PAGE TWELVE Job Interviews OCT. 26 ATLANTIC REFINING CO. for 1961 PHD gra& in CHEM (Organic, Physical) PHS Oct. 27, 2R SHELL PIPE LINE CORP. for 1961 PHD gra& in AERO E CE ENG MECH ME. OCT. 28 FOOD MACHINERY AND CHEMICAL. CORP. for Tan. HS grads In CHEM CH E IND PS? EE IE ME. Also 1961 MS PHD grails in CHEM CH E. OCT. 31 PROCTOR & GAMBLE CO. Miami Valley Labs for 1961 l'IlD grade In CHEM (All Majors). CONSOLIDATION COAL CO. Re search & Development Div for Jan BS & 1961 MS PHD grads in CHEM (Analytical, Organic, Physical) CH E FUEL T (Fuel Science Opt). Also BS MS grads in ME MNG E. Also MS & PHD s tudents w/1 year of completed work for summer employ men t. NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION Co lumbus Div. for Jan DS & 1961 MS PHD gratis in AERO E ER ME & MA MS PHD irrak in MATH PHYS for R & D work in electronic sys tems. U.S. INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS CO. Div of National Distillers & Chemi cal Corp. for Jun BS grad)) in CHEM CH E ME & I9GI MS PHD grads In CHEM (Analytical, Organic, Physical) CH E. NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION, Autonetirs Div., for Jan BS & 1961 MA MS & PHD gratis in EE MATH ME I'HYS. NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION, Mis sile Div., for Jan BS & 1961 MS PHD grails in EE iAERO systems & ELECT opts.) PHI'S MS PHD grads in AERO E (airborne systems °Pt) ME (male only). Also Jan BS & 1961 MS grads In BOTANY triode & female). 'K' Proposals-- (Continued. from page one) gap—how wide we do not know." He asserted that the Soviet Un ion's declarations on controls did not square with propOsals made by the Soviet Union'in actual ne gotiations. He cited a proposal at the Geneva nuclear weapons test talks where the Soviet Union proposed 29 'Russians and one for eign national among technicians for anyone control post. He expressed sorrow also that the Soviet Union had intro- duced into their proposals ideas about reorganization of the UN secretariat "which we all know are quite unacceptable to a large majority of UN members. , I can only hope they will not be pressed." But Valerian A, Zorin, in a brief reply to Ormsby-Gore, made clear; the Soviet Union was not chang ing its stand. He said the Soviet Union would! accept any control system of fered by the United States or the! Western powers—but only afteri the signing of an internationals treaty on disarmament and dej struction of weapons. Council Elections-- (Continued from page one) class may fill out a self-nomina tion black and take it to the Home Economics hair lobby. Deadline for application is next Monday. Liberal Arts: Freshmen appli cations may be obtained at the HUB desk or 138 Sparks. These must be returned today in 138 Sparks. Mineral Industries: Self-nom inating sign-up sheets are posted in the lobby and on bulletin boards in Mineral Industries. Physical Education and Ath letics: Freshmen representatives will be elected in the Student Block. The college will not parti cipate in the Nov. 1 and 2 elec tions. Division of Counseling: Stu dents interested in running for a seat on council are asked to turn in the following information to 110 Old Main, Division of Counseling office by neat Mon day: name, curriculum, phone number, semester standing and average. WELL DID You EVAH . . . try a PIZZA from Gus'es? AD 8-1461 AD 8-9012 IBM CORP. Advanced Systems De velopment Div., for 1961 PIll) grads in CHEM EE ENG MECII METAL MATH PHYS. NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION Rocketdyne Div. for Jan BA US & 1961 MA MS PHD grads in AERO E EE ENG MECH MATH PHYS . ; Also BS in ENG SCI for It & D, design, testing, analytical activities. Nov. Pennsylvania Dept of Highways for Jun 13S grads in OE West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co. for Jan 138 grails in BUS AD for Market Res.; BS in CHEM E CE 1E ME for Sales & Production; 1961 MS PHD grads in CHEM CH E EE ME IE CE PHYSICS for Production, R & D. Copper Besseme Corp. for Jan BS grads in ENG MECH Sc! ME ER Indust auto opt) for E, BS is MS IF for Mfg, 135 In ME CII E IE PNG E for Sales. Also MS in ME for Engr, Mfg, and Sales. Cornell