8596. . -V * A industry, science, HELP WANTED
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