PAGE SIX Silva Still Predicts Kennedy as Victor Reiterating the prediction! 92 Republicans. With a few ex ceptions, Kennedy will - ride to she made several weeks ago, ; victory on this strength of his : The second annual Panhellenic ! Dr. Ruth E. Silva, professor of state running mates, Dr. Silva I said. workshop will be held from 10 political science, said yester-e I The Democratic majorityia.m. to 8 p.m. Nov. 13 in the Nit day at the Faculty Luncheon strength in the Senate will also!tany Lion Inn. . !provide Kennedy with a measure! The general theme of the work- Club meeting that Sen.- John .of support. The assured Derri.j. the smate totai shop will be the interrelationship F. Kennedy will win the pres-locratic seats in 142 while the Republicans areiof the Panhellenic Council and idential election next week. !guaranteed 23 seats. Twenty-twoithe individual sororities, This itheme will be broken down and Dr. Silva's prediction is based!Democratic and 11 Republic_ani studied in four areas—the re on the tendency of Democratieseats are at stake in the P re s ent istructure of Panhellenic Council, presidential candidates to be car-!elections. I. the rush period under the four tied to victory by ~the strength! Dr. Silva also quoted figuresiterm plan, junior Panhellenic and of local and state Democratic ;predicting a Democratic guerna b ;public relations. ~ candidates. tonal majority of 36. to 14 in ex However, Dr. Silva warned inlaining her prediction of a "coat. Each sorority will send its pres audience that her predic- 1 t ai l" victory. edent, rush chairman, alumni ad heri • flans are not infallible. She re- ; Another factor in the predicted i visor, pledge trainer, activities minded them that she had !Kennedy victory. Dr. Silva said.' picked and an alternate dele :gate to participate in the work picked DeweV to win the pres. lis his popularity in the marginal shop discussions. idential race in 1948. She said, !states with large elactoral vote though, that she should have , ;strength. These states are not de_ The discussion groups will be realized then that the Demo- icisively Democratic nor Republi-held in a rotating system. The crats would get a large majority !can. - !sorority delegates, with the ex in the House, and as a Republi- I In a Gallup poll, the political I ception of the pledge trainer and can, Dewey could not have won : preference of all potential vot- activities chairman, will rotate to the election. ers including union members, l each e four of the area discussion. Catholics,„g - roups. 1)1.. Silva explained that her: Jews and Negroes showed an edge for the Demo- 1 Mrs. Joseph Grigsby, national study of the relationAnp bet,.yeen, crats. However, the balance lies Panhellenic chairman, will adH party affiliation and the road toj with the independent vote: If ',.dress the group at a banquet held'. + success has led her to the con-. hese, voters allied with the Re- ?at 1 p.m. .A buffet in the evening; elusion that a Republican pi esi-: - publicans,it could mean a !will be coGOP ; followed by a general dent:al candidate usually leads, - • victory. Dr. Silva added. (meeting of all delegates at which the ticket while a Democeatic . candidate rides to victory on thei dencY Miss Silva said that : the ten-!time reports from all discussion, of the independent voter in groups will be presented. "coat tails” of his coneressional to be toward, ' ,this election and gubernatorial running mates. seems After the banquet, specialized the Democratic ticket ;workshops will be held for the In relaie e 3 n ng this study to the, The religious issue. will will l e an; pledge trainers and the activities , present election, Dr. Silva noted;asset to the Democratic' candidat a e,ci en. that the present distribution ofemi se Silva predicted. She said the parties in the House is 283 Demo- Catholic vote will rally for Ken-. • crats to 153 Republicans. Of thte nc ey faster than the anti-Catho-! Petroleum Engineering Democrats, 45 are marginal (they lie - vote will unite against him.. Society Meeting may change their votes) while 61 The tolerance taught inthepub Y pu - Republicans are marginal. ilic schools will be a factor in :the! .___, Wed.,Nov 2 7goo p m ) a ; 1 This indicates that the mini- decision of many non-Catholics mum strength Of both parties in ;to -vote without consideration of M.S. Auditorium i the House is 238 Democrats to !the religious issue. 1 • - COME ON AND VOTE! FRESHMEN . .. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO ELECT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TO STUDENT COUNCILS DON'T PASS UP the Business Administration Chemistry-Physics Division of Counseling Education Engineering Home Economics Liberal Arts Remember, this election is for freshmen only. Come on and vote for your choices for student council representatives. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA OPPORTUNITY VOTE T Backe Osmond HUB HUB Sackett Home Economics HUB Panhel Workshop To Study Rushing Under 4-Terms Casual PSU Shocks Russian Professors Football, field hockey, research' in solid state mechanics, and a college boy with his feet proped on a chair in the tradition of American informality were some of the events greeting two Russian professors during a two-day stay at the University last week. Professors S. V. Serensen andi a common worker G. V. Uzhik of the University of The reason for this "on the Moscow got more than was statedij e w , experience is to learn the in their ipurpose of the theory studied in visited the iinerary when they University as part of alclass, they said. nation-wide tour of prominent! The professors smiled when professors were , institutions. The they recalled seeing coeds play doing research on 'the mechanical, mg field hockey during a physi properties of materials. ! cal education class. They said Both men were shocked by I they didn 't expect American the informality of our classes • women to be partaking in such remarking that 'that' a sill- sports. dent with his feet on the seat ; in front of him—never happens According to the two Soviets, in Russian schools. marriages among students are ex- Serensen and Uzhik both corn tremely rare. "They (the students) mented in English freely, if not don't have time to think about fluently, w h en asked to eempare marriage while they are study some points of difference between tug. Russian and American higher An afternoon of football high education, lighted their second day at the • A Russian student attending a University. At the close of the technical school spends one , -half interview. both men extended of his first year in the classroom their greetings to the students and and the other half in a factory as administration. Delta Sigma Pi Rushing Smoker For all male Business Administration students who have at least a 2.5 All• University average and who are of a 3rd semester standing or better. Time: November 1,7 p.m. Place: Phi Mu Delta 500 S. Allen St. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 1; 1960 By JERRIE MARKOS
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