Aeronautical Lab for Jan 13S grads in AERD E EE (Aero-Systems & Elect Opts) ENG SCI PHYS & 1961 MA MS PHD grads in AERO E CER T EE MATH METEOR PHYS. Also MS & PHD Students in above fields year of study completed for summer employment Mitre Corp. for Jan BS grads in EE & 1961 MA MS PHD grads in EE MATH PHYS M, W, RellOgA - Co. for 1961 MS PHD grads in CHEM (analyt, Inorganic, Physical) CH E ME Pennsylvania Dept. of Highways for Jan RS grads in CE Strawbridge & Clothier for Jan BA BS grads in BUS AD, LA, PSYCH, ECON, interested in retailing. West Virginia Pulp and Paper Co. for Jan BS grads in BUS AD, for sales and financial analysis: PAH MS MBA grads in BUS AD for Market Res.; BS in CHEM E, CE, IE, ME, for Sales and Production, R&D. information & Scheduling in 112 Old Main. NOV l & 2 Corning Glass Works for Jan BS & 1961 MBA MS grads in BUS AD ACCTG ECON: BA BS in CH E CHEM CER T ENG MECH IMech Opt) EE tElect Opt) 1E; bIE PHYS LA MATH SCIENCE PRE-MED, Also 1961 MS PHD grads 'in CH E CHEM EE Elect Opt) ME PHYS, , MA MS grads in MATH IE NOV. 1 U.S. ARMY ORDNANCE MISSILE COMMAND, REI)STONE ARSENAL & WHITE SANDS for Jan BA BS grads & 1961 MA PHD grads in MATH; BS & 1961 MS PHD grads in AERO E CE CH E EE, 1E ME METAL PHYS METEOR. + CLASS ==:l FOR SALE SINGLET You'll be happy ;with the savings, the service and the shoppings convenience.' the Quality mer chandise too when you shop at 0. W. Bouts ;& Sons. The area's largest shopping cen ter, located on West College Ave. in State College. Everything to furnish a home and everything in personal needs. Open daily 'tit :NO p.m., every Monday and Friday 'tit 9:011 p.m. Plenty of Free Parking. MUST SELL ELECTRIC GUITAR and Amplifier valutd at $258. Best offer! Coil Mike Rubinsky AD 74100 or AD 7.4409. CRUISAIRE MOTOR SCOOTER, extra wheel, windshield sext and seatguard. Phone AD 1-447^.. 1000 CORVETTE, white, $lOOO off list price: dual-90's, fully equipped. good buy. Call Al AD 8-0718. 1963 FORD V-8, black, straight shift, radio. heater, white-walls ; very good condition. Call EL 5-4286 after 6:30. USED TELEVISION sets. 17" - 21", table and floor models. Burn's TV. AD 7-3Q62. MISCELLANEOUS S'.II.IDENTS WHO NEED part-time work ! should click regularly for new job ' i listings with office of Student Aid. 112 Old Main. Jobs arailable include: yard work, housework, and window washing. Regular part-time work includes restau rant work, general cleaning and technical jobs. CHIMES MEETING, Sunday. f :30 p.m. in the Kappa Alpha Theta suite. EEFOHE TOE Prom, why not come to "The Big One'?" Thespian production, Schwab Auditorium, Oct. 27-20-29. DANCE COMBO available this weekend. Call Larry AD 08694 after :30. NEWMAN CLUB football game. Newman Club versus Waring Chargers, Wed., Oct. 2f, :30 p.m. Golf Course Field 3. LIKE TO PLAY basketball? Newman Club needs you I Meet Oct. 27, Thursday, ;7 p.m. 207 Chapel. {YOUNG lIEPUItI.ICANS present Senator Hugh Scott in 11 I_3 li ballroom on Wednes day, Oct, 2.1 at 12 ten p.m. I LEARN TO fly and get your private pilot's license. For more details call ;UN 64221 between ii p.m, and 10 p.m. DORM UNITS! Get behind the team I Daily Col ian thinner Contest. Trtiphy prim id. d by AIM. Winner announced nt Pep Rally and Penn State v=. Meryland ga air, Start Nollvt: today ! W An . I I FOR the Y lug Yang Bend. Perede Ira ',ugh dorm areas Set. before ryla Lick l ent Lions. Show the teem we're behind them. .F A '/Z El' ERT Wednesday nivht front 8:30 at the Rathskeller, Coll. ge Ave. And Pugh St., deer in the catacombs beneath The Crappi , Restaurant. , NEW:II A N 01.1111 presents Fall Forum Serif. s. : Labor: Tuesday, Oct. 25. 7 P.m. 11i!It assembly room. ATTENTION cLAssinED sTAFF-- weclintr till Trait-salty, Oct. 27th, 11:45 p.m. for billing and promotion. • All must attend! EA RN Slat even ittgS ; Show fast selling line of elot !Ong. :intrados you cell went.. •N. cin Orndorf, Ait muslin rg, Pa. HELP WANTED PART TIME WORK students male n»ly t• evenings and Saturdays. Call Mr. Rug,ra 110 1. , .% cen and 2 U.m . AD Salary b 46 a week. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA University Press Shows Six Books Six books published this year by the University Press are on display on the first floor of the Hetzel Union Building. T. Rowland Slingluff, director of the Pennsylvania State Uni versity Press, said that both. stu dent" and faculty members are offered discounts ranging from 10 to 20 per cent on books published by the University Press. Slingluff added that the ma jority of the books published are "scholarly works with the au thors not necessarily confined to our campus." These books can be purchased at the HUB desk and in 301 Old Main. Skating Club Will Hold First, Meeting Tonight The Penn State Figure Skating Club will hold its first meeting at 7:30 tonight in 11l Bourke, for a discussion of the year's pro gram, equipment and fees. Membership is open to begin ners as well as experienced skat ers. The club is planning Sunday sessions from 7 to 9 p.m. when the rink opens in November. Mogar Succeeds Endler As Psychologist in DOC Dr. Robert A. Itiogar has been appointed to the position of psy chologist in the Division of Coun seling. He succeeds Dr. Norman S, Endler, who has resigned to ac cept a position at York Univer sity, a new university organized at Toronto, Ont., Canada, to han dle increasing enrollments which could not be accommodated by the University of Toronto. IFIEDS + TRAILER FOR Rent, 2 bedrooms, 222 North Penn State Trailer Park "Ir. Apply Trailer 4 or 10. TWO MODERN SPACIOUS one-bedroom apartments furnished or unfurnished still available in newly constructed Hoy Apartment Building next to Lemont School. Quiet. uncrowded neighborhood with country setting, only ri minute drive from down-town State College. Stove, re frigerator, tenant-controlled hot Stater heat, TV eagle service, automatic washer, dryer, outside drying 11111-9, garbage dis posal, parking, all provided. No tight binding lease. Enjoy close. friendly tenant owner relationship. Phone Al) 7-2068. DEXTER CLUB - 129 Locust Lane: lour minutes to 111313. Kitchen privilege. $6.00. See Dick. Walk-in. LARGE DOUBLE moo two blocks from campus, twin beds; /20 apiece per month. AD 7-4144. ROOMS FOR Rent—Comfortable weekend accommodations for PARENTS and FRIENDS. Colonial Hotel. 123 W. Nittany Ave. Telephone Al) 7.7792 or AD 7-4850. ask for Mrs. Cox. MEN STUDENTS: One vacancy in fur• niched apartment for twof39 eact month: including everything. Call At 8-1409 after 3:30 p.m. APARTMENT OR Trailer Jan. 28 to Mw. 24 for young married collide. Call Chuck Stewart AD 8.9196. WANTED— LOG LOG Slide Rule. Write to John, 129 S. Pugh St. RIDE WANTED anywhere in Connecti cut anytime weekend of 2tth. Please call Steve Monheimer at UN 5-048 S. SENIORS AND Graduate students in S.E. • and Physics to abstract and review on a part-time basis technical literature in communications and information theory, automatic control theory, and radio as tronomy. The technical articles will deal with current research, techniques, appli- cations and equipment in these fields. This is nil opportunity for students to get acquainted with a large local industry. active in diverse industrial and military It and D programs. Call AD 7-7611 ext. w ANTED : ONE RIDE to WnAinvtrm, D.C. Friday, Oct. 2X, 7060. Lcnve at noon. Pat Lyens. UN 5-7578. KIR,III Is. Necdknthn, Beta E'hrt'aU Ith* AD 7-49:13. A LI, STUDENTS to h,ar Senat 0c Hugh Scott. Wednesday. Oct. 26 at 12 :30 in ((lilt hallynntn. RIDE FROM Pittsburgh to State About 4:30 p.m. on Oct. 2S. Call Louise UN 5-2049. TvPim; - by experienced thesis typist Call Al) S-Sti:lB. WILL GIIIL who accidentally picktql up Trench Coat at Sigma Chi Saturday night please call Gail UN 6-03 r, APARTMENT OR Trailer Jan. 2a to Aug. fer young married couple. Call Ch ark Stewart Al) S-9 I :W. CAST! K SY, tilitivrole, binek ease, mime Gemme inside case! If found cull AD 8 -91152. artk . for Seim. READING ROOM, HUB, bet wren :4.5 ThI.IYANY• en met tie cwt. Cali EL 5-3704 after 4i, 1 Luce youn. FOR RENT WANTED II ELI' wan trd, pre] LOST Chimes to Sponsor Silversmith Show The Reed and Barton Silver i smiths will hold a silver display sponsored by Chimes Hat Society between 9 a.m. and 12 noon today 'in the Pollock Dining Hall study lounge. Interviews with all those in terested women will be held by representatives of Reed and Bar ton, at which time the women will select their favorite silver patterns. A FRAT TO REMEMBER 'Every year, as we all know, "the Benevolent and Protective Order of Collegiate Fraternities awards a highly coveted prize to the fraternity house which, in its judgment, has done the most to promote and enhance the fraternity way of life. The prize this year—eight hundred pounds of white putty—goes to the Signa Phi Nothing chapter of the South Dakota College of Dentistry and Renaissance Art. The award this year is exceptionally richly deserved, for the Signa Phi Nothing house is the very model of all a fraternity should be. ' It is, first of all, a most attractive house physically. The outside walls are tastefully covered with sequins. Running along the upper story is a widow's walk, with a widow stationed every three feet. Moored to the chimney pot is the Graf Zeppelin. Indoors, the house gives an impression of simple, casual charm. The chapter room is furnished in homey maple and chintz, with a dash of verve provided by a carp pool three hundred feet in diameter. A waterspout rises from the center of the pool with the housemother bouncing on the top. Members' rooms are gracious and airy and are provided with beds which disappear into the wall—permanently. Erich room also has a desk, a comfortable chair, a good reading lamp, and a catapult for skeetshooting. Kidney-shaped desks are avail able for kidney-shaped members. Perhaps the most fetching feature of the house are the packs of Marlboros stacked in heaps wherever one goes. If one wishes to settle back and enjoy a full-flavored smoke, one needs only to reach out one's hand in any direction and pick a pack of Marlboros—soft pack or flip-top box—and make one's self com fortable with a filtered cigarette with an unfiltered taste—that triumph of the tobacconist's art, that paragon of smokes, that acme of cigarettes, that employer of mine—Marlborol The decor, the grace, the Marlboros, all combine to make Signs Phi Nothing a real gas of a fraternity. But a fraternity is more than things; it is also people. And it is in the people department that Signa Phi Nothing really shines. Signa Phi Nothing has among its members the biggest BMOCs on the entire campus of the South Dakota College of Dentistry and Renaissance Art. There is, for instance, /Ham Makepeace Sigafoos, charcoal and bun chairman of the annual Stamp Club outing. Then there is Dun Ravin, winner of last year's All-South Dakota State Monopoly Championship, 135 Pound Class, Then there is Rock Schwartz, who can sleep stand ing up. Then there is Tremblant Placebo, who can crack pecans in his armpits. Then there is Ralph Tungsten, who went bald at eight. But why go on? You can see what a splendid bunch of chaps there is in Signa Phi Nothing, and when one sees them at the house in the cool of the evening, all busy with their tasks— some picking locks, some playing Jacks-or-Better, some clipping Playboy—one's heart fills up and one's eyes grow misty, and one cannot but give three cheers and a tiger for Signa Phi Nothing, fraternity of the year And while you're cheering, how about a huzzah for the new est member of the Marlboro family of line cigarettes—unfil tered, mild, delightful Philip Morris king-size Commander! Have a Commander—welcome aboard! TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25. 1960 Appel Presents Paper At Boston Convention Dr. George U. Oppel, professor of engineering mechanics, pre sented a paper, "Photoelasticity Applied to Material Properties," at the annual convention of the American Society of Civil Engi neers in Boston, Mass., last week. Dr. Benjamin A. Whisler, pro fessor and head of the Depart ment of Civil Engineering, and Dr. Joseph Marin, professor and head of the Department of En gineering Mechanics, also attend ed the meetings. On eampug hor of "I Was a Teen-ape Dwarf', "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis", etc.) * * * O 1960 Mi: Shulmsa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers